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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

And after Trump loses the election, his legal problems start. Rape of a 13 year old girl, Trump University, maybe illegal solicitation of election money from foreign interests.
I make this prophecy now the 30th of October at 5.38pm in the year 2016. HC will be the most unpopular president ever to be elected , and she will be impeached before halfway through her first term.

That would break the deal. Clinton's impeachment was payback for Nixon's, and they won't do that to each other anymore. It shakes the faith in government. That's why W wasn't impeached.
One problem with your theory - Nixon was not impeached.
And after Trump loses the election, his legal problems start. Rape of a 13 year old girl, Trump University, maybe illegal solicitation of election money from foreign interests.
I think there is a pretty good chance those emails are going to be pretty bad. Comey took a risk doing what he did.I doubt he did it for no reason.
And after Trump loses the election, his legal problems start. Rape of a 13 year old girl, Trump University, maybe illegal solicitation of election money from foreign interests.

Democrats, or more precisely, the Clinton Foundation accepting money from the Saudis, Bahrain, Qatar, and other bastions of democracy and human rights, especially women's rights is legal? Especially when one says in public she's a feminist and fights for women's rights?
And after Trump loses the election, his legal problems start. Rape of a 13 year old girl, Trump University, maybe illegal solicitation of election money from foreign interests.

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Innocent until proven guilty so wait for the trials but this is simply a distraction. Meanwhile in Clinton's case she acknowledged using her own server for emails that should have been on the secure government servers. Maybe nothing will come of this as I predicted some months ago, but her actions left the emails an easy target for hacking where if just one or contained government classified military data, there could have been a serious fall out.
And after Trump loses the election, his legal problems start. Rape of a 13 year old girl, Trump University, maybe illegal solicitation of election money from foreign interests.

Democrats, or more precisely, the Clinton Foundation accepting money from the Saudis, Bahrain, Qatar, and other bastions of democracy and human rights, especially women's rights is legal? Especially when one says in public she's a feminist and fights for women's rights?

Sometimes people go out to find the wrongs in others when in fact they are trying to deflect attention of their own skeletons in the cupboard. This is using weapons of mass distraction.

Innocent until proven guilty so wait for the trials but this is simply a distraction.

Hillary has not been proven guilty of anything, so what are you whining about?
You seem to want to imply that being a complete fraud and a child rapist is better than being "careless" in handling State dept emails?
I get and send emails to and from State.gov all the time. Big deal. I understand how that can happen. I DON'T do things that make people think I've defrauded them, nor do I do things that might cause charges of child rape or sexual assault to be leveled against me. But Trump does both, repeatedly. He is quite obviously a despicable human being, and speaks like a fourth grader. I don't want a stupid pervert in the white house - forgive me.

Donald Trump has slammed Hillary Clinton for deleting more than 30,000 emails from her personal server — but the Republican presidential nominee’s companies have systematically destroyed records sought by his opponents in lawsuits. Court filings, judicial orders and affidavits show Trump’s employees destroyed or hid thousands of emails, digital records and other documents demanded as part of official proceedings, reported Kurt Eichenwald for Newsweek.
Some of the destruction violated court orders, and the tactic often forced contractors, former business partners and others entangled in lawsuits with Trump to “spend huge sums of money in legal fees as they struggled—sometimes in vain—to obtain records,” Eichenwald reported.


Lock him up! Why do the courts let this idiot get away with this sort of contempt of the law?
A bunch of Remington polls just released. Their polling method over enhances the older population and affects Democrat support. Clinton is still leading. Oddly enough, in Colorado, the poll shows Trump with a 5 pt edge on men, and Clinton with a 9 pt edge on women, yet Clinton leads only by 1 pt? Whatever, the poll indicates Colorado is safe.

For North Carolina, only 23% of respondents were less than 40 years old. Want to hear something really nutty? In Remington's poll, Clinton leads in every age bracket (or is tied) except 70+, and somehow she is losing in that state in their "poll".

For Nevada, 22% of respondents were less than 40. This poll says Trump by 4 pts, but I'm not certain why based on the breakup of the ages they polled.

Remington's polls are nonsensical, but at least help indicate that Clinton is winning in at least Colorado and North Carolina.
That would break the deal. Clinton's impeachment was payback for Nixon's, and they won't do that to each other anymore. It shakes the faith in government. That's why W wasn't impeached.

Bush wasn't impeached because for most of his term the GOP had either partial or full control of Congress. He also was not impeached because - unlike the GOP - the Democrats don't view impeachment as a legitimate way to subvert an election.

So no matter what crimes the office holder is accused of, impeachment is off the table because that subverts the election. Understood.

And put to lie by the impeachment of Nixon.

W wasn't impeached because an understanding was reached - "you don't impeach me, I don't impeach you."
So no matter what crimes the office holder is accused of, impeachment is off the table because that subverts the election.

Apparently you missed the part where the office holder is being set up for impeachment before the election has even happened.
So no matter what crimes the office holder is accused of, impeachment is off the table because that subverts the election.

Apparently you missed the part where the office holder is being set up for impeachment before the election has even happened.

Apparently you missed most of W's two terms.
Bush wasn't impeached because for most of his term the GOP had either partial or full control of Congress. He also was not impeached because - unlike the GOP - the Democrats don't view impeachment as a legitimate way to subvert an election.

So no matter what crimes the office holder is accused of, impeachment is off the table because that subverts the election. Understood.

And put to lie by the impeachment of Nixon.

W wasn't impeached because an understanding was reached - "you don't impeach me, I don't impeach you."
I was of the opinion that not impeaching W was a strategic maneuver to not rock the boat, which could lead to winning majorities in Congress, as was done in 2006.
So no matter what crimes the office holder is accused of, impeachment is off the table because that subverts the election. Understood.

And put to lie by the impeachment of Nixon.

W wasn't impeached because an understanding was reached - "you don't impeach me, I don't impeach you."
I was of the opinion that not impeaching W was a strategic maneuver to not rock the boat, which could lead to winning majorities in Congress, as was done in 2006.

In 2006, when the Democrats got control of the legislature, is when impeachment became possible. "We can't impeach him once we win a majority, because otherwise we won't win the majority." Brilliant. We're now in "pre-crime" territory here.

I remember when Speaker Pelosi announced that impeachment was off the table in 2007. Was she worried that if she left it on the table, people in 2006 would change how the voted? Was she reassuring voters a year earlier?
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