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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Geraldine Ferraro had a good amount of charm, time machine her from 1984 and she would be a better candidate than Hillary.
The latest from CNN's 2016 Election Center: Hillary Clinton now has 2384 delegates, one more than is needed to win.

The Media Called the Democratic Race a Day Early - The New Yorker states
At 8:20 P.M. Eastern, the Associated Press reported, via Twitter, “HILLARY CLINTON CLINCHES DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION.” A one-paragraph story on the A.P.’s Web site said, “An Associated Press count of pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses and a survey of party insiders known as superdelegates shows Clinton with the overall support of the required 2,383 delegates. Now the presumptive nominee, she will formally accept her party’s nomination in July at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.”

Who | Pledged | Super | Total
Clinton | 1812 | 572 | 2384
Sanders | 1521 | 47 | 1568
So does this mean that Rush Limbaugh will continue to be able to write off his cochlear implant as a business expense?
I am surprised to see Clinton ahead in South Dakota (51-48 with 76% reporting.) I thought that was supposed to be Sanders turf?
I am surprised to see Clinton ahead in South Dakota (51-48 with 76% reporting.) I thought that was supposed to be Sanders turf?
He won North Dakota. I really hope he tempers this contested convention talk. Losing all but one, with the final prize, which would likely be a 50/50 affair should end this contested convention stuff.
fast, why should we pick on them? They may be voting for Cruz and Kasich to show how much they like those candidates.
Bernie got waxed in California.

58% to 41%.

But he did win Montana by 3 percentage points. And South Dakota: two solidly red states that neither would win in the general anyway.

Yet he stills says he's going all the way to Philadelphia. That's good. Hopefully before then though he throws his support behind Hillary so that the primary mission of keeping Drumpf out of the White House can succeed without any unneeded stress along the way.

And now Obama is going to come out and fully endorse and campaign for Hillary.

Trump is going to get his ass kicked so badly that even he's not going to be able to remember his own name.

I would thank him for highlighting so many of the important issues and for energizing young voters to register and vote Democrat.

He's meeting with Harry Reid as well, so there's likely a deal to give him X amount of support and power for throwing his weight behind Hillary.

This is adding up to what might really be an historic landslide Presidential election if Bernie can convince 90% of his supporters to vote for Hillary.
It seems like Hillary will make history as the first female in the White House, despite her having a vagina. But does this mean Biil will be first man?
Bernie got waxed in California.

58% to 41%.

But he did win Montana by 3 percentage points. And South Dakota: two solidly red states that neither would win in the general anyway.

Yet he stills says he's going all the way to Philadelphia. That's good. Hopefully before then though he throws his support behind Hillary so that the primary mission of keeping Drumpf out of the White House can succeed without any unneeded stress along the way.

And now Obama is going to come out and fully endorse and campaign for Hillary.

Trump is going to get his ass kicked so badly that even he's not going to be able to remember his own name.
That's an exaggeration. Seeing Trump is the only person that matters to Trump, he could never forget his own name. As to the walloping, it is early and polls are implying a '12 level victory, which isn't a massive walloping. I'm hoping that will change however.

What is interesting is that Obama's approval numbers keep increasing. Clinton isn't going to make the Gore mistake of not using a popular President for campaign support.
It seems like Hillary will make history as the first female in the White House, despite her having a vagina. But does this mean Biil will be first man?
Despite her vagina,I think 2008 would not have happened if balls were not in charge,Iceland,anyone!

And,as the late great Geo Carlin said:Woman should run things,just every 28 days things will be a little tense!
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