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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Problem - one of the few minorities that the GOP likes are Jews. In fact, in 2002, when people discovered the Neocons, some Neocons defended themselves by saying the term was a dog-whistle for Jew.

Likes Jews, or likes Israel? Among conservative christians there are those that think the Second Coming can't happen until Israel is as big as it was in ancient times, and support it for that reason.. glossing over the fact their beliefs teach that at that time all Jews will either convert or be killed. (mostly killed)
Meanwhile in poll land, good news for Trump, he is leading in the Battleground state of Arizona.

Of course, if Arizona is a Battleground state, that means he has a couple problems. Iowa, Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Florida (well all of the battleground states... except Arizona) are all tilting in Clinton's favor, some with larger margins than others. It has been said no Republican has ever won without Ohio. In 2016, no Republican is winning without Florida either.

The most interesting poll was last Monday, Texas. 41 to 33 in Trumps favor. Trump isn't polling close to 50% in Texas?! While Texas will almost assuredly be red, unless there is an utter political collapse, that Trump can only muster 41% in Texas is a terrible sign. No wonder the Anti-Trump movement in the right-wing is still alive. Texas is a huge state for two reasons, it has a lot of EV's (and a lot of Representatives). The road to taking back the House starts in Texas. Dems only have 11 of the 36 seats in Texas.
Problem - one of the few minorities that the GOP likes withstands are Jews. In fact, in 2002, when people discovered the Neocons, some Neocons defended themselves by saying the term was a dog-whistle for Jew.

I believe the word you are looking for is tolerates, to withstand something implies you are resisting some sort of pressure exerted by the group.
The Dukester weighs in, lololol:


All Jews, but all staunch Zionists? Soros, really?!?
Using 'withstands' in this way is archaic but technically correct.
That account was fairly antisemitic and it was trying very hard to be a meme factory. I think that it was a decent meme (meaning propaganda) and someone was braindead about missing the star of david/old west sheriff badge missing the end rounds. Hidden in plain sight?

The issue is that there is a massive amount of meme-makers who attempt to slip in dog-whistles about muslims, blacks, jews, women and so on. It truly is a contest for them.

Outsourcing his propaganda arm to meme-makers who are either thrill seekers or real bigots is a bad idea. He needs to hire an expert to approve these memes if he is going to do this.

You are assuming that Donald Trump isn't actually anti-Semitic.
You are also assuming that Donald Trump thinks there is anyone in the world that can do anything better than he can himself. :p

Huh, is the (?) a code for ((())) ? that Jon Stewart is John Stewart Leibowitz?



It is dicey territory to play around with this, if Trump was making a personal attack on Stewart for the name change because of the heritage thing because Trump has an affection for Jewish people it requires so many provisos that it is really not worth it. Pretty much only a fellow Jewish person could have a chance of making that last tweet without it being misinterpreted (assuming Trump wasn't being a total dick).

Actually, it could be a very easy dog whistle, "oh no, I think it is great you weight 300 pounds."

Marilyn Monroe should have been proud of her heritage. It is absolutely not only Jewish people who change their names going into show business. Trumps wants to constantly be insulting, but doesn't have the wits to make original and biting points. This was one example.

Does anyone know if Stewart took up the debate offer in the same way that Sanders did? Trump welched on that one...

If the Tucker Carlson takedown is a guidepost, Trump vs Stewart would have been an epic dismantling.

This has got me thinking again of the time in the Rep primaries when they had Trump against the ropes and had him looking like a weak fool and then let up. Who the fuck advised that? Total insanity...
Problem - one of the few minorities that the GOP likes withstands are Jews. In fact, in 2002, when people discovered the Neocons, some Neocons defended themselves by saying the term was a dog-whistle for Jew.

I chose the word "likes" because I mean the word "likes". There was a time, before Bush Jr., that "Neocon" means "a Republican that you wouldn't be embarassed about being seen in public with." During Bush Jr. the Democrats discovered what Libertarians knew all along - Neocons are bad. Upon it becoming widespread knowledge, Republicans came up with a response. They said "Neocon is a code word for 'Jew'".

Which is them learning an old Democrat tactic - accuse people of using dogwhistle racism.

And they meant it. "Likes", not "withstands". I know you are dog whistling "hey, all Republicans are racists". Sorry, that dog whistle on your part is whistling in reponse to their dog whistle.
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