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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Christie and Gingrich seem to want it real bad. Neither bring much to the ticket politically which means he'll probably pick one of them.
Michele Bachmann could be kind of fun, and would counterbalance Trump's random insanity with some focused insanity. And she would probably accept the opportunity. They could work towards an inverted version of the 1984 Electoral Map.
Don't be silly... Bachmann couldn't win Trump Minnesota. ;)
The start of the GOP death spiral was the creation of the tea party. Funded by trouble making, smirking millionaires, it has driven Republican politics of the tracks. It seemed like a good idea at the time....

I disagree. The creation of the tea party was an attempt to bring society towards their position rather than adapt their position to society--in other words, it was a reaction to their failings, not the cause.
So who is crazy enough (besides Palin, of course) to become Trump's running mate?

Christie and Gingrich seem to want it real bad. Neither bring much to the ticket politically which means he'll probably pick one of them.

Christie has the inside track because the main qualification is an eagerness to say, "Do you want fries with that, Mr. Trump?!"
Christie and Gingrich seem to want it real bad. Neither bring much to the ticket politically which means he'll probably pick one of them.

Christie has the inside track because the main qualification is an eagerness to say, "Do you want fries with that, Mr. Trump?!"

Yeah, but when Trump says "sure" and puts out his hand, all he would see is Christie cheeks puffed wider having slurped up the last of the fries. Then Trump would want to say "Your fired".

Trump is indeed considering creating his own media business, built on the audience that has supported him thus far in his bid to become the next president of the United States. According to several people briefed on the discussions, the presumptive Republican nominee is examining the opportunity presented by the “audience” currently supporting him. He has also discussed the possibility of launching a “mini-media conglomerate” outside of his existing TV-production business, Trump Productions LLC. He has, according to one of these people, enlisted the consultation of his daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who owns the The New York Observer. Trump’s rationale, according to this person, is that, “win or lose, we are onto something here. We’ve triggered a base of the population that hasn’t had a voice in a long time.”


The question has been asked, "What happens when Trump loses?".
Well, we may not be rid of him that easily. He'll do like Glenny the Bunk or Sorry Palin, start his own media operation. I can already hear the GOP moderates shrieking, "Go away! Go away!"

Trump is indeed considering creating his own media business, built on the audience that has supported him thus far in his bid to become the next president of the United States. According to several people briefed on the discussions, the presumptive Republican nominee is examining the opportunity presented by the “audience” currently supporting him. He has also discussed the possibility of launching a “mini-media conglomerate” outside of his existing TV-production business, Trump Productions LLC. He has, according to one of these people, enlisted the consultation of his daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who owns the The New York Observer. Trump’s rationale, according to this person, is that, “win or lose, we are onto something here. We’ve triggered a base of the population that hasn’t had a voice in a long time.”


The question has been asked, "What happens when Trump loses?".
Well, we may not be rid of him that easily. He'll do like Glenny the Bunk or Sorry Palin, start his own media operation. I can already hear the GOP moderates shrieking, "Go away! Go away!"
Yeah, and it will probably fair somewhat better than ReaganBook, the awesome conservative social networking sight (now defunct)...or say Glenn Becks' media empire; as Trump does have more $$$$
Christie and Gingrich seem to want it real bad. Neither bring much to the ticket politically which means he'll probably pick one of them.

Christie has the inside track because the main qualification is an eagerness to say, "Do you want fries with that, Mr. Trump?!"

This is essentially my thought as well. Trump would justify it as Christie being a tough-talking no-nonsense kind of guy like himself, but it would really be because Christie has already shown he is an ass-licking lap dog

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Trump is indeed considering creating his own media business, built on the audience that has supported him thus far in his bid to become the next president of the United States. According to several people briefed on the discussions, the presumptive Republican nominee is examining the opportunity presented by the “audience” currently supporting him. He has also discussed the possibility of launching a “mini-media conglomerate” outside of his existing TV-production business, Trump Productions LLC. He has, according to one of these people, enlisted the consultation of his daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who owns the The New York Observer. Trump’s rationale, according to this person, is that, “win or lose, we are onto something here. We’ve triggered a base of the population that hasn’t had a voice in a long time.”


