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Types of UFO's


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
 Close encounter has J. Allen Hynek's taxonomy of UFO's, with extensions past the third kind of close encounter:
  1. Nocturnal lights
  2. Daylight disks
  3. Radar-visual: UFO's seen with both
  4. Close encounters of the first kind: close enough to see lots of details
  5. Close encounters of the second kind: physical effects
  6. Close encounters of the third kind: animated entities ("UFOnauts") visible.
  7. Close encounters of the fourth kind: abduction, often including experiments done by the UFOnauts
  8. Close encounters of the fifth kind: cooperative contact and communication with friendly UFOnauts:  contactee reports
  9. Close encounters of the sixth kind: human or animal deaths, though this may be an extreme example of the second kind
  10. Close encounters of the seventh kind: human/UFOnaut hybridization
That taxonomy was the inspiration of the name of the movie  Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

The more sober and rational UFOlogists, or at least those who consider themselves sober and rational, tend to disdain the contactees as the lunatic fringe of their movement.

The most common sightings are the nocturnal lights, followed by the daylight disks. Many of them turn out to be various known phenomena, like the planet Venus, though sometimes unusual variations of them, like airplanes with unusual lights. There is a sort of "real UFO" that's recognized in mainstream science:  ball lightning. It is rare and controversial, something that ought to give aspiring UFOlogists some humility.

Radar-visual cases usually turn out to have no connection between the radar object and the visual object.

Abductions are likely nightmares and sleep-paralysis hallucinations and the like. The abductors being ET's is likely their being a high-tech version of ghosts and demons.

The contactee reports sometimes seem quasi-religious. The Space People have advanced technology and happy and peaceful societies, and they are very concerned about us and our self-destructive tendencies. Yet they are unwilling to intervene in force or appear to our leaders -- nothing like the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still.
As soon as it is possible to identify an object as an alien spacecraft, it is no longer appropriate to refer to it as a UFO.

By definition, UFOs are not identified; so if someone claims to know what one is, they are mistaken.

The sum total of all the evidence for alien visitors to our planet is about as reliable and convincing as the evidence for Angel Moroni's golden plates.

It would be surprising if we were the only intelligent life in the universe, or even in the galaxy. It would nevertheless also be surprising if any intelligent life had ever visited our solar system from elsewhere. The technological barriers that stand in the way of our detecting, and then visiting, an extraterrestrial civilisation are the same barriers ET faces in coming to visit us; and they are huge barriers. Space is big, and the speed of light is comparatively slow.
Types of UFOs:

1. Flying Objects that you can see, but can't identify.
They don't have to be flying. I heard of a UFO observer report she saw a pair of bright sparkles low in the distant sky. After she spotted them, they quickly zipped away to the right, in perfect formation, faster than any known plane or other man-made object could possibly accelerate.

It turned out that what she saw was the headlights of a car behind her reflected off of wet power lines in front of her. Their quick lateral motion was the car making a right-hand turn.

UFO's are a very old phenomena, if this article can be trusted.

the Brown Mountain Lights

In 1771, German scientist, Gerard Will de Brahm, viewed the lights and reported, “The mountains emit nitrous vapors which are borne by the wind and when laden winds meet each other the niter inflames, sulphurates and deteriorates.” The US Geological Survey, however, put forth another explanation in 1913: headlights lights from a train in the Catawba Valley. The government scientists did not bother to explain how the lights appeared before the advent of the locomotive. Ironically, a flood in 1916 destroyed the railroad line credited as the source of the lights… and, the lights continued.
The Marfa lights are another mystery.


The Marfa Lights, mysterious glowing orbs that appear in the desert outside the West Texas town of Marfa, have mystified people for generations.

According to eyewitnesses, the Marfa Lights appear to be roughly the size of basketballs and are varyingly described as white, blue, yellow, red or other colors.

Reportedly, the Marfa Lights hover, merge, twinkle, split into two, flicker, float up into the air or dart quickly across Mitchell Flat (the area east of Marfa where they're most commonly reported).

There are plenty of alternative sources besides locomotives. So I'm not impressed with those lights.

Let's now look at the opposite end of the UFOlogical spectrum from distant lights.

In his 1966 book Intelligent Life in the Universe, Carl Sagan described his testifying in a trial involving a certain Helmut Winckler, someone who claimed that he was visited by some Saturnians. They showed him various things, like the location of a deposit of quartz that cured cancer. He proposed to start a mining company to mine that quartz, accepting some money for doing so. That led to him being tried for fraud.

