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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

A drop in the ocean as compared to islamic killings every day!

Jihadists kill about 8 Americans per year in the US on average. About the same amount of people who die in hot air balloon accidents each year.

More US citizens (children) die each year being left in hot cars than US citizens are killed by jihadists in the US.
The US destryed Iraq's water and sewer systems, and then denied Iraq, under sanctions, materials and supplies needed to rebuild and purify water. Large numbers of Iraqis died as a result. To say that this was the fault of Saddam is simply untrue and monstrous.

Except that it was the fault of Saddam. He could have fixed the systems, it's just he insisted on doing it with dual-use materials and we weren't going to allow that as we knew where the stuff would really go. There are other ways of purifying water that can't be used for chemical weapons.
A drop in the ocean as compared to islamic killings every day!

Jihadists kill about 8 Americans per year in the US on average. About the same amount of people who die in hot air balloon accidents each year.

Good point. Guess we need to spend a trillion or so dollars stamping out hot air balloons before the American public PANICS!
The US destryed Iraq's water and sewer systems, and then denied Iraq, under sanctions, materials and supplies needed to rebuild and purify water. Large numbers of Iraqis died as a result. To say that this was the fault of Saddam is simply untrue and monstrous.

Except that it was the fault of Saddam. He could have fixed the systems, it's just he insisted on doing it with dual-use materials and we weren't going to allow that as we knew where the stuff would really go. There are other ways of purifying water that can't be used for chemical weapons.

We blocked the importation of materials to fix their systems which should not have been bombed in the first place.
Sorry, blaming it all on Saddam doesn't work. Killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civillians to supposedly force a dictators hands over a number of years is simply morally wrong. Read Nagy which I pointed you to above. The US knew their actions would lead to mass deaths and did it anyway. Do you understand why we are so hated by so many in the Middle East?

Donald Trump keeps doubling down on torture. Do you see why I can never vote for him or anybody like him?
Jihadists kill about 8 Americans per year in the US on average. About the same amount of people who die in hot air balloon accidents each year.

Good point. Guess we need to spend a trillion or so dollars stamping out hot air balloons before the American public PANICS!

The republicans greatest advantage is that they have scared the shit out of the American public into thinking that we need to engage the Jihadists in the ME, kill them there, or they'll be on our shores.
Do you understand why we are so hated by so many in the Middle East?

Not Saddam's fault

We are hated in the ME for the following:

- Support of Israel
- Support of the Kurds
- Securalism
- Better economy
- support of women's rights, support of gay rights
- technical achievements
- landing on the moon
- drinking of beer

etc. etc. etc.
Jihadists kill about 8 Americans per year in the US on average. About the same amount of people who die in hot air balloon accidents each year.

More US citizens (children) die each year being left in hot cars than US citizens are killed by jihadists in the US.

The hundreds killed every day by islamists around the world don't count?

- - - Updated - - -

Not Saddam's fault

We are hated in the ME for the following:

- Support of Israel
- Support of the Kurds
- Securalism
- Better economy
- support of women's rights, support of gay rights
- technical achievements
- landing on the moon
- drinking of beer

etc. etc. etc.

Our women wearing bikinis as well, and most of all, our democracy!
Except that it was the fault of Saddam. He could have fixed the systems, it's just he insisted on doing it with dual-use materials and we weren't going to allow that as we knew where the stuff would really go. There are other ways of purifying water that can't be used for chemical weapons.

We blocked the importation of materials to fix their systems which should not have been bombed in the first place.
Sorry, blaming it all on Saddam doesn't work. Killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civillians to supposedly force a dictators hands over a number of years is simply morally wrong. Read Nagy which I pointed you to above. The US knew their actions would lead to mass deaths and did it anyway. Do you understand why we are so hated by so many in the Middle East?

Donald Trump keeps doubling down on torture. Do you see why I can never vote for him or anybody like him?

Things get hit in war. Especially when the other side likes to use civilian things as shields.
Not Saddam's fault

We are hated in the ME for the following:

- Support of Israel
- Support of the Kurds
- Securalism
- Better economy
- support of women's rights, support of gay rights
- technical achievements
- landing on the moon
- drinking of beer

etc. etc. etc.

