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US President 2016 - the Great Horse Race

Indiana's primary is coming up on Tuesday, May 3. RealClearPolitics polls:
  • Trump: 39.3%
  • Cruz: 33.0%
  • Kasich: 19.3%
So Cruz might be able to win there. But Trump is well ahead of him and Kasich in California.
Indiana's primary is coming up on Tuesday, May 3. RealClearPolitics polls:
  • Trump: 39.3%
  • Cruz: 33.0%
  • Kasich: 19.3%
So Cruz might be able to win there. But Trump is well ahead of him and Kasich in California.

Who's the fundamentalist out of those three?
Indiana's primary is coming up on Tuesday, May 3. RealClearPolitics polls:
  • Trump: 39.3%
  • Cruz: 33.0%
  • Kasich: 19.3%
So Cruz might be able to win there. But Trump is well ahead of him and Kasich in California.

Who's the fundamentalist out of those three?

Cruz, but the fundamentalist vote has proved willing to overlook a multitude of Trump's sins...
If only Trump would pick Palin as his running mate (after all she has experience running for VP), then the 3 rings would be in place for the show to start....

That'd be the dream ticket, wouldn't it?

Not to mention the contract Tina Fey would get from SNL for the next 6 months.
If only Trump would pick Palin as his running mate (after all she has experience running for VP), then the 3 rings would be in place for the show to start....

That'd be the dream ticket, wouldn't it?
Kim Davis as VP.
Religious fundamentalist for those votes.
From Kentucky for the Southern votes.
National recognition.
Stood up to the fag agenda.

Perfect for the Trump campaign. Any time silly things like the law or the rules say 'Don't,' just claim they don't apply.
Cruz expected to name Fiorina as running mate today:


Creep factor cranks up to 11. They're trying every trick they can think of to stay afloat.

Most hated Senator names most hated CEO as VP running mate.

Cruz, don't take the "mate" part of the term too literally.
Oh, and from 11 months ago.
Jimmy Higgins said:
Sounds like a VP bid. Only thing going for her is... um....
Whatever happens between now and November, surely a democratic victory cannot be good for America and democracy.

No, it'll be fine. Clinton will be a competent and effective President, if not a particularly revolutionary one, and the Sanders supporters are well positioned to start a Tea Party like movement and give the left wing a real voice in the country. Trump's run may effectively burn the GOP to the ground and there's a chance that someone sensible might come along and rebuild it as something not quite so batshit crazy and give voters a real choice.

Things are actually looking up in the US.
Whatever happens between now and November, surely a democratic victory cannot be good for America and democracy.

No, it'll be fine. Clinton will be a competent and effective President, if not a particularly revolutionary one, and the Sanders supporters are well positioned to start a Tea Party like movement and give the left wing a real voice in the country. Trump's run may effectively burn the GOP to the ground and there's a chance that someone sensible might come along and rebuild it as something not quite so batshit crazy and give voters a real choice.

Things are actually looking up in the US.
On the negative side (yeah your narrative sounds nice), the fundagelical crowd will be able to argue that Trump wasn't part of them and is amoral. So the Repugs tried another RINO; if only they had picked Cruz. After all, they learned so much from the 2012 postmortem....

On a funnier note, John McCain is starting to look downright like a good candidate, after trying out a bypass of pimping themselves out and directly picking a WS guy (with governing experience to boot); and now on to a politically inexperienced clown.
Whatever happens between now and November, surely a democratic victory cannot be good for America and democracy.

No, it'll be fine. Clinton will be a competent and effective President, if not a particularly revolutionary one, and the Sanders supporters are well positioned to start a Tea Party like movement and give the left wing a real voice in the country. Trump's run may effectively burn the GOP to the ground and there's a chance that someone sensible might come along and rebuild it as something not quite so batshit crazy and give voters a real choice.

Things are actually looking up in the US.
This ^^^

Trump is just an act. A novelty supported by fans of reality TV. If Trump were one of the Duck Dynasty Yokels, they'd be supporting him with the same enthusiasm.

