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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

As entertaining as it is, I worry. No one is addressing the issue of debt. Being 72 myself, I don't give a damn, really. I don't worry for myself, but for our collective grandchildren. Which generation will it hit? Gen2K -- those born in a year beginning with 2? The Genteen? The new20s? Who will pay when the debts come due. Free money for the banks continues for a while. I worry. I note that war increases the velocity of money. It is injected into the real economy, this, in turn, increases demand and a war-boom is born. The arms dealers, bankers and military (Eisenhower's Military-Industrial Complex) all profit. Greatly. A forgotten issue. I worry. In a dictatorship they vote, but there is only a choice of one name; in the US there are two names. I worry.

First the money isn't free because the FED has to account for it being printed as debt.

Second your worry is misplaced. You should be concerned about big banks hoarding the money and keeping it from circulating. there should be piles of loans for such as infrastructure that Congress should have enacted to suck the money into the economy. No good on the sideline and we already have the debt. The problems seems to be that Congress doesn't recognize it has this money that it needs to get moving and it is already counted as debt. Providing funding sources for that money is their job. Tying the printed money to tasks is the thing. Taking the government printed money from the banks and putting it to use is necessary.
Banks are there to make money. By hoarding it, they're not making money, so why would they do that?
They could be doing it so that they get a higher price for the money that they do lend -- higher interest rates.
A poll released yesterday indicated that even if Trump lost support, approximately half of his base would be willing to enter a space capsule to the Moon with Trump to start a new America.
A poll released yesterday indicated that even if Trump lost support, approximately half of his base would be willing to enter a space capsule to the Moon with Trump to start a new America.

Trevanian in his novel Shibumi has his protagonist's computer give a special designation to the especially dangerous: Leader-type. A leader-type named Kennedy got us to the Moon on the exploration trip. The colonization trips will take a new leader-type that knows how to get things done. If Trump were in actual fact placing his very life and fortune on the line and taking himself to the Moon, I would happily follow. The Donald ain't gonna rough it.
To start a New America ...

There was a time when oaths were taken seriously. A pledge of sacred honor. An oath violated is a permanent stain upon my self esteem. A shameful weight upon my soul. An oath to protect and defend the Constitution meant that legislators themselves would not propose any legislation that might possibly be unconstitutional. Discussions among all might dismiss a bill as unconstitutional on its face. The original role of the supreme court was not to judge the legislature. No "checks and balances." Instead three pillars: judicial, legislative, executive. A legislature recognizing political reality: Ordinary folk, ordinary taxpayers provide the bulk of the revenue; they will be the House. The Senate is for the politicians. Rich folk with political connections representing the political interest of their state, appointed by the governor or state legislature. The senate will oversee negotiations of treaties with other governments since they are politicians used to negotiation with other states. (We've messed that up with direct election of senators. Oops.) Revenue shall come from excise and duties. (Excise tax is sales tax. We messed that up too.) A non-partisan presidential election. Electors shall decide. They, in turn, will be elected in each state. The president is the one that gets the most electoral votes, the vice president the second-most. Since the vice president becomes president of the senate -- presiding over the senate -- in the chair banging the gavel, the vice presidency is a powerful check on the president. (Oops.)

... go back to the beginning.

Independent States with different laws and customs. Each an experiment to be copied by other states if successful. Some where polygamy is allowed, some where the state stays out of the marriage business and local custom prevails, and some that allow only heterosexual marriage.
Some that make charity state-controlled and others leave it to the known generosity of most people.
Some that make education state-controlled and others that leave it to the individual families to educate their own children.
Some will insist that all citizens over 12 be trained in gun safety, shooting skills and basic martial arts while others will allow gun-free-zone local ordinances in their state.
Some will allow open carry, some will not.
Local control by local laws.
Voting with the feet -- that grass sometimes really is greener. And failed policies affect just one state at a time.
Hillary's campaign reminds one of a B-52 fatally hit and in flames over Hanoi - a long slow arc across the sky before hitting nose down ending in a mushroom cloud of fire and smoke.

First polling released yesterday shows Hillary behind Sanders in NH by four points. Other polling (NBC/Marist) shows her nine points behind. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...ter_page&account=thedailybeast&medium=twitter

Second, Politico(Florida) wrote that a group of Hillary's moneyed class is getting nervous about her falling numbers. Interestingly (and as I predicted) the FBI involvement in the emailgate and her mishandling is suggesting to them that her campaigns out of control. http://www.capitalnewyork.com/artic...ndraisers-fret-over-email-fiasco-and-new-beng

Last, Hillary is rapidly losing the support of women.

The Daily Beast: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...ter_page&account=thedailybeast&medium=twitter

The Clinton campaign went into overdrive this week to shore up support among voters most assumed would have been locked in as Clinton backers from the start—Democratic women.

