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Trump worse than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao

What proof are you looking for?
looking for evidence that
"Jussie Smollet so desperate to prove racism is so strong in this country that he had to hire 2 people to fake racism against him."

Everyone knows Jussie lied.
I never said or suggested he did not.
YOU, however, have apparently made shit up about his motive.
I'm asking you what you believe his motivation is for lying and you are not saying anything.
I never said i knew why he did it, nor offered his motivation to support another claim of mine. So i have no need to support shit i never said.
You are not in my position.
You have made claims you have no idea how to support.

Listen to his own words from his own mouth.
Just, not words that show you are right....
Keith: Please provide proof that there are more attacks on MAGA wearing individuals than there are attacks by MAGA wearing individuals.

Halflife: Jussie Smollett said in some bullshit interview something completely irrelevant to what Keith asked. Oh, and not only won't I provide proof, I'm not going to source the interview either. Yay, I'm winning the argument!


You guys been living under a rock?

It is comedy gold watching this knowing he's lying the whole time.
Um, this is from when he insisted the attack was real.
It has fuck-all to do with his reason for faking the attack. Either reason, you have given 2 so far.

What are you talking about? He was lying! It was never real! This interview is him trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes and make people believe him.
What are you talking about?
easy enoughbto scroll back.
You brought Jussie into the conversation.
Simply show how you know his motivation to fake the attack.
He was lying!
but that does not give you license to tell more lies, does it?
It was never real!
neither are about80% of your claims.
This interview is him trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes and make people believe him.
which still isn't a reason to think you know his motive, or that the motive helps you disprove white privlege...

Dude, at this point i'd be poleaxed if you could even just show you understand WHAT you are being asked for.
easy enoughbto scroll back.
You brought Jussie into the conversation.
Simply show how you know his motivation to fake the attack. but that does not give you license to tell more lies, does it?
It was never real!
neither are about80% of your claims.
This interview is him trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes and make people believe him.
which still isn't a reason to think you know his motive, or that the motive helps you disprove white privlege...

Dude, at this point i'd be poleaxed if you could even just show you understand WHAT you are being asked for.

It's obvious to everyone with a brain what his motive was: to show MAGA people are nothing but vile racists.

Why are you fighting this? EVen staunch leftists admit Jussie was stupid for this stunt.
Still waiting for the proof that "Turns out there's more attacks against people wearing MAGA hats than actually committed by them."
It's obvious to everyone with a brain what his motive was: to show MAGA people are nothing but vile racists.
still have to ask the same question: how do you know?
Why are you fighting this?
fighting? I keep asking for you to support your specific claims.
EVen staunch leftists admit Jussie was stupid for this stunt.
so, that's a 'no' on even knowing whst you're being asked for.

Got it. Done.

So, Trump vs. Nobel Prize Winning Obama, then?
Obama didn't let a handbag designer he wants to fuck pretend to be a diplomat?
Obama wasn't a birther?
Obama's 2nd term was not critical for him to outlast some statutes of limitations?
Two psychiatrists discuss coverage of Trump

According to Dr. Allen Frances, a university psychiatrist and guest on CNN's "Reliable Sources", Trump is potentially responsible for more deaths than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao combined. Also according to Dr. Frances, you shouldn't call him mentally ill because that unfairly stigmatizes the mentally ill by comparing them to Trump. CNN host Brian Stelter declined to challenge either of those claims.

I watched the video. So which one do you believe? Is Trump unfit for the office he holds because he is crazy or because he is an evil conman and a spoiled brat?

He can be all of that and much worse. And he is.

Do you agree that the people who voted for him are the crazy ones?

Of course some of his voters are crazy. But most are simply disillusioned, disaffected people who feel they've gotten a raw deal for a long time and Trump is a candidate who echoes the most petty (and vile) sentiments they embrace. He doesn't make them feel looked down upon or put down by someone who is better off. Of course, Trump does exactly that but he says the right wrong thing. And a lot of people believed he'd bring manufacturing back. After all, he's a 'businessman.'
Two psychiatrists discuss coverage of Trump

According to Dr. Allen Frances, a university psychiatrist and guest on CNN's "Reliable Sources", Trump is potentially responsible for more deaths than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao combined. Also according to Dr. Frances, you shouldn't call him mentally ill because that unfairly stigmatizes the mentally ill by comparing them to Trump. CNN host Brian Stelter declined to challenge either of those claims.

