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Trump Tells Christians They Won’t Have to Vote in Future: ‘We’ll Have It Fixed’


Married mouth-breather
Aug 28, 2000
Basic Beliefs
Probably in a simulation
“Christians, get out and vote!” yelled Trump. “Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine! You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians!” He added, “You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”
“Christians, get out and vote!” yelled Trump. “Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine! You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians!” He added, “You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”
We need a 'what the actual fuck???' emoji.
Not to worry, Righties will say we misquoted Trump and that he didn't actually say what we heard him say.
I read about this last night just before I went to bed. WTF! Now he openly admits he wants to destroy democracy, although I doubt he'll be standing upright in 4 years if he somehow wins the election. He's obviously senile and deranged. I just don't understand how his cultists and even those who simply won't vote for a Democrat can vote for him.
On X, there are other posts that demonstrate Trump is now going full blown theocrat. he wants to spark big evangelical turn out. It is now full blown theocratic culture war. Meanwhile, Harris is beginning to pick up steam in polls.m But she still has to yet pick a running mate and lay out her 4 year platform. So there are a lot of undecideds out there who are just now beginning to pay attention to this race. It is about to get bizarre and nasty.

Maybe he really is picking up on some religious nuttery, in the wake of his near death. Odder things have happened to stressed and aging minds.
Is he saying something truly ominous or is he just a blathering idiot? How can we tell the difference?
Is he saying something truly ominous or is he just a blathering idiot? How can we tell the difference?
It's because he's a blathering idiot with a lot of people behind him who are acting to make his blathered idiocies turn into reality, is why the blathering idiot is saying something truly ominous.

Taking a candidate seriously is the only right response. A candidate's job as a candidate is to tell all Americans who they are and what they're about, so the assumption should always be that they mean every word they say.

Is Trump a truly ominous threat to democracy? Yes because a Trump vote isn't a vote for the man. The "independents" who repeat republican talking points here in IIDB like to giggle that people think Trump is a fascist. They say one man cannot do all the things Dems dread, therefore the Dems are displaying TDS. But what's ominous isn't the man... it's his followers and helpers and planners and the large number of theocrats already in office. A vote for Trump is a vote for theocracy because his presidency would enable THEIR plans.
But Harris.... ummm....

What Trump said should have been a deepfake, it is that outrageous. This is what the nation is up against.
How can we tell the difference?
More worryingly, do his people know the difference? If they think he's issuing a call to arms, it won't matter whether he "meant to" rile them into acts of insurrection again or not. We still have to mop up the mess and bodies either way. He's an unhinged menace to democratic society whether he is a mastermind or a useful idiot.
I notice all of the "you're suffering from TDS derpy derpy durr" commenters are rather silent. 🤔
I think the Supreme Court has made some sort of corrupt bargain, either through bribes for the justices themselves or indirectly through family. Biden and Harris need to get proof of this if they don't have it already. I think Biden and Harris should get a contingent of military people together who will be loyal to them and the country and if Trump loses and tries to start any violence. Biden and Harris when she takes over should declare martial law and simply start shooting high end insurrectionist leaders . Then if the Trumpites try to go to the Supreme Court Biden or Harris should produce proof of the corruption of the Court and declare no overruling of their martial law declaration will be respected then have their military group arrest the Supreme Court members who want to stop him from putting down the rebellion.

I understand why Lincoln was so merciful after the Civil War. I really do. But I think he did make a mistake but not one he was capable or foreseeing. He should have told Confederate leaders, economic leaders, plantation owners, and kiss butt rabble rousers they could stand trial for treason or they could leave the country. Those who stayed could get a fair trial and then hang if convicted. Those who left forfeited their rights to land, property here. If that had happened the former southern leaders could not have been around to oppose civil rights and Reconstruction and there would have been no need to redo the civil rights movement again in the 1950's and 1960's. There would have been none of this putting up monuments to Confederate leaders with the leaders of the losing side still in charge of their states and towns basically hoping they may be able to pull succession off again if they thought they could. Also it would set a precedent that bad things happen to people who lead and stir up organized civil strife.

Such people, especially elite members and leaders, are only out for themselves and money. For example Adelbert Aimes was a Confederate general and later governor of Alabama. He was selling cotton to the United States via England while he was fighting Northerner on the battlefield. He was going to make sure his biscuit was buttered no matter who won. There are other examples of this. Thats how these people are. You have to harm them and make it hurt to make them obey the law and submit to it.
I think Biden and Harris should get a contingent of military people together who will be loyal to them and the country and if Trump loses and tries to start any violence.
There should be signs at the Capitol on confirmation day, warning of a lethal response to any kind of violence or threat of illegally breaching the Capitol.
Why do so many not take him at his word?

This comment came up for discussion at my coffeehouse this morning. One guy, who is conservative, and a Christian, was all over it, saying how could he say something like this, and generally all over Trump. His brother jumped to Trump’s defense, saying that he just meant that things would be so good that you wouldn’t have to vote. I was like why can’t you just take him for his word? This isn’t the first time he’s said something like this. He’s bragged about becoming a dictator, he’s used quotes from Hitler, he’s promised to take revenge against his enemies . . . What the fuck more do you need to know? He will do this. Or at least try. And when he claims immunity, the courts will uphold it.

Fuck Trump.
And when he claims immunity, the courts will uphold it.
Yep. That's the message he got July 1st. He's not liable for anything he does in his role as President. And our history shows us that impeachment is a dead letter. If this man gets into the Presidency again, we will have passed a point of no return in the assault on our democratic norms.
Not to worry, Righties will say we misquoted Trump and that he didn't actually say what we heard him say.
On the Christian forums they say "Only he can explain what he meant" and "Fixed can mean a lot of things. Doesn't have to be in an illegal context" and "Looks like we'll have to wait until Trump explains it."
Anyway his Christian supporters don't have any problems with what he said... which will come in handy for him if he gets in power again. And they forget about the Capitol attack...
In case anyone still has extremely unreasonable doubts about Project 2025 or Trump's desires to be a dictator:

He's talking about creating the thought police here.
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