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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

The media seems to have gotten somewhat numb to Trump Shock factor. Trump mockingly reprimands a women in the crowd for shouting out that Cruz is a pussy, just so he can say it and pretend he didn't say it. It is just another Trump article event...next on will be the "lion eating captured terrorists" showing.
"Okay, you're not allowed to say and I never expect to hear that from you again," Trump said with mock seriousness, like a father reprimanding a child. "She said -- I never expect to hear that from you again! -- she said: 'He's a pussy.' That's terrible."
The less likely event is that Christie or Kasich could rush in and grab the nomination. I wouldn't vote for either, but I think we can agree that either one wouldn't be a catastrophe.
Kasich would be a catastrophe for women

I don't know about that. Clinton demonstrated that it isn't really all that difficult for a lady to get into the Oval Office for some nookie. While all the security protocols would mean that women would need to jump through a few more hoops in order to get some of that sweet, sweet Kasich action if he becomes President, I think you're overstating the concern by labelling it a catastrophe for them.
New Hampshire primaries not as action packed as Iowa. Despite being called the 'surprise state' everything seems to be going according to script. Sanders leading Hilary by a small but comfortable amount, Trump way ahead of the pack, with Cruz in the scrum with all the establishment candidates. I'm hoping the results are more or less like how it is now: With Trump winning, Kasich second, with a decent lead over the pack, with Bush in an unimpressive third and Cruz and Rubio more or less even at the bottom of the top five. If Christie could pass one or the other of them, that would be golden, but I don't think it will happen.

I think a two man race between Cruz and Trump could destroy the GOP.
Hey, it looks like Gilmore got another vote! That's great news. Keep the dream alive, brother!
Does that man just have a large and widely scattered extended family, or what?

While everyone expects Sanders to beat Clinton, it will be interesting to see if he slaughters her.
Does that man just have a large and widely scattered extended family, or what?

While everyone expects Sanders to beat Clinton, it will be interesting to see if he slaughters her.

Anything less than a 40% point win will really be a Clinton victory.
Drudge is currently showing Sanders at about 60% and Hillary at about 40%. I couldn't be more pleased with that. Go Sanders. It is narrower than to 60% to 30% earlier, but still respectable.

As for the Republican side. The top three are Trump and two others, the top three in Iowa were Trump and two others, and in both cases it is a different two others. Fun.

It looks like nothing is going as the party elites in either party expected in 2016.

Oh, Republicans, remember when you kicked all the sane people out of your party in 2012? You wouldn't even count their votes at the convention?
Why do you go to Drudge rather than a site that reports the actual results?
Been a while since any precincts reported.

C'mon, post results or die, bitches!
I understand that if you fall below 10% you get no delegates.

Rubio is perilously close to that. We can hope.
Bernie is now giving his victory speech. Its a corker that is getting big cheers.Its going to be a joy to hear if he ever debates Trump. He is hitting hard on Citizen's United, and the financial stagnation. He is asking for contributions to take the fight to Nevada, South Carolina and the Super Tuesday states. He wants single payer health insurance, and controlling drug prices. All the usual Sanders tropes. The revolution is a go.
Good for Trump, reinflates his 'winner' image by winning by getting twice as much as his nearest competitor, good for Kasich, this was his only shot, and a 2nd place allows him to stay in, good for Cruz, a 3rd place showing in a state that is pretty hostile to him, not quite as good as Rubio's 3rd place Iowa showing, but good enough. Bad for Bush, not getting in the top 3 and finishing well behind fellow establishment rival. And really bad for Rubio, his 3-2-1 strategy in shambles...its hard to see how he'd get 1 in South Carolina if he didn't manage to get 2 in New Hampshire. It was a longshot to begin with. Christie managed to damage Rubio but not help himself. Unless he thinks he can get it together for Nevada, he'd be wise to step out and endorse one of his fellow governors. I can't see him endorsing Rubio after tearing his legs off in the debate. I don't know if he gets along better with Bush or Kasich. And of course the other three are just marking time. Does Carson think the non existent republican black vote will rally to him in South Carolina?
The Rubio bounce lasted all of a few days. Now Kasich is on a bounce. Lets see if the news about how his Admin has greatly overstated Charter school success and understated charter school failure (nearly unchecked online charter status) starts becoming more known nationally. Did I mention they lied about score results too, and the state lost its Fed grant for Charters?

Kasich is the best establishment offer. To me, he has always been the front runner for VP (sorry Carson). But he isn't squeeky clean, just a lot more so than many other opponents, he has actual experience, and he represents a crucial battleground state.

Sanders v Clinton, we've been waiting for a Nevada poll for about ten years now. Sanders was back 23 points in December. Based on a Michigan and Minnesota poll, which are the closest to date, Sanders has a huge mountain to climb.
Poor ol Rubio's concession speech was humiliating. He apologized to his supporters for his debate failure and admitted that had helped derail his efforts in the primary. He promised he'd never again do that sort of thing again. Well, maybe.
Its going to be tough to shed his programmed light weight image.
No more dropouts? I expected Ben Carson or Carly Fiorina or some other also-ran to drop out, just like after the Iowa caucuses.
No more dropouts? I expected Ben Carson or Carly Fiorina or some other also-ran to drop out, just like after the Iowa caucuses.
Christie seems extremely likely before South Carolina. Carson and Fiorina keep on going. Where the money is coming from to continue, I have no idea. Gilmore needs to be getting close too, but is he even running a campaign? Rubio may make it to Crazy Tuesday, just to save face for falling flat on it in the debate.

By the way folks, that is the difference between Obama and Rubio. Despite having relatively the same "executive" experience, Obama could come across intelligently, against tough opponents. Rubio didn't last one week on the bubble.
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