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Veep Bets

About Pete Buttigieg, I didn't think that he was that great. He didn't seem to have much of a policy vision, and he seemed to me to be a sort of male bimbo.

A bimbo? Really? He was able to delve into details and understand complex intersections of policies.
I thought "bimbo" meant "dumb"
(full disclosure, I've been called a bimbo. It was meant to demean me as dumb.)

Agreed. I thought that Pete was a very sharp and Charismatic. He'll be back. BTW: the reason why I don't favor Warren as VP is that VP is a position in need in the future. In 8 years Warren will be too old. More importantly, we need her now, not stowed away for the future. We need her in the in the senate. If she leaves, her position will be filled by a republican.
About Pete Buttigieg, I didn't think that he was that great. He didn't seem to have much of a policy vision, and he seemed to me to be a sort of male bimbo.

How much have you read about him? You seem steeped in politics otherwise. Why would you not read about Buttigieg?

24 Year Old Buttigieg McKinsey Interview

NYT Article said:
Among the hoops that candidates for plum consulting jobs at McKinsey & Company had to jump through in late 2006 was a bit of play acting: They were given a scenario involving a hypothetical client, “a business under siege,” and told they would be meeting with its chief executive the next day. How would they structure the conversation?

One contender stood out that year: a 24-year-old Rhodes scholar named Pete Buttigieg.

“He was the only one who put all the pieces together,” recalled Jeff Helbling, a McKinsey partner at the time who was involved in recruiting. Mr. Buttigieg soon won the other candidates over to his approach.

“He was very good at taking this ambiguous thing that he literally had no background on and making sense of it,” Mr. Helbling said. “That is rare for anyone at any level.”
About Pete Buttigieg, I didn't think that he was that great. He didn't seem to have much of a policy vision, and he seemed to me to be a sort of male bimbo.

A bimbo? Really? He was able to delve into details and understand complex intersections of policies.
I thought "bimbo" meant "dumb"
(full disclosure, I've been called a bimbo. It was meant to demean me as dumb.)

Agreed. I thought that Pete was a very sharp and Charismatic. He'll be back. BTW: the reason why I don't favor Warren as VP is that VP is a position in need in the future. In 8 years Warren will be too old. More importantly, we need her now, not stowed away for the future. We need her in the in the senate. If she leaves, her position will be filled by a republican.

I thought Pete was smart and articulate--but unfortunately, his voice sounded too much like an obnoxious personality on HGTV---and this is on me--once I heard it, I could not unhear it. It made it harder to get past his lack of experience and his spotty record in South Bend.
About Pete Buttigieg, I didn't think that he was that great. He didn't seem to have much of a policy vision, and he seemed to me to be a sort of male bimbo.

A bimbo? Really? He was able to delve into details and understand complex intersections of policies.
I thought "bimbo" meant "dumb"
(full disclosure, I've been called a bimbo. It was meant to demean me as dumb.)
He didn't seem like that to me. He seemed rather vacuous, like he didn't have much by way of ideas or policy position. Almost as if his main attraction was his looks, and that's why he seemed like a male bimbo.

But I do concede that he may have more intellectual depth than the impression that I'd gotten of him.
About Pete Buttigieg, I didn't think that he was that great. He didn't seem to have much of a policy vision, and he seemed to me to be a sort of male bimbo.

A bimbo? Really? He was able to delve into details and understand complex intersections of policies.
I thought "bimbo" meant "dumb"
(full disclosure, I've been called a bimbo. It was meant to demean me as dumb.)
He didn't seem like that to me. He seemed rather vacuous, like he didn't have much by way of ideas or policy position. Almost as if his main attraction was his looks, and that's why he seemed like a male bimbo.
Though I thought he was too young-inexperienced, I still thought him pretty sharp, politics aside.

But I do concede that he may have more intellectual depth than the impression that I'd gotten of him.
Upon graduating magna cum laude from Harvard in 2004, Buttigieg was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa[1] and awarded a Rhodes Scholarship; in 2007, he received a Bachelor of Arts degree with first-class honours in philosophy, politics, and economics after studying at Pembroke College, Oxford.[41][42][43][44] At Oxford, he was an editor of the Oxford International Review,[45] and was a co-founder[45] and member of the Democratic Renaissance Project, an informal debate and discussion group of about a dozen Oxford students.

My bet is that he is more of a language wiz than Melania...
Depending on the day and the media outlet, the number rises and falls. He’s been granted six languages, seven languages, and eight languages. After the fire at Paris’s Notre-Dame cathedral, he dipped into French to answer questions from French media. He fielded questions from Norwegian journalists in Norwegian, which he’s said to have taught himself in order to read novels in the language.
How many languages can Buttigieg actually speak? His campaign confirmed eight when I reached out: English, Norwegian, Spanish, French, Italian, Maltese, Arabic, and Dari.
So Stacy Abrams is now standing in First, Second, and Third place for the Veep selection?
Klobuchar got to be the one to announce the new charges in Minnesota yesterday. Wondering what was the politics behind that.
How Kamala Harris seized the moment on race and police reform - POLITICO - "Criminal justice reformers say she's neutralized a major liability — her past as a prosecutor — and it comes as Biden prepares to name his VP."
Days before Kamala Harris launched her presidential campaign, a prominent law professor tore apart her record in a New York Times op-ed arguing that the California senator was not, as she defined herself, a “progressive prosecutor.”

