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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

The big news in the race today is Marco's big mistake in the debate.

For months, people have complained of Rubio's seeming inability to think on his feet and have a sound grasp on reality, preferring to regurgitate prepared statements at all times. One pundit called him 'a machine programmed to repeat talking points,' and I myself called him a manikin. Yesterday he repeated the same argument over and over again, causing Christie to mock him on stage, and the audience to boo.

Here's one link, many news sources are repeating this one. Will it effect the vote?

ETA: AWW didn't notice the other thread. Oh well, this post will act as a convenient marker in this much longer thread.
The big news in the race today is Marco's big mistake in the debate.

For months, people have complained of Rubio's seeming inability to think on his feet and have a sound grasp on reality, preferring to regurgitate prepared statements at all times. One pundit called him 'a machine programmed to repeat talking points,' and I myself called him a manikin. Yesterday he repeated the same argument over and over again, causing Christie to mock him on stage, and the audience to boo.

Here's one link, many news sources are repeating this one. Will it effect the vote?

ETA: AWW didn't notice the other thread. Oh well, this post will act as a convenient marker in this much longer thread.

I suspect it will affect the vote. Rubio was hoping this might be a break out for him, but obviously, he blew it on stage. He acheived Bush-like doofusness. It just didn't look presidential. Trump got booed more than once. Don't know if he has hurt himself.
Trump thrives off conflict and rough encounters. It may be that republicans are finally getting sick of him, but previously angry denunciations and boos haven't scratched his base. Rubio, by contrast, has been pitching his golden boy, everyone's 2nd choice, nothing objectionable persona. This is the first time he's been strongly attacked (except in an extremely clumsy way by the hapless Bush) and his first major stumble. I hope this takes him down a peg.

A Rubio implosion would probably hand the nomination over to Cruz or Trump, who would go on to lose, being too extreme and racist. The less likely event is that Christie or Kasich could rush in and grab the nomination. I wouldn't vote for either, but I think we can agree that either one wouldn't be a catastrophe. I hate Rubio because he is as extreme as Cruz, but somehow manages to appear not to be. Unlike Cruz, he might have been electable.
Trump thrives off conflict and rough encounters. It may be that republicans are finally getting sick of him, but previously angry denunciations and boos haven't scratched his base. Rubio, by contrast, has been pitching his golden boy, everyone's 2nd choice, nothing objectionable persona. This is the first time he's been strongly attacked (except in an extremely clumsy way by the hapless Bush) and his first major stumble. I hope this takes him down a peg.

A Rubio implosion would probably hand the nomination over to Cruz or Trump, who would go on to lose, being too extreme and racist. The less likely event is that Christie or Kasich could rush in and grab the nomination. I wouldn't vote for either, but I think we can agree that either one wouldn't be a catastrophe. I hate Rubio because he is as extreme as Cruz, but somehow manages to appear not to be. Unlike Cruz, he might have been electable.

I'll have to agree. I think this election will end up being very divisive. We have months of this to go. None of the top candidates here is even attempting to be centrist or moderate. The question for me is, who will, in the future, take up the Sanders revolution politically, or is this going to be a one-shot deal that fades.
Obama's popularity is at an all time low. The GOP, providing they pick the right candidate have a better than 60% chance of taking the white house.
Cruze, should he be nominated, would cruise into the White House.
Current head to head polling has Sander's beating the entire Republican field other than Rubio so bring on the inter party attacks slamming the guy, whoooo
Obama's popularity is at an all time low. The GOP, providing they pick the right candidate have a better than 60% chance of taking the white house.
Cruze, should he be nominated, would cruise into the White House.

What colour is the sky in your world?
Trump thrives off conflict and rough encounters. It may be that republicans are finally getting sick of him, but previously angry denunciations and boos haven't scratched his base. Rubio, by contrast, has been pitching his golden boy, everyone's 2nd choice, nothing objectionable persona. This is the first time he's been strongly attacked (except in an extremely clumsy way by the hapless Bush) and his first major stumble. I hope this takes him down a peg.

A Rubio implosion would probably hand the nomination over to Cruz or Trump, who would go on to lose, being too extreme and racist. The less likely event is that Christie or Kasich could rush in and grab the nomination. I wouldn't vote for either, but I think we can agree that either one wouldn't be a catastrophe. I hate Rubio because he is as extreme as Cruz, but somehow manages to appear not to be. Unlike Cruz, he might have been electable.

IMHO Rubio is an arrogant immature little robot. Cruz not much better but maybe can think for himself without needing batteries and a recording in the head and perhaps more arrogant. Trump is an arrogant rich clever fascist bigmouth businessman set on making America (from "my country right or wrong" days) "great" again.

What's wrong with the Americans? Why even think about that trio when there is a Christie, a Kucich, a Bush, around?
Trump thrives off conflict and rough encounters. It may be that republicans are finally getting sick of him, but previously angry denunciations and boos haven't scratched his base. Rubio, by contrast, has been pitching his golden boy, everyone's 2nd choice, nothing objectionable persona. This is the first time he's been strongly attacked (except in an extremely clumsy way by the hapless Bush) and his first major stumble. I hope this takes him down a peg.

