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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat


President FFvC said:
"We’re headed back in a very strong fashion with a 'V,'" Trump said, referring to a V-shaped recovery. "And I think we’re going to be very good with the coronavirus. I think that at some point that’s going to sort of just disappear, I hope."
Yes, it is going to be a fucking V Donnie boy, an inverted fucking V. Around a few weeks because the economies are closing back up because your failed and the failed GOP have done nothing to stop Covid-19.

50,000+ likely today, even possible it could be closer to hugging 60,000.

President FFvC said:
"We’re headed back in a very strong fashion with a 'V,'" Trump said, referring to a V-shaped recovery. "And I think we’re going to be very good with the coronavirus. I think that at some point that’s going to sort of just disappear, I hope."
Yes, it is going to be a fucking V Donnie boy, an inverted fucking V. Around a few weeks because the economies are closing back up because your failed and the failed GOP have done nothing to stop Covid-19.

50,000+ likely today, even possible it could be closer to hugging 60,000.

He just says shit just detached from reality
Its about time for a DOW believer lesson in reality. Do something to prop up suffering citizens or become the next Hoover. V is for Vacated.

All I see is this developing hand of privilege rising over the economic toilet flusher handle to strike down the economy.

Pipe dream one: vaccination will save us all - for about three months at a time.

Pipe dream two: buyers will flock to stores - not when wearing masks and being limited to 25% capacity

Pipe dream three: Disease will just disappear - sure after 70% infected and antibodies change quick vanishing character and if it doesn't mutate as expected

Pipe dream four: God is on our side so when enough pray - except that praying nor god is reality.
Its about time for a DOW believer lesson in reality. Do something to prop up suffering citizens or become the next Hoover. V is for Vacated.

All I see is this developing hand of privilege rising over the economic toilet flusher handle to strike down the economy.

Pipe dream one: vaccination will save us all - for about three months at a time.

Pipe dream two: buyers will flock to stores - not when wearing masks and being limited to 25% capacity

Pipe dream three: Disease will just disappear - sure after 70% infected and antibodies change quick vanishing character and if it doesn't mutate as expected

Pipe dream four: God is on our side so when enough pray - except that praying nor god is reality.

If vaccination is only 2-3 months at a time we won't ever have herd immunity, masks & care will be the nature of the world.
Its about time for a DOW believer lesson in reality. Do something to prop up suffering citizens or become the next Hoover. V is for Vacated.

All I see is this developing hand of privilege rising over the economic toilet flusher handle to strike down the economy.

Pipe dream one: vaccination will save us all - for about three months at a time.

Pipe dream two: buyers will flock to stores - not when wearing masks and being limited to 25% capacity

Pipe dream three: Disease will just disappear - sure after 70% infected and antibodies change quick vanishing character and if it doesn't mutate as expected

Pipe dream four: God is on our side so when enough pray - except that praying nor god is reality.

If vaccination is only 2-3 months at a time we won't ever have herd immunity, masks & care will be the nature of the world.
Until Jesus intervenes, like he did in 1918.
Hey, it should be noted that yesterday Clownstick finally agreed that wearing a mask is a good thing when in close quarters with other people. Wow, it only took the Dotard a couple months to admit the obvious, that and about 130,000 deaths...
Hey, it should be noted that yesterday Clownstick finally agreed that wearing a mask is a good thing when in close quarters with other people. Wow, it only took the Dotard a couple months to admit the obvious, that and about 130,000 deaths...

Donald J Trump has always been the biggest fan of masks. Nobody has ever been as big on masks as Trump. Donald Trump thought of masks before anyone else and he has saved millions of lives.
Obama has been hiding the masks.
And nobody has ever been harder on Russia than Donald J Trump.
Plot twist: Trump has been wearing a mask this whole time.

Donald Trump refuses to lead as pandemic worsens and allies desert him on masks - CNNPolitics
Most Presidents would try to stop the United States from barreling toward disaster. But Donald Trump has nothing to say and no answers to mitigate a calamity unfolding on his watch that he seems resolved to ignore.