The scathing critique by Lara Bazelon was followed by months of criticism of Harris’ career as a district attorney and state attorney general, thwarting her efforts to win over reform-minded liberals.
Some people called her "Cop-mala" because of that.
But with Harris emerging as a top contender for vice president, Bazelon isn't particularly worried. She now views Harris' law enforcement record as a "net neutral" for the senator.

“I don’t think there’s the interest or the oxygen to re-litigate it,” Bazelon said in an interview. “She’s positioned herself in the last couple of years as someone who really is on the right side of these issues and that carries weight.”

Harris' increasing comfort with leading on justice issues — and success at persuading progressive advocates that her efforts are sincere — might well have happened whether or not she was in the running to become Joe Biden's running mate.
So she could be like Hugo Black, who went from the Ku Klux Klan to supporting some major civil-rights decisions as a Supreme Court justice.

He started off wearing white robes and scaring black people and he ended up wearing black robes and scaring white people.
Harris vs. Demings: Putting VP Contenders to the 'Kaine Test' | RealClearPolitics - how do they compare to Hillary Clinton's VP choice, Tim Kaine?

1. Safe choice. What counts as safe?

Winner: Tie

2. Impressive résumé.

Tim Kaine: Law clerk, lawyer, Richmond VA City Councilmember, Ric Mayor, VA Lt. Governor, VA Gov, Senator

Kamala Harris: San Francisco Deputy District Attorney, SF Assistant DA, SF DA, CA Attorney General, Senator

Val Demings: Orlando FL police officer, Orl police chief, House of Reps

Winner: KH

3. “His geographic and personal story has party-base and general appeal.” Like TK's getting VA's electoral votes as a favorite son.

KH doesn't have much to offer in this department, since CA is safely Democratic.

When Val Demings was made impeachment manager for impeaching Trump, she tweeted
“I am a descendant of slaves, who knew that they would not make it, but dreamed and prayed that one day I would make it. So despite America’s complicated history, my faith is in the Constitution. I’ve enforced the laws, and now I write the laws. Nobody is above the law.”

Winner: VD, because of FL's 29 electoral votes from her being a favorite daughter.

4. “In 2014 Kaine played the Clinton loyalty card, overcompensating for 2008.”

How loyal are KH and VD to JB?

Winner: Tie

5. “Kaine can handle the Bill Clinton problem.”
First, both Harris and Demings are well suited to handle “the Donald Trump problem,” having come from tough law enforcement backgrounds. Therefore, expect that Biden will unleash his running mate as an attack dog while he appears more “presidential.”

But when Trump attacks these women of color, he will need to tread lightly due to heightened racial and gender sensitivities, or he’ll likely suffer further vote loss among suburban women.
Winner: Tie
Second, if elected (and as a former VP) Biden will be prone to offer “expertise and guidance” that both Harris and Demings must navigate. Consequentially, if Biden selects Harris, he might require a “food taster” since the senator appears more power hungry with her own agenda and less likely to accept her president’s “expertise and guidance.”
Winner: VD
Lastly, what about the most famous VP selection criteria adage of "Do no harm"? Between Demings and Harris, the senator’s sharp tongue might cause some “Twitter storms” on the campaign trail.
Winner: VD

Overall winner: KH
WASHINGTON (AP) — Joe Biden’s search for a running mate is entering a second round of vetting for a dwindling list of potential vice presidential nominees, with several Black women in strong contention.

Democrats with knowledge of the process said Biden’s search committee has narrowed the choices to as few as six serious contenders after initial interviews. Those still in contention include Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Kamala Harris of California, as well as Susan Rice, who served as President Barack Obama’s national security adviser.

The process remains somewhat fluid, according to those with knowledge, and additional candidates may still be asked to submit to the extensive document review process now underway for top contenders. Those familiar with Biden’s search spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the process.

Amy the K fans, you lose, she says she's out.
Feeling like the only white woman in the room, again, Warren is silent. She just wants it so bad.

Harris is the only one I can think of that I would be somewhat comfortable with on the international stage.
I saw Susan Rice interviewed by Bill Maher on his latest show. She was excellent and I think she would be a great VP candidate with Biden. She spoke very highly of Biden. They've worked together for many years. Since he said he wants someone who is "simpatico" with him, I can't imagine anyone who would fit that bill more. Plus she has extensive foreign policy. I don't think any of the other candidates can match her experience in that area. Finally, she admits that she wants the job. I wonder why we don't hear more about her. She's probably the most qualified of all the women being considered.
I saw Susan Rice interviewed by Bill Maher on his latest show. She was excellent and I think she would be a great VP candidate with Biden. She spoke very highly of Biden. They've worked together for many years. Since he said he wants someone who is "simpatico" with him, I can't imagine anyone who would fit that bill more. Plus she has extensive foreign policy. I don't think any of the other candidates can match her experience in that area. Finally, she admits that she wants the job. I wonder why we don't hear more about her. She's probably the most qualified of all the women being considered.

If she is under serious consideration I suspect there's a well-thought-out effort to keep her under the radar for the moment. Let the TrumPutin machine focus on Kamala and Stacey until the last possible moment.
I really like Liz. But her fate was sealed the second Wright was killed.
Who is Wright?

The VP will be either Harris or SA.
Almost certainly not Abrams. A state rep from an uncontested district. No chance. At least I hope Biden has enough sense to realize that she would be a horrible pick.
Harris is most likely, especially since she is now so busy distancing herself from ever having prosecuted anybody non-white as DA.
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