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Twitter likely to take idiots offer to buy them for $43 billion

From some of the twitter comments about the poll of 429 twitter users by HarrisX...

429 is a terrible sample size.

Twitter users are international but the poll was US only.

The company claiming its methods are great failed miserably for midterm elections.

429 responses?? Wow. That’s ballsy.
As an aside, the employer also required us to create Linked-in accounts. Linked in is way more focused on one's own industry pretty much non-political. It's ok but limited. But I'm glad that over the 10 years I've established about 500 industry contacts most of whom I know personally. At one point my former employer came out with a new handbook/employment contract that claimed that the company had a right to access my Linked-in account to cull my contacts. The entire company gave the new Vulture Capitalist owners the big FUCK YOU. They removed that from the employment contract after it became clear that they would have to fire all of us.

Thinking about how before now I mainly (rarely) used Twitter and Linked-In for work. Not personal.

I forgot a fun fact. So 2010ish we were all told to create Twitter and Linked-in accounts.

Around 2016 the new owners put out an employee agreement that we were required to sign. Among many things was the the rule of no social media at work. Of course a major part of some people's job, like sales and marketing, was to Tweet, Link, etc.. about the company but also most of all level of consultant were told that part of the job was to Tweet and post on Linked-In regularly. (I never did)

This clause was deleted in a couple of days as pretty much everyone told management that it's part of their job! Nice how no one who had been around a while wasn't asked to review it.

Around 2020 the company was acquired again and a new employee manual came out saying that the company has access to our Twitter, Linked-in and Facebook accounts including taking possession of our Linked-in contact networks. I was never a big Linked-in user but I accepted a contact request from most people I knew and had about 500 in my industry. Others used it a lot more.

About a month went by and the deadline to sign the contract was approaching but I only know only one person who signed it. Signing was required for employment. Most people were doing what I was doing. Sitting on it. We knew they couldn't fire us. We knew they had no right to it. just before the deadline I was in several meetings that included top management and the "hell no" to the CEO went out. One woman who was a Director at my level but a different area skewered and ate the CEO, figuratively :)

There was no way they could fire us without destroying the company.

A new contract went out a week later and that section was deleted.

I wonder what people where I used to work think of this.
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I re-joined Twitter earlier this year after a three year break and the product was a hot mess, but I did have a handful of long-time friends on the platform who I chatted with. I ended up witnessing Roger Federer's retirement, which was amazing, and then this debacle which caused me to quit again.

Anyway, I signed up for Mastodon and it's a far, far better platform than Twitter in it's current form, like it can't be over-stated how much better. The difference being that Twitter was built to make a profit, while Mastodon is an open source platform built for real people, and is .. actually populated by people now, and only growing by the day with Elon's idiocy. The social dynamic on the site is a lot different.

Mileage may vary for users, as I think many people used Twitter to build their brand / online persona, while Mastodon feels more private and for actual discourse. I'm more interested in the consumption side of things, which Mastodon is genuinely very good for. I found a number of social science servers and was off to the races.
From some of the twitter comments about the poll of 429 twitter users by HarrisX...

429 is a terrible sample size.

Twitter users are international but the poll was US only.

The company claiming its methods are great failed miserably for midterm elections.

429 responses?? Wow. That’s ballsy.
I think they had over a 1000, but they asked each person if they were a twitter user. Only 429 were. So, they have results for both sets.
I did log back into Twitter recently for the first time since Musk happened to it. I did so to vote in the poll that he should quit as CEO, even though I suspected he would just renege in the way he has on past promises of that sort. The landslide vote was for him to leave. Will he quit?

Well, no word on that. Now there is some talk about how a lot of "bots" voted in the poll, and he is saying that only paying subscribers will get a chance to vote on matters affecting Twitter policy in the future. And he's still there. No word on whether he will quit, but he seems to be refusing to concede the election poll results.

Elon Musk: Only blue tick users to vote in Twitter polls on policy

Ah, only the special people's speech matters.
I did log back into Twitter recently for the first time since Musk happened to it. I did so to vote in the poll that he should quit as CEO, even though I suspected he would just renege in the way he has on past promises of that sort. The landslide vote was for him to leave. Will he quit?

Well, no word on that. Now there is some talk about how a lot of "bots" voted in the poll, and he is saying that only paying subscribers will get a chance to vote on matters affecting Twitter policy in the future. And he's still there. No word on whether he will quit, but he seems to be refusing to concede the election poll results.

