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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

sohy's link titled: Who Are the Angriest Republicans? - The New York Times
Conservatives who once derided upscale liberals as latte-sipping losers now burst with contempt for the lower-income followers of Donald J. Trump.

These blue-collar white Republicans, a mainstay of the conservative coalition for decades, are now vilified by their former right-wing allies as a “non-Christian” force “in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture,” corrupted by the same “sense of entitlement” that Democratic minorities were formerly accused of.
One does have to give credit to Kevin Williamson and David French for something: their being willing to slam fellow honkies who have been a major constituency for the Republican Party since "Reagan Democrats" became prominent. Slam them for being lazy welfare cheats and prolific breeders and drug addicts, just like certain minorities.

But critics like Kevin Williamson and David French seem to think that every one of these people could walk into companies' offices and get hired on the spot in some well-paying job, all at the same time. Furthermore, would they like such people moving into their neighborhoods?
I like how Trump just made the Republican Establishment pro-choice.
Maybe his campaign is just some brilliant plan to rip the mask off the Right.
Maybe his campaign is just some brilliant plan to rip the mask off the Right.

Sometimes I wonder this as well. It does sound like he's just saying the same things that some other Republicans are saying; he's just saying it loudly.
sohy's link titled: Who Are the Angriest Republicans? - The New York Times
Conservatives who once derided upscale liberals as latte-sipping losers now burst with contempt for the lower-income followers of Donald J. Trump.

These blue-collar white Republicans, a mainstay of the conservative coalition for decades, are now vilified by their former right-wing allies as a “non-Christian” force “in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture,” corrupted by the same “sense of entitlement” that Democratic minorities were formerly accused of.
One does have to give credit to Kevin Williamson and David French for something: their being willing to slam fellow honkies who have been a major constituency for the Republican Party since "Reagan Democrats" became prominent. Slam them for being lazy welfare cheats and prolific breeders and drug addicts, just like certain minorities.

But critics like Kevin Williamson and David French seem to think that every one of these people could walk into companies' offices and get hired on the spot in some well-paying job, all at the same time. Furthermore, would they like such people moving into their neighborhoods?

The white-collar, Randian type Republican has never been primarily motivated by contempt for other races. They have certainly exploited the base bigotry of working-class cultural Republicans, but make no mistake, their real unmitigated contempt is for the poor.
What the hell is a Randian type Republican?

Republicans who buy into Rand's bullshit, think they're just a startup away from being a "job creator" and that they're more likely to become rich if they vote for GOP candidates.
What the hell is a Randian type Republican?

Republicans who buy into Rand's bullshit, think they're just a startup away from being a "job creator" and that they're more likely to become rich if they vote for GOP candidates.

Which Rand in particular?
Who are these Republicans?
Republicans who buy into Rand's bullshit, think they're just a startup away from being a "job creator" and that they're more likely to become rich if they vote for GOP candidates.

Which Rand in particular?
Who are these Republicans?

The South African currency; and the pre-Imperial Romans at the time of the first Punic War.

It is quite absurd that he pretends that he's never heard of this before.
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