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Washington Post - Trump Gave Top Secret Info To Russians

Since you admit your ignorance, why do you keep talking about the subject? Like in the rest of your post?

There is a lot of media fanned speculation and unsubstantiated information at this point in time. That is not the same as sufficient reason to do anything. In fact all we have had is a call for impeachment by Democrats.

If Trump is right and this was for as he says it was I don't think proceedings will get far.

The Democrats lost the election and should get over the Butt-Hurt.

Irrelevant to whether Trump can be impeached or should be impeached or whether

The Guardian article here
Around midday on Monday, Congressman Al Green, a Democrat from Texas, held a press conference to call for the impeachment of Donald Trump. The firing of FBI director James Comey, Green said, was an obstruction of justice falling clearly into that basket of “high crimes and misdemeanors” prescribed in the constitution as grounds for impeachment.

Green should have waited five hours. Because by the time the sun went down on Monday, advocates for Trump’s impeachment had a lot more to work with.


“As president I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled WH meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining … to terrorism and airline flight safety,” Trump wrote. “Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against Isis and terrorism.”

The episode has once again stoked the chorus calling for the impeachment of Trump, a chorus that has steadily built over the four months of the Trump presidency.

Legal analysts say that Trump is correct in noting his “absolute right”, as president, to share information as he pleases. The president’s discretion overrides any categorical classification, and there has been no assertion that Trump broke a law by allegedly sharing the information.

The president may, however, have broken his oath of office, according to analysis at Lawfareblog, whose top six analysts joined in a byline to write: “It’s very hard to argue that carelessly giving away highly sensitive material to an adversary foreign power constitutes a faithful execution of the office of president.”

Which is just a bunch of incoherent and not even wrong drivel.

The Senate is hardly likely to give a majority vote for impeachment unless it is somehow spooked into doing so. So far there is no reason for this.

The report is from an English Language paper (generally left of centre and pro Democrat). It is very clear what it says. It gives 2 sides to a story bearing in mind the details are sketchy.

I know the procedures for impeachment have been explained to you. Why do you keep getting them wrong?

Has this changed since Clinton? This is also taken from English Law.

THere's a lot to Impeachments and this would not have been articulated in detail

An impeachment can only proceed with a majority vote in the House of representatives.
The Chief Justice presides at the Trial where the President is involved where the Senate has the sole power to impeach.The senators who are present for this must vote by at least 2/3.

I'm not going to read the whole procedure at this point. However anyone is to amend the above providing references.

Here is the Guardian again


(It's a little left wing but I think much fairer and more coherent than the other media and worth discussing/disputing).

As far as I see, I doubt if impeachment is going to go through at this point.

FURTHER READING. I don't know how these polls were conducted but there may be some interesting points though less than 1,000 were surveyed.


In news that will surprise no one, a new poll found that 48 percent of those who answered now support impeaching President Donald Trump. The president's current approval rating, as of a Gallup Poll on May 15, stands at just 38 percent. It's unclear whether Trump's firing of Comey, remaining entanglement with his business interests, or revealing classified information to Russia swayed people to change their minds.
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An impeachment can only proceed with a majority vote in the House of representatives.
Which is currently a wholly-owned subsidiary of the GOP, most of whose members spent quite a bit of the last two years insisting that Trump was going to ruin the GOP.
And then they lined up behind him for a bit.
And now seem to fear he's going to ruin the GOP...

I don't think it's even slightly outrageous to think the House is willing to impeach, as long as they can find an excuse that they think their constituents will buy. Like, i dunno, treason?
Let's all shout LOCK HIM UP for a year, it worked in 2016.
Trump demonstrates a level of immaturity that is astonishing. It is difficult to imagine how a man could reach 70+ years old without ever growing up. He seems to be constantly trying to impress and to seek validation from the people he is with at the moment. Exactly as a 3 year old child does.

Trump, to me, is an example of the worse that can happen when we pass large amounts of money and the power that the money brings through ancestry. The result is sometimes you end up with stunningly incompetent people like Donald Trump and George W. Bush in sensitive positions of power.

Those two - along with Ivanka, Jared, and Paris Hilton - make a strong case for those who would like to do away with inheritances :p
Trump won't be impeached, he'll quit.

Do you really think his ego will allow him to quit?

I suspect he's more likely to commit suicide than he is to quit, if put into a position he recognises as untenable.

I rather doubt his ability to recognise such a position, though; so the question likely wouldn't arise.
Do you really think his ego will allow him to quit?

I suspect he's more likely to commit suicide than he is to quit, if put into a position he recognises as untenable.

