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Twitter likely to take idiots offer to buy them for $43 billion

So you don't actually have a rebuttal.
More like I wasn't dignifying your partisan bullshit with a response. You want a real answer here it is - if you honestly gave a flying fuck about child sexualization or groom or whatever buzzword you heard on Tucker last night, you'd be looking into your own house first.
Do you let your conservative friends know how you feel about them?
Fuck oath I do. And they give as good as they take. Politics isn't a deal breaker with my mates. One of them worked for Phillip Ruddock and is currently working for Alex Hawke, two people who I think are vile worthless cunts.
I have friends across the political spectrum but I don't think I'd tell them they fuck children because they have a particular political persuasion. But different strokes for different folks, I guess.
I have friends across the political spectrum but I don't think I'd tell them they fuck children because they have a particular political persuasion. But different strokes for different folks, I guess.
That's definitely one take. A shame it's wrong though.
Teen birth rates are a sign that teenagers don't know or don't care to use contraception, not that they are having more sex or earlier sex than other states.

Age of consent laws don't really influence (as far as I know) how early teens have sex with each other.

I am not sure what you are attempting to demonstrate with the last link.
Teen sexual activity rates by state.

Screenshot 2022-12-27 210119.jpg
The top ten. The rest are available at the site.
Teen birth rates are a sign that teenagers don't know or don't care to use contraception
Well, yes. The states where kids are surrounded with constant heterosexual propaganda, but are not allowed to access sex education of any kind, have very high rates of teen pregnancy. Fancy that.

My own family had this exact problem recently; my cousin was pretty clearly "set up" with a certain lovely young lady from church. They were of course not supposed to have sex (that would be sinful!) but it was a fact commonly acknowledged that those two were "sweet on each other" from the time they were literally children. At the behest of their parents, who constantly arranged for them to be in the same place, because there just weren't all that many other options unless one or the other started looking outside the small church community. A childhood betrothal in all but name. Now everyone on the Idaho branch of the family is feigning shock or secret scandal at the fact that the lady is now in a seemingly advanced state of pregnancy just two months after their wedding (they are 17 both), while those of us who live in the modern world are simply rolling our eyes at the inevitability of it all.
Well, yes. The states where kids are surrounded with constant heterosexual propaganda, but are not allowed to access sex education of any kind, have very high rates of teen pregnancy. Fancy that.
What were the teen pregnancy rates before sex education in schools? Just kinda silly to think you need school to teach about that.
Well, yes. The states where kids are surrounded with constant heterosexual propaganda, but are not allowed to access sex education of any kind, have very high rates of teen pregnancy. Fancy that.
What were the teen pregnancy rates before sex education in schools? Just kinda silly to think you need school to teach about that.
Are you asking whether teen pregnancy was common before the 1950s? Yes, yes it was.

And parents cannot teach what they do not know.
What were the teen pregnancy rates before sex education in schools? Just kinda silly to think you need school to teach about that.
Ah, another RW prude.
Yeah, they can learn all about without any outside help. Of course raising the baby born of the resulting ignorance at age 14 or so, isn’t problematic in Ollie’s all-white fantasy universe. Seems like Murka’s Babble Belt is the closest existing approximation of Ollie’s ideal society.
Well, yes. The states where kids are surrounded with constant heterosexual propaganda, but are not allowed to access sex education of any kind, have very high rates of teen pregnancy. Fancy that.
What were the teen pregnancy rates before sex education in schools? Just kinda silly to think you need school to teach about that.
They were high--just usually hushed up.
Bear in mind that the pill did not come out until the 1960s, which was the beginning of the so-called "sexual revolution". That's also when sex education became more widely supported in public schools in the US. A large part of any course on sex education involves teaching students about methods of contraception. The use of contraceptives has been the largest causal factor associated with the long term decline in teenage pregnancies over time. I bet a few people here would never have figured that out, if I hadn't mentioned it. :) So it makes sense to think that sex education per se is a contributing factor, since not knowing about methods of contraception would probably lead to them not being used.


What Is Behind the Declines in Teen Pregnancy Rates?

Basically, teen pregnancy rates can decrease in one of two ways—if teens have less sex or become more effective contraceptive users—or through some combination of the two. The evidence clearly indicates that more and better contraceptive use has been the main factor driving the long-term decline in teen pregnancy. The evidence, however, is much murkier when it comes to deciphering the social, cultural and economic factors affecting teens’ sexual behaviors and contraceptive use patterns. Deconstructing why teen pregnancy rates have fallen over the last several decades nonetheless matters, so that future programs, policies and practices can be shaped to help advance—rather than hinder—these positive trends.
A gifted link to NYT on Covid misinformation with a focus on social media and comments on Twitter.

I though I'd do a quick search on Twitter on "Covid Vaccine" and I'd guess that 70% of the top hits were lies about the vaccines. Twitter is a whore house of lies again.
Well, yes. The states where kids are surrounded with constant heterosexual propaganda, but are not allowed to access sex education of any kind, have very high rates of teen pregnancy. Fancy that.
What were the teen pregnancy rates before sex education in schools? Just kinda silly to think you need school to teach about that.

I have no idea where you grew up, but there's always been sex ed in schools. The difference is that now it's more than youngsters telling each other garbled versions of what they think they heard. Like "You won't get pregnant if you do it standing up."
Well, yes. The states where kids are surrounded with constant heterosexual propaganda, but are not allowed to access sex education of any kind, have very high rates of teen pregnancy. Fancy that.
What were the teen pregnancy rates before sex education in schools? Just kinda silly to think you need school to teach about that.

I have no idea where you grew up, but there's always been sex ed in schools. The difference is that now it's more than youngsters telling each other garbled versions of what they think they heard. Like "You won't get pregnant if you do it standing up."

Well, that isn't totally true. Some anti-abortion Republicans still get their information from the garbled versions. For example, there is the bizarre idea that women can't get pregnant from rape:

'Rape can't cause pregnancy': A brief history of Todd Akin's bogus theory

Hence, Akin concluded that women who had been raped should not be allowed to abort the resulting pregnancies.
The states where kids are surrounded with constant heterosexual propaganda, but are not allowed to access sex education of any kind, have very high rates of teen pregnancy.

Pay attention, the propaganda in schools is there is no gender and heterosexuality is deviant behavior. That ought to cut teen pregnancy.
The states where kids are surrounded with constant heterosexual propaganda, but are not allowed to access sex education of any kind, have very high rates of teen pregnancy.

Pay attention, the propaganda in schools is there is no gender and heterosexuality is deviant behavior. That ought to cut teen pregnancy.
Where? When?

Can you back up that claim with anything?

Specifically. Not just a vague reference to something you think someone said on InfoWars.
The states where kids are surrounded with constant heterosexual propaganda, but are not allowed to access sex education of any kind, have very high rates of teen pregnancy.

Pay attention, the propaganda in schools is there is no gender and heterosexuality is deviant behavior. That ought to cut teen pregnancy.
What school is that?
The states where kids are surrounded with constant heterosexual propaganda, but are not allowed to access sex education of any kind, have very high rates of teen pregnancy.

Pay attention, the propaganda in schools is there is no gender and heterosexuality is deviant behavior. That ought to cut teen pregnancy.
What school is that?

I think he meant that we should pay attention to the rightwing propaganda that "propaganda in schools is there is no gender and heterosexuality is deviant behavior." If we let ourselves be exposed to such propaganda over a long period of time, we might actually come to believe it without needing any proof to back it up.
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