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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Jesse Ventura has just announced that if Bernie Sanders loses to Hillary Clinton, he may mount a third party candidacy.

Wheeeee! The circus may get even weirder! A brokered convention, Trump is robbed and starts his third party candidacy. Bloomberg starts his. Ventura joins.... Clinton get indicted....

Jesse Ventura has just announced that if Bernie Sanders loses to Hillary Clinton, he may mount a third party candidacy.

Wheeeee! The circus may get even weirder! A brokered convention, Trump is robbed and starts his third party candidacy. Bloomberg starts his. Ventura joins.... Clinton get indicted....

I used to respect the guy. Then there was a TV show that I can't recall the name of--conspiracy crap. He wasn't debunking it, he was promoting it.
Jesse Ventura has just announced that if Bernie Sanders loses to Hillary Clinton, he may mount a third party candidacy.

Wheeeee! The circus may get even weirder! A brokered convention, Trump is robbed and starts his third party candidacy. Bloomberg starts his. Ventura joins.... Clinton get indicted....

For those of us who are left of center that may be a problem; I'm not sure. Ventura once said that he was conservative on financial issues, but liberal on social issues. I'm not sure who he'd pull from more, plus this election has been crazy so far. I don't know how much people know about him besides him being in the WWE and him being a governor.

Loren also has a good point about his tin-foil hat show.
Jesse won't win any votes if Trump runs. And if Trump doesn't, Ventura will get a few of his, but the remainder won't bother voting. Ventura can't run a feasible campaign. While he may be able to cut a promo, he can't as well as Trump. Trump managed to be the Troll candidate to end all troll candidates. He vanquished Christie and Paul with his bluster. You barely even knew they were there.

Ventura certainly won't get any Sanders supporters as most of them are too young to even remember him being a MN Governor, forget about calling wrestling matches or even being a wrestler. And he peddles conspiracy stuff these days, and while the Government isn't to be trusted (see Meta Data spying), there are no chemtrails, fluoride isn't killing us, and 9/11 wasn't an inside job.
I don't think Ventura will get any electoral college votes; what I wonder is if he'll get enough votes in a state like Ohio or Florida to affect the outcome of the election. If he did I'm not sure who that would affect more, if anyone. It could be possible that some of the same people he might pick up also don't know about his conspiracy theories.
I don't think Ventura will get any electoral college votes; what I wonder is if he'll get enough votes in a state like Ohio or Florida to affect the outcome of the election.
Naw. He won't have a high favorability rating, though not much of a unfavorability rating either. His image will be mostly unnoticed. I think he'll do more poorly than Pat Buchanan. Only place he'd do well in would be Greenwich and Stamford, Connecticut. ;)
If he did I'm not sure who that would affect more, if anyone. It could be possible that some of the same people he might pick up also don't know about his conspiracy theories.
He is going to pluck crazy voters... wait... that isn't worded right. Too many crazy voters these days. He is going to pluck fringe candidate voters.
If Bernie does horribly today I don't think it's necessarily the end of his campaign.

I also don't think the Democratic party relying on Nixon's Southern Strategy to get their preferred nominee is a winner in the long run for them.
Naw. He won't have a high favorability rating, though not much of a unfavorability rating either. His image will be mostly unnoticed. I think he'll do more poorly than Pat Buchanan. Only place he'd do well in would be Greenwich and Stamford, Connecticut. ;)
If he did I'm not sure who that would affect more, if anyone. It could be possible that some of the same people he might pick up also don't know about his conspiracy theories.
He is going to pluck crazy voters... wait... that isn't worded right. Too many crazy voters these days. He is going to pluck fringe candidate voters.

If he has both low positives and low negatives, opinions of him may be malleable. I don't think we can predict how it would play out without more information. I wouldn't rule out people thinking something along the lines of: "Our current options are bad; let's give this guy a shot". It could also be the case that he's totally ignored, or somewhere in between.
If Bernie does horribly today I don't think it's necessarily the end of his campaign.

I also don't think the Democratic party relying on Nixon's Southern Strategy to get their preferred nominee is a winner in the long run for them.
Clinton is polling well in Virginia, Massachusetts, Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Minnesota. That isn't a Southern Strategy. It is a smackdown. We need to accept this and hope that Sanders wins at least enough to continue potentially having some influence in the party's platform. But he has to win states like Massachusetts and Minnesota. If he can't win the liberal states...
Ventura is a non-issue. I look back on his governorship as a useful interruption of the status quo, which served to put everyone back on task, as well as getting some things done that weren't partisan. As a presidential candidate, he won't win Minnesota, and he certainly won't win any other state.

I'm not sure if I'm going to vote for Sanders after all. I like him, but possibly it would be better to put him out of his misery at this point, Clinton needs her ducks in a row for the general, and money saved from the candidate fight might go to congressional races.
Ventura is a non-issue. I look back on his governorship as a useful interruption of the status quo, which served to put everyone back on task, as well as getting some things done that weren't partisan. As a presidential candidate, he won't win Minnesota, and he certainly won't win any other state.

