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Trump falls!! Hurt too


It is so interesting watching you evolve, TSwiz, from someone who was a libertarian to someone peddling paranoia theories. You used to converse about the issues and argue the merits. From a conservative standpoint, but at least you talked about real things. Anymore it’s just insults and the fringe of “1/6 was just tourists,” and “multiple bomb threats are just keyboard mischief” falsehoods.

A strange evolution. Sorry to see you go that way.
Sorry? Why bring up the bomb threats in a town that was specifically called out by Trump during the debate? Was that town having lots of bomb threats prior to the debate?

I should care about some mischief making from far flung keyboard warriors? Pfffft. :rolleyes:

Would it be fair to suggest that your opinion is shaped by not being part of a community directly affected by these issues? For instance, would you feel the same if you had to deal with a bomb threat at a facility you frequent, forcing you to halt your activities while the police investigate? Not to mention the cost of the law enforcement resources required to handle the situation.
The denial of reality is a hallmark characteristic of MAGAts.
Also the hallmark of a society headed for an authoritarian takeover.
People with their heads willfully buried in the (e.g. Santa Monica) sand are a primary prerequisite.
For instance, would you feel the same if you had to deal with a bomb threat at a facility you frequent, forcing you to halt your activities while the police investigate?
Did someone in Santa Monica say something mean about the apricot? No? Then why worry?

It is so interesting watching you evolve, TSwiz, from someone who was a libertarian to someone peddling paranoia theories.

What paranoia theories are you talking about?

You used to converse about the issues and argue the merits. From a conservative standpoint, but at least you talked about real things.
I don't consider myself to be a conservative. It seems anyone on this forum that is slightly right is deemed a MAGA, QANON, Trumpster. This is just tedious. Look at this forum, mostly an obsession with Trump.

Anymore it’s just insults and the fringe of “1/6 was just tourists,” and “multiple bomb threats are just keyboard mischief” falsehoods.
I am not obsessed about 1/6. It comes up so frequently on here it is just boring to me. I don't give it the significance most on here do. So what, that makes me a QANON, MAGA, Trump sucking whatever? I don't give a shit about it, it's obvious I don't and yet it gets brought up to me ad nauseum so don't get all prissy when I say I'm not interested. It happened nearly four years ago, what else is there to say about?
To any unbiased person, Trump appears to be quite unhealthy, physically and mentally and emotionally.

LOL! Brandon was elected and he was a frail old man and showing signs of losing his marbles and anybody that brought it up was gaslit right up to the bitter end until he was removed, excuse me, stepped aside.

Sure we can just not vote for him but we know it is possible for him to win. He’s done it before.

Indeed, that's the way elections work. All of a sudden you don't like democracy?

So the question is: should he be elected, how long will he actually serve before either his own party removes him for unfitness and installs JD Vance? How much damage will be done before that happens? And of course: how much damage would JD cause? This catcher has not demonstrated the ability or willingness to work with..,anyone. For someone(s) yes but who is he working for? Not you and me. Not Trump really. Who?

As I said, I will take my chances with Trump over Harris. Brandon and her have done enough damage, I dread to think what damage Harris could do in a second term.
Please tell me WHAT damage Biden and Harris have done. Specifically.

It is so interesting watching you evolve, TSwiz, from someone who was a libertarian to someone peddling paranoia theories. You used to converse about the issues and argue the merits.

He did? I have him on ignore now because he's posted nothing but dishonest bullshit.

It is so interesting watching you evolve, TSwiz, from someone who was a libertarian to someone peddling paranoia theories. You used to converse about the issues and argue the merits. From a conservative standpoint, but at least you talked about real things. Anymore it’s just insults and the fringe of “1/6 was just tourists,” and “multiple bomb threats are just keyboard mischief” falsehoods.

A strange evolution. Sorry to see you go that way.
Libertarian, really? Trump has promised to deport 11 million illegal aliens and said in the process "there will be blood."

So a bunch of jackbooted government agents going through the country, rounding up people, almost certainly discriminating based on skin color, demanding to see their papers, and spilling blood is now something libertarians are comfortable with?
Trump and MAGA blaming the left and the media for this climate of political violence is the ultimate gaslighting.

There are crazy people of every stripe out there who just do crazy things because they are just crazy. But this constant drone of how Trump is a threat to democracy, how Trump is Hitler etc etc has perhaps given a few crazies something to focus on.

Right, but who gave them the guns to do the focusing with? Thanks to Trump there are also crazies with guns out looking for Haitians to focus on them, too.
Trump and MAGA blaming the left and the media for this climate of political violence is the ultimate gaslighting.

