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Trump's Gropegate


Jan 10, 2004
Port Clinton, Ohio
Basic Beliefs
One of his campaign managers came on MSNBC last night. A blonde. I refuse to learn her name. She's "outraged" that the NYT, People, etc. would give any credence to "fabricated" stories from "these women." We're in the 90's again -- nice to be back.
Here are the Trump campaign rebuttals that just have to make you giggle:
1) Blonde spokeswoman finds the stories incredible because, among other things, the women did not come forward at the time. Ummmm.....Cosby syndrome mean anything?
2) She also considers it to be absolutely devastating to their credibility that two of them are Hillary supporters. In other words, if they really had been groped and kissed on the mouth, etc., it stands to reason that some of them would be Trump supporters? (Yes, he's that irresistible, he's ginger catnip to all women.)
3) Another campaign spokesman says that the media has reached a new low by bringing "decades-old" stories to the forefront in an attempt to determine the election. This, while the campaign has announced it's about to go "buck wild" (actual quote -- powerful phrase) on Bill, with new accusations from women who have never before stepped forward.
The next three and a half weeks will be the Gotterdammerung of Trump.org. It's gonna be a pig circus. And okay, I'll indulge in the oldest and least reputable analogy: Germany in the spring of '45. Because why not? What decorum is due to this 70-year-old playpen resident? So, just like the final act of Nazi World, Trump World will deflate and implode with crazy predictions of miraculous victories, secret super weapons that will bring a last-minute win, defections from the underlings, and at the end, a lone and deranged megalomaniac sitting in a bunker (or penthouse) unable to concede graciously to fate -- he'll go down with lather coming out of his jowls as he blames all those who lied and betrayed him. Bye, bye, Donnie.
Only Mr Trump is allowed to raise such issues, and to do so about people's husbands, not them. That is because he was left a lot of money and postured in a television programme, so he is obviously the Superman!
Only Mr Trump is allowed to raise such issues, and to do so about people's husbands, not them. That is because he was left a lot of money and postured in a television programme, so he is obviously the Superman!

Donald Trump tweeted this week that his “shackles have been taken off.” The rest of us need to buckle up.

I think unhinged is a better description. It's time to hide the women folk.
Well, this is embarrassing. It turns out that all the accusations against Trump are lies and none of them ever happened.


We all have a lot of egg on our faces this morning and we should make an effort in the future not to jump to conclusions too quickly.

I'm somewhat ashamed at all of us for letting our biases dictate our positions and not sober analysis of all this evidence which is getting released by Trump "very soon", which is totally not a synonym for "never".
Trump will release the evidence just as swiftly as he released his tax returns, I'm sure.
Right-wing sources inform us that first class seats didn't have arm rests that were movable... therefore left-wing conspiracy.

In the real world, TWA did have movable arm rests (as if that one detail would have crushed the entire narrative).
Right-wing sources inform us that first class seats didn't have arm rests that were movable... therefore left-wing conspiracy.

In the real world, TWA did have movable arm rests (as if that one detail would have crushed the entire narrative).

B-b-but those old armrests had ashtrays built into them which could spill when you put them up, so no - Mr Trump could not have dunit.
I have heard from an extremely credible source (the same one, possibly, who exposed the President's birth certificate cover up) that Trump groped Mother Teresa at a Grungepalooza concert in '97. So, the Donald has actually fingered a saint. Response from Campaign Trump expected on Twitter at 2 a.m.
Why else does some rich real estate mogul, making incredible money and doing no work for it, buy a beauty contest?

Easy prey.
I suspect hypersexuality is part of the political package; that politicians -- type "P" personalities -- have had 'dalliances' throughout history

Like Belyaev's foxes. the genetic drive for power and prestige entails unexpected traits -- in this case hypersexuality.
I suspect hypersexuality is part of the political package; that politicians -- type "P" personalities -- have had 'dalliances' throughout history

Like Belyaev's foxes. the genetic drive for power and prestige entails unexpected traits -- in this case hypersexuality.

Their brains are in their trousers.
I suspect hypersexuality is part of the political package; that politicians -- type "P" personalities -- have had 'dalliances' throughout history

Like Belyaev's foxes. the genetic drive for power and prestige entails unexpected traits -- in this case hypersexuality.

