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Trump Just Secured His Re-Election! Mexico Caved!

I just made a whole post detailing how the PEOPLE can WIN!

Und arbeit macht frei!

No refutation of my points. Got it. Please tell me why my points would not work if people did not show up for low paying jobs.

People show up for low paying jobs because low pay is better than no pay. But nobody wins, because it's a race to the bottom - only the lowest bidder gets the job, and someone is always prepared to work for less. You might decide that you can't afford to work for wages that mean sleeping in a cardboard box under a freeway overpass - but as long as one person is prepared to do that, that just means you can't get a job. And when everyone is doing that, the job will still go to the guy who is prepared to forego the cardboard box.

Your winning solution is a recipe for poverty for everyone - the only floor under wages in your scenario is death. And when one employee dies of starvation, exposure, or a medical condition they can't afford to have treated, Walmart can just hire the next poor bastard for the same money.

The solution is to provide everyone with the minimum income necessary to tell Walmart to go stick their shitty job. Then Walmart will have no choice to pay enough to get someone to work there without impoverishing themselves - because nobody will turn up for $10/hr if they are not at risk of homelessness and/or starvation if they don't take it.

When your employees only stay because their alternative is death, you are not employing staff, so much as you are abusing slaves.
He didn't win anything. He did his usual nonsense. He created a crisis by threatening to put tariffs on Mexican imports. These tariffs would mostly hurt American consumers as the costs would be passed along to the rest of us. His advisers and many Republicans kept telling him that tariffs are a tax on Americans, and they even told him they would block the tariffs with legislation. Mexico made some small promises, like putting more of their own National Guard on their southern borders. So, as usually Trump screams that he's gotten what he wants. In other words, he creates a potential crisis, then backs down and claims that he won. The crisis is over and some people think he's accomplished something great. Most of us are smarter than that.

You mean Mexico made some small promises months before Trump's tariff temper tantrum, and now Trump is trying to pretend said small promises were a part of his (non-existent) negotiating skills.

Mexico Agreed to Take Border Actions Months Before Trump Announced Tariff Deal https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/08/us/politics/trump-mexico-deal-tariffs.html
Are you for or against the border wall?

If you are against it, can you please tell me how many immigrants you allow to stay with you in your home?

Probably around 5 or 6 over the years.

How many millions of dollars have you personally donated to your god Trump for his stupid wall?
Are you for or against the border wall?

If you are against it, can you please tell me how many immigrants you allow to stay with you in your home?

Most illegals don't come through the desert anyway. The wall can't stop anyone who doesn't go that way.


Not even one of the Dreamers who have stayed with us over the years ever came into the U.S.A. via the Mexican border.
By your own logic, whoever Loren doesn't want living in his house, doesn't belong in the USA. (Has he DMed you for a sleep over? if not, start packing)

That's a terrible argument you are trying to make.

:lol: excellent point :D
A good summary of Tariff Man (aka Don the Con):
Any remaining thoughts that President Donald Trump has been playing three-dimensional chess while everyone else around him is engaged in less sophisticated pursuits should perish with his sudden abandonment of tariff threats against Mexico.

The only thing Trump got from this stunt was yet another round of abundant attention as everyone tried to decipher the riddle of “what-is-this-unusual-and-loopy-man-up to-this-time-because-he’s-breaking-the-norms-of-generally-accepted-presidential-behavior?” For Trump personally, the opportunity to generate and then bask in that kind of media buzz is, of course, far from nothing.


This is a man flailing, much as he did several months ago after threatening to keep the U.S. government shut down unless he got the funding to build a wall along the southern border. More experienced and deft politicians than him torpedoed that gambit and the government reopened.

Trying to govern by threat and blunt force isn’t really governing at all, and if enough bluffs get called, the players on the other side of the table tend to stiffen their spines. That’s not a good scenario for anyone involved, because a predictably unpredictable person lacking self-confidence, restraint and principled, courageous advisers may eventually try burning things down just to prove his point.

The president of the United States isn’t playing chess. But, like a kid with matches, he’s only too happy to play with fire.
The economist Richard Wolff announced the tariffs in an attempt to worsen economic conditions in order to force the Fed to lower rates. Trump wants the current expansion to continue through the election season, to better his chances. More like one dimensional chess.

And he is bad mouthing the Fed and admiring China's gov't control of its central bank.

And wishing for a weak dollar while crowing about low inflation. Consistency, thy name ain't Trump.

"President Trump tweeted Friday night that a deal had been signed with Mexico to avoid tariffs that were set to start Monday. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo more formally announced the agreement shortly after that.

The announcement avoids what economists and Republicans feared would be damaging to the U.S. economy. According to Mexico's foreign minister, the agreement calls for Mexico to deploy its national guard throughout the country, as well as allow migrants to wait in Mexico while their asylum claims are adjudicated. The agreement also calls for Mexico to offer jobs, health care and education."

What a historic day. Trump sure is a shrewd businessman. 2.5/8 years in so far and getting historical results at a historical rate. Obama also had historical results in 8 years...he was the President with the least amount of accomplishments.

As I am sure others have already pointed out to you, it turns out that the Mexicans had previously agreed to these concessions before the recent negotiations which in no way diminishes the accomplishment of the agreements by the Trump administration, but it does bring in question the role of the threatened tariffs in the final result.

Why did Trump threaten to impose the tariffs if he was already happy with the agreements?

I think that the answer to that question is pretty obvious. It was done to satisfy Trump's ego and to impress his adoring and non-critical base, which includes you.

This need to satisfy his ego points out not Trump's shrewdness but that he has once again highlighted a weakness in his negotiating that others will exploit, especially the Chinese, to whom negotiating is a blood sport to be enjoyed.

We often ran into CEOs like Trump in business negotiations for contracts. What we did was to build into the price a margin of 2 to 3% that we could give to the CEO at the final minute to satisfy his ego and provide him something to boast about to his board of directors. I talked to our competitors, and they did the same thing. So this is relatively harmless in business.

But in the vastly more complicated negotiations between nations in which people's lives can be at stake, I am afraid that such things as satisfying one's ego can put a country at a disadvantage. We see this all through history, especially in military engagements where the ego of the generals resulted in people dying unnecessarily.

This is another example of why running a government like a business is a bad idea. In business the goal is simple and understood by everyone concerned, to make money. In government, you have many different goals that have to be taken into account and many different ways accomplishing them.
Turns out Trump is the one that caved.

The Mexican foreign minister said Monday that no secret immigration deal existed between his country and the United States, directly contradicting President Trump’s claim on Twitter that a “fully signed and documented” agreement would soon be revealed.

Ah, but the Trumpers will say "that's the failing New York Times. Fake news!"

The New York Times bashes conservatives and censors free speech by conservatives. Why would we respect those bigots?

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