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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

I voted for HRC on Thrusday, and now I want my ballot back. Because now I know that the FBI isn't sure that any of the emails that Hillary didn't send to a computer that wasn't hers are not significant. Shocking! It's the BIGGEST SCANDAL SINCE WATER- UH.... PUSSYGATE!

Yea, I had the exact same reaction. This is the most overblown "scandal" in the history of October surprises. I mean it might have some importance if we can see the dastardly e-mails, but Comey won't even release it. Wow. Good thing that he's impartial!

I agree. But what's the likely impact on the American voter? Are they really smart enough to see through this? Or are they more concerned about brangelina breaking up to pay more attention to anything other than the headlines? Perhaps that it happened and seemed to be over quickly may help. Maybe. Hopefully. But what is the condense here?

Yea, I had the exact same reaction. This is the most overblown "scandal" in the history of October surprises. I mean it might have some importance if we can see the dastardly e-mails, but Comey won't even release it. Wow. Good thing that he's impartial!

I agree. But what's the likely impact on the American voter? Are they really smart enough to see through this? Or are they more concerned about brangelina breaking up to pay more attention to anything other than the headlines? Perhaps that it happened and seemed to be over quickly may help. Maybe. Hopefully. But what is the condense here?


I don't know how many voters might be swayed. But it's a foregone conclusion that trumpsuckers will see it (DO see it) as vindication of their array of specious charges against HRC. Probably will motivate some who have heard that the election is over, to take hope and drag their lazy asses to the polls.
I voted for HRC on Thrusday, and now I want my ballot back. Because now I know that the FBI isn't sure that any of the emails that Hillary didn't send to a computer that wasn't hers are not significant. Shocking! It's the BIGGEST SCANDAL SINCE WATER- UH.... PUSSYGATE!

Yea, I had the exact same reaction. This is the most overblown "scandal" in the history of October surprises. I mean it might have some importance if we can see the dastardly e-mails, but Comey won't even release it. Wow. Good thing that he's impartial!
Overblown, for sure.

As to importance and dastardliness, take note of the deflection from the delineating factor that negates criminality--intent. She sent emails. Many were personal and mundane, but some of them were categorized as classified. Since they were sent insufficiently secure, this is an important matter, but whether this is significant as it pertains to prosecution dangles (apparently) on that before mentioned factor.

Do you really think he should release the emails, even if redacted? Does he not have a duty to deny transparency? People throw the word, "transparency" around like it should be obvious to even the oblivious that being transparent is the proper course of action. Hogwash!
Yea, I had the exact same reaction. This is the most overblown "scandal" in the history of October surprises. I mean it might have some importance if we can see the dastardly e-mails, but Comey won't even release it. Wow. Good thing that he's impartial!
Overblown, for sure.

As to importance and dastardliness, take note of the deflection from the delineating factor that negates criminality--intent. She sent emails. Many were personal and mundane, but some of them were categorized as classified. Since they were sent insufficiently secure, this is an important matter, but whether this is significant as it pertains to prosecution dangles (apparently) on that before mentioned factor.

Do you really think he should release the emails, even if redacted? Does he not have a duty to deny transparency? People throw the word, "transparency" around like it should be obvious to even the oblivious that being transparent is the proper course of action. Hogwash!

She did not knowingly send out classified e-mails. I used to be in the Air Force and had handled classified messages. I also did not know that (C) in an indent meant classified. Most classified documents that I've seen were clearly marked classified.

But the larger issue is how in the world are we suppose to know how bad these e-mails are when they haven't been released? In today's world of Wikiputinrepublican Leaks - I just don't trust the sources anymore. To me, it appears that Comey is attempting to throw the election.
Overblown, for sure.

As to importance and dastardliness, take note of the deflection from the delineating factor that negates criminality--intent. She sent emails. Many were personal and mundane, but some of them were categorized as classified. Since they were sent insufficiently secure, this is an important matter, but whether this is significant as it pertains to prosecution dangles (apparently) on that before mentioned factor.

Do you really think he should release the emails, even if redacted? Does he not have a duty to deny transparency? People throw the word, "transparency" around like it should be obvious to even the oblivious that being transparent is the proper course of action. Hogwash!

She did not knowingly send out classified e-mails. I used to be in the Air Force and had handled classified messages. I also did not know that (C) in an indent meant classified. Most classified documents that I've seen were clearly marked classified.

But the larger issue is how in the world are we suppose to know how bad these e-mails are when they haven't been released? In today's world of Wikiputinrepublican Leaks - I just don't trust the sources anymore. To me, it appears that Comey is attempting to throw the election.

I was in the Air Force as well (I had my finger on "the button", well it was a key actually) all the classified we had on complex was marked on top and bottom front and back withthe highest level of classification on the page. (C) always ment that PARAGRAPH was classified "Confidential".