On the day when the government's top infectious disease specialist Anthony Fauci said he would not be surprised to see the US record 100,000 new coronavirus cases per day, Trump refused to break his deafening silence.
But that has not stopped his admin's spokespeople from bragging about the "phenomenal" success of his admin's efforts to control the virus.
Trump is now pretty much the sole figure in authority in either party -- including his major Republican allies -- who refuse to wear or endorse face masks that are proven to slow the spread of coronavirus but that he has stigmatized as a liberal plot to harm him politically.
Even Mitch McConnell wears them.

I'm sure that future generations will look upon this administration an abject failure and view Trump as the worst US President in history.
Donald Trump refuses to lead as pandemic worsens and allies desert him on masks - CNNPolitics
Most Presidents would try to stop the United States from barreling toward disaster. But Donald Trump has nothing to say and no answers to mitigate a calamity unfolding on his watch that he seems resolved to ignore.

On the day when the government's top infectious disease specialist Anthony Fauci said he would not be surprised to see the US record 100,000 new coronavirus cases per day, Trump refused to break his deafening silence.
But that has not stopped his admin's spokespeople from bragging about the "phenomenal" success of his admin's efforts to control the virus.
Trump is now pretty much the sole figure in authority in either party -- including his major Republican allies -- who refuse to wear or endorse face masks that are proven to slow the spread of coronavirus but that he has stigmatized as a liberal plot to harm him politically.
Even Mitch McConnell wears them.

I'm sure that future generations will look upon this administration an abject failure and view Trump as the worst US President in history.
This, of course, assumes that there will be enough of a 'future generation' to matter.
Fox, Hannity Make People Not Take Covid Seriously | Ed Brayton
New research explores how conservative media misinformation may have intensified coronavirus - The Washington Post - "The three studies paint a picture of a media ecosystem that entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking steps to protect themselves and others "
The end result, according to one of the studies, is that infection and mortality rates are higher in places where one pundit who initially downplayed the severity of the pandemic — Fox News’s Sean Hannity — reaches the largest audiences.

Administering a nationally representative phone survey with 1,008 respondents, they found that people who got most of their information from mainstream print and broadcast outlets tended to have an accurate assessment of the severity of the pandemic and their risks of infection. But those who relied on conservative sources, such as Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, were more likely to believe in conspiracy theories or unfounded rumors, such as the belief that taking vitamin C could prevent infection, that the Chinese government had created the virus, and that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exaggerated the pandemic’s threat “to damage the Trump presidency.”

The authors used anonymous location data from millions of cellphones to explore how the popularity of Fox News in a given Zip code related to social distancing practices there. By March 15, they found, a 10 percent increase in Fox News viewership within a Zip code reduced its residents’ propensity to stay home, in compliance with public health guidelines, by about 1.3 percentage points.

The study focuses specifically on the differences in how Fox’s Tucker Carlson and Hannity discussed the pandemic during its early days.

“Carlson warned viewers that the coronavirus might pose a serious threat from early February,” the researchers wrote, “while Hannity first ignored the topic on his show and then dismissed the risks associated with the virus, claiming that it was less concerning than the common flu and insisting that Democrats were using it as a political weapon to undermine the president.”

They found that Hannity viewership was associated with changing pandemic-related behaviors (like hand-washing and canceling travel plans) four days later than other Fox News viewers, while Carlson viewership was associated with changing behaviors three days earlier.
Which goes to show what a bad influence Fox News is.
Opinion | Trump’s awful new reelection strategy makes a powerful case against him - The Washington Post
After denying the very existence of the novel coronavirus for weeks, then explicitly disavowing all responsibility for its carnage, then blaming a dozen other people and entities for his own disastrous failures, then flirting with the idea of playing “wartime president” against the pandemic only to rapidly jettison that pose, President Trump has now adopted yet another posture toward the biggest public health emergency in modern times:

Suck it up, America.

