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Washington Post - Trump Gave Top Secret Info To Russians

It is therefore important for the UK US Russia and other allies to share information.
Yes. It is important.
Which is why it needs to be handled in a way that does NOT piss off our allies, the ones who shared the intel with the expectation that it wouldn't be declassified and disseminated willy-nilly.

Correct, but we must know the nature of the information. Maybe Putin will hand over the transcript of what the Russians say took place.
Military cooperation with Russia in Syria and against terrorism is an excellent proposal. Obama tried to do this. It is therefore important for the UK US Russia and other allies to share information.

Through the proper channels and methods. Not by revealing the sources and handing that information to our enemies.

True .

We need to establish the nature of this but I tend to believe this was for military cooperation between the two countries. Hopefully we will be given the correct information as far as possible.

Vladimir Putin says he is willing to hand over a transcript of a discussion between Donald Trump and senior Russian officials maybe sealed with a (Russian) Kiss.


President Trump allegedly disclosed highly classified information about "terrorism and airline flight safety" while meeting foreign minister Sergey Lavrov and ambassador Sergey Kislyak last week.

However, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Mr Trump did not pass over secrets and dismissed the scandal as "political schizophrenia".

It comes amid reports the US President asked then-FBI director James Comey to drop an investigation into ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn and his ties to Russia.

On Tuesday, national security adviser General HR McMaster said the intelligence sharing was "wholly appropriate" and based on "open source reporting".
I remember when right-wingers were messing their pants over Clinton's emails being potentially exposed to hacking because the emails were on a private server. The mere threat made them lose sphincter control.

Yet, here we have a case of the President of the United States exposing and compromising an Israeli intelligence asset of unknown identity (computer hack, intel asset, ISIS mole)... and we hear the right-wing defend Trump's right to endanger Israeli intelligence by just giving up crucial information for absolutely no gain or even reason, other than to project "Big Man" status in front of a pair of people that know Trump is a blithering idiot.
Correct, but we must know the nature of the information.
I don't know that WE need to know the information, as much as people who already have access to the information need to assess the damage done by FFvC bragging.

The problem here is if the information is not known to an objective committee then we cannot know whether passing any on if it took place was a security risk.
If there is a spy in ISIS, then after this article he is now more likely to be in danger.
Are you sure you don't want an unbiased committee to investigate that possibility before coming to an obvious conclusion like that?

It's not a conclusion as I expressed a likelihood.
The ban on laptops existed before Trump discussed security with the Russians.
Leaks again; who blabbed about the existence of an Israeli spy in ISIS.
Perhaps this may add to my comment about the Asinine revelation by the ABC.


Former CIA Director John Brennan sticks up for Trump

President Trump complains repeatedly about leaks in Washington. He’s got a bit of distinguished company.

“What I have found appalling is the number of leaks that have taken place over the last several months,” former CIA Director John Brennan said at the SALT conference in Las Vegas, the annual gathering of hedge-fund managers and other financiers. “This needs to be stopped.” Brennan was CIA director during President Obama’s second term, stepping down in January, when Mike Pompeo replaced him.

Brennan said Trump made a “serious mistake” when he reportedly shared sensitive intelligence with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, in an Oval Office meeting in early May. But this mistake wasn’t sharing intelligence; it was violating the protocol for doing so. “I shared intelligence with the Russians when I was the director of the CIA,” Brennan said. “But you share that through intelligence channels, and you make sure you word it in such as way as to not reveal sources and methods. President Trump didn’t do that.”

Brennan said the press coverage of Trump’s impromptu intelligence reveal was “hyperbolic” and possibly more damaging than anything Trump revealed. “The damage that was done is what was leaked in the aftermath, what was put in the media. The real damage to national security is the leaks.” He suggested, without saying so explicitly, that news accounts revealed more sensitive information than Trump did.

“The real damage to national security is the leaks,” Brennan said. “These individuals who still stay within the government and are leaking this stuff to the press need to be brought to task.”
Perhaps this may add to my comment about the Asinine revelation by the ABC.


Former CIA Director John Brennan sticks up for Trump

President Trump complains repeatedly about leaks in Washington. He’s got a bit of distinguished company.

“What I have found appalling is the number of leaks that have taken place over the last several months,” former CIA Director John Brennan said at the SALT conference in Las Vegas, the annual gathering of hedge-fund managers and other financiers. “This needs to be stopped.” Brennan was CIA director during President Obama’s second term, stepping down in January, when Mike Pompeo replaced him.

Brennan said Trump made a “serious mistake” when he reportedly shared sensitive intelligence with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, in an Oval Office meeting in early May. But this mistake wasn’t sharing intelligence; it was violating the protocol for doing so. “I shared intelligence with the Russians when I was the director of the CIA,” Brennan said. “But you share that through intelligence channels, and you make sure you word it in such as way as to not reveal sources and methods. President Trump didn’t do that.”

Brennan said the press coverage of Trump’s impromptu intelligence reveal was “hyperbolic” and possibly more damaging than anything Trump revealed. “The damage that was done is what was leaked in the aftermath, what was put in the media. The real damage to national security is the leaks.” He suggested, without saying so explicitly, that news accounts revealed more sensitive information than Trump did.