She did not knowingly send out classified e-mails. I used to be in the Air Force and had handled classified messages. I also did not know that (C) in an indent meant classified. Most classified documents that I've seen were clearly marked classified.

But the larger issue is how in the world are we suppose to know how bad these e-mails are when they haven't been released? In today's world of Wikiputinrepublican Leaks - I just don't trust the sources anymore. To me, it appears that Comey is attempting to throw the election.

I was in the Air Force as well (I had my finger on "the button", well it was a key actually) all the classified we had on complex was marked on top and bottom front and back withthe highest level of classification on the page. (C) always ment that PARAGRAPH was classified "Confidential".


I thought it meant Copyrighted and you couldn't forward the email to anybody without paying the original sender a nickel.
I used to work as a property manager for a Trump apartment building. I thought C meant 'colored.'
We don't expect you to know, so we won't hold you accountable for not knowing, but for someone who should of known, we will hold her accountable, no matter how often she forgets her training.
What do you mean? C doesn't mean colored?
She did not knowingly send out classified e-mails. I used to be in the Air Force and had handled classified messages. I also did not know that (C) in an indent meant classified. Most classified documents that I've seen were clearly marked classified.

But the larger issue is how in the world are we suppose to know how bad these e-mails are when they haven't been released? In today's world of Wikiputinrepublican Leaks - I just don't trust the sources anymore. To me, it appears that Comey is attempting to throw the election.

I was in the Air Force as well (I had my finger on "the button", well it was a key actually) all the classified we had on complex was marked on top and bottom front and back withthe highest level of classification on the page. (C) always ment that PARAGRAPH was classified "Confidential".


Yes, but in the digital age it's a bit different. Classified emails are kept on the SIPR networks that are not physically connected to the internet. They have to be "air gapped" to the unclassified networks. In the rush of things, many things get mis-marked. Often everything is classified initially as Secret/Noforn. The State Department is especially bad about this. Little of it is really necessarily secret. Much of it is already out there in the press, but we don't want to confirm it. We routinely would call over to the embassy and request that some paragraph be declassified so we could get the message out to the general public. These were almost always granted.

One time we were going after a really bad dude. I looked him up the CIA's SIPR database and read up on him. Then out of curiosity I checked the Wikipedia article on him. There was everything about him that was supposedly classified Secret and lots more! I just laughed.

Often people screwed up and sent things on the unclassified side that they had yet to get clearance to release first. Sometimes people got admonished for such. Occasionally someone had to have their hard drive scrubbed. But I never saw someone get in any real trouble over it. It happens.

So I'm highly skeptical of this whole mess. It smacks of a political witch hunt from the get go by people who are clueless about how our government really works.

What do you mean? C doesn't mean colored?

Don't make me second guess myself. That requires brain power, and right now, I'm still trying to convince myself that Trump's remarks about grabbing vajaja's was intentionally misinterpreted.
I think we're going to find out that the FBI already has most all those emails. From what I've read, Huma put them on the laptop so they could be printed.
I make this prophecy now the 30th of October at 5.38pm in the year 2016. HC will be the most unpopular president ever to be elected , and she will be impeached before halfway through her first term.
I make this prophecy now the 30th of October at 5.38pm in the year 2016. HC will be the most unpopular president ever to be elected , and she will be impeached before halfway through her first term.

I'd like that to be a bet... my money is on Obama to be president on the 30th of October at 5.38pm in the year 2016. :D
I make this prophecy now the 30th of October at 5.38pm in the year 2016. HC will be the most unpopular president ever to be elected , and she will be impeached before halfway through her first term.

I'll counter your prophecy with my own prophecy that she will be a competent and effective President and will win a second term, due as much to GOP incompetence and infighting as anything else.

If the GOP keeps the House, she may get impeached, but who gives a shit?
Angelo may be right on this one. HRC winning the presidency is a good probability, as is the House remaining in Republican control. Removal requires 2/3 of the Senate, and I doubt that the Republicans will have that after either the 2016 or 2018 elections.
I make this prophecy now the 30th of October at 5.38pm in the year 2016. HC will be the most unpopular president ever to be elected , and she will be impeached before halfway through her first term.

That would break the deal. Clinton's impeachment was payback for Nixon's, and they won't do that to each other anymore. It shakes the faith in government. That's why W wasn't impeached.
I make this prophecy now the 30th of October at 5.38pm in the year 2016. HC will be the most unpopular president ever to be elected , and she will be impeached before halfway through her first term.

That would break the deal. Clinton's impeachment was payback for Nixon's, and they won't do that to each other anymore. It shakes the faith in government. That's why W wasn't impeached.

Bush wasn't impeached because for most of his term the GOP had either partial or full control of Congress. He also was not impeached because - unlike the GOP - the Democrats don't view impeachment as a legitimate way to subvert an election.

Angelo's prediction is a bit off, though. I predict talk of impeachment will begin on January 21st 2017 if not before.
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