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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

To suggest that polls dropping three or four points in the last week or two where Clinton won the presumption nomination is a "death spiral" seems a bit overly optimistic. Once he gets to 30 pts in national polls, then we can talk.

Latest from Huffington Polls. Trump is working at it!
2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

45% Hillary Clinton
38% Donald Trump
When Clinton is at 55% and Trump is 38% we start hitting Mondale territory.
Latest from Huffington Polls. Trump is working at it!
2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

45% Hillary Clinton
38% Donald Trump
When Clinton is at 55% and Trump is 38% we start hitting Mondale territory.

I suspect in the end, Bernie will endorse Clinton. But he will make her work for it. We will see her numbers climb a bit. Trump is clueless. Plus his campaign is now having money problems. We may very well see Trump bottom out in two months. Sputtering to a creaky halt. Traditionally, a lot of voters make up their minds after the convention, just before an election. I don't see a great rush to Trump. Latest polls show Trump has a 70% negative rating among women. And women now vote more than men. I don't see how he can turn that around.
When Clinton is at 55% and Trump is 38% we start hitting Mondale territory.

I suspect in the end, Bernie will endorse Clinton. But he will make her work for it. We will see her numbers climb a bit. Trump is clueless. Plus his campaign is now having money problems. We may very well see Trump bottom out in two months. Sputtering to a creaky halt. Traditionally, a lot of voters make up their minds after the convention, just before an election. I don't see a great rush to Trump. Latest polls show Trump has a 70% negative rating among women. And women now vote more than men. I don't see how he can turn that around.
The term used was "death spiral". His numbers haven't yet entered a death spiral at this point. I objected to that, and a tricky graph used to try and prove such. Trump is losing. The Republicans were losing the entire time. The question is by how much, and we have no idea yet.
The things to watch for are the "out of the blue" occurences. Clinton gets indicted, or Trump outrages everybody with more over the top, unacceptable verbal idiocies. An out of nowhere scandal, or some wedge issue that overwhelms all reason. Or perhaps ISIL all but collapses, more ISIL leaders are killed by Obama's drones. Almost anything can swing this election. We haven't had a real recession since 2009 and we are about due one. Perhaps another outrageous mass murder.
Or a new dance craze, depending on how each respond to it.
When Clinton is at 55% and Trump is 38% we start hitting Mondale territory.

I suspect in the end, Bernie will endorse Clinton. But he will make her work for it. We will see her numbers climb a bit. Trump is clueless. Plus his campaign is now having money problems. We may very well see Trump bottom out in two months. Sputtering to a creaky halt. Traditionally, a lot of voters make up their minds after the convention, just before an election. I don't see a great rush to Trump. Latest polls show Trump has a 70% negative rating among women. And women now vote more than men. I don't see how he can turn that around.

Yea, Bernie is making HRC work for it hard. He wants all the top DNC managers fired for being too pro gun control.

I suspect in the end, Bernie will endorse Clinton. But he will make her work for it. We will see her numbers climb a bit. Trump is clueless. Plus his campaign is now having money problems. We may very well see Trump bottom out in two months. Sputtering to a creaky halt. Traditionally, a lot of voters make up their minds after the convention, just before an election. I don't see a great rush to Trump. Latest polls show Trump has a 70% negative rating among women. And women now vote more than men. I don't see how he can turn that around.

Yea, Bernie is making HRC work for it hard. He wants all the top DNC managers fired for being too pro gun control.

What? Do you have a source for this claim?

Setting their sights low, the campaign of presumptive 2016 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump sent out an “emergency” email Saturday morning with a goal of raising $100,000 by the end of the day — for a campaign that is expected to cost in the hundreds of millions.

With the Clinton campaign launching a multi-million dollar ad blitz at Trump in the wake of his ill-timed comments on the Orlando shooting, the Trump campaign is making an appeal to Republican donors at the same time that the party appears to be shunning him.
According to the email, “Right now we’re facing an emergency goal of $100,000 to help get our ads on the air. We need your contribution by 11:59 P.M. tonight,”


Send yer money now! Donald der Trump needs your help most desperatly!
I suspect in the end, Bernie will endorse Clinton. But he will make her work for it. We will see her numbers climb a bit. Trump is clueless. Plus his campaign is now having money problems. We may very well see Trump bottom out in two months. Sputtering to a creaky halt. Traditionally, a lot of voters make up their minds after the convention, just before an election. I don't see a great rush to Trump. Latest polls show Trump has a 70% negative rating among women. And women now vote more than men. I don't see how he can turn that around.

Yea, Bernie is making HRC work for it hard. He wants all the top DNC managers fired for being too pro gun control.

No, the email issue has been burned to death and overplayed. Short of the FBI dragging her away in chains, the give-a-shit-o-meter isn't moving for anyone on that.
No, the email issue has been burned to death and overplayed. Short of the FBI dragging her away in chains, the give-a-shit-o-meter isn't moving for anyone on that.

Right. Well, except for the hardcore, who are absolutely convinced she deserves, and will be taken away in handcuffs any moment now. The fact that they said it was going to happen in Whitewater, "Travelgate," Vince Foster, the sniper fire thing, Benghazi, and a dozen other trumped up fantasies does not deter them for a second. These are the same ones who still believe Obama is a Kenyan Muslim who is apparently waiting until right before the next POTUS is sworn in to sweep the country like an evil black Santa Claus and take all the guns from the patriots.

"I told you he was gonna take our guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuns...."
Another one or two islamic terrorist attacks in the US, would make the race to the White house very interesting would it not?
Another one or two islamic terrorist attacks in the US, would make the race to the White house very interesting would it not?

Only if The Donald were to figure out how to respond to those hypothetical attacks in a politically effective way, something that he seems constitutionally incapable of doing.
The race card has influenced many elections throughout the world.

Yes, it has. But now... Hispanic voters, black voters, aren't going big for Trump. Nor women. His only major constituency seems to be white males. What he needs to win is a high white male turn out and dismal turnouts for the Democrats. But if he plays to open racism much more, he may energize the minority voters to actually turn out and vote. And with tow possible vacancies in the supreme court, the idea of right winged judges appointed by Trump may energize anti-racist voters. Race will definitely be a player in this election. But it very well might just sink Trump.
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