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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

The more I see of Trump outside of his protected Republican base, the better I feel. This last two weeks has not been good for him. He's so inept it's almost funny. Last night's speech was so milquetoast, I was amazed. Before his speech, it was being said on a couple of networks that the speech would address his latest racism troubles, and would also be a response to the speech Hillary gave last week in which she annihilated Trump, swept up the pieces, and flushed those down the drain.

Trump's speech did nothing of the sort. It was utterly forgettable, barely had any spin about his recent racist diatribes, and if there was an attack on Hillary, it was so weak as to not even be worthy of a response. The only time Trump can behave like last night is when reading from that teleprompter, but doing so robs him of his own style and "charisma", which is all he's got.

Trump is not going to be able to help himself. We have a long way to go before the election, and he's gonna be in a lot of deep shit between now and then, distancing Republicans and loading the gun for Hillary that she will use to shoot him in the ass. As his businesses continue to falter and die from him being involved in the race and continuing to be an awful person, he will become desperate, knowing that his only chance at redeeming any kind of life for himself and saving face will be to win the election. So, he will become desperate, his massive ego will it the rocks, and being unable to hold any sense of composure, "The Donald" will lose his shit. The death knells will come in the direct debates, where she will crucify him, and there will be no resurrection.

I am filled with schadenfreude, as I look forward to a broken and beaten Donald: a failed presidential candidate, a failed businessman, and a failure as any kind of decent human being. If you see him on the street, flip him a quarter when he tries to squeegee your windshield.

The question becomes, can he pull off a Palin and look decently respectable (as in not flinging poop sort of low bar) during an entire Debate. No teleprompter there.
The question becomes, can he pull off a Palin and look decently respectable (as in not flinging poop sort of low bar) during an entire Debate. No teleprompter there.

There's no way.

We didn't know that much about Palin at that point. She'd said some goofy things, but they were just that; goofy.

With Trump, we've had not just a year of him crapping out of his mouth, but a good 30+ years of statements, business records, and personal behavior that can be nuked in a second as soon as his trap shuts.

And I don't think he'll make the pathetic but hilarious effort that Dubbya did when he got nailed for not being able to name a single leader of any country in Africa, but then memorized them for the next time the subject came up. Talk about studying for the test after it was over. But anyway, Trump won't do that, in that he's not suddenly trying to educate himself about the real world just months away from the general election. Or, if he does, he's going to have to start answering questions, and he's not very good at doing that in a restricted format like a debate.

The media, which until just the past few weeks, has largely allowed him to intimidate them as individuals and even as entire organizations, but he's going to feel their wrath now in the form of difficult questions, and it isn't going to go well for him.
The question becomes, can he pull off a Palin and look decently respectable (as in not flinging poop sort of low bar) during an entire Debate. No teleprompter there.

One need only look at his many debate performances during the GOP contest to confirm that it will be flinging poop all the way. He's not exactly a paragon of self-control, so the only thing that's not sure is how Clinton will react.

Will she be calm and collected? Definitely. Will she stay on message? Definitely. Will she play to Trump's weakness and tweak him until he goes off the rails? I sure hope so.
Will Trump even make it until the debates? This was his golden opportunity: he had his nomination, Clinton didn't. He pissed it away picking fights with his own allies, and making racist comments. By the time the actual debates come around, which he probably thinks will be good for him, he may have already mortally wounded himself.
One need only look at his many debate performances during the GOP contest to confirm that it will be flinging poop all the way. He's not exactly a paragon of self-control, so the only thing that's not sure is how Clinton will react.

Will she be calm and collected? Definitely. Will she stay on message? Definitely. Will she play to Trump's weakness and tweak him until he goes off the rails? I sure hope so.

