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Trump says he'll designate antifa a terror organization, blames group for violence at George Floyd protests

Antifa is anti capitalist and against central governments. Some are socialists, some are ancharists.

And some aren't either. Once again, there is no unified group with any unified principles. The only central organizing principle is to be anti-fascist; to be David to white supremacist's Goliath. You are pointing a finger at the .001% instead of at the 20%. Re-prioritize.

ETA: Here is yet another example of where the REAL problem lies: George Floyd protests: Misleading footage and conspiracy theories spread online
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Antifa is anti capitalist and against central governments. Some are socialists, some are ancharists.

And some aren't either. Once again, there is no unified group with any unified principles. The only central organizing principle is to be anti-fascist; to be David to white supremacist's Goliath. You are pointing a finger at the .001% instead of at the 20%. Re-prioritize.

So a 12 foot David against a 6 inch Goliath?

OTOH, if you recognize that the majority of people who are against fascism do not consider themselves to be antifa, and limit defining antifa to those who self-define that way, you'll find that David is also 6 inches and has more in common than merely being opposed to fascism.
More importantly, they allow republicans to deflect the true problems of today by focusing on their small movement.

What solution do you propose to fix this problem?

Better police training; body cameras on all police; better non-lethal techniques to diffuse situations; better oversight;

The first two have been shown to not really be worthwhile uses of money (One study on body cams https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/116/21/10329.full.pdf). For training as a thing: these situations rarely arise out of a lack of knowledge, it's a lack of empathy and a structural problem with how police were formed in this country and the evolution of case law from the end of the civil war. What we have now is a system where the some of the worst excesses of the police are excused criminally and civilly, and the it's turned into a massive cultural problem across police throughout the country. It's very much like how the Catholic church effectively became an organization largely devoted to protecting child molesters - not that there were no people who joined the organization for good purposes, but that the structure of the organization selected for bad actors specifically because it was working so intently on protecting individual bad actors. A few bad apples spoil the bunch. There's no shortage of videos like this across space and time:


What I'll concede is that there can be a different better training offered to police, but really that's putting the cart before the horse. What we need is to analyze what purpose the police should be playing in society, then establish training that selects for the people who move our society in that direction.

Agree on the second two, and oversight needs to be from the broader community and not just the legal organs of the state.
Antifa is anti capitalist and against central governments. Some are socialists, some are ancharists.

And some aren't either. Once again, there is no unified group with any unified principles. The only central organizing principle is to be anti-fascist; to be David to white supremacist's Goliath. You are pointing a finger at the .001% instead of at the 20%. Re-prioritize.

So a 12 foot David against a 6 inch Goliath?

No, it would be more along the lines of a 6 foot David against a 120,000 foot Goliath.

But the original point, of course, is that true Americans are anti-fascists and they kill Nazis wherever they are and it's time that history repeats itself.
In what universe?

Mathemagic land. Do you not know what .001% is to 20%?

But the original point, of course, is that true Americans are anti-fascists and they kill Nazis wherever they are and it's time that history repeats itself.

Yes, they are anti-fascist. But not antifa.

And you've missed the point yet again. There is no unified group known as "antifa." It does not exist. Nor did it exist in WWII. What exists in BOTH generations, however, is various people individually deciding that enough is enough and they are going to take the fight to Goliath and use what Goliath uses against them. Violence. Because the only good Nazi, is a dead Nazi. This is true and righteous and objectively what should be happening due entirely to the actions of Goliath.

Thanks to Trump, it has been revealed that there are some 20% nazis that have been festering under rocks and in their mother's basements and within police forces. They have been "weaponized" by a particular elite faction--Steve Bannon comes to mind and his ilk--and they should ALL be met with baseball bats, if not Tommy guns.

The anti-fascist protest movement known as antifa gained new prominence in the United States after the white supremacist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA, in August 2017. In Charlottesville and at many subsequent events held by white supremacists or right-wing extremists, antifa activists have aggressively confronted what they believe to be authoritarian movements and groups. While most counter-protestors tend to be peaceful, there have been several instances where encounters between antifa and the far-right have turned violent.

These violent counter-protesters are often part of “antifa” (short for “antifascist”), a loose collection of groups, networks and individuals who believe in active, aggressive opposition to far right-wing movements. Their ideology is rooted in the assumption that the Nazi party would never have been able to come to power in Germany if people had more aggressively fought them in the streets in the 1920s and 30s. Most antifa come from the anarchist movement or from the far left, though since the 2016 presidential election, some people with more mainstream political backgrounds have also joined their ranks.

They're Stalin lovin' commies. Fuck 'em.



