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Trump's Small Dick Syndrome Manifests Itself In Major Pro Sports

They can do this in their own time and keep politics out of sport. The Anthem and other ceremonies is about America, not Trump. If they hate America they can to to North Korea to further serve as Marxist marionettes. As I recall Trump just as any president in the past is working on a lot of issues.
This has nothing to do with NFL players hating America. It has to do with them exercising their free speech rights and lots of bigots and fucktards getting upset about it. Kneeling during the National Anthem (a personal choice) is no more injecting politics into sports than the playing of the national anthem.

One would think that this issue was one the President's radar that the US would not be in armed conflict anywhere in the world and not threatened by anyone in the world, and that the economy for everyone was in great shape.

Exactly--if you don't want politics at a sporting event--don't play the national anthem. Once you do, politics have been injected.
This has nothing to do with NFL players hating America. It has to do with them exercising their free speech rights and lots of bigots and fucktards getting upset about it. Kneeling during the National Anthem (a personal choice) is no more injecting politics into sports than the playing of the national anthem.

One would think that this issue was one the President's radar that the US would not be in armed conflict anywhere in the world and not threatened by anyone in the world, and that the economy for everyone was in great shape.

They are there to play the ball for all Americans and should not discriminate on the basis of political views. There is nothing wrong with playing the National Anthem.

From Russia with Love
https://www.rt.com/usa/190048-usa-bombing-six-country/ (23 September 2014)
O, bomber! Obama bombs 7th country in 6 years

And from the UK press as RT is taboo.
'Peace' President? How Obama came to bomb seven countries in six years
US has engaged in conflict in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and now Syria

They can do this in their own time and not force their dogma on others. Anyone else bringing their politics to the workplace would get the bum's rush for being disruptive.

The Anthem and other ceremonies is about America, not Trump. This was never a problem to the NFL since 1920.
If they really hate America they can to to North Korea to further serve as Marxist marionettes over there.

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They can do this in their own time and keep politics out of sport. The Anthem and other ceremonies is about America, not Trump.

The Anthem is a battle song that taunts the opponent. If people really wanted to keep politics out of sport, they'd stop playing the fucking song.

You mean an American team playing against an American team taunts with the Anthem?
What other workplaces in the USA play the national anthem at the beginning of a session of work? Not being an American, I don't know, but I can tell you the Canada anthem was never played as a regular part of work happened in all the workplaces I've worked at in Canada.

Unless you can give us a comprehensive list of such American workplaces, your comparison of the correct expectations of workers is fatuous.
Please explain how an insincere statement made in jest can be a brazen lie.
This describes Trump talking about promises that he will accomplish in his first 100 days: simply hyperbole, which is only an insincere statement made in jest.

So, by your standards, Trump has told some brazen lies about what eh would accomplish in 100 days.
What other workplaces in the USA play the national anthem at the beginning of a session of work? Not being an American, I don't know, but I can tell you the Canada anthem was never played as a regular part of work happened in all the workplaces I've worked at in Canada.

Unless you can give us a comprehensive list of such American workplaces, your comparison of the correct expectations of workers is fatuous.
Try NASCAR. The NFL is about entertaining fantasy, so the Anthem easily fits right in.

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This describes Trump talking about promises that he will accomplish in his first 100 days: simply hyperbole, which is only an insincere statement made in jest.

So, by your standards, Trump has told some brazen lies about what eh would accomplish in 100 days.
He has told brazen lies about lots of things.
Or in the work place. After all, the owners are exercising their free speech by playing the national anthem.
The statistics merely show that people of all ethnic backgrounds get killed by police.
Which is irrelevant to the protest. Duh.

Sport is not a platform give verdicts before due process has been exercised.
If the anthem is dropped altogether that's up to the organizers. The Player's contract contains the following 3 key requirements

1. Play the ball
2. Play the ball
3. Play the ball

Politics is outside working hours.
Wow, you know the contracts for all the players tied to their various teams...almost INCONCEIVABLE.

However, the NFL leadership and management, many team owners and many coaches seam to be listening to other voices than yours.

And the NFL rules certainly don't carry your sewage. And the NFL has already stated that there will not be any fines for not coming onto the field for the anthem.
While the anthem continued to be a game-day fixture, NFL players typically stayed in the locker room for it.
There were exceptions, of course -- players observed the anthem after 9/11, and during Super Bowl games. But it wasn't until 2009 that players were mandated to be on the field for the song.
In fact, in 2016 the NFL made clear that players were not required to stand for the anthem.

"Players are encouraged but not required to stand during the playing of the national anthem," the NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said last year after 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick's protests gained attention.