The question has been asked, "What happens when Trump loses?".
Well, we may not be rid of him that easily. He'll do like Glenny the Bunk or Sorry Palin, start his own media operation. I can already hear the GOP moderates shrieking, "Go away! Go away!"

It didn't work for Palin
The question has been asked, "What happens when Trump loses?".
Well, we may not be rid of him that easily. He'll do like Glenny the Bunk or Sorry Palin, start his own media operation. I can already hear the GOP moderates shrieking, "Go away! Go away!"

It didn't work for Palin
It didn't? It is estimated that she is worth roughly $12 million today. Pretty good for a mediocre half term governor from a nothing state. As much as I find her a babbling idiot (with a little charisma for those that can handle it), she seemed to figure out the fast track to wealth creation as she dumped her governor job. She cashed in while she was hot. Yeah, it is fading, and her entertainment thing flopped; her PAC is sagging and probably won't make it beyond another 2 years. But the books, the speaking tours, SarahPAC, et.al. seemed to help her get a good booty, never mind what her family must have already spent over the last 7 years. That would have been tough to achieve as a career politico.

See: http://www.travelerstoday.com/artic...how-much-is-alaskas-former-governor-worth.htm
Palin flopped because she is a lazy women who had no idea how to fill her channel with anything worth watching without hard work. Not like say, Limbaugh who can babble on three hours a day effortlessly.
It didn't work for Palin
It didn't? It is estimated that she is worth roughly $12 million today. Pretty good for a mediocre half term governor from a nothing state. As much as I find her a babbling idiot (with a little charisma for those that can handle it), she seemed to figure out the fast track to wealth creation as she dumped her governor job. She cashed in while she was hot. Yeah, it is fading, and her entertainment thing flopped; her PAC is sagging and probably won't make it beyond another 2 years. But the books, the speaking tours, SarahPAC, et.al. seemed to help her get a good booty, never mind what her family must have already spent over the last 7 years. That would have been tough to achieve as a career politico.

See: http://www.travelerstoday.com/artic...how-much-is-alaskas-former-governor-worth.htm

Nothing state,politically yes,but,otherwise fuck you.
The start of the GOP death spiral was the creation of the tea party. Funded by trouble making, smirking millionaires, it has driven Republican politics of the tracks. It seemed like a good idea at the time....

I think the signs were there earlier. Early sign I can think of is early in the Iraq occupation. Things were going terrible, but no republican politician could admit anything was less than ideal, otherwise they would be branded a defeatist. That cult like mentality of attacking anyone that admits to reality not conforming with the ideology, that I think was a clear sign they were headed for trouble.
It didn't? It is estimated that she is worth roughly $12 million today. Pretty good for a mediocre half term governor from a nothing state. As much as I find her a babbling idiot (with a little charisma for those that can handle it), she seemed to figure out the fast track to wealth creation as she dumped her governor job. She cashed in while she was hot. Yeah, it is fading, and her entertainment thing flopped; her PAC is sagging and probably won't make it beyond another 2 years. But the books, the speaking tours, SarahPAC, et.al. seemed to help her get a good booty, never mind what her family must have already spent over the last 7 years. That would have been tough to achieve as a career politico.

See: http://www.travelerstoday.com/artic...how-much-is-alaskas-former-governor-worth.htm

Nothing state,politically yes,but,otherwise fuck you.
LOL...chill, the 'nothing' context was only intended as 'politically' as related to how she could have gathered wealth otherwise.
It didn't? It is estimated that she is worth roughly $12 million today. Pretty good for a mediocre half term governor from a nothing state. As much as I find her a babbling idiot (with a little charisma for those that can handle it), she seemed to figure out the fast track to wealth creation as she dumped her governor job. She cashed in while she was hot. Yeah, it is fading, and her entertainment thing flopped; her PAC is sagging and probably won't make it beyond another 2 years. But the books, the speaking tours, SarahPAC, et.al. seemed to help her get a good booty, never mind what her family must have already spent over the last 7 years. That would have been tough to achieve as a career politico.

See: http://www.travelerstoday.com/artic...how-much-is-alaskas-former-governor-worth.htm

Nothing state,politically yes,but,otherwise fuck you.

Well, as far as the number of constituents goes it's on par with being the mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Yes, Alaska has oil and moose, but Charlotte has NFL and NBA teams...

