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Veep Bets

I am on topic.

VP candidates are chosen for many reasons related directly to the candidate for POTUS.

Now that we have appropriately chosen which two doddering old white guys we can vote for, it seems somehow insincere to object to Warren on the basis of her age.

It's sad that you can so easily mistake logic for insincerity. The VP candidate needs to complement the POTUS candidate. You don't pick two old farts; you don't pick two young people; you usually don't pick two people from the same part of the country. Politics 101.

I'm hoping for Harris, Klobuchar, or Whitmer, but since I'm not a Warren fan, it's because I want women in the kitchen making the sandwiches. [smh]

Again, that wasn't the argument made. And one that could so easily have been made. In fact, I frequently bemoaned the ages of Sanders, Biden AND also Warren right here on this board, although with the caveat that Warren is significantly younger (at their ages, 8 years is significant indeed!) and seemingly without the serious health issues either Sanders or Biden are known to possess (mentioned by me, above) with the added benefit that she seems much more spry, energetic, and agile of mind than either Sanders or Biden.

But that wasn't the argument made.

You said, "Yeah, anybody but a woman." Now you're trying to gaslight us with the age bullshit.

You could be on the short list for Trump's next press secretary.
Like both of you, I'll vote for him - or a Haggis if it's the only choice besides Trump. But I'd really like to hear a candid expression of the criteria Joe will use to make his decision. Will he choose someone for immediate political advantage i.e. someone who will "bring in" voters who might otherwise not vote for him/them, or will he choose based on who would make the best President should he croak the day after inauguration? I know the Party line is "both", but in truth that's not how it works. Something is the prime consideration.

I really think this points to Klobuchar. She's a good fit. I would feel comfortable with her having to take the helm and she brings those questionable Midwestern votes. If he is going to be strategic about it, he doesn't need to go with a black woman. Sadly, I think this would actually lose him votes. Some portion of those closet racists who put Trump in office who would be ready for a female VP will not be ready for a black female VP. It's gonna be too much for some.
Like both of you, I'll vote for him - or a Haggis if it's the only choice besides Trump. But I'd really like to hear a candid expression of the criteria Joe will use to make his decision. Will he choose someone for immediate political advantage i.e. someone who will "bring in" voters who might otherwise not vote for him/them, or will he choose based on who would make the best President should he croak the day after inauguration? I know the Party line is "both", but in truth that's not how it works. Something is the prime consideration.

I really think this points to Klobuchar. She's a good fit. I would feel comfortable with her having to take the helm and she brings those questionable Midwestern votes. If he is going to be strategic about it, he doesn't need to go with a black woman. Sadly, I think this would actually lose him votes. Some portion of those closet racists who put Trump in office who would be ready for a female VP will not be ready for a black female VP. It's gonna be too much for some.

A white woman could also tend to reduce enthusiasm among the black community, compared to say, Stacey Abrams or even Kamala Harris. I'm sure the Biden campaign wonks are weighing all these factors. Those campaign wonks just want to win, so whoever's name their final algorithms spit out will probably be the nominee. It galls me that whoever it is will be maligned and will become the target of Trump's fake news mill. They will generate stories that even if true, would pale next to the heinous crimes being committed in broad daylight by the Mob Boss in Chief. Yet they will be effective with the base and the rubes.
But what if Biden chooses a Black woman for his veep pick, and then he touches her hair?

That would be grounds for impeachment. From what I hear, white people touching black women's hair is a big, giant No-no.

I think Biden should consider selecting a nice, gentlemanly black fellow as his running mate. A Barack Obama type. He would help keep Joe on the straight and narrow. For example, if a group of Girl Scouts or Olympic girls gymnastics team paid a little visit to the White House for some ceremony, he could block his way and tell him, "Not cool, bro...not cool" as Joe starts to make a beeline to the group of girls. See the Gillette "toxic masculinity" ad for reference.
I hope he doesn't pick Klobuchar. I don't see her as having much appeal to many voters. Imo, it would be a mistake, like when Clinton chose Kaine as her running mate. Kaine is a decent man, but he's pretty bland. Please not that again.