This is up to the management and perhaps it could cancel the Anthem altogether.
What are the protests about? Claiming a murder was committed before due process.
No, it is about the treatment of blacks by the police. It is abundantly clear you have no clue what you are posting about.
They can do this in their own time and keep politics out of sport. The Anthem and other ceremonies is about America, not Trump. If they hate America they can to to North Korea to further serve as Marxist marionettes. As I recall Trump just as any president in the past is working on a lot of issues.
so famous black (or famous other) athletes are not to protest what they perceive as racist acts by paid agents of their country, and should, like, totally respect the anthem? Such an attitude as yours is not very brightly democratic but a more a shade of totalitarian--like North Korea, for example.
Nor do I take kneeling as yugely disrespectful--it's not like mooning or blowing a raspberry or giving the finger.
I believe naturally born citizens of the United States have good reason to show respect towards their country. However, we can freely choose to refrain from showing respect. For instance, sitting out the national anthem or not participating in the pledge of allegence. It's not respectful, but it's not overt disrespect either. Kneeling and burning the flag, on the other hand is highly disrespectful ... disgraceful even.

Kneeling, in and of itself, is not disrespectful. It squarely depends on the intended representation of the speech act. For instance, kneeling before a king or kneeling at an alter at church or kneeling by ones bed at night in prayer isn't represented as what it's represented as when done by players. It's a gigantic "fuck you" America. That transcends the lack of respect to full blown disrespect. Understanding the difference can be seen as the difference between weak atheism and strong atheism, as the marked distinction is one merely lacks belief whereas the other fully disbelieves. The players mouths might not be moving, but neither are they when the middle finger is raised with vulgar intention.

Trump is smarter than people give him credit for, and I for one applaud him for calling out the hate. He's not calling for legal penalty, no fines or jail time, and there is zilch in the way of evidence that he has any intentions of altering the first amendment, and to fight fire with fire, do please, let them continue to maintain the freedom to talk shit about my country, and let the words of the left come back to bite them in the ass: freedom of speech doesn't imply freedom of consequence.

Oh, and for those who think otherwise, it's preposterously asinine to think this is about race. If you are aboard a battleship and one of five other ships starts firing missiles at you, the racial make up of the members of the particular ship you fire back upon has no bearing on the issue. Trump will hold as much contempt for whites saying fuck you America while burning flags as he will black people saying fuck you America with their outlandish kneeling vulgarity.
Trump is smarter than people give him credit for, and I for one applaud him for calling out the hate. He's not calling for legal penalty, no fines or jail time, and there is zilch in the way of evidence that he has any intentions of altering the first amendment, and to fight fire with fire, do please, let them continue to maintain the freedom to talk shit about my country, and let the words of the left come back to bite them in the ass: freedom of speech doesn't imply freedom of consequence.

Oh, and for those who think otherwise, it's preposterously asinine to think this is about race. If you are aboard a battleship and one of five other ships starts firing missiles at you, the racial make up of the members of the particular ship you fire back upon has no bearing on the issue. Trump will hold as much contempt for whites saying fuck you America while burning flags as he will black people saying fuck you America with their outlandish kneeling vulgarity.
Where do you honestly read hate in this protest?
Trump is smarter than people give him credit for, and I for one applaud him for calling out the hate. He's not calling for legal penalty, no fines or jail time, and there is zilch in the way of evidence that he has any intentions of altering the first amendment, and to fight fire with fire, do please, let them continue to maintain the freedom to talk shit about my country, and let the words of the left come back to bite them in the ass: freedom of speech doesn't imply freedom of consequence.

Oh, and for those who think otherwise, it's preposterously asinine to think this is about race. If you are aboard a battleship and one of five other ships starts firing missiles at you, the racial make up of the members of the particular ship you fire back upon has no bearing on the issue. Trump will hold as much contempt for whites saying fuck you America while burning flags as he will black people saying fuck you America with their outlandish kneeling vulgarity.
Where do you honestly read hate in this protest?

fast is an out-and-out authoritarian. Not showing deference to a national symbol is hateful to authoritarians. Criticizing the country is essentially equivalent to violence. The disgust dripping from his words is palpable, and no doubt he is the sort who would have been against every major liberal movement in America, likely the revolution too, ironically, if he had been around at the time with similar political inclinations.
Or in the work place. After all, the owners are exercising their free speech by playing the national anthem.
The statistics merely show that people of all ethnic backgrounds get killed by police.
Which is irrelevant to the protest. Duh.

Sport is not a platform give verdicts before due process has been exercised.
If the anthem is dropped altogether that's up to the organizers. The Player's contract contains the following 3 key requirements

1. Play the ball
2. Play the ball
3. Play the ball

Politics is outside working hours.
Wow, you know the contracts for all the players tied to their various teams...almost INCONCEIVABLE.

However, the NFL leadership and management, many team owners and many coaches seam to be listening to other voices than yours.

And the NFL rules certainly don't carry your sewage. And the NFL has already stated that there will not be any fines for not coming onto the field for the anthem.
While the anthem continued to be a game-day fixture, NFL players typically stayed in the locker room for it.
There were exceptions, of course -- players observed the anthem after 9/11, and during Super Bowl games. But it wasn't until 2009 that players were mandated to be on the field for the song.
In fact, in 2016 the NFL made clear that players were not required to stand for the anthem.

"Players are encouraged but not required to stand during the playing of the national anthem," the NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said last year after 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick's protests gained attention.

This is up to the management and perhaps it could cancel the Anthem altogether.
What are the protests about? Claiming a murder was committed before due process.
No, it is about the treatment of blacks by the police. It is abundantly clear you have no clue what you are posting about.