Note that many of these basically add up to having a more desirable lifestyle than what the hardliners can possibly offer their people. Since they can't win a fair fight for the hearts and minds of the population they have to demonize us to rig the battlefield.
So back to horses.

Today's Real Clear Politics average:

Clinton 46.6, Trump 42

Five Thirty Eight has Clinton with a 73.4% chance of winning vs Trump's 26.6% in their Now-cast.

Fox News latest poll has it at 48/42 in Clinton's favor.

Monmouth University's latest has it 43/36 for Clinton with 8 going to Gary Johnson.
Unless the Trumpet can organise a miracle, it looks like curtains for him and the GOP. I'm sure they will concentrate on the Senate or and Congress as election day draws near.
He may have stopped 9-11.

Yea, he also invented the internet. Great man Al Gore! :)

I know the truth will be lost on you, but I will not allow that false meme to stand without rebuttal:

Everybody knows that Al Gore claimed to have invented the Internet. But like many things that everyone knows, it's not actually true.

it's clear from looking at Gore's whole statement that he never claimed to have invented the Internet, in the sense of writing code or laying fiber-optic cables. He meant only to take credit for the contributions that he made as a member of Congress, contributions that have been lauded by people like Robert Kahn and Vint Cerf, who wrote the code that serves as the foundation for the Internet.

Two days after Gore appeared on CNN, libertarian writer Declan McCullagh posted a story on Wired News mocking him for claiming to be the "father of the Internet." McCullagh never used the word "invented," but it took only a few days before it mutated into its current form, helping to cement the public perception of Gore as a serial exaggerator.


So now you know
Yea, he also invented the internet. Great man Al Gore! :)

I know the truth will be lost on you, but I will not allow that false meme to stand without rebuttal:

Everybody knows that Al Gore claimed to have invented the Internet. But like many things that everyone knows, it's not actually true.

it's clear from looking at Gore's whole statement that he never claimed to have invented the Internet, in the sense of writing code or laying fiber-optic cables. He meant only to take credit for the contributions that he made as a member of Congress, contributions that have been lauded by people like Robert Kahn and Vint Cerf, who wrote the code that serves as the foundation for the Internet.

Two days after Gore appeared on CNN, libertarian writer Declan McCullagh posted a story on Wired News mocking him for claiming to be the "father of the Internet." McCullagh never used the word "invented," but it took only a few days before it mutated into its current form, helping to cement the public perception of Gore as a serial exaggerator.


So now you know

The charges of Super exaggerator stand!
I know the truth will be lost on you, but I will not allow that false meme to stand without rebuttal:

Everybody knows that Al Gore claimed to have invented the Internet. But like many things that everyone knows, it's not actually true.

it's clear from looking at Gore's whole statement that he never claimed to have invented the Internet, in the sense of writing code or laying fiber-optic cables. He meant only to take credit for the contributions that he made as a member of Congress, contributions that have been lauded by people like Robert Kahn and Vint Cerf, who wrote the code that serves as the foundation for the Internet.

Two days after Gore appeared on CNN, libertarian writer Declan McCullagh posted a story on Wired News mocking him for claiming to be the "father of the Internet." McCullagh never used the word "invented," but it took only a few days before it mutated into its current form, helping to cement the public perception of Gore as a serial exaggerator.


So now you know

The charges of Super exaggerator stand!

[h=3]Al Gore and the Internet[/h] By Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf
Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development.
No one person or even small group of persons exclusively "invented" the Internet. It is the result of many years of ongoing collaboration among people in government and the university community. But as the two people who designed the basic architecture and the core protocols that make the Internet work, we would like to acknowledge VP Gore's contributions as a Congressman, Senator and as Vice President. No other elected official, to our knowledge, has made a greater contribution over a longer period of time.
Last year the Vice President made a straightforward statement on his role. He said: "During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating the Internet." We don't think, as some people have argued, that Gore intended to claim he "invented" the Internet. Moreover, there is no question in our minds that while serving as Senator, Gore's initiatives had a significant and beneficial effect on the still-evolving Internet. The fact of the matter is that Gore was talking about and promoting the Internet long before most people were listening. We feel it is timely to offer our perspective.


And this is the wonderful thing about the far right. Once the FR has invented a lie, it never dies and is never corrected. Gore was in fact a pioneer, a visionary who helped make the internet as we now know it become a reality.
He gets credit for that.
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