Trump is indeed considering creating his own media business, built on the audience that has supported him thus far in his bid to become the next president of the United States. According to several people briefed on the discussions, the presumptive Republican nominee is examining the opportunity presented by the “audience” currently supporting him. He has also discussed the possibility of launching a “mini-media conglomerate” outside of his existing TV-production business, Trump Productions LLC. He has, according to one of these people, enlisted the consultation of his daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who owns the The New York Observer. Trump’s rationale, according to this person, is that, “win or lose, we are onto something here. We’ve triggered a base of the population that hasn’t had a voice in a long time.”


The question has been asked, "What happens when Trump loses?".
Well, we may not be rid of him that easily. He'll do like Glenny the Bunk or Sorry Palin, start his own media operation. I can already hear the GOP moderates shrieking, "Go away! Go away!"
Knowing Trump, he'll start a newspaper.
Palin flopped because she is a lazy women who had no idea how to fill her channel with anything worth watching without hard work. Not like say, Limbaugh who can babble on three hours a day effortlessly.
He does not babble for three hours a day. He does not babble 50% of three hours a day...

I'm sorry, but I've just talked for like 10 minutes. I'm way past the break and Mr. Snerdly is tying up some rope into some sort of loop. We need to cut to a break. Be right back...

...You're listening to WTAM, Cleveland's answer to making radio profitable...

Do you suffer from erectile dysfunction? Of course you do, you are an angry middle aged white conservative. But don't worry. Your erectile dysfunction is mega-dittos with Limbaugh listeners across the nation...

With Donald Trump’s poll numbers sinking into a death spiral, dozens of Republican delegates are now openly plotting a coup to overthrow him at this year’s Republican National Convention. The Washington Post has scored an interview with GOP delegates who are leading the effort to allow delegates to vote their consciences at this year’s RNC so they can choose someone other than Trump. The rule change would allow delegates to unbind themselves based on “personal or religious conscience.”

Kendal Unruh, a Republican delegate from Colorado, says that their plan is to stop Trump from becoming the nominee first and then hoping the delegates can then pick a consensus non-Trump candidate afterward.

This is going to be one interesting convention indeed. We will need something stronger than popcorn.
I would suggest rum & cokes, pizza, and maybe more rum...

With Donald Trump’s poll numbers sinking into a death spiral, dozens of Republican delegates are now openly plotting a coup to overthrow him at this year’s Republican National Convention. The Washington Post has scored an interview with GOP delegates who are leading the effort to allow delegates to vote their consciences at this year’s RNC so they can choose someone other than Trump. The rule change would allow delegates to unbind themselves based on “personal or religious conscience.”

Kendal Unruh, a Republican delegate from Colorado, says that their plan is to stop Trump from becoming the nominee first and then hoping the delegates can then pick a consensus non-Trump candidate afterward.

This is going to be one interesting convention indeed. We will need something stronger than popcorn.

That would be so totally awesome that I wouldn't have the words to express my joy over it. Instead of political reporters, news organizations would need to send poets to properly describe the beauty of the situation.
To suggest that polls dropping three or four points in the last week or two where Clinton won the presumption nomination is a "death spiral" seems a bit overly optimistic. Once he gets to 30 pts in national polls, then we can talk.
...dozens of Republican delegates are now openly plotting a coup to overthrow him at this year’s Republican National Convention. The Washington Post has scored an interview with GOP delegates who are leading the effort to allow delegates to vote their consciences at this year’s RNC so they can choose someone other than Trump. The rule change would allow delegates to unbind themselves based on “personal or religious conscience.”
Well, seeing that Zapp Brannigan isn't around to nominate Kif, not exactly certain who would be given the "honor" of replacing Trump. Who'd take the role? Replacing Trump could possibly make things even worse!

Kendal Unruh, a Republican delegate from Colorado, says that their plan is to stop Trump from becoming the nominee first and then hoping the delegates can then pick a consensus non-Trump candidate afterward.
Hmmm... maybe Iselin?
To suggest that polls dropping three or four points in the last week or two where Clinton won the presumption nomination is a "death spiral" seems a bit overly optimistic. Once he gets to 30 pts in national polls, then we can talk.

Latest from Huffington Polls. Trump is working at it!
[h=3]2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton[/h] 45% Hillary Clinton
38% Donald Trump
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