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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

GOP Primary Polls

There is one thing that is troubling me... Vermont and Massachusetts. There aren't Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina states. In these states, conservative means actually being conservative and not this hyper partisan crap that exists today elsewhere in the nation. So what confuses me is how can Trump be leading in these two states? The polling is a mirror of the other states, about 1/3 of those polled support him, meanwhile the establishment choice is still suffering. If an establishment candidate can't win in the not crazy states, what is this telling us, other than the Republicans don't have a single candidate (establishment or non-establishment) that the voters want to vote for.
Is it telling us that the definition of 'establishment' has changed?

There was a time that Pop music meant the music that was most popular. But at a time when Country outsold Pop, some people asked if the definition of Pop should change.
After the 2008 election, back when the crazy was starting to ooze out of the Republican Party, there was some soul searching amongst the conservatives. Why did they lose?

"Pragmatics" like Michael Medved said the party needed to become a bit more inclusive, and not push away Hispanics.

The Palin Porn supporters, just thought they didn't run a conservative enough candidate. They didn't seem to understand that W was one of the worst Presidents in our history, an idea that is backstopped by the next President winning the Nobel Peace Prize simply for not being the last President!

So then Mitt Romney gets the nomination despite a relentless attempt by crazy people to get the nomination. Romney lost, which told the people who thought Palin should run and would win that they were right in '08 and '12 proved it.

Now their judgment is not to be questioned, and if it is, it will only galvanize them more... kind of like how a toddler instantly wants a toy, their younger sibling just picked up. They know they are right... their gut tells them so. What is odd though is how widespread this disease has gone in the US for the Republican primaries.
I generally only watch the debates. Because these supposedly allow these clowns to show off their best ideas, pitching them to the public. Nothing better than to witness prime derp straight from the horse's ass. Cruz IS creepy. Trump IS outlandish. Carson IS an amiable dunce. All lack any sense of gravitas. This is not something some pundit tells me. It something I get to witness for myself.

It will be interesting to watch Kasich. I think he will continue until the money to run is gone.
The only semi-same Republican seems to have been Huntsman, but the modern GOP doesn't do sane.
Poor Huntsman. I think he scared them when he spoke Chinese.

I remember Huntsman in the last election cycle. I was surprised at myself for actually liking him!
GOP Primary Polls

There is one thing that is troubling me... Vermont and Massachusetts. There aren't Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina states. In these states, conservative means actually being conservative and not this hyper partisan crap that exists today elsewhere in the nation. So what confuses me is how can Trump be leading in these two states? The polling is a mirror of the other states, about 1/3 of those polled support him, meanwhile the establishment choice is still suffering. If an establishment candidate can't win in the not crazy states, what is this telling us, other than the Republicans don't have a single candidate (establishment or non-establishment) that the voters want to vote for.

Well, Trump's supporters aren't necessarily "conservative". They're "pissed off". The current system is leaving them behind and they're angry about it and want someone to blame and they see Trump fighting against the people they hate. The fact that a Trump presidency would actually make things worse for them isn't a relevant consideration because he's given them a way to direct their rage. It also increases their blood pressure dramatically, so it's a temporary problem.
Make Amerika great again

Yeah, Trump will bring jobs back to America...maybe only if he can lower minimum wages.

It seems Trump can't find enough service sector workers for his private Florida club which only requires a $100,000 initiation fee to get into the door (more fee's to follow). Unemployement must be real low...LOL Yeah, this should play well in Dumocratic commercials if he wins the Repug nomination.
In his quest for the Republican presidential nomination, Mr. Trump has stoked his crowds by promising to bring back jobs that have been snatched by illegal immigrants or outsourced by corporations, and voters worried about immigration have been his strongest backers.

But he has also pursued more than 500 visas for foreign workers at Mar-a-Lago since 2010, according to the United States Department of Labor, while hundreds of domestic applicants failed to get the same jobs.
Thursday, February 25, is a GOP debate night. Cruz, in polls is the Texas home boy choice of most GOP voters.
So I suspect he will take a lot of abuse from Trump and Rubio.
Yeah, Trump will bring jobs back to America...maybe only if he can lower minimum wages.