Over the weekend, Trump claimed that “99 percent” of cases are “totally harmless.” This disgusting lie appears based on an absurdly downgraded death-rate calculation and ignores multiple realities: The virus’s degradations are severe and persistent even in many who survive it, and carriers spread it to others — indeed, we’re hitting new highs in case levels as we speak.
Herman Cain Posted Anti-Mask Tweet Before Being Hospitalized With Coronavirus | Michael Stone - "Irony: Herman Cain, former 2012 presidential candidate and co-chair of Black Voices for Trump, has been hospitalized with coronavirus after posting anti-mask propaganda to his social media accounts."
Colin Woodard, author of "American Nations" about regional cultural variations and how those variations are a result of which Europeans first settled which part.

How the geography of the pandemic is determined by centuries-old regional differences - Portland Press Herald - "Analysis: Fundamental differences in the balance between individual liberty and the common good are reflected in COVID-19 trends."
As the coronavirus surges across the southern United States, Americans are once again seeing the profound effects of centuries-old regional differences in attitudes toward individual liberty, the common good, and the possibility or even desirability of competent, technocratic governance.

Those differences – and the abdication of federal leadership by President Trump – have turned the United States into ground zero for the pandemic, a country Canada, the European Union and other countries are now trying to quarantine themselves away from.
Coronavirus Case Data for Every U.S. County - The New York Times
He then explains the various regional cultures and their origins.

The more individualist ones: Greater Appalachia, the Deep South, and the Far West

The more communitarian ones: Yankeedom, New Netherland, the Left Coast, the Midlands (First Nation is rather marginal)

In-between ones: El Norte, Tidewater
From the outset, the geography of the coronavirus response followed these patterns to a disturbing degree, with people and leaders in communitarian regions generally taking a robust response to slowing the spread of the virus and leaders in individualistic ones often flouting science and safety, leading their constituents to make few changes to their movements and, presumably, routines.
Travel in the communal four went down by 70 - 100%, while in the individualist three by 15 - 50%. Responses by state governors also fit that pattern, overriding party affiliation.

The virus got started in the US in big cities that have many visitors from abroad, cities like NYC, Boston, and Seattle.
But this disparity has reversed itself in tragic and preventable ways as the more communitarian regions got the virus under control through social distancing, mandated closures, and a high level of compliance with public health recommendations to wear masks, maintain 6 feet of distance from one another and avoid risky activities like hanging out in crowded bars. Regions with an emphasis on individual liberty reopened early, typically had leaders who downplayed the threat, and saw far less public compliance with scientific recommendations.
The big increase over the last month is mostly in the Deep South, Greater Appalachia, Far West, and El Norte -- and the Left Coast. Yankeedom and the Midlands have a weak increase, and New Netherland continues its decline.
Colin Woodard on Twitter: "(Thread) The US pandemic response is tragically playing out along the regional lines identified in #AmericanNations ..." / Twitter
(Thread) The US pandemic response is tragically playing out along the regional lines identified in #AmericanNations, with the regions with traditions emphasizing individual liberty failing. Here’s the data via @pressherald (link)

2. The regional cultures differ on how they view the ideal society, one that emphasizes lack of restraints on individuals or, instead, maintaining a free community, a shared communitarian project to cultivate a republican citizenry. Details in this book:
(his book "American Character")

3. With Trump unwilling to lead, we’ve seen a patchwork response, with individualistic regions late to lockdown, early to reopen, and resistant to mask wearing; and the “communitarian” ones taking expert public health advice more seriously.

4. The initial shock followed global transportation networks, and hit densely populated places first. The geography of the second wave is instead following the contours of our Balkanized response.

5. The contrasts are stark. In the last 2 weeks of June, the Deep South’s 7-day rolling average of new cases went from 4,276 a day to 10,271, up from around 1,800 a day for much of May. Yankeedom went from 2,456 to 2,656 in the same period (+8%) and far below April peak of 7,918.

6. Similar contrasts can be seen between (individualistic) Greater Appalachia and the Far West on one hand, and (more communitarian) New Netherland and the Midlands on the other. The data is in the piece, background in #AmericanNations
(his book "American Nations")

7. Absent federal leadership, the Balkanized nature of the U.S. makes an effective response to the pandemic nigh impossible, as, constitutionally, there’s no real way to seal one state or region off from another. We'll need a vaccine to break the cycle.