People exaggerate their political enemies on both sides. This is nothing new. You have likened Obama and HRC to Genghis Khan in the past! I can't stand Trump. But clearly he isn't Hitler and Obama didn't conquer the known world!
Luckily the US's measuring bar for awful leaders isn't as low as China's, Germany's, or Russia/Soviet Union's.

The guy clearly has issues with being compromised, and we still have our Libertarian ambassador really taking no notice. It is almost as if they just don't like anything that is left-wing or moderate.
Exactly how many deaths have Hitler and Stalin been responsible for? It would be acceptable to count future generations that do not exist because people are dead, probably? AND give an estimate as to how many Trump will be responsible for in 70 years given the climate crisis?
Why was Jussie Smollet so desperate to prove racism is so strong in this country that he had to hire 2 people to fake racism against him?
That was done 'to prove racism?'
You know this, how?

He manufactured that whole attack to make it look like MAGA people are vile racists.

So, by your logic, if any person has ever made a false crime accusation against a black person, that means that there are no actual black people who ever commit crimes. Got it.
He manufactured that whole attack to make it look like MAGA people are vile racists.
He manufactured the crime to make it look like he was the victim of a political hate crime in order to boost his Hollywood capital.

He didn't need to do anything to make MAGA people look vile.
The point about the mentally ill is completely valid. Almost all mentally ill are far more ethical and less criminal than Trump, and unlike Trump do not knowingly cause serious harm to others on a daily basis. In addition, the ideas that Trump promotes are more dangerously irrational and objectively false than those of most mentally ill people other than perhaps more extreme cases of schizophrenia and dementia. Also, the mentally ill have no control over their illness, while Trump knowingly chooses to do and say things that cause harm to others for the sake of personal gain.

The references to Hitler and Stalin do not imply that Trump IS Hitler or Stalin. It's stunning how stupid people are that they make the same fallacious complaint about analogies over and over. It's simply a comparison of the ethics of doing self-serving things that you know will likely cause the deaths of countless people. That is true of all of them. Like Trump, Hitler did not personally kill anyone but himself (hopefully Trump will soon follow suit). His policies and rhetoric did and he knew they would. The same is true of Trump. While there are more mediating causal steps between Trump's actions and the real material harm they will cause others, that has no relevance to how those actions reflect upon his moral culpability. If you push a boulder down a hill knowing it will cause an avalanche that will knock down trees that will crush people living beside them, then this is no less immoral than directly cutting down the trees that crush the people.

Also, the uncertainty of just how many people will be harmed is not relevant. Suppose something else in the future enters the picture and interrupts the chain of events, like someone else bracing some of the trees so fewer people die in the event of an avalanche. That does nothing to reduce the immorality of the person who pushed the boulder and caused the avalanche.

If anything, one could argue that Hitler and Stalin sincerely believed that fewer people would suffer in the long run if select people were made to suffer now. No such argument can plausibly made for Trump. He is acting in ways that he knows will harm others for nothing but personal gain in wealth, power, and adoration from his cult following, most of whom are too dangerously stupid to know that their kids are among Trump's future victims.
And I was referring to Obama's drone deaths. He bombed 9 countries, killed countless innocents, used tear gas on families at the border, set a record for deportations and still managed to get the nobel peace prize.

Going back several pages to bring up this claim.

First, on bombing all those countries, you might want to take note that we are still bombing those same countries. Trump did nothing to reign in the military, in fact he gave them more free reign resulting in an increase in civilian deaths.

Do I agree with all the bombings Obama did? Hell no, he should have been putting an end to a lot of those military actions, or at the least use more restrictions. But is there any republican, especially Trump, who is interested in cutting down on military action? Not likely.

Obama set a record for deportation.. while sticking with the legal process. He didn't do mass incarcerations, while fighting courts to hold everyone indefinitely, and did include protections for Dreamers. Obama was far from perfect, but trying to use his failings to exonerate Trump is like trying to excuse a mass shooter because the guy before him shoplifted a couple times.
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