"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

What I stated is implied in his statement.
so famous black (or famous other) athletes are not to protest what they perceive as racist acts by paid agents of their country, and should, like, totally respect the anthem? Such an attitude as yours is not very brightly democratic but a more a shade of totalitarian--like North Korea, for example.
Nor do I take kneeling as yugely disrespectful--it's not like mooning or blowing a raspberry or giving the finger.
I believe naturally born citizens of the United States have good reason to show respect towards their country. However, we can freely choose to refrain from showing respect. For instance, sitting out the national anthem or not participating in the pledge of allegence. It's not respectful, but it's not overt disrespect either. Kneeling and burning the flag, on the other hand is highly disrespectful ... disgraceful even.

Kneeling, in and of itself, is not disrespectful. It squarely depends on the intended representation of the speech act. For instance, kneeling before a king or kneeling at an alter at church or kneeling by ones bed at night in prayer isn't represented as what it's represented as when done by players. It's a gigantic "fuck you" America. That transcends the lack of respect to full blown disrespect.
Well, almost the totality of the NFL disagrees with your notions of disrespect. And though I have no more interest in watching football than I would watching paint dry, I agree that they have every right to their mild form of protest and I don't see any disrespect to the flag, the national anthem, nor the country. In fact I find it far more disrespectful to the nation to abuse temporary worker programs to fill uber expensive and exclusive clubs with cheap foreign workers, but yeah the agency(s) involved have approved it.

Trump is smarter than people give him credit for, and I for one applaud him for calling out the hate.
LOL Yeah, that must be why he has spent 80% of his time since the start of last May, below a 40% job approval rating. That is one hell of a record...
But he is 'technically' a below average businessman when measured against the S&P 500.
You are talking about private as opposed to public.

And he is 'technically' unsuccessful at winning the popular vote and below average on delivering on campaign promises.
The popular vote is not the name of the game, and it is still way too early on all of those promises.

For the vast majority of the thinking masses, politics is NOT A FUCKING GAME to be "won" or "lost". It is (supposed to be) the fair representation of the people's demands.
so famous black (or famous other) athletes are not to protest what they perceive as racist acts by paid agents of their country, and should, like, totally respect the anthem? Such an attitude as yours is not very brightly democratic but a more a shade of totalitarian--like North Korea, for example.
Nor do I take kneeling as yugely disrespectful--it's not like mooning or blowing a raspberry or giving the finger.
I believe naturally born citizens of the United States have good reason to show respect towards their country.
Yeah... that whole "respect" thing.
However, we can freely choose to refrain from showing respect. For instance, sitting out the national anthem or not participating in the pledge of allegence. It's not respectful, but it's not overt disrespect either. Kneeling and burning the flag, on the other hand is highly disrespectful ... disgraceful even.
Disrespectful to whom exactly?

And how in the living fuck did kneeling become equivalent to burning?!

Kneeling, in and of itself, is not disrespectful. It squarely depends on the intended representation of the speech act. For instance, kneeling before a king or kneeling at an alter at church or kneeling by ones bed at night in prayer isn't represented as what it's represented as when done by players. It's a gigantic "fuck you" America.
Or it could be noted as a symbol indicating they think there are some conditions or situations that are occuring in the nation that go against the principles of this nation. If they wanted to give America a big "Fuck you!!!" they could wave the North Korean flag.

Trump is smarter than people give him credit for,...
That is possible as some people think he is really dumb.
...and I for one applaud him for calling out the hate.
Yeah. Kneeling is to hate as Tiki Torches is to being a fine citizen.
He's not calling for legal penalty, no fines or jail time, and there is zilch in the way of evidence that he has any intentions of altering the first amendment, and to fight fire with fire, do please, let them continue to maintain the freedom to talk shit about my country, and let the words of the left come back to bite them in the ass: freedom of speech doesn't imply freedom of consequence.
He is actually calling for people to be fired... and of course, he wants other people to do it as per his norm. He thinks free speech is reserved to those of whom he thinks owns it. That isn't very bright.

Oh, and for those who think otherwise, it's preposterously asinine to think this is about race. If you are aboard a battleship and one of five other ships starts firing missiles at you, the racial make up of the members of the particular ship you fire back upon has no bearing on the issue. Trump will hold as much contempt for whites saying fuck you America while burning flags as he will black people saying fuck you America with their outlandish kneeling vulgarity.
And people that continue to use ridiculously unrelated analogies will continue to be ridiculed for the foolish statements they make.
it's preposterously asinine to think this is about race.

Of course it's about race. It's idiotic to think it's about "the flag" or "disrespecting the country". Those canards are for simple minded lemmings who swallow Cheato's insane racist edicts.
Great point! Talk about disrespecting the US flag!
How in the fuck can you compare a symbol treason and racism with the horribly disrespectful act of kneeling during the national anthem :confused: You must really hate Merika...

I think you left out an "of" between symbol and treason. That could be disastrous, you know. I mean, how would you feel if a waitress brought you some cvefe?
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