Biden needs someone who has charisma and I think choosing a black female would help motivate younger black voters to support him. He already has the support of older black female voters, but the younger ones, not so much. I also think he needs to choose someone who is perceived as more progressive than him. Of course, he has my vote regardless of his VP pick. Amy K just has no appeal to me and I seriously doubt she has appeal to younger, more progressive voters. Of course, we are all entitled to our opinions. As the expression goes, "Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one."
Klobuchar has appeal in a regional area, midwest. Beyond that, not quite that much inspiration for the voter turnout.
Klobuchar is one of a number of politicians whose Facebook posts appear sometimes in my feed. What concerns me a bit is that comments on her posts—very not controversial posts—are filled with a lot of ugly attacks which are not directed at any policy or legislative stance she has taken or related to her very typical politician type posts. I checked and Klobuchar won her seat by extremely large margins—I believe the highest of any Senate campaign in the US in 2018. No one, no matter how popular, is universally beloved. I feel somewhat certain that much of the vitriol is based on misogyny. Some of the ugly posts indicate that they are Minnesotans but most don’t indicate any such geography. This worries me a bit. I can only imagine how horrible the attacks will be if she’s the nominee. I don’t know if these sorts of attacks in response to Facebook posts are an issue for Harris. It doesn’t seem to be an issue for Warren. Offered only as contrast of some prominent female politicians, not suggesting Warren or Harris would be better, although I do like both of them better particularly because I think there’s a stronger than average chance that Biden’s VP would have to take the reins. I’m honestly not sure why the nastiness leveled at Klobuchar. I hate to think it would torpedoe a campaign.

I agree that Klobuchar is not charismatic and is largely unknown outside of her region. She’s known to be a very hard working senator who prides herself on being able to reach across the aisle. She’s very smart. During the confirmation hearing of Kavanaugh, she showed surprising fire.
I’m honestly not sure why the nastiness leveled at Klobuchar.

She's a potential VP candidate, that's why. Good chance that the preponderance of vitriol is 'bots and/or trolls. It's not like Russia can't afford to smear any and every single possible Dem candidate for President, Vice President, Congress, Governorship, Mayor and Dog Catcher. They can, will and ARE doing that in their ongoing, presidentially endorsed campaign to vilify all things not Trump. With FOX/Sinclair amplifying their every lie and conspiracy theory, they are able to generate "organic" hate posts in amounts nearly equal to their own spam volume. But half or more of it is totally artificial.
I’m honestly not sure why the nastiness leveled at Klobuchar.

She's a potential VP candidate, that's why. Good chance that the preponderance of vitriol is 'bots and/or trolls. It's not like Russia can't afford to smear any and every single possible Dem candidate for President, Vice President, Congress, Governorship, Mayor and Dog Catcher. They can, will and ARE doing that in their ongoing, presidentially endorsed campaign to vilify all things not Trump. With FOX/Sinclair amplifying their every lie and conspiracy theory, they are able to generate "organic" hate posts in amounts nearly equal to their own spam volume. But half or more of it is totally artificial.

Right but I don't see the same on Warren's posts, or not to the same extent. I would actually expect more directed at Warren--and this includes during their run for POTUS. Perhaps Warren and Harris (I was just looking at her FB) have more money for staff to clean out the garbage.
I’m honestly not sure why the nastiness leveled at Klobuchar.

She's a potential VP candidate, that's why. Good chance that the preponderance of vitriol is 'bots and/or trolls. It's not like Russia can't afford to smear any and every single possible Dem candidate for President, Vice President, Congress, Governorship, Mayor and Dog Catcher. They can, will and ARE doing that in their ongoing, presidentially endorsed campaign to vilify all things not Trump. With FOX/Sinclair amplifying their every lie and conspiracy theory, they are able to generate "organic" hate posts in amounts nearly equal to their own spam volume. But half or more of it is totally artificial.

Right but I don't see the same on Warren's posts, or not to the same extent. I would actually expect more directed at Warren--and this includes during their run for POTUS. Perhaps Warren and Harris (I was just looking at her FB) have more money for staff to clean out the garbage.

