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Washington Post - Trump Gave Top Secret Info To Russians


How can anybody this wrong about everything they talk about?

You have no clue how impeachment works nor about American government works in general. Congress can impeach for anything they want, it doesn't have to be something criminal. You would also be wrong to say you know there is not enough information for criminal charges, because you don't know what all the evidence is (accept this for once), and because there is already publicly available evidence that could be prosecutable.

The Russian hack of the DNC has NOTHING to do with Clinton's server or her emails. WP, you are fake news.

Sorry I only studied English law. A case against Trump at this point wouldn't fly in an English court.
Right now, the charges are piling on Trump. Obstruction of Justice, Tampering Witness, Making money off of the office, oh and divulging secret intel to our adversary.

Is the Chief Justice ready to preside over the Senate Trial. Has a date been set?
Right now, Trump is around 37% approval. If that goes below 30%, Chief Justice Roberts should clear any plans of a vacation.

There is a lot of media fanned speculation and unsubstantiated information at this point in time. That is not the same as sufficient reason to do anything.
I was wondering what the Kremlin line was going to be.

That he has authority to declassify anything is not a defense. It doesn't make it not careless nor reckless.
What is the carelessness involved?
Typically there is a protocol followed with Intelligence officials before making a planned disclosure of intelligence information. Intelligence isn't usually ejaculated to an adversary during an orgasm of bravado.
Conduct unbecoming, abuse of position, abuse of authority, abuse of power, too stupid to live, pick one.

I would like to see 'Hairstyle prejudicial to the international reputation of the United States' as the charge.

Given the others wont last the test of evidence, that one may be the best shot.
I can see Netanyahu getting pissed at Cheetolini for releasing the info. Decides to go alone on Iran and sends elements of the Israeli Navy through the Straight of Hormuz to piss off the Iranians. The Iranians respond and...(you fill in the rest).

Sorry I only studied English law. A case against Trump at this point wouldn't fly in an English court.
Right now, the charges are piling on Trump. Obstruction of Justice, Tampering Witness, Making money off of the office, oh and divulging secret intel to our adversary.

Is the Chief Justice ready to preside over the Senate Trial. Has a date been set?
Right now, Trump is around 37% approval. If that goes below 30%, Chief Justice Roberts should clear any plans of a vacation.

There is a lot of media fanned speculation and unsubstantiated information at this point in time. That is not the same as sufficient reason to do anything.
I was wondering what the Kremlin line was going to be.

That he has authority to declassify anything is not a defense. It doesn't make it not careless nor reckless.
What is the carelessness involved?
Typically there is a protocol followed with Intelligence officials before making a planned disclosure of intelligence information. Intelligence isn't usually ejaculated to an adversary during an orgasm of bravado.

Again vague statements. A drop in popularity does not make for getting a vote for impeachment

Here is an opinion of one of many


Can we please, please stop asking about impeaching Trump?

An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history; conviction results from whatever offense or offenses two-thirds of the other body considers to be sufficiently serious to require removal of the accused from office.

Remarks in the U.S. House of Representatives in an effort to impeach Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas (15 April 1970); recorded in the Congressional Record, vol. 116, p. 11913.
Trump will be impeached when House Members think it is in their best interests to impeach him
A drop in popularity does not make for getting a vote for impeachment

It does so more than a rise in popularity.

Trump will be impeached when House Members think it is in their best interests to impeach him

You're pretty naive if you think that their best interest are not coupled to the popularity of a President they support supported.
This will severely hamper our collection of intelligence. Our allies are probably right now wondering whether or not to continue sharing intelligence.

Intelligence agencies don't 'wonder' whether or not to do things that might compromise their agents and sources, without any clear and immediate upside. They just stop doing the thing that is identified as a risk.

I would be shocked if any US ally has not already stopped sharing anything sensitive with the US.

The default position is to protect your sources unless there is a massive and compelling reason not to.

During WWII, the allies were prohibited from acting on hard information gained via the breaking of German codes, unless there was good intelligence from at least one other source; this meant that often commanders had to allow a disaster to unfold, because preventing it might have tipped off the Germans that their communications were not secure.

This is a great example of how the value of intelligence is weighed and evaluated. If our commander and chief boasted about how awesome we are for capturing and decoding the Enigma (German coding system for military communications), and provided fleet maps to the Chinese so that they might help us in the Pacific, then the outcome of World War II may have been VERY different, as China shares that information with Japan, and then Germany learns that their codes have been compromised by allied intelligence agencies.

Rather than use that information to win one battle and then lose that advantage in every subsequent battle, we used it to actually win the war.

This is what smart people do with valuable information, rather than what dumb pieces of shit do to bankrupt it.
Right now, the charges are piling on Trump. Obstruction of Justice, Tampering Witness, Making money off of the office, oh and divulging secret intel to our adversary.

Is the Chief Justice ready to preside over the Senate Trial. Has a date been set?
Right now, Trump is around 37% approval. If that goes below 30%, Chief Justice Roberts should clear any plans of a vacation.

