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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

I can't believe this. At what point did the Roman empire become politically correct? If you are referring to 'appeasement of minorities' which minorities are you referring to? Sometimes I think you have had your brain replaced by right wing american talk radio. Because that is the only people who call Obama that. No one of credible intellect.

So sorry to criticise your idol!
We all noticed that you didn't answer his question.
As I suspected, angelo hasn't even read the book he's claiming to cite. Also, if he actually knew anything about it, he would know that most scholars consider the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire to be mediocre history. Its influence is mostly from its style; it established the benchmark of English scholastic writing, the so-called 'official style.' As such, it is a much imitated book in its cadence, choice of words, and dignified exposition. As history, it makes a fine beginner book, detailed, easy to read, relatively non controversial, and not particularly insightful.

I suspect that if angelo had actually read it, he would be able to write better himself, as this is the primary value of the book.
I am all fatigued out on your US election. Why is it so long? I don't much care anymore who wins. Just get the thing over with already.

Don't worry. It will be over in a few months and they'll start the run for the 2020 election.

Good point. The first two Democrats that announced they would run for president in 2008 did so in November of 2006. Neither candidate went anywhere.
So Trump flies to Scotland on business, and congratulates everyone on the Brexit vote, apparently not realizing that Scots voted 62/38% to stay in the EU, and may demand another independence vote.

From a news report: "Trump isn’t traveling with his foreign advisers, but said he was in touch with them, although admitting, 'There's nothing to talk about.'"

He's the gift that keeps on giving.
So Trump flies to Scotland on business, and congratulates everyone on the Brexit vote, apparently not realizing that Scots voted 62/38% to stay in the EU, and may demand another independence vote.

From a news report: "Trump isn’t traveling with his foreign advisers, but said he was in touch with them, although admitting, 'There's nothing to talk about.'"

He's the gift that keeps on giving.
It is incredible that there is a candidate that would make President W Bush and President Buchanan seem somewhat competent.
As I suspected, angelo hasn't even read the book he's claiming to cite. Also, if he actually knew anything about it, he would know that most scholars consider the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire to be mediocre history. Its influence is mostly from its style; it established the benchmark of English scholastic writing, the so-called 'official style.' As such, it is a much imitated book in its cadence, choice of words, and dignified exposition. As history, it makes a fine beginner book, detailed, easy to read, relatively non controversial, and not particularly insightful.

I suspect that if angelo had actually read it, he would be able to write better himself, as this is the primary value of the book.

The Roman Empire was destroyed from within and without. Barbarians at the gates! Exactly what's happening today.
Except that those were actual barbarian armies at the gates. Not metaphorical barbarian armies who are really just poor crop pickers.
I can't believe this. At what point did the Roman empire become politically correct? If you are referring to 'appeasement of minorities' which minorities are you referring to? Sometimes I think you have had your brain replaced by right wing american talk radio. Because that is the only people who call Obama that. No one of credible intellect.

So sorry to criticise your idol! Your idol who refuses to even say the word Islamic terrorists!

The problem is much more the case of a problem with fundamentalistic Islam and its terrorism. Perhaps you can explain why everyone refuses to include the blame of fundamentalism?

I welcome your views and those of all of the non-US resident people on the board. For one thing all of your views often are quite illuminating being somewhat removed from the day to day barrage of inane talking points and systemic media failure that we are subject to. And two, I realize the stakes for the whole world in this election.
I am all fatigued out on your US election. Why is it so long? I don't much care anymore who wins. Just get the thing over with already.

It is an 18th century system for a small minority of the population, land owning males, to indirectly elect the president through the undemocratic electoral college. To say that it is not appropriate for a 21st century super power is obvious. Unfortunately, the system favors the minority party, giving them immense power beyond what their support would otherwise justify. It is not going to change until circumstances sweep the majority party back into power with a mandate to restore democracy. The majority party isn't even asking for such a mandate, we are spared from even discussing it, the majority party is obsessed with boxing in the minority party, not in opposing it.
It should be obvious that Trump has only a microscopic fraction of his claimed wealth (why do Trump University if rich?), and there is a good chance he is more red than black.

So, why doesn't the government or Anonymous find a way to hack and leak his tax returns or similar?

Would proving that Trump is near broke or even underwater have an effect on the election?

If someone in the IRS leaked information that Donald Trump was underwater (to the Clinton campaign only), it might be a good idea to starting using a Trumpian phrase like "broke, blowhard Donald" because she knows she can't lose. Or maybe Warren can do it.

If he comes back at her about money, she can say that she never hung her hat on how great she was by being rich. That people can be great if poor, middle class or rich. Have to neutralize this idiotic wealth advantage he has.
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I am all fatigued out on your US election. Why is it so long? I don't much care anymore who wins. Just get the thing over with already.

But isn't it good. If this thing had only been a few months long, Trump would certainly be President of the United States right now. The process is ridiculous, yes, but it has the effect of truly vetting someone for the job. If you can stand up to worldwide scrutiny on a daily basis for a year straight and still have enough Americans cast their vote for you, you've done something. Maybe not something great, but you really have survived quite the crucible.
Pretty much, this election is Clintons to lose.

Obama was a disaster for the Democratic party in terms of accomplishing anything yet in that same time, the GOP has gone so far off the rails in terms if it's philosophy, people can't identify with it anymore. The old fuckers that voted for the Rethuglicans just to get lower taxes and maintain some delusions of a culture that used to be theirs, are no longer in position to decide these elections. That power has now sifted to the millennials and minority groups they used to be able to bully around - as well feel superior to.

Trump only appeals to old-school Reaganites and bitter baby boomers. Sorry, Charlie, you can't win an election with just those demographics anymore. You have to appeal to people outside of the deep south, and be able to draw in a mix of our culture. Right now, only the Democrats seem to be able to do that.
Pretty much, this election is Clintons to lose.

Obama was a disaster for the Democratic party in terms of accomplishing anything yet in that same time, the GOP has gone so far off the rails in terms if it's philosophy, people can't identify with it anymore. The old fuckers that voted for the Rethuglicans just to get lower taxes and maintain some delusions of a culture that used to be theirs, are no longer in position to decide these elections. That power has now sifted to the millennials and minority groups they used to be able to bully around - as well feel superior to.

Trump only appeals to old-school Reaganites and bitter baby boomers. Sorry, Charlie, you can't win an election with just those demographics anymore. You have to appeal to people outside of the deep south, and be able to draw in a mix of our culture. Right now, only the Democrats seem to be able to do that.
Before Obama was elected I thought the GOP had proven its idiocy with Bill Clinton. Obama revealed them at a whole new level.

When you've historically wed yourself to unthinking nationalists, racists and religious supremacists it should come as no surprise when eventually a Trump rises in your ranks to claim your party standard.
Pretty much, this election is Clintons to lose.
What burns my butt is that I want a choice. Usually I vote against the less stinky. When it is Limburger (which only smells like shit) or shit I'm butt hurt.

Ya, the one good thing about the Trump candidacy is that it may burn the GOP to the ground and they'll use the opportunity to retool in a non-crazy manner and become a party which is an actual alternative option, so there are two potential choices whom one can vote for.

I mean, probably not, and there's a 99% chance that they'll learn absolutely nothing or only learn something completely wrong and remain as dumb as they are today, but it's still a chance.
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