Elon Musk: Only blue tick users to vote in Twitter polls on policy

Maybe he thinks that hundreds of millions, possibly billions of people will pay $8 for a blue check in order to vote in his polls thus solving his revenue problems.
In an alternate universe where that poll went the other way, Musk would have kept his word and not stepped down until maybe a few weeks or months from now.

As opposed to our universe where he abides by the poll result and steps down in a few weeks or months from now when he finds a replacement.

Doesn't this remind us of a dialog option in a video game where both answers lead to same result?
In an alternate universe where that poll went the other way, Musk would have kept his word and not stepped down until maybe a few weeks or months from now.

As opposed to our universe where he abides by the poll result and steps down in a few weeks or months from now when he finds a replacement.

Doesn't this remind us of a dialog option in a video game where both answers lead to same result?
I think you are right.

That said, a few months after that, Musk will do another useless poll, fire the new CEO and rehire himself.

This is part of his pwning the libs strategy.
In an alternate universe where that poll went the other way, Musk would have kept his word and not stepped down until maybe a few weeks or months from now.

As opposed to our universe where he abides by the poll result and steps down in a few weeks or months from now when he finds a replacement.

Doesn't this remind us of a dialog option in a video game where both answers lead to same result?
I think you are right.

That said, a few months after that, Musk will do another useless poll, fire the new CEO and rehire himself.

This is part of his pwning the libs strategy.
I think he'll find a sock puppet that can handle day to day shitstorms, while Musk makes the big decisions anyway.
What does it say about someone’s intellect that they decided to post this poll about their job? WTF?
He doesn’t lose ownership and control; just an exit from the hubbub.
He bought it... he put himself in control. He destabilized the company. He had no solutions to problems Twitter had, or the ones he would create himself.
He cut like half the employees and it works just fine. He also suspected many accounts associated with child exploitation (which Twitter 1.0 was well aware of). That’s probably why the left hates him.
Works just fine?!?!

What he removed was mostly the ability to respond to problems. At this point Twitter is a trainwreck looking for a place to happen.

And what's with the child exploitation garbage? Claiming such stuff was removed doesn't make it so. What he's actually done is removed most of the ability to respond to such stuff.
Do you actually use Twitter? I've not noticed any slowdown. Works just fine.

I don't use Twitter because it has no value to me. However, your response doesn't address my point at all. Why would I see a slowdown in Twitter? Note what I said: "ability to respond to problems". It's going to keep going fine until something goes wrong. It's just he's gutted their ability to respond to problems and probably destroyed a lot of historical knowledge in the process--you can't just drop new people in the situation and expect them to fix things without taking a lot of time to study the situation first.

And just because he's claiming to have banned a bunch of accounts doesn't make it so. That URL doesn't suggest much honesty, either.
So either most of Twitter’s work force was completely unnecessary and doing nothing useful for the operation of the platform or it’s just coasting on autopilot while the pilot leaves the aircraft.
Good comparison. He kicked out the flight crew and sat in the captain's seat but doesn't have even an hour of pilot training. So long as the autopilot can fly it, fine. When it can't, AF447.
I don't think Musk's a genius, but yes, he absolutely got 'pwned' by the senior executives at Twitter who forced him to buy at an inflated price, then got themselves fired with stock compensation worth many millions more than it otherwise would have been.
It's entirely a self-pwn. They didn't make him make the insane offer, they just held him to it when he made it.
he absolutely got 'pwned' by himself for voluntarily signing an agreement to over-pay for a business and the senior executives at Twitter who wisely forced him to buy honor the agreement he stupidly made at an inflated price,

The agreement was voluntary and Musk’s own idea. No one “forced” him to make it. They only forced him to not be a liar and a cheat who reneges on it.
Nobody forced him to make the initial offer and I've never claimed otherwise.

Whether it was 'wise' for the Twitter senior executives to force him into honouring the agreement is an opinion you'd have to ask the previous Twitter base and its employees. I suspect there are quite a number of them who are unhappy that Musk took over.
Their first responsibility is to the shareholders. They got an offer to sell at a wildly-inflated price, it would have been improper corporate governance to turn it down unless the shareholders voted to reject it.
Elmo is arguing on Twitter with a large Tesla invester.

"Bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him."
Elmo is arguing on Twitter with a large Tesla invester.

"Bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him."

Nothing can stem the stock price fall for Tesla. The market is correcting for Tesla's insane price to earnings ratio, higher (even in December 2022) than for Amazon and Apple.

For context, Amazon has dropped 50% this year, Alphabet 40%, Meta 40%, Netflix 50%.
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