There is a lot of media fanned speculation and unsubstantiated information at this point in time. That is not the same as sufficient reason to do anything.
I was wondering what the Kremlin line was going to be.

That he has authority to declassify anything is not a defense. It doesn't make it not careless nor reckless.
What is the carelessness involved?
Typically there is a protocol followed with Intelligence officials before making a planned disclosure of intelligence information. Intelligence isn't usually ejaculated to an adversary during an orgasm of bravado.

Again vague statements. A drop in popularity does not make for getting a vote for impeachment

Here is an opinion of one of many


Can we please, please stop asking about impeaching Trump?

An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history; conviction results from whatever offense or offenses two-thirds of the other body considers to be sufficiently serious to require removal of the accused from office.

Remarks in the U.S. House of Representatives in an effort to impeach Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas (15 April 1970); recorded in the Congressional Record, vol. 116, p. 11913.
Trump will be impeached when House Members think it is in their best interests to impeach him
You can't seem to read. I said Impeachment could be likely if Trump's approval rating gets too low and will harm the Republicans 2018 election prospects.
You can't seem to read. I said Impeachment could be likely if Trump's approval rating gets too low and will harm the Republicans 2018 election prospects.
Which it is doing:

Democrats now have a 49-38 lead overall on the generic Congressional ballot, up from 47-41 a month ago. Even more notable though is that among voters who say they're 'very excited' to turn out in the 2018 election, the Democratic lead balloons to 27 points at 61-34. The outcome of lower turnout midterm elections often hinges on which side is more engaged, and Democrats have the clear advantage at this point on that front- 63% of their voters say they're 'very excited' about voting in next year's election, compared to only 52% of Republicans who say the same.
It does so more than a rise in popularity.

Trump will be impeached when House Members think it is in their best interests to impeach him

You're pretty naive if you think that their best interest are not coupled to the popularity of a President they support supported.

So the Senate can vote for an impeachment based on an opinion poll?
It does so more than a rise in popularity.

You're pretty naive if you think that their best interest are not coupled to the popularity of a President they support supported.

So the Senate can vote for an impeachment based on an opinion poll?
Republicans? Yeah, they can.

One needs to remember, the Republicans were charged for '10 mid-terms because a Democrat was elected President in '08, also "death panels".

The Democrats are electric at the moment and are nearing nuclear.

What isn't well known is that since 1992, Republicans do poorer in elections where people turn up. In mid-terms, people that vote Democrat have serious brain farts and don't show up. In '18, with such an unbelievable amount of distrust in the Republican Brand and the whole Trump thing, the Democrats will likely turnout, and the Republicans know that won't be good.
Sorry I only studied English law. A case against Trump at this point wouldn't fly in an English court.
Right now, the charges are piling on Trump. Obstruction of Justice, Tampering Witness, Making money off of the office, oh and divulging secret intel to our adversary.

Is the Chief Justice ready to preside over the Senate Trial. Has a date been set?
Right now, Trump is around 37% approval. If that goes below 30%, Chief Justice Roberts should clear any plans of a vacation.

There is a lot of media fanned speculation and unsubstantiated information at this point in time. That is not the same as sufficient reason to do anything.
I was wondering what the Kremlin line was going to be.

That he has authority to declassify anything is not a defense. It doesn't make it not careless nor reckless.
What is the carelessness involved?
Typically there is a protocol followed with Intelligence officials before making a planned disclosure of intelligence information. Intelligence isn't usually ejaculated to an adversary during an orgasm of bravado.

Is any of this enough for a vote on impeachment. It's hardly feasible on the basis of speculation and the possibility of a Russian kiss.
Right now, the charges are piling on Trump. Obstruction of Justice, Tampering Witness, Making money off of the office, oh and divulging secret intel to our adversary.

Is the Chief Justice ready to preside over the Senate Trial. Has a date been set?
Right now, Trump is around 37% approval. If that goes below 30%, Chief Justice Roberts should clear any plans of a vacation.

There is a lot of media fanned speculation and unsubstantiated information at this point in time. That is not the same as sufficient reason to do anything.
I was wondering what the Kremlin line was going to be.

That he has authority to declassify anything is not a defense. It doesn't make it not careless nor reckless.
What is the carelessness involved?
Typically there is a protocol followed with Intelligence officials before making a planned disclosure of intelligence information. Intelligence isn't usually ejaculated to an adversary during an orgasm of bravado.

Is any of this enough for a vote on impeachment. It's hardly feasible on the basis of speculation and the possibility of a Russian kiss.
It is if the House and Senate say it is. You seem to have a hard time understanding how politics and the Constitution works in the US. There wasn't enough to impeach Clinton, but the Republicans sure the heck tried. With Trump, we see serious violations of his Oath to the office.

- - - Updated - - -

Republicans? Yeah, they can.

They wanted to for a blow job.
I'd certainly impeach Trump to get one of those! Wait... whose offering?
Going forward, other countries may have no choice but to continue to share intel with the US. It's likely that in many incidences, we may be the only ones capable of furthering the intel and/or the only ones capable of executing whatever the situation may require.
But do take all precautions to protect your assets from our CinC.
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