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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Rubio, asked about climate change, demonstrated he is a climate denier and ignoramus.
Kasich is for alternative energy.
Trump and Cruz get a walk on this question.
Looking at the March 8 primaries' results, Donald Trump won Michigan, Mississippi, and Hawaii, with Ted Cruz winning Idaho. Both candidates were the second-place candidates as appropriate. John Kasich did well in Michigan, but worse than Marco Rubio in the other states.

Bernie Sanders barely beat Hillary Clinton in Michigan, something that some people considered a big surprised. But Hillary beat Bernie by a large margin in Mississippi.

Turning to endorsements, Ben Carson has endorsed Donald Trump and Carly Fiorina has endorsed Ted Cruz (realclearpolitics.com).

Now for polls for upcoming primaries (also from RCP).

Florida: Trump > Rubio > Cruz > Kasich
Illinois: Trump > Cruz > Kasich > Rubio
North Carolina: Trump > Cruz > Kasich > Rubio
Missouri: Trump > Cruz > Rubio > Kasich
Maryland: Trump > Cruz > Kasich > Rubio
Ohio: Trump > Kasich > Cruz > Rubio
Pennsylvania: Trump > Rubio > Cruz > Kasich

Trump and Kasich are neck-and-neck in Ohio, but Trump is well ahead of Rubio in Florida.

I'm guessing that Cruz will stay in the race, but that Kasich, Rubio, or both are likely to drop out after next Tuesday.
The Vulture: How Billionaire Rubio Backer Paul Singer Made Billions off Argentina Debt Crisis | Democracy Now!
Argentina has reached an agreement to pay U.S. hedge funds that have sought for 14 years to profit off the country’s debt. The hedge funds bought up Argentina’s debt for bargain prices after its financial crisis, then demanded full repayment. Former Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner had refused to pay the firms, calling them "vulture funds." But under new right-wing President Mauricio Macri, Argentina has agreed to pay $4.65 billion to four hedge funds, including Elliott Management, run by billionaire Paul Singer. The deal would see the hedge funds take about 75 percent of what they demanded from Argentina—several times more than what they actually paid for the debt. Singer’s fund itself netted $2.4 billion—10 to 15 times its original investment. We speak to journalist Greg Palast. His recent article is called "Rubio’s Billionaire Wins Ransom from Argentina."
What other skeletons are in the candidates' closets?
Democracy Now is a far left outlet and everything they say should be taken with some salt.

Should be just about enough!
Yes,Amy Goodman is a feminazi.
You are not wrong. She also supports Palestinian terrorism and violent black radicals in the US, calling cop killers "political prisoners".

Can you show how she is wrong about Paul Singer?
She is discredited as a source. It's like quoting Alex Jones. Even if he is right about something, it's much better to seek another, less disreputable source.

But about the bit quoted by lpetrich, what's wrong with that? That is common procedure with personal debts as well. A debt collector may purchase a delinquent debt for pennies on the dollar but the amount owed is the amount owed and the new owner of the debt may sue for the full amount, not just their purchase price. The reason they buy it is the first place is that they hope to make a profit but they also incur additional costs and there is a good chance a debt may be unrecoverable and they lose all investment - hence the cheap purchase price - the risk, the additional cost and hope for some profit without which there would be no incentive to make the purchase in the first place.
I see nothing unethical in a holder of the debt trying to collect the amount owed. After all, Argentina does owe that money and pacta sunt servanda. I think the 75% offer was more than fair actually.
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You are not wrong. She also supports Palestinian terrorism and violent black radicals in the US, calling cop killers "political prisoners".

Can you show how she is wrong about Paul Singer?
She is discredited as a source. It's like quoting Alex Jones. Even if he is right about something, it's much better to seek another, less disreputable source.

You're kidding, right? Perhaps you can post someone with more journalism awards?

At the District of Columbia Republican convention, Marco Rubio won, with John Kasich very close. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz got less than half of what they did.

In the Idaho primaries, it was Cruz > Trump > Rubio > Kasich
So what? Doesn't change the fact that she is incredibly biased.

Bias does not equal incorrect, like you were when you compared her journalism to that of Alex Jones.

She is incorrect when she says that murderers are "political prisoners" just because they are also politically radical.
She is incorrect when she misrepresents facts every time she speaks about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian terrorists.

[h=1]Confused Cruz supporters revolt thinking he backs Black Lives Matter over Trump’s ‘free speech’[/h]
After Trump chose to call off a rally in Chicago on Friday because of organized protests, Cruz said at a press conference that the “campaign bears responsibility for creating an environment where the candidate urges supporters to engage in violence.”
On Sunday, Cruz told ABC host George Stephanopoulos that it would be wrong for protesters to try to shut down a political rally, but he said that it was also Trump’s responsibility not to incite violence among his supporters.
Many conservative voters, however, saw Cruz’s attack on Trump as de facto support for Black Lives Matter. (In fact, Cruz has constantly opposed Black Lives Matter or any left-leaning group. He accused accused Black Lives Matter last year of “literally… celebrating the murder of police officers.”)
Voters on Twitter linked Cruz to Black Lives Matter, George Soros and Bill Ayers — while pledging to switch their support to Donald Trump.

What jolly fun! Implode you GOP bastards, implode!
And that's your bias.

When you commit murder or other serious crimes because of your radical politics you are still a criminal, not a "political prisoner". Do you think Timothy McVeigh was a "political prisoner"? Then why should people like Mumia Abu Jamal be given that designation, like she does.
She also thinks Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists are engaging in "legitimate resistance" when they target Israeli civilians. Do you agree with her on that?
Election time is here again. Will Kasich take Ohio? How badly will Rubio lose Florida? Will Cruz stop Trump?
In just a few hours, the madness starts. Can the stop Trump movement gain traction? Can Bernie beat Hillary anywhere? Will the pollsters fall flat on their mugs again?

This evening, I'll be watching MSNBC.
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