The prosecution invited CS as an expert witness to testify about whether Saturn could have humanlike inhabitants. He explained how one finds out about conditions on other planets, and he explained that Saturn is unlikely to have such inhabitants.

Helmut Winckler seems to have been  Reinhold O. Schmidt, an identification also supported by
1957.1105 Reinhold Schmidt encounter - www.isaackoi.com.

I've also found
the claimed ufocontacts of Reinhold Schmidt
The Curious Case of Reinhold Schmidt Leads to Psychiatric Hospital, Criminal Conviction | UFOGrid
Schmidt,Reinhold,Contactee,1957,J.Clark.pdf -- also mentioning Carl Sagan and that trial

Here's a bit of Carl Sagan's account:
On another expedition, the Saturnians took Winckler to that Mecca of the occult, the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt. They mingled with a group of tourists being guided through the interior of the pyramid. (I have a vivid mental image of this procession: Egyptian guide, two middle-aged ladies from Dubuque, some assorted French and German tourists, six Saturnians in flowing robes, and, brining up the rear, Helmut Winckler in levis.) At a certain intersection of pathways, the tourists went in one direction, and Winckler and the Saturnians in the other. They were confronted with a blank wall. Appropriate pressures were applied to appropriate bricks, and the wall slid open, revealing a chamber within. The party entered, and the stone door slid silently shut behind them. In the room were (1) a small, one-man flying saucer, quite dusty with age; (2) a large and equally ancient wooden cross perhaps ten feet high; and (3) a toroid of thorns about eight inches in diameter. The Saturnians offhandedly explained that one of their number had attempted a mission to Earth some two thousand years ago. He had met with somewhat qualified success.
from Shooting Yourself in the Foot: Sagan, Asimov, and Michio Kaku

I've also found 12 of 21 - CHAPTER 10 I GET THE STORY OF REINHOLD SCHMIDT.wmv - YouTube -- over an hour and a half
No mention of RS's trial for fraud, but it did mention his going into a secret chamber below the Great Pyramid of Egypt. It contained a flying saucer that had been used by a visitor from Venus about 2000 years ago: Jesus Christ.
There are plenty of alternative sources besides locomotives. So I'm not impressed with those lights.
There are some mysteries. Mystery meaning that we don't yet understand or have an explanation for them.

It is those who try to explain them as alien visitors, spirits, extradenominational beings, etc. or those who are delusional or the outright hoaxers that you are criticizing.

To ignore something or to assume it doesn't exist because of the wacko interpretations is a mistake. Ball lightning was ignored by serious science until the 1960s because of the wackos and the tendency to deny the existence rare phenomena. It wasn't until almost 1990 that science recognized weather phenomena like sprites, elves, and blue jets that had been reported by pilots for decades.

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If you see something in the sky and can't prove what it is, then you have definitely proved that it's an alien space ship.

Pew! Pew!
Wikipedia has an article on  Min Min light,  Will-o'-the-wisp, and also  Atmospheric ghost lights, though that one isn't very detailed. They don't seem very well understood. Swamp-gas chemiluminescence? Afterimages? Swarms of fireflies? Ball lightning? I've seen afterimages proposed for ball lightning also.

So in a sense, it is a "real UFO", though it is a nocturnal light rather than some high index of close encounter.

Like this one:

Truman Bethurum's Call To Clarion by Skylaire Alfvegren

Truman Bethurum claimed that in 1953, he was contacted by people from a planet called Clarion. He claimed initially that it was on the other side of the Moon, then on the other side of the Sun, which is why we don't observe it.

He went to their spaceship, which was a flying saucer with a diameter of 300 ft and a center height of 18 ft (90 m, 5.5 m). Going inside, he met its captain, a woman named Aura Rhanes. She had a "slender, Latin-type face", and she was wearing a “radiant red skirt, black velvet short sleeved blouse and a black beret with red trim.” From the second link,
They told me they have no wars, that they have no strife, and no juvenile delinquency. They said the planet Earth is the only planet that has had strife. They said the planet Earth is the only planet that does not have interplanetary means of travel - the only one, because of strife. I believe the good Lord Himself is preventing us from having interplanetary means of travel, as long as there is strife on the planet Earth. (Why take war into space?) ...