I rather doubt his ability to recognise such a position, though; so the question likely wouldn't arise.
If the Republicans are behind the Comey leak, I think he will have no choice.
Right now, the charges are piling on Trump. Obstruction of Justice, Tampering Witness, Making money off of the office, oh and divulging secret intel to our adversary.
Adversary? since when Russia is an adversary? I understand that Trump is a stupid retard who fundamentally unfit to run lemonade stand let alone a country, but why do you have to throw Russia under the bus?
Do you really think his ego will allow him to quit?

I suspect he's more likely to commit suicide than he is to quit, if put into a position he recognises as untenable.

I rather doubt his ability to recognise such a position, though; so the question likely wouldn't arise.

I wonder if the Secret Service is tasked with preventing a presidential auto-assassination?
I wonder if the Secret Service is tasked with preventing a presidential auto-assassination?
Tasked, yes. Prepared, probably not.
The way to tell the Service guys in the room is the guys and gals NOT looking at the President. He'd be the one guy in the room they wouldn't suspect of posing a threat.
I wonder if the Secret Service is tasked with preventing a presidential auto-assassination?
Tasked, yes. Prepared, probably not.
The way to tell the Service guys in the room is the guys and gals NOT looking at the President. He'd be the one guy in the room they wouldn't suspect of posing a threat.

There's probably a solid gold comedy scene in there somewhere - the president holding himself hostage with a gun to his head. What are the poor agents to do?
Trump demonstrates a level of immaturity that is astonishing. It is difficult to imagine how a man could reach 70+ years old without ever growing up. He seems to be constantly trying to impress and to seek validation from the people he is with at the moment. Exactly as a 3 year old child does.

Trump, to me, is an example of the worse that can happen when we pass large amounts of money and the power that the money brings through ancestry. The result is sometimes you end up with stunningly incompetent people like Donald Trump and George W. Bush in sensitive positions of power.
My thoughts exactly. I think Trump is a best argument for 100% death tax.
Geesh... imagine this. Trump commits an impeachable offense of obstructing justice (and will resign eventually) in order to protect a colleague from an investigation into a Russian connection that never existed.

Meanwhile on Melenia's to do list... get Barron enrolled in local NYC school.

You know what the best part of the eventual resignation will be? The Trump kids don't get Secret Service protection anymore. And with their love of big game hunting, maybe they get killed by hippos.
Tasked, yes. Prepared, probably not.
The way to tell the Service guys in the room is the guys and gals NOT looking at the President. He'd be the one guy in the room they wouldn't suspect of posing a threat.

There's probably a solid gold comedy scene in there somewhere - the president holding himself hostage with a gun to his head. What are the poor agents to do?

Take out the hostage-taker with a shot to the head - there's a good chance they'll miss the President's brain.
Geesh... imagine this. Trump commits an impeachable offense of obstructing justice (and will resign eventually) in order to protect a colleague from an investigation into a Russian connection that never existed.

Meanwhile on Melenia's to do list... get Barron enrolled in local NYC school.

You know what the best part of the eventual resignation will be? The Trump kids don't get Secret Service protection anymore. And with their love of big game hunting, maybe they get killed by hippos.

Seems unlikely; they don't like the Trump kids much, but most of them are pacifists.

Oh, hang on.

That's hippies.

I already have the resignation SNL skit in my head. Trump, short speech which transitions to him singing Frank Sinatra's "My Way". As he croones through the hallway people are kind of waving goodbye, he gets outside and the door slams behind him, right before the end of the song. He's outside, alone with Sean Spicer.

Trump: Well, at least I have my loving wife.
Spicer: She's in NY sir, filing for divorce.
Trump: My loving children?
Spicer: The kids are off to Monaco for the year.
Trump: Barron?
Spicer: He's the postman's kid.
Trump: Well, at least I have you.
Spicer: You'll always have me.
Trump and Spicer walk off into the sunset.
Trump: Sean, there is one thing I've been meaning to tell you.
Spicer: Yes?
Trump: You're fired.
Military cooperation with Russia in Syria and against terrorism is an excellent proposal. Obama tried to do this. It is therefore important for the UK US Russia and other allies to share information.

Oooh, the new script is fresh from Kinko's, guys!
Military cooperation with Russia in Syria and against terrorism is an excellent proposal. Obama tried to do this. It is therefore important for the UK US Russia and other allies to share information.

Through the proper channels and methods. Not by revealing the sources and handing that information to our enemies.
It is therefore important for the UK US Russia and other allies to share information.
Yes. It is important.
Which is why it needs to be handled in a way that does NOT piss off our allies, the ones who shared the intel with the expectation that it wouldn't be declassified and disseminated willy-nilly.
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