The anti-fascist protest movement known as antifa gained new prominence in the United States after the white supremacist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA, in August 2017. In Charlottesville and at many subsequent events held by white supremacists or right-wing extremists, antifa activists have aggressively confronted what they believe to be authoritarian movements and groups. While most counter-protestors tend to be peaceful, there have been several instances where encounters between antifa and the far-right have turned violent.

These violent counter-protesters are often part of “antifa” (short for “antifascist”), a loose collection of groups, networks and individuals who believe in active, aggressive opposition to far right-wing movements. Their ideology is rooted in the assumption that the Nazi party would never have been able to come to power in Germany if people had more aggressively fought them in the streets in the 1920s and 30s. Most antifa come from the anarchist movement or from the far left, though since the 2016 presidential election, some people with more mainstream political backgrounds have also joined their ranks.

They're Stalin lovin' commies. Fuck 'em.

WOW, You managed to post an images of exactly zero people who identify as Antifa today. Of course you also managed to post pictures of exactly zero people who are still alive today. (I just don't see too many people at minimum age 110 out in the streets these days. )

And you think you are convincing others that you have captured the essence of this modern non-organization? :rolleyes:
And you've missed the point yet again. There is no unified group known as "antifa." It does not exist.

How about we define it as "those who self identify as such"? That way we don't need membership rosters and a hierarchy to define it, which is the angle you are going for.

If you limit antifa to "those who self identify as such", you will find that most anti-fascists are not antifa.

Thanks to Trump, it has been revealed that there are some 20% nazis that have been festering under rocks and in their mother's basements and within police forces. They have been "weaponized" by a particular elite faction--Steve Bannon comes to mind and his ilk--and they should ALL be met with baseball bats, if not Tommy guns.

Sure, 20%, sure.
'Disturbing' texts between Oregon police and far-right group prompt investigation

After public backlash, the mayor of Portland, Oregon, is no longer asking the city's police chief to lead an investigation into friendly text messages between a lieutenant and the leader of a far-right group that some officials say confirm "collusion" — a criticism later mocked by the group's leader.

Officials and activists also voiced concern about the texts and demanded that Mayor Ted Wheeler order an independent investigation — and not one headed by Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw as he first suggested. The mayor relented late Friday and said he will be working on how the new inquiry will take shape.

"I will order an independent investigation to review the existence of bias in the actions of the [Portland Police Bureau] leading up to and during demonstrations involving alt-right and anti-fascist protesters," he said in a statement, adding that he has "heard from the people of Portland" and will also work with Outlaw to implement training for police in identifying white supremacy.
'Disturbing' texts between Oregon police and far-right group prompt investigation

After public backlash, the mayor of Portland, Oregon, is no longer asking the city's police chief to lead an investigation into friendly text messages between a lieutenant and the leader of a far-right group that some officials say confirm "collusion" — a criticism later mocked by the group's leader.

Officials and activists also voiced concern about the texts and demanded that Mayor Ted Wheeler order an independent investigation — and not one headed by Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw as he first suggested. The mayor relented late Friday and said he will be working on how the new inquiry will take shape.

"I will order an independent investigation to review the existence of bias in the actions of the [Portland Police Bureau] leading up to and during demonstrations involving alt-right and anti-fascist protesters," he said in a statement, adding that he has "heard from the people of Portland" and will also work with Outlaw to implement training for police in identifying white supremacy.

Wait, the police chief's name is Outlaw?
Whatever is against fascism is now unconstitutional.

Antifa is not simply being against fascism. Vast majority of people are against fascism. But Antifas are far-left extremists who see everybody disagreeing with them as being "fascist".
I'm noticing a ridiculously large number of Americans that seem fine with Trump fascism.
'Disturbing' texts between Oregon police and far-right group prompt investigation

After public backlash, the mayor of Portland, Oregon, is no longer asking the city's police chief to lead an investigation into friendly text messages between a lieutenant and the leader of a far-right group that some officials say confirm "collusion" — a criticism later mocked by the group's leader.

Officials and activists also voiced concern about the texts and demanded that Mayor Ted Wheeler order an independent investigation — and not one headed by Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw as he first suggested. The mayor relented late Friday and said he will be working on how the new inquiry will take shape.

"I will order an independent investigation to review the existence of bias in the actions of the [Portland Police Bureau] leading up to and during demonstrations involving alt-right and anti-fascist protesters," he said in a statement, adding that he has "heard from the people of Portland" and will also work with Outlaw to implement training for police in identifying white supremacy.
What white privilege? A text from an officer to a white supremo group organizer.
WWeek Report said:
"Just make sure he doesn't do anything which may draw our attention," Niiya texted on Dec. 9. "If he still has the warrant in the system (I don't run you guys so I don't personally know) the officers could arrest him. I don't see a need to arrest on the warrant unless there is a reason."
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