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Trump threatens to keep government shutdown for months or maybe years!

Those poor Thieves and Sexual Assault (TSA) agents are having to molest people on their own dime. Poor babies.

There are plenty of government employees who might invoke sympathy for being out of work. TSA isn't one of them.

I would think a libertarian would be more sympathetic to people being forced to work without being paid.
Those poor Thieves and Sexual Assault (TSA) agents are having to molest people on their own dime. Poor babies.

There are plenty of government employees who might invoke sympathy for being out of work. TSA isn't one of them.

I would think a libertarian would be more sympathetic to people being forced to work without being paid.
ROTFLMAO!!! Yeah right.
Those poor Thieves and Sexual Assault (TSA) agents are having to molest people on their own dime. Poor babies.

There are plenty of government employees who might invoke sympathy for being out of work. TSA isn't one of them.

I would think a libertarian would be more sympathetic to people being forced to work without being paid.

Depends on the job. I do not believe people should be paid to violate the rights of others.
Those poor Thieves and Sexual Assault (TSA) agents are having to molest people on their own dime. Poor babies.

There are plenty of government employees who might invoke sympathy for being out of work. TSA isn't one of them.

I would think a libertarian would be more sympathetic to people being forced to work without being paid.

Depends on the job. I do not believe people should be paid to violate the rights of others.

Like ... building a WALL? Using usurped PRIVATE PROPERTY!?
Senate to take up Trump's "compromise" tomorrow, as well as the bill that the Senate previously passed with unanimous consent, and has since passed the House.
Neither is expected to clear the Senate. But is it a sign of Trumpublicans starting to blink?
Senate to take up Trump's "compromise" tomorrow, as well as the bill that the Senate previously passed with unanimous consent, and has since passed the House.
Neither is expected to clear the Senate. But is it a sign of Trumpublicans starting to blink?
Heck no... I mean why would they blink. I'm starting to think they don't have eyelids. The McConnell led Senate will refuse to pass the bill they unanimously passed already. And then McConnell will have the brass nuts to say, the Dems need to negotiate.
But is it a sign of Trumpublicans starting to blink?
Heck no... I mean why would they blink.
To play Pin the Shutdown on the Donaldkey.
To put the ENTIRE burden clearly and inarguably on Trump's shoulders.

So they can say, "We did OUR part. He's the one that chose to veto..."
The GOP is clearly not in the business of telling Trump what to do. They haven't interferred with tariffs, an unpopular shutdown, or just about anything else short of giving Russia back their spy headquarters in Maryland.
To play Pin the Shutdown on the Donaldkey.
To put the ENTIRE burden clearly and inarguably on Trump's shoulders.

So they can say, "We did OUR part. He's the one that chose to veto..."
The GOP is clearly not in the business of telling Trump what to do. They haven't interferred with tariffs, an unpopular shutdown, or just about anything else short of giving Russia back their spy headquarters in Maryland.
Oh, it's not to DIRECT Trump, just to make it easier for them to tell the voters it was not their fault.

I doubt that anyone is going to Mitch and saying, "This shutdown is hurting people." But we know they are going to him and saying, "This shutdown will hurt my chances at the next election."

It's a big game of keep-away.
To play Pin the Shutdown on the Donaldkey.
To put the ENTIRE burden clearly and inarguably on Trump's shoulders.

So they can say, "We did OUR part. He's the one that chose to veto..."
The GOP is clearly not in the business of telling Trump what to do. They haven't interferred with tariffs, an unpopular shutdown, or just about anything else short of giving Russia back their spy headquarters in Maryland.

They don't need no steenkin' headquarters in Maryland. Their headquarters are in the West Wing.
I work retail. We have seen a jump in SNAP sales last few days.Feds paid out
Feb benefits early.I fear they will spend it all and run out before the end of Feb.
I work retail. We have seen a jump in SNAP sales last few days.Feds paid out
Feb benefits early.I fear they will spend it all and run out before the end of Feb.

All the registers at the Krogers yesterday had bright yellow signs warning of this.

Listening to Randi Rhodes yesterday. The subject started out about drug trafficking in trucks but turned to economic down turn. He said they usually had 3-4 truckloads of goods going out daily. They are now down to only 1 or 2.

Prepare for the shit to hit the fan. Putin is succeeding.
I ran into a friend of mine yesterday at Kroger's. She receives SNAP benefits and her cart was loaded to the top. I told her that I had heard that people were rushing to the stores to use their SNAP benefit out of fear that it would be taken away from them before they used it up. She agreed.

I"m beginning to think this mess will end in the next week or two. Trump's ratings are falling quickly and some of his original supporters are beginning to realize the mistake they made by voting for him.

One of Trump's so called economic advisors said that the next quarter's GDP could be zero is this isn't over soon.
I'm wondering, why don't the TSA or some other essential personnel that are forced (asked?) to work without pay just go on strike? Just one busy airport being shut down for a day, or a threat thereof would affect hundreds of thousands if not millions of people. And it's not like TSA can hire replacements when the base pay is $0. So what gives? Are they going to work just out of patriotic duty?
I ran into a friend of mine yesterday at Kroger's. She receives SNAP benefits and her cart was loaded to the top. I told her that I had heard that people were rushing to the stores to use their SNAP benefit out of fear that it would be taken away from them before they used it up. She agreed.

I"m beginning to think this mess will end in the next week or two. Trump's ratings are falling quickly and some of his original supporters are beginning to realize the mistake they made by voting for him.

One of Trump's so called economic advisors said that the next quarter's GDP could be zero is this isn't over soon.

Problem is that the hardcore 32% who are true trumpanzees are 100% oblivious. They do not believe themselves effected by the GDP, the economy, the shutdown or any of the other Trump-spawned crises.
Except one, of course. THE WALL.
Caravans of murdering rapist job-stealers are marauding through their dreams with no wall to stop them, which keeps them up at night trembling in terror. Everything else is an abstraction.

Who can blame them for rioting when their Only Protector is brought up for witness tampering, obstruction of justice, serving the government of a foreign adversary, emoluments violations, conspiracy to alter the outcome of a US election etc.? FOX has instructed them to pay attention to Michael Cohen's father-in-law's finances instead. Scary stuff there - Trump doesn't even know the guy's name! That should be reason enough not to pay any attention to Trump committing felony after felony in full view of the US population.
I'm wondering, why don't the TSA or some other essential personnel that are forced (asked?) to work without pay just go on strike?
It is against the law for them to strike and they'd be fired. In general, a bunch of TSA aren't showing up because if they aren't paid, they can't afford daycare for their kids or gas to get to work or... *insert one of many other banal non-partisan reasons*.
Shutting down the airports would be a power play equal to the muscle that Trump brings -- wouldn't it? Is this being contemplated? I assume DJT would then attempt a Reagan call-back and threaten to fire them all permanently, which I don't think would work in 2019.
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