That's possible. Also, Pocahontas and the Bussing Liar already have big parcels of baggage that Russia has prepared up load them up with if they threaten to ascend to higher office than they already have attained. Amy doesn't have prosecution scandals or Native American heritage scandals ready to go, so something needs to be manufactured quick in case she gets the nod for VP.
Right but I don't see the same on Warren's posts, or not to the same extent. I would actually expect more directed at Warren--and this includes during their run for POTUS. Perhaps Warren and Harris (I was just looking at her FB) have more money for staff to clean out the garbage.

That's possible. Also, Pocahontas and the Bussing Liar already have big parcels of baggage that Russia has prepared up load them up with if they pose a threat to ascend to higher office than they already have attained. Amy doesn't have prosecution scandals or Native American heritage scandals ready to go, so something needs to be manufactured quick in case she gets the nod for VP.

Throwing things at staff and eating salad with a comb are Amy 'scandals.' One is worse than the other x 10000 but is also probably a nothingburger.
She's a potential VP candidate, that's why. Good chance that the preponderance of vitriol is 'bots and/or trolls.

It also has to do with her having been a prosecutor.

Amy Klobuchar touts her tough-on-crime record as a prosecutor. Questions have arisen about a case that left a teen imprisoned for life.
I don't believe this jailhouse Muslim is innocent of murdering that 11 year old (the Tribune article is obviously biased toward him, here is a rebuttal by Hennepin County). In any case, Klob wasn't even involved in his 2nd trial.

In today's climate of being soft on crime (especially by politically correct minority groups such as blacks and Muslims) having been a tough prosecutor (and not say a crime apologist like terrorist spawn Chesa Boudin for example) is a liability, not an assert.

Kamala Harris has been similarly attacked on her background as a prosecutor.
She's a potential VP candidate, that's why. Good chance that the preponderance of vitriol is 'bots and/or trolls.

It also has to do with her having been a prosecutor.

Amy Klobuchar touts her tough-on-crime record as a prosecutor. Questions have arisen about a case that left a teen imprisoned for life.
I don't believe this jailhouse Muslim is innocent of murdering that 11 year old (the Tribune article is obviously biased toward him, here is a rebuttal by Hennepin County). In any case, Klob wasn't even involved in his 2nd trial.

In today's climate of being soft on crime (especially by politically correct minority groups such as blacks and Muslims) having been a tough prosecutor (and not say a crime apologist like terrorist spawn Chesa Boudin for example) is a liability, not an assert.

Kamala Harris has been similarly attacked on her background as a prosecutor.

I know people for whom Klobuchar and Harris are both non-starters because of their backgrounds as prosecutors.
She's a potential VP candidate, that's why. Good chance that the preponderance of vitriol is 'bots and/or trolls.

It also has to do with her having been a prosecutor.

Amy Klobuchar touts her tough-on-crime record as a prosecutor. Questions have arisen about a case that left a teen imprisoned for life.
I don't believe this jailhouse Muslim is innocent of murdering that 11 year old (the Tribune article is obviously biased toward him, here is a rebuttal by Hennepin County). In any case, Klob wasn't even involved in his 2nd trial.

Nobody cares about trivia like that. Including Trump. All he needs is:
"She's a nasty woman. If you look at how - I mean she's just... you can't believe what she did. And to so many people! Lots and lots of people. Innocent people. They'll never recover. She's such a nasty woman."

In today's climate of being soft on crime (especially by politically correct minority groups such as blacks and Muslims) having been a tough prosecutor (and not say a crime apologist like terrorist spawn Chesa Boudin for example) is a liability, not an assert.

Kamala Harris has been similarly attacked on her background as a prosecutor.

Not sure how much of a liability being a prosecutor really is. Sure, it turns off trumpsuckers because trump told them it's bad. But lots of dems would very much like to see some heads roll once the TCF is ousted. Maybe some libberpublicans would be lost. OTOH it could drive turnout to have someone on the ticket who people have seen ripping up corrupt Republicans in hearings.

The key difference between Amy and Kami is that Kami "has been" attacked. No longer a seed planting exercise in her case, it's a robust sapling at minimum.
They haven't worked Amy over nearly so thoroughly yet, so maybe that's why the special attention right now.
Trump is scared to death of both of them; he is scared of prosecutors in general unless they're working for him, going after his enemies. Knowing that if he loses they'd be chomping at the bit to go after his ass heightens his fear some. But he's already at freakout level 11, so ...
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