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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

I'm terribly glad Aussies don't get a choice.

Angelo's opinions are his own, and do not represent those of the Australian people, governments (State and/or Federal), or institutions.

Bilby: I don't think you understand how retro the entire Republican Party is. For all of Trump's floundering and racist remarks and saber rattling, he still is closer to the 21st century than any of his republican competition. I said he is closer...not CLOSE. I think the Repugs do us all a big favor not nominating that creepy fundamentalist Cruz or Rubio. These people have the potential to be even worse than Trump if they somehow got elected. The same might be said about Hillary...because she cannot even promise not to lie to us...she has an agenda of gold plated band-aids for the nation's mortal wounds.
Angelo's opinions are his own, and do not represent those of the Australian people, governments (State and/or Federal), or institutions.

Bilby: I don't think you understand how retro the entire Republican Party is.

I didn't even mention the Republican Party, so I am not sure that you have any basis at all to assess my level of understanding. :confused:

Your entire response has exactly nothing to do with whether Angelo is representative of Australians (which is what the post you explicitly responded to was about). It doesn't even seem to be related to jonatha's post to which I was responding, in which he indicated that he was glad Aussies don't get to vote in US elections.

Are you sure you quoted the right post? Did you really intend to address me personally with this response?
Bilby: I don't think you understand how retro the entire Republican Party is.

I didn't even mention the Republican Party, so I am not sure that you have any basis at all to assess my level of understanding. :confused:

Your entire response has exactly nothing to do with whether Angelo is representative of Australians (which is what the post you explicitly responded to was about). It doesn't even seem to be related to jonatha's post to which I was responding, in which he indicated that he was glad Aussies don't get to vote in US elections.

Are you sure you quoted the right post? Did you really intend to address me personally with this response?

I understood you were trying to disavow the pronouncements of Angelo. I happen to agree with johnatha about being glad Aussies don't get a choice in our national leadership here. That would just be one more difficulty with our system which is already broken. So far we have seen what happens when outsiders try to "fix" a country...Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. etc. etc. There are some of us here in America that do not appreciate all the human resources and money and logistics poured into these futile causes that only make the human conditions in those locations worse. So I do not particularly think Aussies really should opine too loudly on the travesty that is American politics. Whether it is Angelo or you.
I didn't even mention the Republican Party, so I am not sure that you have any basis at all to assess my level of understanding. :confused:

Your entire response has exactly nothing to do with whether Angelo is representative of Australians (which is what the post you explicitly responded to was about). It doesn't even seem to be related to jonatha's post to which I was responding, in which he indicated that he was glad Aussies don't get to vote in US elections.

Are you sure you quoted the right post? Did you really intend to address me personally with this response?

I understood you were trying to disavow the pronouncements of Angelo. I happen to agree with johnatha about being glad Aussies don't get a choice in our national leadership here. That would just be one more difficulty with our system which is already broken. So far we have seen what happens when outsiders try to "fix" a country...Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. etc. etc. There are some of us here in America that do not appreciate all the human resources and money and logistics poured into these futile causes that only make the human conditions in those locations worse. So I do not particularly think Aussies really should opine too loudly on the travesty that is American politics. Whether it is Angelo or you.

Well the price you pay for being world hegemon, with both the economic and military power to change the lives of people all over the world, is that people all over the world will take an interest in what you decide to do with that power, and who you delegate to wield it.

I will stop opining on American politics when America stops having the clout to make my life a misery if (when?) she fucks up.
I understood you were trying to disavow the pronouncements of Angelo. I happen to agree with johnatha about being glad Aussies don't get a choice in our national leadership here. That would just be one more difficulty with our system which is already broken. So far we have seen what happens when outsiders try to "fix" a country...Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. etc. etc. There are some of us here in America that do not appreciate all the human resources and money and logistics poured into these futile causes that only make the human conditions in those locations worse. So I do not particularly think Aussies really should opine too loudly on the travesty that is American politics. Whether it is Angelo or you.