From last Saturday’s kickoff of “New Hampshire Women for Hillary,” to Clinton’s appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show last Thursday where she pitched, “If you vote for somebody on the merits, one of my merits is that I’m a woman,” to an online campaign store newly stocked with lady-friendly merch (official “Women’s Rights are Human Rights” tote, anyone?) the not-at-all subtle message is this: Hey ladies, vote for Hillary!

The female hard sell is coming as a series of local and national polls show that Clinton’s strength among Democratic women voters has continued to steadily, and in some cases, precipitously erode as her campaign has become bogged down in questions over use of a private email server and Sen. Bernie Sanders has risen on a wave of populist support that the Clinton camp had mostly dismissed or ignored.

The latest bad news for Clinton came last week from the NBC News/Marist poll Sanders Leads Clinton by 9 in N.H., Gains in Iowa: Poll, which showed Clinton losing to Sanders by nine percentage points in New Hampshire, thanks mostly a huge drop in Clinton’s female support. Although Clinton still held onto women by seven points, her lead among women there is down 16 points since July. The same holds true in Iowa, where Clinton’s lead among Democratic women shrank 24 points between July and September. A previous PPP poll showed Clinton losing New Hampshire women to Sanders by three points.

My, my.
To start a New America ...

(lots of harebrained romanticism snipped)

A non-partisan presidential election. Electors shall decide. They, in turn, will be elected in each state. The president is the one that gets the most electoral votes, the vice president the second-most.
A totally harebrained idea that was amended into its present form VERY quickly.

Independent States with different laws and customs. Each an experiment to be copied by other states if successful.
You forgot something VERY big, George S:

Some states will extort money from their citizens to protect people who are too lazy to protect themselves, while other states will leave it up to their citizens to protect themselves, since they know better how to do so than any government every could.
Independent States with different laws and customs. Each an experiment to be copied by other states if successful.
You forgot something VERY big, George S:

Some states will extort money from their citizens to protect people who are too lazy to protect themselves, while other states will leave it up to their citizens to protect themselves, since they know better how to do so than any government every could.
Well that and the whole Articles of Confederation. The strong state, weak federal was tried, and failed miserably!
The original role of the supreme court was not to judge the legislature.

Article III:

Constitution said:
The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority

Independent States with different laws and customs. Each an experiment to be copied by other states if successful. Some where polygamy is allowed, some where the state stays out of the marriage business and local custom prevails, and some that allow only heterosexual marriage.
Some that make charity state-controlled and others leave it to the known generosity of most people.
Some that make education state-controlled and others that leave it to the individual families to educate their own children.
Some will insist that all citizens over 12 be trained in gun safety, shooting skills and basic martial arts while others will allow gun-free-zone local ordinances in their state.
Some will allow open carry, some will not.
Local control by local laws.

States are free to do any of the above.
Wasn't there a movement at one point to have all the conservative Christians move to South Carolina in order to set up a Christian Disneyland or something by having the numbers to change all the State laws to reflect Biblical principles? Whatever happened with that?
If I recall correctly, they got diverted to Guyana, and ended up accidentally drinking some bad kool-aid.
A poll released yesterday indicated that even if Trump lost support, approximately half of his base would be willing to enter a space capsule to the Moon with Trump to start a new America.
Someone has stated that the reason why so many like Trump is because they're sick and tired of politicians.
Makes some sense. He's also saying what many Americans want to hear.
Wasn't there a movement at one point to have all the conservative Christians move to South Carolina in order to set up a Christian Disneyland or something by having the numbers to change all the State laws to reflect Biblical principles? Whatever happened with that?

Yes there was, and it was South Carolina, and they didn't get diverted to Guyana. They were inspired by the success (!) of the Free State Project.
A poll released yesterday indicated that even if Trump lost support, approximately half of his base would be willing to enter a space capsule to the Moon with Trump to start a new America.
Someone has stated that the reason why so many like Trump is because they're sick and tired of politicians.
Yes, sick and tired of politicians. His supporters think Boehner is a traitor to the US for not letting it default on its debt. Think Eric Cantor was a RINO. While the is a fatigue of politicians in the US, the Trump supporters are fucking insane!
Makes some sense. He's also saying what many Americans want to hear.
Your choice of numeration is wrong. A "few" Americans want to hear. What Trump is saying is not widely viewed as acceptable by Americans, forget worthy of being an elected official.
There's a way to go before the nominations. Things can change overnight. I'd be surprised if the field isn't cut back to a more manageable number come 2016.
Looks like that may soon happen. Scott Walker and Rick Perry seem like they may soon join Mitt Romney in dropping out.
Ben Carson - Muslims can't be President because Islam is anti-American.

Unlike Christianity and Judaism which was apparently pro-women voting, minority rights, and all for the first Amendment.
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