“The real damage to national security is the leaks,” Brennan said. “These individuals who still stay within the government and are leaking this stuff to the press need to be brought to task.”

Lol! "We're very very concerned about how you found out that Trump is a self-dealing trator!"
Obstruction of Justice (Firing Comey), tampering with a witness (Yates), leaking classified foreign intel (Syria related). The list is growing.

Turns out Comey kept records like a Hittite a highly professional investigatorhttps://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/16/us/politics/james-comey-trump-flynn-russia-investigation.html


Any investigator that deals in activities that could possibly end up in court takes extensive, detailed notes on every interaction, and even every thought. Cases normally take years to end up in court, and when the defense attorney asks you some obscure piece of detail about what your intention was to look in some area where the evidence was collected, and you can't answer, then you have lost your clients case.

It would be a great disservice to the quality of our government's judicial system if our investigators failed to perform the most basic of their duties in the performance of their job.. taking notes to defend their intentions (witch hunt!), processes (evidence tampering!), context (that word doesn't mean what you think it means!), and interpretations (Incompetent liar!).
Are you sure you don't want an unbiased committee to investigate that possibility before coming to an obvious conclusion like that?
It's not a conclusion as I expressed a likelihood.
I think the moderators here need to discuss it and determine what you meant.
The ban on laptops existed before Trump discussed security with the Russians.
Not shit. And all Trump needed to say was 'we have intel indicating this is a threat from ISIS'. Didn't need to say anything else.
Leaks again; who blabbed about the existence of an Israeli spy in ISIS.
Perhaps this may add to my comment about the Asinine revelation by the ABC.


Former CIA Director John Brennan sticks up for Trump

President Trump complains repeatedly about leaks in Washington. He’s got a bit of distinguished company.

“What I have found appalling is the number of leaks that have taken place over the last several months,” former CIA Director John Brennan said at the SALT conference in Las Vegas, the annual gathering of hedge-fund managers and other financiers. “This needs to be stopped.” Brennan was CIA director during President Obama’s second term, stepping down in January, when Mike Pompeo replaced him.

Brennan said Trump made a “serious mistake” when he reportedly shared sensitive intelligence with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, in an Oval Office meeting in early May. But this mistake wasn’t sharing intelligence; it was violating the protocol for doing so. “I shared intelligence with the Russians when I was the director of the CIA,” Brennan said. “But you share that through intelligence channels, and you make sure you word it in such as way as to not reveal sources and methods. President Trump didn’t do that.”

Brennan said the press coverage of Trump’s impromptu intelligence reveal was “hyperbolic” and possibly more damaging than anything Trump revealed. “The damage that was done is what was leaked in the aftermath, what was put in the media. The real damage to national security is the leaks.” He suggested, without saying so explicitly, that news accounts revealed more sensitive information than Trump did.

“The real damage to national security is the leaks,” Brennan said. “These individuals who still stay within the government and are leaking this stuff to the press need to be brought to task.”
This story was going to come out. If not from the US, Israel would have told European allies and it would have leaked there. "We can't trust Trump!" Yeah... a great message to have our allies passing to each other.
This story was going to come out. If not from the US, Israel would have told European allies and it would have leaked there. "We can't trust Trump!" Yeah... a great message to have our allies passing to each other.

This too shall pass... at this rate, within a few more months the US won't have any of those annoying "allies" to worry about offending. And you can thank El Cheato.
Perhaps this may add to my comment about the Asinine revelation by the ABC.


Former CIA Director John Brennan sticks up for Trump

President Trump complains repeatedly about leaks in Washington. He’s got a bit of distinguished company.

“What I have found appalling is the number of leaks that have taken place over the last several months,” former CIA Director John Brennan said at the SALT conference in Las Vegas, the annual gathering of hedge-fund managers and other financiers. “This needs to be stopped.” Brennan was CIA director during President Obama’s second term, stepping down in January, when Mike Pompeo replaced him.

Brennan said Trump made a “serious mistake” when he reportedly shared sensitive intelligence with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, in an Oval Office meeting in early May. But this mistake wasn’t sharing intelligence; it was violating the protocol for doing so. “I shared intelligence with the Russians when I was the director of the CIA,” Brennan said. “But you share that through intelligence channels, and you make sure you word it in such as way as to not reveal sources and methods. President Trump didn’t do that.”

Brennan said the press coverage of Trump’s impromptu intelligence reveal was “hyperbolic” and possibly more damaging than anything Trump revealed. “The damage that was done is what was leaked in the aftermath, what was put in the media. The real damage to national security is the leaks.” He suggested, without saying so explicitly, that news accounts revealed more sensitive information than Trump did.

“The real damage to national security is the leaks,” Brennan said. “These individuals who still stay within the government and are leaking this stuff to the press need to be brought to task.”

a dishonest man's "leaker" is an honest man's "whistleblower".
I agree with Brennan. Leaker and the Press did the actual damage if any. Trump is just incompetent idiot and asshole, and I actually doubt he revealed much to russians.
But the Russians are playing him like a fiddle. The Russians have a plan, we just don't fully know what it is yet and Don the Con is their puppet.
Russians are playing him like a fiddle.

Yes, but it is badly out of tune, and there is next to nothing they can do about it. They thought it would make sweet music, and it did for a while. But now the neck has warped, the bow is frayed and all it does is screech. :)
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