I wonder if the media will get a moderator that will keep dumbfuck from doing what he has done since day one, and has obviously instructed his surrogates to do: "Just keep talking, and if they ask you a hard question, talk louder and louder and repeat yourself. KEEP TALKING, or risk someone pointing out what an idiot your nominee is. NEVER STOP TALKING!!!"
The question becomes, can he pull off a Palin and look decently respectable (as in not flinging poop sort of low bar) during an entire Debate. No teleprompter there.

There's no way.

We didn't know that much about Palin at that point. She'd said some goofy things, but they were just that; goofy.

With Trump, we've had not just a year of him crapping out of his mouth, but a good 30+ years of statements, business records, and personal behavior that can be nuked in a second as soon as his trap shuts.

And I don't think he'll make the pathetic but hilarious effort that Dubbya did when he got nailed for not being able to name a single leader of any country in Africa, but then memorized them for the next time the subject came up. Talk about studying for the test after it was over. But anyway, Trump won't do that, in that he's not suddenly trying to educate himself about the real world just months away from the general election. Or, if he does, he's going to have to start answering questions, and he's not very good at doing that in a restricted format like a debate.

And presidential debates are much more restricted than primary debates.

I'd be a little surprised if Trump even agrees to debate. If he does, Clinton needs to be careful not to pull a Gore. As you recall when W couldn't answer questions or gave a bad answer Gore would sigh. Loudly. The media ended up focusing on the number of times Gore sighed instead of how stupid W was.

I think she will strategically get under his thin skin-get him to wig out and then be the adult. The one thing Hillary Clinton knows how to do is calmly deal with men with huge egos.
What should be done today to prepare for a Clinton presidency?

The Odds Shark (Vegas) shows Trump paying 5 to 2. And shows Hillary odds on at 1 to 3. Odds Shark is usually right, but not always.
What should be done today to prepare for a Clinton presidency?

The Odds Shark (Vegas) shows Trump paying 5 to 2. And shows Hillary odds on at 1 to 3. Odds Shark is usually right, but not always.
What is Dems get control of the House pay?
What should be done today to prepare for a Clinton presidency?

The Odds Shark (Vegas) shows Trump paying 5 to 2. And shows Hillary odds on at 1 to 3. Odds Shark is usually right, but not always.
What is Dems get control of the House pay?

No market offered yet for house or senate. Although there is a market offered on paddypower (http://www.paddypower.com/bet/politics/other-politics/us-politics) "Trump's Manhood." And yes, you get to bet his length.
Trump held a rally last night. Apparently the stadium was half empty.

A natural progression because the primaries are over? Or are his fans finally wising up?

And a message to Mitt Romney: "Trickle-down" doesn't work. Not for economics, and not for racism. Donald Trump is simply allowing his fans to express the bigotry already inside them. Other than that quibble, I agree:

"I don't want to see trickle-down racism," Romney said in an interview here in a suite overlooking the Wasatch Mountains, where he is hosting his yearly ideas conference. "I don't want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny, all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America."
Trump held a rally last night. Apparently the stadium was half empty.

That's delicious with my coffee this morning.

Some more deliciousness :lol:

One reporter tweeted a wide-angle photo showing only a cluster toward the stage where Trump will speak.

"This arena is 25 percent full at best. No line outside either,” the tweet said, with 30 minutes until the scheduled start time.

Ya, now that Trump is up against people who don't give a shit about placating his supporters, he just doesn't measure up and it's painfully obvious about how out of his league he is.
I think we should hold our best material against Trump for now, and wait for him to actually be nominated. It wouldn't surprise me if the Republicans find a way to switch candidates if they realize, before the convention, that Trump is a lost cause. I don't know if they can pull such a thing off, but I wouldn't put it past them to try.
I think we should hold our best material against Trump for now, and wait for him to actually be nominated. It wouldn't surprise me if the Republicans find a way to switch candidates if they realize, before the convention, that Trump is a lost cause. I don't know if they can pull such a thing off, but I wouldn't put it past them to try.

Agree. I want to hold back lots of stuff, too. Same reason.
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