There are crazy people of every stripe out there who just do crazy things because they are just crazy. But this constant drone of how Trump is a threat to democracy, how Trump is Hitler etc etc has perhaps given a few crazies something to focus on.

I agree, but it doesn’t help when a person who has been convinced that Trump is a threat, tunes in to see what all the fuss is about and finds Trump making outlandish statements.

Trump: They're trying to steal the election!
Crazy Person: No we're not!
Trump: Democrats are the party of crime!
Crazy Person: What? No, just no.
Trump: The Democrats want to destroy you!
Crazy Person: No the hell I don't!
Trump: They want to take away your guns!
Crazy Person: I own guns you dipshit!
Trump: They’re anti-God!
Crazy Person: Fuck this guy!!! I'm not gonna let him talk about me like that!!

Any reasonable and intelligent person would expect this to happen.
When asked about his inflammatory rhetoric by a reporter Trump saidd he has free chophouse and no impressibility for consequences.

Trump is a demagogue.

A demagogue (/ˈdɛməɡɒɡ/; from Greek δημαγωγός, a popular leader, a leader of a mob, from δῆμος, people, populace, the commons + ἀγωγός leading, leader),[1] or rabble-rouser,[2][3] is a political leader in a democracy who gains popularity by arousing the common people against elites, especially through oratory that whips up the passions of crowds, appealing to emotion by scapegoating out-groups, exaggerating dangers to stoke fears, lying for emotional effect, or other rhetoric that tends to drown out reasoned deliberation and encourage fanatical popularity.[4] Demagogues overturn established norms of political conduct, or promise or threaten to do so.[5]: 32–38
The idiotic rhetoric from the Democratic ticket:

Biden: "Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in modern history."
Biden: "This is a battle for the soul of this nation."
Biden: "Trump represents an existential threat to the country."
Biden: "He’s not just a threat to democracy. He’s a threat to the core of who we are as a nation."
Biden: "Trump and his allies are a danger to democracy."
Biden: "We must be honest with each other and with ourselves: Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic."

Harris: "Donald Trump is the greatest national security threat to our nation."
Harris: "We have a president who incites violence."
Harris: "Trump is a danger to our democracy."
Harris: "Donald Trump and his supporters have proven that they are willing to destroy our democracy if that’s what it takes to win."
Harris: "Trump is trying to sow chaos and confusion."

In my opinion, only the underlined statements are problematic because, instead of focusing solely on Trump as their opponent, they address a large segment of the population. Trump just tends to make that mistake more often.
Before anyone rushes in like a hero, cape flapping in the wind, let me make it clear—I don't support any of this nonsense from our politicians. They should be working together, focusing 100% on policies that benefit all of us. If they can't cooperate, we, the people, need to show them the door. But it seems like we the people thrive on conflict these days, so this is the kind of politics—and politicians—we end up with as a result. How long will it take for us to realize that we're the ones at fault for not being able to work together? Hopefully not when we're killing each other on our streets.
If Trump were not a stupid, ignorant, unlettered and uncultured man, he might, after two assassination attempts, reflect on the adage, “you reap what you sow.”
If Trump were not a stupid, ignorant, unlettered and uncultured man, he might, after two assassination attempts, reflect on the adage, “you reap what you sow.”

The problem is, he won’t be the only one facing the consequences— we all will. I’m sure some people felt the same way about U.S. meddling in the Arab world when Osama struck on 9/11. Many believed that America was reaping what it had sown that day, but every single one of us (including those who held that view) has been dealing with the aftermath ever since.
If Trump were not a stupid, ignorant, unlettered and uncultured man, he might, after two assassination attempts, reflect on the adage, “you reap what you sow.”

The problem is, he won’t be the only one facing the consequences— we all will. I’m sure some people felt the same way about U.S. meddling in the Arab world when Osama struck on 9/11. Many believed that America was reaping what it had sown that day, but every single one of us (including those who held that view) has been dealing with the aftermath ever since.
That’s true, but what can anyone do about it? Trump is the one spewing violent and incendiary rhetoric. He thinks, and hopes, that it will result in violence against people he hates, meaning black people, women, and immigrants of color whether legal or illegal. What he is too stupid to comprehend is blowback. A nice algorithmic compression, so to say, of “you reap what you sow.”
In my opinion, this isn't like Kennedy's assassination, where there was still room for bipartisan unity after a leader’s death. It’s more comparable to Lincoln’s, which had severe consequences by intensifying the already existing instability. What Democrats should focus on is Trump himself. Say what you will about him— I may not like it, but it’s far better than lumping in his supporters. Broad statements about his base, true or not, should be avoided to not participate in the division.
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