These small space people told me they live in bountiful plenty on their planet, that there is no strife, and that they live to an extreme old age. Their youthful look was something to behold. The lady captain said she had children at home and that she was a grandmother. She said there was no class distinction on their planet - there were no extreme riches or no poverty, that everyone had everything. She said they have a machine similar to television, and they do not need a sending station, but can sit in the luxury of their homes and view anything from the beginning of time. They can read people's minds from a great, long distance, and they know when it is safe to come, and they have to know whether we will accept them as friends before they come and help us.

From Skylaire's account,
The captain later informed him that her ship was made of “the finest Martian steel” (Mars being a great manufacturing planet, according to Rhanes), and Bethurum noted that the ship had no “propellers, no exhaust vents, wings” or rudders and it was completely silent, even when landing and taking off. ...

During their next visit, Rhanes told Bethurum that she was a grandmother back on Clarion. Her prognosis for Earth wasn’t optimistic. She said “I expect to be around for 1,000 years, but the water in your deserts will mostly be tears” and that “Other planets are much too busy improving the welfare of their inhabitants to have time for even minor controversies.” ...

According to Rhanes, Clarion is an utopian paradise, where there are no wars or strife, no traffic jams or hustle-bustle. She stated that education is a top priority and “improving our own lives… is a full time job.” No child plays with toys “in imitation of death” and weddings are much like our own, but celebrated like Americans “celebrate Independence Day.”

Clarionites believe in a “Supreme deity who knows, sees and controls all,” and go to churches “which are always filled.” (In a letter written by request of a waitress in Glendale, Rhanes referred to her people as “Christian.”)

Clarionites had learned to harness gravitational force, and according to Rhanes, employ three kinds of power: “The first is antimagnetic or gravitational; the second, plutonic and the third nutronic.” Rhanes claimed Clarionites could watch any time any place in the history of the universe using a device called a retroscope. Rhanes promised to take Bethurum and a few close friends on a visit to Clarion, and left him special flares with which to signal the scow. Sadly, they ignored his last attempt.
I've got a good example of where UFOs come from:

Some years back I woke up at night, there was this red light dancing around sort of above me. Not being fully awake I had a hard time identifying what in the world it could be. I finally figured it out--the indicator light for the smoke alarm. Once I knew it was fastened to the ceiling my eyes quit translating random internal movement into the object moving around.

It's a standard mistake our brains make--without a reference point our vision bounces around instead of being stable. Thus a lone light in the sky (or, such as in my case, the inside of a dark room) will often be seen to be moving when it is not. You can't properly discern motion without having non-motion to compare it to.
There's also the interesting conundrum of seeming to followed by distant objects, like the Moon and Venus. As one travels, they show effectively zero parallax, and their brightness stays the same, so they seem to keep the same relative position vector.

It's like the prescientific belief that the sky is a bowl overhead and that it and the Sun and the Moon and the stars are not much farther than horizon scenery. We unconsciously interpret all our perceptions, and while that often works, it sometimes fails, like concluding that rainbows and clouds are solid objects. Both of which are also prescientific beliefs.

Learning the actual distances of the celestial objects was a long, hard slog.
  • The Moon: Aristarchus, 3rd cy. BCE
  • The Sun: 18th cy.
  • The nearest stars (parallax across the Earth's orbit): mid 19th cy.
  • Our Galaxy: early 20th cy.
  • Nearby galaxies: early 20th cy.
  • The observable Universe: late 20th cy.
Some ufologists have raked in millions from book sales etc from the gullible, and there's thousands of them out there.
Then there was  George Adamski.

He started out in the California occult scene, teaching a mishmash of Xianity and Eastern religions. He founded the "Royal Order of Tibet", and he did a big business in wine because he had gotten a religious exemption for it during Prohibition.

The end of it made him search for another source of income, and he eventually found one in flying saucers.

In 1952, GA claimed that he met someone from a flying saucer that had landed in the southern-California desert. Like Space Sister Aura Rhanes and her flying-saucer crew, this Space Brother looked human. He had long blond hair and tanned skin. He and GA communicated by hand signals and telepathy, with the Space Brother learning a few English words. This Space Brother was from Venus and he was very concerned about how destructive and dangerous nuclear weapons are. GA related this contact in his 1953 book, Flying Saucers Have Landed.