I think there's a lot to this. I remember reading about a study that found that sexually aggressive people also tend to have good political traits. I think these people start out as the BMOC types. It's easier for them to get what they want, be it sexually, socially or politically. Note also that both Trump and Bill Clinton come from the Madmen (TV show) generation of how women are treated. Groping works for them, not 100% of the time, but a significant portion of the time. This sort of thing was somewhat acceptable behavior in the day. Not anymore. And Bill Clinton's escapades being publicized and scrutinized is a big reason for that, imo.

I believe Bill learned his lesson. Trump, not so much. Probably because Bill is running in Washington circles and Trump was running in Hollywood's. I don't think Donald understood this when he decided when he decided to run. His rejection of background checks on himself is evidence of this.
“If you have a guys' place you have a guys' place,” Trump Jr., the candidate’s eldest son and executive vice president at the Trump Organization, said, describing himself as a “guy’s guy.”

A host interjected that women “complain, ‘it’s harassment’ — that’s why we hate having them around. They stop us from doing what we want to do.”

“I’m of that mindset — and I’ll get into trouble, I’m sure I’ll get myself in trouble one of these days,” Trump began, “if you can’t handle some of the basic stuff that’s become a problem in the workforce today, then you don’t belong in the workforce. Like, you should go maybe teach kindergarten. I think it’s a respectable position.

“You can’t be negotiating billion-dollar deals if you can’t handle, like, you know,” Trump said, without elaborating. “But listen — there’s a place where you have to draw the line — but today the stuff you get in trouble for …”

I believe Bill learned his lesson. Trump, not so much. Probably because Bill is running in Washington circles and Trump was running in Hollywood's. I don't think Donald understood this when he decided when he decided to run. His rejection of background checks on himself is evidence of this.

Trump Junior says that if women can't handle sexual harassment on the job then they should leave the workforce (see link below). Well, if Trump Senior can't handle having thirty years of his private and personal lives investigated he should not run for President.


ETA: sorry, didn't see ZiprHead's post.
^ So much for Hillary's attempted response to the last question of the 2nd debate. Say something nice about your opponent. So she says he's done a good job raising his kids. No wonder he had a hard time deciding if she meant that as a compliment. :rolleyes: Ah, the fine art of sarcasm.
article previously cited said:
“I can play along. I can be fine, and then I can decide randomly, uh oh, you now have crossed the line, even though I’ve been going with it.”
The quote marks are Jr talking as a woman. NPR yesterday did a thing on Sexual Harassment and this was exactly one of the issues raised that women need to deal with. In some cases, it isn't full blown harassment, but it is a camel nose under the tent. Then if it notches from 'this is uncomfortable, but it is just once so I'll let it slide' to 'Holy fuck, what does this guy think he is doing' which interpreted into mansplainin' is 'You led me on bitch'. So women who let one thing slip then makes them think they led the guy into believing bigger things are okay... which is exactly what Donald's fuckwad of a son just said.
article previously cited said:
“I can play along. I can be fine, and then I can decide randomly, uh oh, you now have crossed the line, even though I’ve been going with it.”
The quote marks are Jr talking as a woman. NPR yesterday did a thing on Sexual Harassment and this was exactly one of the issues raised that women need to deal with. In some cases, it isn't full blown harassment, but it is a camel nose under the tent. Then if it notches from 'this is uncomfortable, but it is just once so I'll let it slide' to 'Holy fuck, what does this guy think he is doing' which interpreted into mansplainin' is 'You led me on bitch'. So women who let one thing slip then makes them think they led the guy into believing bigger things are okay... which is exactly what Donald's fuckwad of a son just said.

And the flip side is that if you slap them down at the first hint of inappropriate behavior, they insist you are a crazy over-reacting bitch.
I believe Bill learned his lesson. Trump, not so much. Probably because Bill is running in Washington circles and Trump was running in Hollywood's. I don't think Donald understood this when he decided when he decided to run. His rejection of background checks on himself is evidence of this.

Trump Junior says that if women can't handle sexual harassment on the job then they should leave the workforce (see link below). Well, if Trump Senior can't handle having thirty years of his private and personal lives investigated he should not run for President.


ETA: sorry, didn't see ZiprHead's post.

Yeah, kindergarten might not be safe from Trump either...

One thing a coworker (female) noted was that with all of these accusations, it probably implies that Trump got what he wanted some of the time. Fondling or sex under duress.
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