Cruz is the scary one. And his support among republicans is awful, which is a good thing.
No, it'll be fine. Clinton will be a competent and effective President, if not a particularly revolutionary one, and the Sanders supporters are well positioned to start a Tea Party like movement and give the left wing a real voice in the country. Trump's run may effectively burn the GOP to the ground and there's a chance that someone sensible might come along and rebuild it as something not quite so batshit crazy and give voters a real choice.

Things are actually looking up in the US.
This ^^^

Trump is just an act. A novelty supported by fans of reality TV. If Trump were one of the Duck Dynasty Yokels, they'd be supporting him with the same enthusiasm.

Cruz is the scary one. And his support among republicans is awful, which is a good thing.
The problem with Trump's act is that it leaves us with virtually no idea what a Trump Presidency would be like. At least you know the crap you'll get from Cruz. They seem to be equally unelectable people for different reasons.
No, it'll be fine. Clinton will be a competent and effective President, if not a particularly revolutionary one, and the Sanders supporters are well positioned to start a Tea Party like movement and give the left wing a real voice in the country. Trump's run may effectively burn the GOP to the ground and there's a chance that someone sensible might come along and rebuild it as something not quite so batshit crazy and give voters a real choice.

Things are actually looking up in the US.
This ^^^

Trump is just an act. A novelty supported by fans of reality TV. If Trump were one of the Duck Dynasty Yokels, they'd be supporting him with the same enthusiasm.

Cruz is the scary one. And his support among republicans is awful, which is a good thing.

The problem is that the USA has very few people who regularly vote, and a LOT of people who are big fans of reality TV.
This ^^^

Trump is just an act. A novelty supported by fans of reality TV. If Trump were one of the Duck Dynasty Yokels, they'd be supporting him with the same enthusiasm.

Cruz is the scary one. And his support among republicans is awful, which is a good thing.

The problem is that the USA has very few people who regularly vote, and a LOT of people who are big fans of reality TV.

Yeah a lot of something. People? Don't think so.


'cause: Reality show viewers. These are people who made a choice to watch Duck Dynasty rather than the NASCAR race because the stars hate queers, those A-theists, and they especially hate socialism. One of them actually told me this before they went in to cash their SS checks at Arsinio's Check Cashing place.

We know these bits-of-flesh are brain dead. We know that is true because one has failed the brain dead test when one chooses beards over guys in fireproof commercial covered suits. These bits , as they are now being called, are known by their tendency to fight when drinking Bud Light. Now would anyone but a brain dead bit-of-flesh fight when drinking Bud Light?

... and as for Cruz. Well he lives in the conservative bubble.

The Conservative bubble is that place where saving wall street and avoiding a depression - they've been saying that since 2009 - will cause run away inflation any day now. That's a place where the world began 5000 years ago. That's a place where reducing taxes is the only thing representatives should do. And that's a place where all people who aren't white are rapists, drug pushers, thieves, and lazy slobs who need to go back where they came from, which, according to Trump, is Mexico. Oh and they know that Obama is a Muslim from Kenya 'cause Rush told them so on TV.

BTW, they are bright enough to know these things. They always always watches NASCAR, the great 'merican marketing and sporting show.

One thing is certain. These people popularized the term "shit kicking" for Western Music Cruz that's what they do when they are dancing on the gym floor in cowboy boots after the basketball ring game.

So not only do we know these are either bits-of-flesh or Messengers from hell because John Boehner identified them that way when he choose Trump.
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Yes, if 40% is the most a single candidates get.

Sorry, there's no rule that says "The winner of the election will be the one that gets the majority of the vote. If no one gets the majority, the candidate that angelo prefers is the winner."

I think run off elections are a good idea, the problem being in America there's so much problem with voter turn out and suppression that it would favor truly minority candidates.
Is still a democratically elected president with just a 40% of the vote?

If they can carry enough states to get a majority in the Electoral College then 40% will do. All of the states, except for Maine & Nebraska, give all their electoral votes to whichever candidate gets the most votes in the state. Maine & Nebraska give 2 electoral votes for carrying the state & 1 for each district you carry. You don't need a majority in any of those cases, more votes than whoever is 2nd will do. The House of Representative decides if no one reaches 270 electoral votes.

The electoral vote is what matters; you can get the most votes nationwide and still lose the election, ask Al Gore.
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