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We're going to impeach the motherfucker

I agree with your take here. Liberals have to realize that Donald Trump is not the problem (though he is a problem), and impeaching him won't change the system that brought him about. He's an easy target and a fine hill to die on for Democrats looking to make history, but when they do that while ignoring the needs and preferences of their constituents it's kind of like who cares.

Having that crass imbecile Trump in office is the price we are having to pay for not getting Hillary. Let's not pay twice, yeah ? The Democrats need to get their shit together for an election campaign that will get Trump voted out. Less "impeach the motherfucker" and more AOC.
More TDS;

A liberal congresswoman who boasted in a foul-mouthed itrade that the new Democratic House leadership will impeach President Donald Trump doubled down Friday morning on Twitter, refusing to apologize. 'I will always speak truth to power. #unapologeticallyMe,' Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib tweeted a day after taking her seat in Congress. 'This is not just about Donald Trump,' she claimed. 'This is about all of us. In the face of this constitutional crisis, we must rise.' Speaking in a dimly lit room, Tlaib told a cheering crowd that she had told one of her young sons: 'We're going to impeach the motherfucker!'


It's a very stupid thing to say, especially from a House newb!

It could be noted, however, that Trump has been noted, as an "unindicted co-conspirator", as having committed felonies during his campaign. And prior to becoming President settled with the victims of his fake University. And we keep seeing the noose tighten with Mueller. So unlike other Presidents, Trump is actually technically impeachment at this moment.

I remember when Ken Starr had to keep trolling and trolling to find something on President Clinton. We know that Trump committed campaign finance violations, and Mueller knows... yet, he steamrollered right on by them... meaning there are much more substantial charges he is aiming at with President Trump.

Trump is likely so impeachable that Warren Harding is dancing in his grave, knowing that he won't be considered the most corrupt President for much longer.
It's a very stupid thing to say, especially from a House newb!
Eh! As a newb, she has more latitude for such things. I'm reminded of Warren Oates' line to the rookie officer in Blue Thunder:

Jack Braddock: [to Lymangood] You're supposed to be stupid, son. Don't abuse the privilege.
It would be really stupid for Pelosi to shout this, people would keep asking for when it'll be on the agenda. Newbs can shout this every time a camera points at them, and lose nothing if nothing else ever happens.
A member's sacred cow is gored. Lashes out for whatever reason at 8:08 pacific time. By 10:30 Trump compared with Harding.

I wonder if there are other similarities between then and now. Oh shit. The market was being a rocket then as well.

To soon to claim greed invites corrupt government or vice versa?
I'll see your Savage and raise you two Hannity's and one Limbaugh.

Those are "Hannities", not "Hannity's" - which would be the possessive form.
You can thank me later. :D
- Grammar Nazi (go ahead and punch me in the face!)
I'll see your Savage and raise you two Hannity's and one Limbaugh.

Those are "Hannities", not "Hannity's" - which would be the possessive form.
Or maybe Hannitys, without the high-dot. The plural of monkey is monkeys. And the plural of flunky is Senators...

When the terminal "y" follows a consonant, the plural form is ... oh never mind. Nobody gives a flying fuck about grammar any more.
crying.JPG crying.JPG crying.JPG
Well that escalated quickly.

Less than an hour to go from "how dare this person use such foul language!" to "go fuck yourself."


Basically, TSwizzle believes elected officials should sound less like Rashida Tlaib and more like Dick Cheney, because that is a huge improvement in TSwizzle's eyes.

But that's the right to a T isn't? To be completely oblivious of their own hypocrisy and double standards.
Basically, TSwizzle believes elected officials should sound less like Rashida Tlaib and more like Dick Cheney, because that is a huge improvement in TSwizzle's eyes.

But that's the right to a T isn't? To be completely oblivious of their own hypocrisy and double standards.

Fuck off and do one.
We used to believe that the President spoke for the country and embodied our best traits. That's not possible when the President has a 7-year-old mind stuck in a 72-year-old carcass.
Sadly, there's no way the U.S. Senate will impeach and convict His Orangeness. Our system lacks the safeguards necessary to eliminate a habitual liar and conman like Trump and his morals-free henchmen.

Indeed, what a sad state of affairs politics has become in the USA. We need more of AOC and less obsession with impeaching Trump. Just my opinion.


I agree with your take here. Liberals have to realize that Donald Trump is not the problem (though he is a problem), and impeaching him won't change the system that brought him about. He's an easy target and a fine hill to die on for Democrats looking to make history, but when they do that while ignoring the needs and preferences of their constituents it's kind of like who cares.

You may be right, but it isn't the "i" word TSwizzle is complaining about here. ;)
Every time I see the title of this thread, I think, damn that would make a great funk song.

We're gonna impeach the mother fucker, impeach the mother fucker, so get your funk on and let's impeach the mother fucker. It could be part of an album called, The Mother Fucker Funk Connection."

I can't help it. The things that disturb people these days are disturbing.
Or maybe Hannitys, without the high-dot. The plural of monkey is monkeys. And the plural of flunky is Senators...

When the terminal "y" follows a consonant, the plural form is ... oh never mind. Nobody gives a flying fuck about grammar any more.

But that’s not true for names, though.
Are you inviting over all the Goldmans, or all the Goldmen?
Are you going to the family reunion of the Lightfoots or the Lightfeet?
Are you getting a gift for the Wolfs, or for the Wolves?

I vote raising two Hannitys
Elixir, you're outnumbered. It's Hannitys.

But however you spell it, one Hannity is still one too many.
Elixir, you're outnumbered. It's Hannitys.

I give up. Not the first time I've had to put up with irrational idiomatic forms. :p
I just shed a little tear, and learn to live with it...

Are you getting a gift for the Wolfs, or for the Wolves?

No! What are you , CRAZY?

I vote raising two Hannitys

Look - I don't care. Just be sure you raise them high enough so that when you drop them...
I'm fairly well certain that if you took a time machine back about 20 years and asked leading Republicans what should be done with a President who had a long list of marital infidelities, a penchant for lying through his teeth, and some questionable real estate deals in his past, they'd say "impeach the motherfucker."

Because that's what they did.

AOC on this issue:
Republican hypocrisy at its finest: saying that Trump admitting to sexual assault on tape is just “locker room talk,” but scandalizing themselves into faux-outrage when my sis says a curse word in a bar.

GOP lost entitlement to policing women’s behavior a long time ago.

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