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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Now listen here, chump! You are only an apprentice and if you don't vote for the boss..."YOU'RE FIRED!":wink:

I wonder how often he's going to use his "YOU'RE FIRED!" tagline throughout the campaign and debates? I'll be very disappointed if he doesn't make a point of having it be his thing.
So he'll be more like #2 than #1, it seems.

Donald Trump is running for president in 2016 - CNNPolitics.com
Just over four years after he came closer than ever to launching a campaign before bowing out, Trump made his announcement at the lavish Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York, laying out a vision to match his incoming campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again."

The 68-story tower venue Trump used Tuesday is more than just the backdrop to Trump's presidential announcement, instead becoming a physical embodiment of what Trump is bringing to the table and the challenges he'll face as he formally entered politics.

Trump has already billed himself as the "most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far," pointing out even that he owns a "Gucci store that's worth more than Romney."

That Gucci store won't be far as Trump makes his announcement -- it's located in the lobby of the Trump Tower.
He also stated that his assets are worth $9 billion.
And my penis is 18 inches long.

Word is, Ted Cruz will be standing near Trump as often as possible so he appears a much more viable candidate by comparison. The real winner of Trump in this race (for a few months) are the lazy, don't want to really try too hard comedian writers. They'd have to make something work with Bush or Rubio, but Trump can just have all the old material recycled.

And in other news, it just occurred to me there can not be a Bush / Rubio ticket.

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Nevertheless, he may just poll high enough to get to the debates. What a fucking joke.

It really amuses me when I hear people say that this year's batch is 'stronger' than 2012's.
Yeah, but that is only the homeopaths saying that.
Oh, those poor other GOP candidates. No matter what weirdo, dipshit, moronic behaviour they engage in on a given day, they are going to be completely ignored because Trump will have said or did something even stupider and more nonsensical at the same time.

Say what you will about the guy, but there's no denying that he's a bombastic loudmouth with absolutely no sense of dignity or self-respect. Everyone else is going to try to step it up and it will be funny to watch, but they will fail miserably against the Master of Ridiculousness. Anyone who was concerned that the GOP campaign wouldn't be the nonstop laugh-fest that it was last time can put those concerns to bed because this one is going to be even better!

Now we just need Chris Cristie in, and the two biggest blow-hards on the political stage will make it seem like a Rush Limbaugh show.

Donald Trump is in.
I wonder if even Donald doesn't think he has a snowballs chance? Nah, he couldn't be doing it just for the publicity....

Publicity is all Donald Trump cares about. He must not yet have a television show in the wings.
And in other news, it just occurred to me there can not be a Bush / Rubio ticket.

There COULD be, it is just wildly unlikely, given that they are both from the same state, and that hasn't happened since, well, there were fewer states. In some ways it makes sense, as apparently the two are good friends and work well together.
Jeb pulled a #RachelDolezal

He speaks fluent Spanish. His wife, Columba, was born in Mexico. For two years in his 20s, he lived in Venezuela, immersing himself in the country’s culture. He was born in Texas and is a former governor of Florida, two states with large Hispanic populations.

But on one occasion, it appears, Mr. Bush may have become a bit carried away: He listed himself as Hispanic on a 2009 voter-registration application in Miami-Dade County.

Donald Trump is in.
I wonder if even Donald doesn't think he has a snowballs chance? Nah, he couldn't be doing it just for the publicity....