I'm not sure if I'm going to vote for Sanders after all. I like him, but possibly it would be better to put him out of his misery at this point, Clinton needs her ducks in a row for the general, and money saved from the candidate fight might go to congressional races.
We need Sanders to have enough delegates to strengthen his voice at the Convention. Every vote counts in these proportional delegate awards.
Naw. He won't have a high favorability rating, though not much of a unfavorability rating either. His image will be mostly unnoticed. I think he'll do more poorly than Pat Buchanan. Only place he'd do well in would be Greenwich and Stamford, Connecticut. ;)
If he did I'm not sure who that would affect more, if anyone. It could be possible that some of the same people he might pick up also don't know about his conspiracy theories.
He is going to pluck crazy voters... wait... that isn't worded right. Too many crazy voters these days. He is going to pluck fringe candidate voters.
How about...he will get Bundy Bunches of votes...
Naw. He won't have a high favorability rating, though not much of a unfavorability rating either. His image will be mostly unnoticed. I think he'll do more poorly than Pat Buchanan. Only place he'd do well in would be Greenwich and Stamford, Connecticut. ;)
He is going to pluck crazy voters... wait... that isn't worded right. Too many crazy voters these days. He is going to pluck fringe candidate voters.
How about...he will get Bundy Bunches of votes...
Doubtful. They'll likely be convicted of felonies by then. ;)
Ventura is a non-issue. I look back on his governorship as a useful interruption of the status quo, which served to put everyone back on task, as well as getting some things done that weren't partisan. As a presidential candidate, he won't win Minnesota, and he certainly won't win any other state.

I'm not sure if I'm going to vote for Sanders after all. I like him, but possibly it would be better to put him out of his misery at this point, Clinton needs her ducks in a row for the general, and money saved from the candidate fight might go to congressional races.

You don't have to win a state to affect the election. If the election is close in the Electoral College then it could be decided by Florida or Ohio. If enough voters, in a swing state, have Ventura as their first choice & either a Democrat or a Republican as their second choice, it may make a difference depending on the specifics.
Doubtful. They'll likely be convicted of felonies by then. ;)
No...no...no...Bundy Bunches could be a branding for the craziest of the crazies...those who are 1 wave short of a shipwreck...
Possible, but it'd be easier to create a Facebook page, and start an occupation of a Fire Watch tower in the middle of Wyoming the day before the election.
You don't have to win a state to affect the election. If the election is close in the Electoral College then it could be decided by Florida or Ohio. If enough voters, in a swing state, have Ventura as their first choice & either a Democrat or a Republican as their second choice, it may make a difference depending on the specifics.

I understand that. I don't know who will vote for him in enough numbers to affect the election adversely. Since Ventura is an anti-establishment, conspiracy nut candidate, he would hurt the Republicans more than the Democrats, if he hurts anyone, which is doubtful. Nader voters gave us Bush, and for the most part, we learned from it. (yes, I was one) and the DFL has adopted a more robust environmental and consumer protection platform, so that's not an issue any more, I hope. And frankly that Nader business made me a little shy about protest candidates. They are good once in a while, when things are stagnant, as they were in Minnesota when Ventura ran and won, but I'm not sure they are a good idea in tumultuous times like this.
Bundy Bunch news

And for those of you that thought Marco Rubio was actually quite conservative, it seems that Rubio's recent criticism of a Oklahoma gun range that refused to let in a Muslim Army reservist, was just going way too far for the fruit loop:

Today, Bryan Fischer brought Second Amendment zealot Jan Morgan onto his radio show to get her reaction to Rubio's comments and she was predictably unimpressed.

Morgan, who has also infamously banned Muslims from her gun range, told Fischer that "Marco Rubio sounds like a mouthpiece for the Muslim Brotherhood front organization CAIR."
And for those of you that thought Marco Rubio was actually quite conservative, it seems that Rubio's recent criticism of a Oklahoma gun range that refused to let in a Muslim Army reservist, was just going way too far for the fruit loop:

Today, Bryan Fischer brought Second Amendment zealot Jan Morgan onto his radio show to get her reaction to Rubio's comments and she was predictably unimpressed.

Morgan, who has also infamously banned Muslims from her gun range, told Fischer that "Marco Rubio sounds like a mouthpiece for the Muslim Brotherhood front organization CAIR."
They are so far gone from the real world. Their far right-wing bubble landscape is far gone from a Dr. Seuss landscape. The best part is when Obama is linked to Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, when the US waited so long to speak out against the Egyptian leader during the protests he was suppressing before MB even got involved!

Some of these people are the same types that help the people like Mussolini take a country over.
You don't have to win a state to affect the election. If the election is close in the Electoral College then it could be decided by Florida or Ohio. If enough voters, in a swing state, have Ventura as their first choice & either a Democrat or a Republican as their second choice, it may make a difference depending on the specifics.

I understand that. I don't know who will vote for him in enough numbers to affect the election adversely. Since Ventura is an anti-establishment, conspiracy nut candidate, he would hurt the Republicans more than the Democrats, if he hurts anyone, which is doubtful. Nader voters gave us Bush, and for the most part, we learned from it. (yes, I was one) and the DFL has adopted a more robust environmental and consumer protection platform, so that's not an issue any more, I hope. And frankly that Nader business made me a little shy about protest candidates. They are good once in a while, when things are stagnant, as they were in Minnesota when Ventura ran and won, but I'm not sure they are a good idea in tumultuous times like this.

Yeah, though not all left leaning voters have learned about said protest votes. We have at least one poster here who doesn't like when the folly of such votes is pointed out. I'd say that if you are left leaning, and you live in a solidly Red state, then it's harmless; if you live in a solidly Blue state and you're right leaning the same applies. If you live in a battleground state, especially FL or OH, then it's a very bad idea. I don't think one should take for granted states that the major party's candidate closest to their beliefs is expected to win.

I'm not sure how many people, left or right, really know about Ventura's conspiracy theories. It may not reach sufficient prominence outside of people who like to follow politics to make a difference. I can't say for sure.
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