7. Thanks to my @pressherald colleague @ChadGilley for the data crunching and chart building, and to the @nytimes for the county-level case numbers via their invaluable Covid tracking database.

9. Graphs in the piece, but note the contrasts.
Fox, Hannity Make People Not Take Covid Seriously | Ed Brayton
New research explores how conservative media misinformation may have intensified coronavirus - The Washington Post - "The three studies paint a picture of a media ecosystem that entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking steps to protect themselves and others "
The end result, according to one of the studies, is that infection and mortality rates are higher in places where one pundit who initially downplayed the severity of the pandemic — Fox News’s Sean Hannity — reaches the largest audiences.

Administering a nationally representative phone survey with 1,008 respondents, they found that people who got most of their information from mainstream print and broadcast outlets tended to have an accurate assessment of the severity of the pandemic and their risks of infection. But those who relied on conservative sources, such as Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, were more likely to believe in conspiracy theories or unfounded rumors, such as the belief that taking vitamin C could prevent infection, that the Chinese government had created the virus, and that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exaggerated the pandemic’s threat “to damage the Trump presidency.”

The authors used anonymous location data from millions of cellphones to explore how the popularity of Fox News in a given Zip code related to social distancing practices there. By March 15, they found, a 10 percent increase in Fox News viewership within a Zip code reduced its residents’ propensity to stay home, in compliance with public health guidelines, by about 1.3 percentage points.

The study focuses specifically on the differences in how Fox’s Tucker Carlson and Hannity discussed the pandemic during its early days.

“Carlson warned viewers that the coronavirus might pose a serious threat from early February,” the researchers wrote, “while Hannity first ignored the topic on his show and then dismissed the risks associated with the virus, claiming that it was less concerning than the common flu and insisting that Democrats were using it as a political weapon to undermine the president.”

They found that Hannity viewership was associated with changing pandemic-related behaviors (like hand-washing and canceling travel plans) four days later than other Fox News viewers, while Carlson viewership was associated with changing behaviors three days earlier.
Which goes to show what a bad influence Fox News is.

Lesson learned: You can't spin your bullshit on something likely to hit home. Roger Ailes would have seen this and held clampdown on Tucker & Sean.
So Trump doesn't like CDC guidelines on the kids going back to school. It's pretty clear that Trump has zero concern about families. While early data suggested that kids were less hard-hit by the virus, that's changing and of course sick or asymptomatic kids will still bring the virus home to infect their parents and grand parents.

Trump really has no understanding or no care for others or both.


(CNN)President Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday his disagreement with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for safely reopening schools, calling the recommendations "very tough" and "expensive."

He also threatened he "may cut off funding" to schools that do not reopen, though the bulk of public school funding comes from state and local governments.
"I disagree with @CDCgov on their very tough & expensive guidelines for opening schools. While they want them open, they are asking schools to do very impractical things. I will be meeting with them!!!" the President tweeted.

The CDC's guidelines encourage hygiene, the use of cloth face coverings, and staying home when appropriate. It also suggests staggered scheduling, a back-up staffing plan, modified seating layouts to allow social distancing, physical barriers and closing of communal spaces.

Trump, who has advocated for reopening states amid surging coronavirus cases, said Tuesday he would pressure governors to reopen schools this fall during a discussion with educators, administrators, students and parents.

"We hope that most schools are going to be open," Trump said at a White House event, baselessly claiming that some places will want to stay closed "for political reasons."
"They think it's going to be good for them politically, so they keep the schools closed," the President alleged without evidence. "No way."

As it is, my kids school is talking about having kids at a minimum of 3 feet apart. I have seen nothing to suggest that even with a mask it's considered safe to have many people inside a room all day only 3 feet apart.
It has become apparent that what we have now is an administration actively trying to cull the population.
Some might call it intentional genocide. The more generous interpretation would be negligent genocide, but I think evidence is stronger for the former characterization.
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