Funniest line I read about Trump all day was from a New Yorker on Reddit:

" He's like a comet made of ego, turds and tears of casino visitors."
I'm sorry, a man who couldn't prepare an answer to the world's most obvious question in advance, and couldn't think well enough on his feet to answer it simply isn't mentally adequate to be president of the united states. We already had one Bush who was a puppet of his staff, we don't need another.
I'm sorry, a man who couldn't prepare an answer to the world's most obvious question in advance, and couldn't think well enough on his feet to answer it simply isn't mentally adequate to be president of the united states. We already had one Bush who was a puppet of his staff, we don't need another.
Jeb Bush is the smart one, yet has the same advisers. That automatically disqualifies him.
I question the standards of anyone who considers him 'smart.' I've seen no evidence of it, only heard people talk about it. Do you remember Paul Ryan (unfortunately, he is still more than a memory) whom everyone said was like a brilliant financial brain, until the spotlight was put on him and it turns out his math is no good?
I question the standards of anyone who considers him 'smart.' I've seen no evidence of it, only heard people talk about it. Do you remember Paul Ryan (unfortunately, he is still more than a memory) whom everyone said was like a brilliant financial brain, until the spotlight was put on him and it turns out his math is no good?

Perhaps what they mean is that he's "the smart Bush brother", as opposed to simply smart. That's such a low standard that I have no problem taking it at face value. Claiming that someone is smarter than Dubya isn't something with a high bar for believability.
I question the standards of anyone who considers him 'smart.' I've seen no evidence of it, only heard people talk about it. Do you remember Paul Ryan (unfortunately, he is still more than a memory) whom everyone said was like a brilliant financial brain, until the spotlight was put on him and it turns out his math is no good?
His math was fine. Ryan's problem was he was a lying sack of crap.
I question the standards of anyone who considers him 'smart.' I've seen no evidence of it, only heard people talk about it. Do you remember Paul Ryan (unfortunately, he is still more than a memory) whom everyone said was like a brilliant financial brain, until the spotlight was put on him and it turns out his math is no good?
His math was fine. Ryan's problem was he was a lying sack of crap.

Ryan may or may not realize that he is telling lies. The lies have been at the core of movement conservatism for so long now that many conservatives don't realize that they are lies. An entire generation of conservatives has grown up believing that tax cuts pay for themselves, that the media has a liberal bias, that taxation is theft, that government is inherently evil, that stock market investors are job creators, that the poor are to blame for poverty, that the free market can self-regulate, that unions are pure evil bent on destroying the economy, that the only vestigate of racism left is affirmative action, that Democrats win by stealing elections, that everyone wants to take your guns away, that the CRA, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae collapsed the economy in 2008, etc.

I am sure that I have missed as many as I have listed. You can see most of these repeated in these pages almost daily.

The Republicans are the victims of their own propaganda. Most really believe the lies. And they have been taught to swallow them without question.

To update this week's news on the latest to announce their running for President.

Jeb Bush announced a run yesterday and immediately targeted the likely Democrat nominee, The Pope, in his statements about climate change.

Donald Trump put his toupee into the race and immediately promised to make America great again. He said he'd do so by accusing Democrats of stuff until America was great again.

Rick Santorum is still in the race, which is pretty much a moral victory for him.

Ben Carson hasn't said a word recently, helping him climb up the ratings polls.

Carly Fiorina is impressing people enough with her talking skills, they are completely forgetting about her lack of any sort of experience a President should have.

Sam Brownback, who hasn't announced yet, is looking to make a move quickly from his recent economic coup by saving the state from a dire budget predicament, which can only have been caused by liberals.


Meanwhile, Chris Christie was abroad, touring the flooded remains in Georgia.
I question the standards of anyone who considers him 'smart.' I've seen no evidence of it, only heard people talk about it. Do you remember Paul Ryan (unfortunately, he is still more than a memory) whom everyone said was like a brilliant financial brain, until the spotlight was put on him and it turns out his math is no good?

Perhaps what they mean is that he's "the smart Bush brother", as opposed to simply smart. That's such a low standard that I have no problem taking it at face value. Claiming that someone is smarter than Dubya isn't something with a high bar for believability.

Yeah, its a bit like saying Moe was the smart one of the Three Stooges.
To me, an outsider but interested in politics, i like Bernie Sanders. From what I've read about him here, he appears to be head and shoulders above a very ordinary bunch from both sides.
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