Well the price you pay for being world hegemon, with both the economic and military power to change the lives of people all over the world, is that people all over the world will take an interest in what you decide to do with that power, and who you delegate to wield it.

I will stop opining on American politics when America stops having the clout to make my life a misery if (when?) she fucks up.

Just don't export your nuclear fuel to here okay? You can say whatever you want to say. I am not a world hegemon. I am just a poor American who sees little hope that his government can overcome its contempt for its people and those of the rest of the world. For that to happen we would have to see different politics than we are currently seeing here. I really see very little that may prove helpful in our political theater. You have nothing to worry about. If things keep going the way they have since Reagan here, you will be able eventually to adopt American babies and maybe even hire a domestic worker or two from here.;)
Well the price you pay for being world hegemon, with both the economic and military power to change the lives of people all over the world, is that people all over the world will take an interest in what you decide to do with that power, and who you delegate to wield it.

I will stop opining on American politics when America stops having the clout to make my life a misery if (when?) she fucks up.

Just don't export your nuclear fuel to here okay?
I don't work in the industry, so I couldn't if I wanted to - see how that works?
You can say whatever you want to say.
No shit, Sherlock.
I am not a world hegemon.
No, but your country IS. Many descisions made by the US President affect me just as much as they affect you; so how come you get a vote, and I don't?
I am just a poor American who sees little hope that his government can overcome its contempt for its people and those of the rest of the world. For that to happen we would have to see different politics than we are currently seeing here. I really see very little that may prove helpful in our political theater.
But you do, at least, get a vote. It's not worth much; but it's not worth nothing, either.
You have nothing to worry about.
Sure. Because American nuclear weapons will only be used against American voters; and the American economy has no impact on the Australian economy. :rolleyes:
If things keep going the way they have since Reagan here, you will be able eventually to adopt American babies and maybe even hire a domestic worker or two from here.;)
Why would I want to do that?
Rumors are floating around in political circles that Carson will drop out after the GOP Arizona caucuses if he doesn't do well there. We shall see pretty soon now. Something to watch for.
Any sources on those rumors? Do they say anything about John Kasich?

I'm guessing that JK wants to see how he does in Arizona without Jeb Bush present as competition.

2016 Election Center - Presidential Primaries and Caucuses – 2016 Election Center - CNNPolitics.com indicates who's in and who's out by graying out and darkening the portraits of the candidates who have dropped out.
Rumors are floating around in political circles that Carson will drop out after the GOP Arizona caucuses if he doesn't do well there. We shall see pretty soon now. Something to watch for.
Any sources on those rumors? Do they say anything about John Kasich?

I'm guessing that JK wants to see how he does in Arizona without Jeb Bush present as competition.

2016 Election Center - Presidential Primaries and Caucuses – 2016 Election Center - CNNPolitics.com indicates who's in and who's out by graying out and darkening the portraits of the candidates who have dropped out.

One of the talking head programs during the South Carolina fiasco. Carson has lost a lot of his people as of late and may be crippled in what should be a ground game for him to hope to continue. Probably MSNBC. Talking heads say Kasich wants to hang on until election dates in friendlier states up North.

When you have hours to fill waiting for the latest talley, passing along juicy rumors, supposedly from insiders in various campaigns is a way to fill time.
Carson's boat sailed a month or two ago. As one site put it, he is in the running for a better time slot on Fox News at this point.
Any sources on those rumors? Do they say anything about John Kasich?

I'm guessing that JK wants to see how he does in Arizona without Jeb Bush present as competition.

2016 Election Center - Presidential Primaries and Caucuses – 2016 Election Center - CNNPolitics.com indicates who's in and who's out by graying out and darkening the portraits of the candidates who have dropped out.

One of the talking head programs during the South Carolina fiasco. Carson has lost a lot of his people as of late and may be crippled in what should be a ground game for him to hope to continue. Probably MSNBC. Talking heads say Kasich wants to hang on until election dates in friendlier states up North.