A Rubio implosion would probably hand the nomination over to Cruz or Trump, who would go on to lose, being too extreme and racist. The less likely event is that Christie or Kasich could rush in and grab the nomination. I wouldn't vote for either, but I think we can agree that either one wouldn't be a catastrophe. I hate Rubio because he is as extreme as Cruz, but somehow manages to appear not to be. Unlike Cruz, he might have been electable.

IMHO Rubio is an arrogant immature little robot. Cruz not much better but maybe can think for himself without needing batteries and a recording in the head and perhaps more arrogant. Trump is an arrogant rich clever fascist bigmouth businessman set on making America (from "my country right or wrong" days) "great" again.

What's wrong with the Americans? Why even think about that trio when there is a Christie, a Kucich, a Bush, around?

Basically, it seems a lot of right wingers are angry that Boehner et al didn't get anything done. At least didn't jack-roll Obama. They want somebody they think will go balls to the wall and damn the torpedoes. It frustration and anger all the way. A lot of right wingers are angry and take Romney's loss as an example of what half-hearted candidates get them. An angry voter base wants an angry candidate and they are getting that. The massive turnout in Iowa shows that energizing the base in this manner seems to be working. Trump has tapped into this with a will and is doing well by doing so. Expect more of the same to the bitter end.
Trump thrives off conflict and rough encounters. It may be that republicans are finally getting sick of him, but previously angry denunciations and boos haven't scratched his base. Rubio, by contrast, has been pitching his golden boy, everyone's 2nd choice, nothing objectionable persona. This is the first time he's been strongly attacked (except in an extremely clumsy way by the hapless Bush) and his first major stumble. I hope this takes him down a peg.

A Rubio implosion would probably hand the nomination over to Cruz or Trump, who would go on to lose, being too extreme and racist. The less likely event is that Christie or Kasich could rush in and grab the nomination. I wouldn't vote for either, but I think we can agree that either one wouldn't be a catastrophe. I hate Rubio because he is as extreme as Cruz, but somehow manages to appear not to be. Unlike Cruz, he might have been electable.

Rubio seems to me to be trying to look extreme, acting like he's running for torturer-in-chief. He's also the angriest sounding one, he's on perpetual apocalyptic rant mode.
Rubio seems to me to be trying to look extreme, acting like he's running for torturer-in-chief. He's also the angriest sounding one, he's on perpetual apocalyptic rant mode.

Yes, that's a pretty recent change. We'll see how well it works out. Probably one of his advisors flipped a switch somewhere. I also would point out that perpetual apocalyptic rant mode is not 'objectionable' to republican voters.
GOP politics seems more and more like a Lord of the Flies pig hunt. An unedifying spectacle. Trump leads the GOP with his bluster and braggadocio, and the others seem now to be following suit. Yet Trump also leads in high negative ratings for all his trouble, and Cruz and Rubio seem bent on following suit. Where will this all lead 3 months from now?

7 debates up to early March to come. How bad can it all get?

See here for a list

Tomorrow the caucuses in New Hampshire. Fire engines are standing by.
Trump thrives off conflict and rough encounters. It may be that republicans are finally getting sick of him, but previously angry denunciations and boos haven't scratched his base. Rubio, by contrast, has been pitching his golden boy, everyone's 2nd choice, nothing objectionable persona. This is the first time he's been strongly attacked (except in an extremely clumsy way by the hapless Bush) and his first major stumble. I hope this takes him down a peg.

A Rubio implosion would probably hand the nomination over to Cruz or Trump, who would go on to lose, being too extreme and racist. The less likely event is that Christie or Kasich could rush in and grab the nomination. I wouldn't vote for either, but I think we can agree that either one wouldn't be a catastrophe. I hate Rubio because he is as extreme as Cruz, but somehow manages to appear not to be. Unlike Cruz, he might have been electable.

Rubio seems to me to be trying to look extreme, acting like he's running for torturer-in-chief. He's also the angriest sounding one, he's on perpetual apocalyptic rant mode.
Yeah, that was him a while ago, but then it became obvious that the angry Tea Party jihadist category was becoming saturated with candidates. So he shifted to the not as crazy side. This separated him a bit from the Cruz, Paul, etc... side. But as time passed, and the establishment tried desperately to find a candidate, they latched to him. But Rubio has a problem in New Hampshire, the establishment vote is scattered. Limbaugh supposed a while ago that Pataki and the like got into the race to scatter Trumps support. It looks like the Establishment is scattering their own support. Rubio can't effectively argue against Kasich, Bush, and Christie to peel more of their support. Rather he then needed to look up top, and peel away crazy people who are supporting Cruz. Hence his return back to the Teahadist campaign. He needs that to win in the South anyway.
The trouble is that he just doesn't have the presence to sell that shit. He's like a growling chihuahua. Trump can sell it with his bulk and trumpeting voice, and Cruz can sell it with his cold, dead eyes and natural sinisterness, but not rubio.
The trouble is that he just doesn't have the presence to sell that shit. He's like a growling chihuahua. Trump can sell it with his bulk and trumpeting voice, and Cruz can sell it with his cold, dead eyes and natural sinisterness, but not rubio.
Odd, when a candidate can't win because they can't sell being insincere enough.
The less likely event is that Christie or Kasich could rush in and grab the nomination. I wouldn't vote for either, but I think we can agree that either one wouldn't be a catastrophe.
Kasich would be a catastrophe for women
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