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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Hillary Clinton won South Carolina, 74% to Bernie Sanders's 26%.

Looking at the most recent polls collected at RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls, John Kasich comes in third in Massachusetts, and he's tied with Ted Cruz for third place in Pennsylvania, but he otherwise comes in fourth or fifth, with Ben Carson getting the remaining low spot: fifth or fourth. That's even true of other northern states like Michigan and Wisconsin.

So I expect John Kasich, Ben Carson, or both to drop out after Super Tuesday.
It seems that everything hangs on this " Super Tuesday" to see who may be the real contenders. I don't believe Americans are that stupid to believe the Sanders mantra of " Yes, there is such a thing as a free lunch" will wash with the more educated.

That means Clinton will lead the democrats to a resounding defeat at the Presidential elections.
It seems that everything hangs on this " Super Tuesday" to see who may be the real contenders. I don't believe Americans are that stupid to believe the Sanders mantra of " Yes, there is such a thing as a free lunch" will wash with the more educated.

That means Clinton will lead the democrats to a resounding defeat at the Presidential elections.

Sanders does not tell us that there is a free lunch. He proposes taxes such as a small tax on Wall Street speculations, a higher tax on the 1.0%, taxes on companies that now earn billions but pay no taxes and more. False claims like that simply are rwong.
It seems that everything hangs on this " Super Tuesday" to see who may be the real contenders. I don't believe Americans are that stupid to believe the Sanders mantra of " Yes, there is such a thing as a free lunch" will wash with the more educated.

That means Clinton will lead the democrats to a resounding defeat at the Presidential elections.

Sanders does not tell us that there is a free lunch. He proposes taxes such as a small tax on Wall Street speculations, a higher tax on the 1.0%, taxes on companies that now earn billions but pay no taxes and more. False claims like that simply are rwong.

What does a corporation do about taxes? They use tax law to minimize the tax they must legally pay. All taxed entities do the same. People do it, too.
What does a corporation do about taxes it cannot avoid? It raises the price of its product so the buyer of its product pays the tax. The tax paid by McDonald's is in each meal served. The tax paid by the shipping corporation that got it there is in each meal served. The taxes paid by each McDonald's employee is embedded in that price. The property tax collected on the land McDonald's owns is included in the price.
The rich and poor alike pay the same tax, a hidden sales tax, called corporate income tax.
Perhaps we should repeal all corporate tax except a single one: a sales tax embedded in the prices of all products. No tax added on at the last minute. Repeal the individual income tax as well and convert it to the sales tax that it is. The income tax that CEO pays is embedded in the cost of the goods or services that company sells. The income tax paid by every employee is embedded in the cost of the goods or services that company sells.
<trivia> The US Constitution authorized only two sources originally: Excises and duties. "Excises" are sales taxes. "Duties" are goods-crossing-border taxes.</trivia>
Tale of the Tape



Today's news is simply weird. Cruz is hinting Trumps tax returns might show he had dealings with the Mafia. Trump tells us he need to research the KKK and David Duke before he condemns their support for his candidacy. 37% of Florida voters think Cruz may have been the Zodiac Killer. These aren't just clowns. These are mutants. How weird can it get? Meanwhile, the GOP establishment meltodown continues onwards to new heights.
Today's news is simply weird. Cruz is hinting Trumps tax returns might show he had dealings with the Mafia. Trump tells us he need to research the KKK and David Duke before he condemns their support for his candidacy. 37% of Florida voters think Cruz may have been the Zodiac Killer. These aren't just clowns. These are mutants. How weird can it get? Meanwhile, the GOP establishment meltodown continues onwards to new heights.

Why would 37% of Florida voters think Cruz was the Zodiac Killer? Just where did all of that come from anyway? Tin foil hats can't help us here!


WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 (UPI) -- A poll by Public Policy Polling found that a surprising number of Florida voters believe Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz could be the Zodiac Killer.
While a 62 percent majority of voters answered "No" when asked if they believed Cruz was responsible for the string of murders in the early 70s, 10 percent answered "Yes" and an additional 28 percent said they were unsure.

While Trump may love the "uneducated voter", I am not sure Cruz does now.

This is simply beyond mere "low information" voters. And these people can vote! Devo was right. We are all devolving.
A DNC vice-chair just stepped down and endorsed Sanders.


And on Fox just a short time ago, Ted Cruz has stated, that even though he finds Trump a "big mistake", if Trump wins the nomination, he will support Trump. I am sure Mitch McConnell will be very happy to hear that.
Man, that Jeff Sessions endorsement of Trump must have really rattled him.
It seems that everything hangs on this " Super Tuesday" to see who may be the real contenders. I don't believe Americans are that stupid to believe the Sanders mantra of " Yes, there is such a thing as a free lunch" will wash with the more educated.

That means Clinton will lead the democrats to a resounding defeat at the Presidential elections.

Sanders does not tell us that there is a free lunch. He proposes taxes such as a small tax on Wall Street speculations, a higher tax on the 1.0%, taxes on companies that now earn billions but pay no taxes and more. False claims like that simply are rwong.

Firstly, that 1% most likely creates employment for the other 99%. Secondly, the companies that you claim pay no taxes is plain fantasy. They pay billions in taxes and create millions of jobs who's workers then pay billions in taxes. Then there are sales taxes, payroll taxes, company taxes, etc, etc.
Socialists are champions in spending other people's money until one the day of reckoning comes along like it has in Greece and other semi socialist countries. Venezuela is a prime example.
We are off the deep end here!
If any sane human could think that The Donald could be a leader.
The Repugs will find a way to stop him.
I hope?
Sanders does not tell us that there is a free lunch. He proposes taxes such as a small tax on Wall Street speculations, a higher tax on the 1.0%, taxes on companies that now earn billions but pay no taxes and more. False claims like that simply are rwong.

Firstly, that 1% most likely creates employment for the other 99%. Secondly, the companies that you claim pay no taxes is plain fantasy. They pay billions in taxes and create millions of jobs who's workers then pay billions in taxes. Then there are sales taxes, payroll taxes, company taxes, etc, etc.
Socialists are champions in spending other people's money until one the day of reckoning comes along like it has in Greece and other semi socialist countries. Venezuela is a prime example.

You don't believe in the existence of small business?

Why not?

According to U.S. Census Bureau data, employer firms with fewer than 500 workers employed 48.4 percent of private sector payrolls in 2011, and employer firms with fewer than 100 workers employed 34.3 percent, and those with less than 20 workers employed 17.6 percent

So aren't you kind of achingly wrong on your claim of how awesome the 1% are to the rest of us?
And without data, shouldn't we assume you pulled your other claims from the same dark moist place?

(It is my conclusion studying these things that social programs like universal health care are opposed by huge corporations because they are what keeps new small businesses from opening...)
Your understanding of USA political history is piss poor at best.
but,please go on.Angelo.
Sanders does not tell us that there is a free lunch. He proposes taxes such as a small tax on Wall Street speculations, a higher tax on the 1.0%, taxes on companies that now earn billions but pay no taxes and more. False claims like that simply are rwong.
Firstly, that 1% most likely creates employment for the other 99%.
Actually, they pay a big chunk of income taxes because they take in a big chunk of the national income, ie something like 35% of income taxes paid on 28% of income collected.
Ted Cruz won't admit to being the Zodiac killer because he doesn't want anyone to know he lived in San Francisco.
Jesse Ventura has just announced that if Bernie Sanders loses to Hillary Clinton, he may mount a third party candidacy.

Wheeeee! The circus may get even weirder! A brokered convention, Trump is robbed and starts his third party candidacy. Bloomberg starts his. Ventura joins.... Clinton get indicted....
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