When you have hours to fill waiting for the latest talley, passing along juicy rumors, supposedly from insiders in various campaigns is a way to fill time.

I won't spend any more of my time watching the jackass Repuglican debates. These people are just plain gross. Their contempt for each other is only exceeded by their contempt for the needy, the poor, the working people, immigrants, citizens of other nations, and of course people on social security.:thinking:
Any sources on those rumors? Do they say anything about John Kasich?
One of the talking head programs during the South Carolina fiasco. Carson has lost a lot of his people as of late and may be crippled in what should be a ground game for him to hope to continue. Probably MSNBC. Talking heads say Kasich wants to hang on until election dates in friendlier states up North.

When you have hours to fill waiting for the latest talley, passing along juicy rumors, supposedly from insiders in various campaigns is a way to fill time.
I see. I would like to thank you for doing so, since I don't watch such TV shows. But I read what various bloggers say, and I find news stories like this: Republican Ben Carson's campaign manager, 20 staff quit | Reuters

More Northeastern and northern Midwestern states are coming up next month: RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Dates So unless he does well in such states, I expect John Kasich to drop out by late March, if not earlier.
One of the talking head programs during the South Carolina fiasco. Carson has lost a lot of his people as of late and may be crippled in what should be a ground game for him to hope to continue. Probably MSNBC. Talking heads say Kasich wants to hang on until election dates in friendlier states up North.

When you have hours to fill waiting for the latest talley, passing along juicy rumors, supposedly from insiders in various campaigns is a way to fill time.
I see. I would like to thank you for doing so, since I don't watch such TV shows. But I read what various bloggers say, and I find news stories like this: Republican Ben Carson's campaign manager, 20 staff quit | Reuters

More Northeastern and northern Midwestern states are coming up next month: RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Dates So unless he does well in such states, I expect John Kasich to drop out by late March, if not earlier.

I generally only watch the debates. Because these supposedly allow these clowns to show off their best ideas, pitching them to the public. Nothing better than to witness prime derp straight from the horse's ass. Cruz IS creepy. Trump IS outlandish. Carson IS an amiable dunce. All lack any sense of gravitas. This is not something some pundit tells me. It something I get to witness for myself.

It will be interesting to watch Kasich. I think he will continue until the money to run is gone.
The only semi-same Republican seems to have been Huntsman, but the modern GOP doesn't do sane.
I generally only watch the debates. Because these supposedly allow these clowns to show off their best ideas, pitching them to the public. Nothing better than to witness prime derp straight from the horse's ass. Cruz IS creepy. Trump IS outlandish. Carson IS an amiable dunce. All lack any sense of gravitas. This is not something some pundit tells me. It something I get to witness for myself.

It will be interesting to watch Kasich. I think he will continue until the money to run is gone.
The only semi-same Republican seems to have been Huntsman, but the modern GOP doesn't do sane.
Poor Huntsman. I think he scared them when he spoke Chinese.
John Kasich is the only potential answer, but that may only be because relative to the others he's within 10 or 15 light seconds of sanity.

Yea, I guess that women even come "out from the kitchen" to support Kasich, according to CNN!
Jesus! He really said that?! My wife was asking me about that quote on Facebook and I shrugged it off saying it seemed to outlandish.

This is what comes down to political archetypes. These are the ideological images a person has in their political worldview. You can't say stuff like that without having a certain worldview.
Yea, I guess that women even come "out from the kitchen" to support Kasich, according to CNN!
Jesus! He really said that?! My wife was asking me about that quote on Facebook and I shrugged it off saying it seemed to outlandish.

This is what comes down to political archetypes. These are the ideological images a person has in their political worldview. You can't say stuff like that without having a certain worldview.

Surely the answer is that he was talking about his election to the State legislature in 1978. At that time a lot of women were still *in the kitchen*.
I have no idea why he did not point this out immediately in his defence.
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