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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

She planned and carried out Benghazi, and mentioned that the United States had a drone program.

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What alleged "state secrets" did she allegedly fail to guard; and what federal statute or legal source are you quoting to say that it is "treason"?

There is no legal source that says that, so we can safely ignore the assertion without giving it another second's consideration.

Not only that, but why weren't other secretaries of state not put on trial for treason when the Soviets stole secrets?

Because it wasn't treason? Lol. It's absurd, because by extension, every fuck up having to do with foreign affairs could then be considered treason. The SALT talks didn't get rid of nukes, therefore treason. The Marine barracks in Lebannon were destroyed in 1983 resulting in 240 American deaths, therefore treason and Reagan is hung in the public square. Or better yet, Iran Contra must have been quadruple treason. After all, if Benghazi equals treason, then surely Reagan needed to have been drawn and quartered.
Checking on CNN's 2016 Election Center before the upcoming big primary date, I find:

Hillary Clinton won all 7 delegates from the US Virgin Islands last Saturday and 34 out of 60 delegates from Puerto Rico last Sunday.

She now has 2357 delegates with 2383 to win. That leaves here with 26 delegates short of victory. With 694 delegates to be allocated tomorrow, she only has to win 3.7% of them to win. So can Bernie Sanders get 94.3% of the vote in CA, MT, NJ, NM, ND, and SD?

Next week will be DC's primary with 20 delegates, but that is likely to be anticlimactic.
Sanders keeps saying it'll be a contested convention. He is pretty much saying, 'I lost but I think the Superdelegates should side with me anyway.'


Is he crazy?
Sanders keeps saying it'll be a contested convention. He is pretty much saying, 'I lost but I think the Superdelegates should side with me anyway.'


Is he crazy?

Maybe, he could have really put it to Clinton with her flipping on the bankruptcy bill and other stuff in the debates. Pissed he pulled his punches.
Sanders keeps saying it'll be a contested convention. He is pretty much saying, 'I lost but I think the Superdelegates should side with me anyway.'


Is he crazy?
If Clinton doesn't get the required number of delegates without super delegates being added into the count, and assuming superdelegate votes are not bound, and if there are not enough superdelegates that votes as the news channels highly suggest they will by always adding in the super delegate numbers, then there may be a second vote whereby some of the bound delegates may be unbound possibly altering the outcome of this saga.

I guess that's the thinking
The problem we have here is one of believing that our leaders should be chosen in some sort of race that is controlled by billionaire investment in some of the Democratic candidates. I will cast my vote for Bernie tomorrow. I think people should lead only when they know enough to lead and are mature enough to lead. That pretty much excludes Hillary and Trump. My vote or opinion might not count in a world that places so much stock in the stock market. I feel that Bernie's campaign might not win anything, but it did for the first time in a very long time raise a few of the cogent issues facing us. Only one other candidate has addressed environmental and social issues in a manner that satisfies me. That is Jill Stein.
I would like to make a post election prediction... If Hillary wins the presidency, it will be less than a year after the election till she reclothes and attempts to pass the TPP and the Keystone Pipeline and also starts at least one new military intervention. We really don't need leaders like that. With Trump it would be perhaps no worse. It looks like electoral politics will not be solving our problems. Lotsa luck to Bernie this Tuesday.:thinking:
The problem we have here is one of believing that our leaders should be chosen in some sort of race that is controlled by billionaire investment in some of the Democratic candidates. I will cast my vote for Bernie tomorrow. I think people should lead only when they know enough to lead and are mature enough to lead. That pretty much excludes Hillary and Trump. My vote or opinion might not count in a world that places so much stock in the stock market. I feel that Bernie's campaign might not win anything, but it did for the first time in a very long time raise a few of the cogent issues facing us. Only one other candidate has addressed environmental and social issues in a manner that satisfies me. That is Jill Stein.
I would like to make a post election prediction... If Hillary wins the presidency, it will be less than a year after the election till she reclothes and attempts to pass the TPP and the Keystone Pipeline and also starts at least one new military intervention. We really don't need leaders like that. With Trump it would be perhaps no worse. It looks like electoral politics will not be solving our problems. Lotsa luck to Bernie this Tuesday.:thinking:

You misspelled "Bernie Sanders was incapable of making in roads with middle age to seniors, especially in Hispanic and black categories.

Sanders has more pledged delegates than he has share of the popular vote. Now you are complaining that the establishment has more power. Except Sanders raised a ton of money and was able to spend a lot. He didn't win. I'm sorry. Move the heck on!

Otherwise Sanders is going to blow any influence he could have at the convention and the Senate.
The scary thing is that George isn't a right wing fascist. Unless he's had some kind of religious conversion or something.

Yikes. How old are you George? Did you forget the Bill Clinton days? I wouldn't trust anything that Turley has to say. He was 100% incorrect about whitewater and all the other issues during the 90's. He's just a paid shrill.

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Sanders keeps saying it'll be a contested convention. He is pretty much saying, 'I lost but I think the Superdelegates should side with me anyway.'


Is he crazy?
If Clinton doesn't get the required number of delegates without super delegates being added into the count, and assuming superdelegate votes are not bound, and if there are not enough superdelegates that votes as the news channels highly suggest they will by always adding in the super delegate numbers, then there may be a second vote whereby some of the bound delegates may be unbound possibly altering the outcome of this saga.

I guess that's the thinking

It would be a true crime to give the nomination to a person with 4 million fewer voters.
It would be a true crime to give the nomination to a person with 4 million fewer voters.
I don't know about that. Maybe if we were talking about American voters voting in the election.

Thing is, they are not voting in that capacity. They are voting as members of a party. It's a private party to which holds no great obligation that I would expect from American voters voting in a more important capacity as is the case in the election.

I have qualms with imbuing the private parties with responsibilities we would expect in the public election process.

There's the saying that with rights come responsibilities, and the misguided conclusion is that since we have the right to vote, we therefore have the responsibility to vote. I think that's a regrettable interpretation. I, on the other hand, take the position that we do not have a responsibility to vote but rather should vote responsibly if we so choose to vote.

People praise others for voting and chastise others who do not, but it's better to not vote than to vote irresponsibly. As to private parties, I won't push them to vote, but I would encourage those who feel they can cast a responsible vote in the election.

I do go hmmm (during an election) when the person with the most votes doesn't win, but when such a thing happens during a private party nomination, I just squint--no out loud hmmm sound at all.
Expect her to play the vagina card. Trump doesn't have one (or so we're told).

Good point, women have always had an unfair advantage in becoming president. They win almost every year.
Meanwhile in Reince "My Ulcer is Going to Kill Me" Priebus Land, Donald Trump keeps reminding Priebus why he started feeling those ulcers when the nomination started looking less and less like fantasy for Trump.

article said:
The presumptive Republican nominee told top surrogates on the conference call to ignore a campaign memo issued the night before urging them to dodge questions about the lawsuit and Trump's controversial questioning of the judge's impartiality, the sources told CNN.

Trump and a top campaign official on the call also pressed surrogates to raise the issue of judicial activism as a larger problem, the Republican source said, with Trump specifically pointing to Judge Gonzalo Curiel's membership with the La Raza Lawyers of California, a Latino bar association, according to Bloomberg.

One of the presumptions about Trump is that he is great and anything that is wrong with him is a conspiracy. I had always thought that he knew it wasn't true and image was everything, and that may still be the case. But this case seems to starting to head to the W Admin 'We are special and the world works differently for us' delusion.

article said:
Trump's order for surrogates to back him up on his critiques of Curiel came only after Trump learned during the conference call that his campaign staff had ordered surrogates not to do so.
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