It seems Trump can't find enough service sector workers for his private Florida club which only requires a $100,000 initiation fee to get into the door (more fee's to follow). Unemployement must be real low...LOL Yeah, this should play well in Dumocratic commercials if he wins the Repug nomination.
In his quest for the Republican presidential nomination, Mr. Trump has stoked his crowds by promising to bring back jobs that have been snatched by illegal immigrants or outsourced by corporations, and voters worried about immigration have been his strongest backers.

But he has also pursued more than 500 visas for foreign workers at Mar-a-Lago since 2010, according to the United States Department of Labor, while hundreds of domestic applicants failed to get the same jobs.
Don't you realize that the price for admission into the club will skyrocket if we raise minimum wage and force them to hire American employees?!
So much for that 'let's have fewer debates' idea. What the hell are they going to talk about, after all this? Will a debate moderator actually break down and ask them policy questions, for lack of anything else?
Who's in and who's out:

Ted Cruz: 2015 Mar 23 -
Rand Paul: 2015 Apr 7 - 2016 Feb 3
Marco Rubio: 2015 Apr 13 -
Ben Carson: 2015 May 3 -
Carly Fiorina: 2015 May 4 - 2016 Feb 11
Mike Huckabee: 2015 May 5 - 2016 Feb 1
Rick Santorum: 2015 May 27 - 2016 Feb 3
George Pataki: 2015 May 28 - 2015 Dec 29
Lindsey Graham: 2015 Jun 1 - 2015 Dec 21
Rick Perry: 2015 Jun 4 - 2015 Sep 11
Jeb Bush: 2015 Jun 15 - 2016 Feb 20
Donald Trump: 2015 Jun 16 -
Bobby Jindal: 2015 Jun 24 - 2015 Nov 17
Chris Christie: 2015 Jun 30 - 2016 Feb 11
Scott Walker: 2015 Jul 13 - 2015 Sep 21
John Kasich: 2015 Jul 21 -
Jim Gilmore: 2015 Jul 29 - 2016 Feb 12

Hillary Clinton: 2015 Apr 12 -
Bernie Sanders: 2015 Apr 30 -
Martin O'Malley: 2015 May 30 - 2016 Feb 1
Lincoln Chafee: 2015 June 3 - 2015 Oct 23
Jim Webb: 2015 Jul 2 - 2015 Oct 2
Lawrence Lessig: 2015 Sep 6 - 2015 Nov 8
Are you ready for Super Tuesday? Trump is poised to win most of these primaries. Will Cruz or Carson fold?
Mitch McConnell is saying if Trump wins the nomination, the GOP will drop him like "A hot rock". How will a Trump win on ST be handled by McConnell and crew? This is all shaping up to be cock fight to the bloody death.

Cackle! Cackle! Squawk!
Cackle! Cackle! Squawk!

Where is Hunter S. Thompson now that we need him.
Mitch McConnell is saying if Trump wins the nomination, the GOP will drop him like "A hot rock".
What does that mean?

Its hard to say. McConnell has been Mr. Obstruction for years now. He stated he wanted to make Obama a one term president. He was among the leaders of the GOP who from day one of Obama's term decided to oppose Obama in all things.

Will he continue his scorched earth obstructionism with Trump? After all that seems to be all he knows so far.

Republican voters need only look to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to understand that GOP lawmakers will willingly sacrifice the White House in order to save their own hides.
As the Republican Party begins to accept the very real possibility that front-runner Donald Trump will be their presidential nominee, McConnell “laid out a plan that would have lawmakers break with Mr. Trump explicitly in a general election,” The New York Times reported.
Despite his overwhelming victories thus far, leaders of the party think Trump will lose in the general election and will hurt Republicans down-ticket.

And what would happen if after all this, Trump wins?
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