In his 1955 book, Inside the Space Ships, he describes going aboard and going on some trips. The saucer that he first encountered and the saucers that he traveled in were all short-range scout ships carried aboard big mother ships where the Space People live as they travel. These ships were well-furnished with lots of interior decoration, seeming like some fancy hotel lounge.

He met that Venusian Space Brother again, learning his name: Orthon. He also met some more Space Brothers and some Space Sisters, people who came from Venus, Mars, and Saturn. They liked to wear long robes and gowns, though both sexes of them changed into jumpsuits for various sorts of work.

Seems like a Crystal Spires and Togas - TV Tropes esthetic.

They also expressed concern about nuclear-bomb tests, and they looked down on us Earthlings for fighting wars. One of them called GA's smoking a silly habit. GA also met some of their spiritual teachers, and their beliefs were a mixture of a sort-of-Xian God and New Agey beliefs. They did not fear death because they expect to be reincarnated.

GA got a look at the far side of the Moon, and he saw snow-capped mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, and even a small animal that ran by.

From Desmond Leslie's foreword to Inside the Space Ships:
There have been many other landing reports in the past two years: some have turned out to be obvious hoaxes, of which category there will undoubtedly be many more to come. I do not believe they are all crackpots and hoaxers. The only trouble is that against their testimony we have the whole weight of modern astronomy which claims to have pretty well proven that life in our form on other planets in this system is impossible. Either one or the other must be wrong. It is all too easy to dismiss a mere handful of men when we have "science" to back us up, but that is the lazy way out. The claims that the world was round, that wax could record sound, that the ether could carry radio waves, that rays could penetrate and "see inside" matter, that a heavier-than-air machine could fly, have all been dismissed in their day as impossible and contrary to scientific knowledge. The latest book to appear concerning the planet Mars has been written by Dr. Hubertus Strughold (This Green and Red Planet). It proves that if our instruments and their information are correct, intelligent organic life as we know it could not last ten seconds on Mars. But Strughold ends by admitting that perhaps we have overlooked "some crucial factor" and really the only way to be quite sure is for us to travel to the other planets for ourselves and find out firsthand.

There is an alternative: that men from these strange worlds come to visit us first. That they reveal to us a little of their art, their life, their lore, their science, their religion and philosophy from which we may benefit a little.

That is exactly what some people swear by their life has already happened. George Adamski, for one, tells of the many illuminating hours he spent in the company of men from more highly evolved worlds and he has managed to recapture some of the spiritual beauty of their knowledge and philosophy.

At first, there appear to be only two ways in which you can take this amazing document. Either it is true or it is not. I cannot prove to the reader it is true any more than I can prove it is not. Each will have to decide for himself.
Hubertus Strughold's book was published back in 1954, and it was subtitled "A physiological study of the possibility of life on Mars." I haven't been able to find it, but I've found 1958PASP...70...43S Page 46. It is a 1958 paper by Hubertus Strughold on surviving on Mars. He uses a pressure value of 70 mm Hg, or 90 millibars.

As to traveling to other planets, we've only gone as far as the Moon, but we've visited all the other planets by proxy, using automated spacecraft. Not only all the other known planets, but also several moons and asteroids and comets.

Place: Baton Rouge. LA
Time: 8:45 pm
Conditions: Clear sky with stars visible.

Incident report.

A loud whirring noise was heard, followed by the appearance of two unidentified flying objects. One was a green light and the other a red light. The objects flew in perfect close formation, in a broad circular pattern overhead. It was difficult to determine altitude. At times, the red light would blink off for a few seconds and reappear. The objects completed 3 circular patterns and proceeded in a straight line, headed in a northern direction until disappearing beyond the horizon.

I'm sure our own technology is responsible for a lot of sightings. I can't wait to see how exponentially they increase now that drones are becoming commonplace.
I do not think I've ever heard a story of an alien encounter that I found believable.

But I have seen many videos and photos of things I couldn't identify. So I have no idea what they are...but my personal feeling about the topic is that there is a chance we do have visitors coming to our planet and that they are some sort of robotic technology or some other non-biological technology like drones. That's what we've done. That's how we'll probably find other life if we ever do. I just have my doubts about interstellar space travel with biological entities. I also think it's quite possible, and more likely that UFO's are light anomalies in our atmosphere that can be explained or have a natural explanation we do not understand yet. That it's also our technology being unidentified. That Mylar balloons and helicopters get mistaken. And that there's a lot of fakes out there. Who knows :D
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