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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Meanwhile in the polls, incumbency is bizarre. Rubio who lost his state in a primary is leading the Democrat challengers by 8 pts. What is peculiar is that this is the same polling outfit that shows Clinton up by 8 pts.

Thankfully many people don't vote on party lines.
I have voted for a Republican for US Senate, Ohio Attorney General. Of course, things have gotten so bad, the idea of voting for any Republican is just unfathomable.
Thankfully many people don't vote on party lines.
I have voted for a Republican for US Senate, Ohio Attorney General. Of course, things have gotten so bad, the idea of voting for any Republican is just unfathomable.

I saw a poll about this recently and, while I can't recall the numbers off the top of my head, the percentage of people who engage in cross-party voting has plummeted in recent years. Far more of them just vote for a straight ticket and if they're voting for a Dem president, they're going to vote for all the other Dem candidates down the line.
I have voted for a Republican for US Senate, Ohio Attorney General. Of course, things have gotten so bad, the idea of voting for any Republican is just unfathomable.

I saw a poll about this recently and, while I can't recall the numbers off the top of my head, the percentage of people who engage in cross-party voting has plummeted in recent years. Far more of them just vote for a straight ticket and if they're voting for a Dem president, they're going to vote for all the other Dem candidates down the line.

I used to split ticket, but the Republicans just went over the edge with their catering the hate and outrage vote. I want my government to function dammit!
I have voted for a Republican for US Senate, Ohio Attorney General. Of course, things have gotten so bad, the idea of voting for any Republican is just unfathomable.

I saw a poll about this recently and, while I can't recall the numbers off the top of my head, the percentage of people who engage in cross-party voting has plummeted in recent years. Far more of them just vote for a straight ticket and if they're voting for a Dem president, they're going to vote for all the other Dem candidates down the line.

In some states lately, for example Wisconsin, straight ticket voting is no longer allowed on ballots.


Only 9 states have straight ticket voting apparently.
I saw a poll about this recently and, while I can't recall the numbers off the top of my head, the percentage of people who engage in cross-party voting has plummeted in recent years. Far more of them just vote for a straight ticket and if they're voting for a Dem president, they're going to vote for all the other Dem candidates down the line.

In some states lately, for example Wisconsin, straight ticket voting is no longer allowed on ballots.


Only 9 states have straight ticket voting apparently.

Of course, all that means is that most states do not allow a voter to make a single selection on their ballot to automatically vote for candidates from a single party. You can still go down and vote a straight ticket office-by-office.
In some states lately, for example Wisconsin, straight ticket voting is no longer allowed on ballots.


Only 9 states have straight ticket voting apparently.

Of course, all that means is that most states do not allow a voter to make a single selection on their ballot to automatically vote for candidates from a single party. You can still go down and vote a straight ticket office-by-office.

Yeah, but one switch straight ticket voting, lazy person style is out in most states. Makes you work for it now.
Of course, all that means is that most states do not allow a voter to make a single selection on their ballot to automatically vote for candidates from a single party. You can still go down and vote a straight ticket office-by-office.

Yeah, but one switch straight ticket voting, lazy person style is out in most states. Makes you work for it now.
Now I do the mail-in ballot, so I can look up down ticket candidates on the inter webs.
To anyone who's read The Rise And Fall Of The Roman Empire, one can see the same tell tale signs in the American Empire's downfall.
That's Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, I presume. What telltale signs do you have in mind?

Political correctness gone mad for a start. Appeasement of sizeable minorities is another. So much so that Obama is sometimes called "Appeasar In Chief."
That's Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, I presume. What telltale signs do you have in mind?

Political correctness gone mad for a start. Appeasement of sizeable minorities is another. So much so that Obama is sometimes called "Appeasar In Chief."
Yeah, most right-wing critics of Obama are idiots. They also think he is from Kenya. I wish you'd stop pretending you knew what you were talking about with American Politics. It is painful to read.
angelo said:
Political correctness gone mad for a start. Appeasement of sizeable minorities is another. So much so that Obama is sometimes called "Appeasar In Chief."

I can't believe this. At what point did the Roman empire become politically correct? If you are referring to 'appeasement of minorities' which minorities are you referring to? Sometimes I think you have had your brain replaced by right wing american talk radio. Because that is the only people who call Obama that. No one of credible intellect.
angelo said:
Political correctness gone mad for a start. Appeasement of sizeable minorities is another. So much so that Obama is sometimes called "Appeasar In Chief."

I can't believe this. At what point did the Roman empire become politically correct? If you are referring to 'appeasement of minorities' which minorities are you referring to? Sometimes I think you have had your brain replaced by right wing american talk radio. Because that is the only people who call Obama that. No one of credible intellect.

IIRC, there was a period where the Romans made a point of only feeding straight, white males to the lions and not any minorities.
I saw a poll about this recently and, while I can't recall the numbers off the top of my head, the percentage of people who engage in cross-party voting has plummeted in recent years. Far more of them just vote for a straight ticket and if they're voting for a Dem president, they're going to vote for all the other Dem candidates down the line.

In some states lately, for example Wisconsin, straight ticket voting is no longer allowed on ballots.


Only 9 states have straight ticket voting apparently.

You can still vote straight ticket, you just don't have an automatic way to do it.
Latest poll shows Trump with a comfortable 2 point lead in a head to head with Clinton in the state of North Carolina (48 - 46). This right now puts Trump at 40 EVs for states that touch the Atlantic Ocean. Clinton has 128 EVs.

This is great news for Trump because losing North Carolina would mean an electoral college landslide. It also likely helps as an indicator about Georgia which has been a few points more in the Republicans favor. So Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina as solidly for Trump... within the margin of error of course.
That's Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, I presume. What telltale signs do you have in mind?
Political correctness gone mad for a start.
Define "political correctness".
Appeasement of sizeable minorities is another.
Evidence? Where is the parallel in the late Roman Empire?
So much so that Obama is sometimes called "Appeasar In Chief."
Evidence? I've never seen that insult even from those who hate him.
Political correctness gone mad for a start. Appeasement of sizeable minorities is another. So much so that Obama is sometimes called "Appeasar In Chief."
Yeah, most right-wing critics of Obama are idiots. They also think he is from Kenya. I wish you'd stop pretending you knew what you were talking about with American Politics. It is painful to read.

angelo said:
Political correctness gone mad for a start. Appeasement of sizeable minorities is another. So much so that Obama is sometimes called "Appeasar In Chief."

I can't believe this. At what point did the Roman empire become politically correct? If you are referring to 'appeasement of minorities' which minorities are you referring to? Sometimes I think you have had your brain replaced by right wing american talk radio. Because that is the only people who call Obama that. No one of credible intellect.

So sorry to criticise your idol! Your idol who refuses to even say the word Islamic terrorists!
I can't believe this. At what point did the Roman empire become politically correct? If you are referring to 'appeasement of minorities' which minorities are you referring to? Sometimes I think you have had your brain replaced by right wing american talk radio. Because that is the only people who call Obama that. No one of credible intellect.

So sorry to criticise your idol! Your idol who refuses to even say the word Islamic terrorists!

You've posted here how many times and you insist on saying things like that?
I am all fatigued out on your US election. Why is it so long? I don't much care anymore who wins. Just get the thing over with already.
I am all fatigued out on your US election. Why is it so long? I don't much care anymore who wins. Just get the thing over with already.

Don't worry. It will be over in a few months and they'll start the run for the 2020 election.
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