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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

I disagree--racism can have more than two and those groups are divided into support, neutral, oppose.
Um, he said 'racism is basically...' You're arguing that the oversimplification is overly simplistic?

I'm agreeing with the basic concept, I'm just disagreeing with the "two" part of it.
Just saw some of the Al Smith dinner and Trump was suberb at his speech/roast, but still a total psycho asshole. It this was just a movie (Bulworth) it would be great.

Best comment from a Trumptard regarding how Hillary felt about it was:


and this one:

Trump is the mongoose in a nest full of vipers.

Did the Trumptard mean cobra?

ETA, I would not be surprised if Nigel Farage wrote some of Trump's jokes. He is getting a major contact high from being around Trump, from what I have seen.
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Um, he said 'racism is basically...' You're arguing that the oversimplification is overly simplistic?

I'm agreeing with the basic concept, I'm just disagreeing with the "two" part of it.
Two is a basic number. Anything higher than two and conservatives just lose their ability to comprehend how anything works. Kind of like me trying to play NHL 16 on the PS3!
What the US political scene needs and has needed for a long time is to go back to ignoring conservatives and conservative thought. There is little reason to listen to them, their answer is always the same, some variation of no, no change and no progress.

Like it or not, change in the world is accelerating. Denying this basic fact as conservatives do will mean that we sacrifice our ability to shape the future to benefit the majority of the people.

Thumpism is the penultimate consequence of movement conservatism, the marshaling of the know-nothing conservatives in support of the idea that the only good that government can produce is to increase the income and the wealth of the already rich at the very real cost of everyone else, that is, neoliberalism.

Is there any hope that the impending defeat of Trump will at the very least signal the beginning of the end of neoliberalism and the adoption of so many of conservatism's failed tenets of no?
The problem is, tea party nonsense and far right politics are not going away. The GOP still controls large parts of this nation at the state level. Time and demographic changes might help, but as long as the far right media feeds ideological poison to millions of listeners, the right will remain a powerful movement. I have no idea how to turn the reddest of red states blue any time soon. Perhaps 30 + years from now when its obvious climate change is real and a disaster, perhaps we might see belated change.
The problem is, tea party nonsense and far right politics are not going away. The GOP still controls large parts of this nation at the state level. Time and demographic changes might help, but as long as the far right media feeds ideological poison to millions of listeners, the right will remain a powerful movement. I have no idea how to turn the reddest of red states blue any time soon. Perhaps 30 + years from now when its obvious climate change is real and a disaster, perhaps we might see belated change.

What would you suggest. Throwing anyone who dares to show his/hers politics as right of center, into jails?
The problem is, tea party nonsense and far right politics are not going away. The GOP still controls large parts of this nation at the state level. Time and demographic changes might help, but as long as the far right media feeds ideological poison to millions of listeners, the right will remain a powerful movement. I have no idea how to turn the reddest of red states blue any time soon. Perhaps 30 + years from now when its obvious climate change is real and a disaster, perhaps we might see belated change.

What would you suggest. Throwing anyone who dares to show his/hers politics as right of center, into jails?

What would make you post a silly thing like that?
How about we hold a national referendum to kick Texas out of the union?

Texas is turning left. It could be a swing state in four years. The race has tightened.

It could swing this year.

According to Nate Silver's numbers, there is a similar chance of Clinton winning Texas to that of Trump winning the presidency.

Personally I would be unsurprised if Texas turned blue in November.
Personally I would be unsurprised if Texas turned blue in November.

The cynic in me says that if that happens, it will only take Ted Cruz running again in 2020 for Texas to turn back to deep red again.
Personally I would be unsurprised if Texas turned blue in November.

The cynic in me says that if that happens, it will only take Ted Cruz running again in 2020 for Texas to turn back to deep red again.

Perhaps. I think a lot of traditionally red states will turn blue this year; whether they go back to red in four or eight years time will depend on the GOP not selecting a crazy lunatic as their candidate. Given this year's nominee, I'm not hugely confident that they can do that.
How Evan McMullin Could Win Utah And The Presidency | FiveThirtyEight

Checking on Utah | 2016 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight, Evan McMullin is now at 26.0%, not far behind Hillary Clinton at 28.3%, down from around 35%, and Donald Trump at 35.7%, down from around 50%. Gary Johnson is now getting 7.8% of the vote there, down from around 13%.

Who is this mysterious candidate?
According to the bio on his website, he served in the CIA for about a decade, and spent time in investment banking, as an adviser for the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and as policy director for the House Republican Conference. On the issues, McMullin has taken fairly orthodox Republican positions, including supporting free trade. He has been critical of Trump on immigration, refugees, anti-Muslim rhetoric and on temperament and fitness to be president.
His home page: Evan McMullin for President

He doesn't seem to be a vulgar bigoted lecherous bullying Putin-loving narcissist.

Author Benjamin Morris then speculated how he might become President.

He would first have to win in Utah. That is still rather improbable, but not impossible, if enough people find DT revolting. All he needs is to get more votes than DT and HC, and he will win Utah's electoral votes. But HC won't be far behind, and she might even win.

Then HC and DT would have to split the electoral votes evenly enough so that neither can win without Utah. That's currently very improbable, it must be conceded.

This will throw the election into the House of Representatives, and it will then vote. Each state delegation has one vote each, for whatever odd reason. Since the Republicans dominate the House, it will be Republicans who choose the next President. If many Republican politicians find EMcM more palatable than DT, then EMcM will win.
My youngest daughter is African American, adopted from Ethiopia, and in alt-right circles that’s an unforgivable sin. It’s called “race-cucking” or “raising the enemy.”

I saw images of my daughter’s face in gas chambers, with a smiling Trump in a Nazi uniform preparing to press a button and kill her. I saw her face photo-shopped into images of slaves. She was called a “niglet” and a “dindu.”

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/artic...alt-right-internet-abuse-never-trump-movement

Hummm... who do we know who uses that language? :thinking:

Try this.

Hmmm, not working again.

Google this and it will be the first link that comes up.:

national review the price I paid for opposing donald trump

That is stomach-turning and scary.

But I’ll be honest: It’s miserable. There is nothing at all rewarding, enjoyable, or satisfying about seeing your beautiful young daughter called a “niglet.” There is nothing at all rewarding, enjoyable, or satisfying about seeing man after man after man brag in graphic terms that he has slept with your wife. It’s unsettling to have a phone call interrupted, watch images of murder flicker across your screen, and read threatening e-mails. It’s sobering to take your teenage kids out to the farm to make sure they’re both proficient with handguns in case an intruder comes when they’re home alone. The misery is compounded when longtime friends and allies dismiss my experiences and the experiences of my colleagues as nothing more than the normal cost of public advocacy. It’s not. I have contributed to National Review for more than ten years now, and have been deeply involved in many of America’s most emotional culture-war battles for more than 20. I’ve never experienced anything like this before.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/artic...alt-right-internet-abuse-never-trump-movement

It is nothing different than women who speak out against sexism and misogyny have been subjected to for quite a few years. I just find it interesting that Trump supporters are turning it against conservative men now. I'd like to see a Venn diagram (& a psych report) of the people who do this shit.
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