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We're going to impeach the motherfucker

Calling Trump a motherfucker is just plain wrong.

It's his daughter he wants to bone.


This "motherfucker" shit seems to be a bigger National Emergency than the "crisis" at the southern border... I think the world might just spontaneously come to an end if anyone dares to call him a "daughterfucker".
I agree. I was hoping the Democrats wouldn't sink to Trump's level but now the flood gates are opened and civility is dead and we're that much closer to an Idiocracy. What Rashida Tlaib did should be condemned, but Pelosi is afraid to show any weakness, even after just decidedly gaining back her leadership in the House. It's something I'd expect from a Rosanne Barr, not someone elected to be setting an example for our children, to say nothing of her own. Simply disgraceful.
Shall I fetch you a fucking fainting couch?

Seriously? People (on both sides) need to calm their shit about bloody swear words. I'm not sure which is worse, the GOP fake pearl clutching, or the Dems actual pearl clutching.

Motherfuckers need to learn to deal with it.

What dems are pearl clutching over swear words?
I agree. I was hoping the Democrats wouldn't sink to Trump's level but now the flood gates are opened and civility is dead and we're that much closer to an Idiocracy. What Rashida Tlaib did should be condemned, but Pelosi is afraid to show any weakness, even after just decidedly gaining back her leadership in the House. It's something I'd expect from a Rosanne Barr, not someone elected to be setting an example for our children, to say nothing of her own. Simply disgraceful.
Shall I fetch you a fucking fainting couch?

Seriously? People (on both sides) need to calm their shit about bloody swear words. I'm not sure which is worse, the GOP fake pearl clutching, or the Dems actual pearl clutching.

Motherfuckers need to learn to deal with it.

What dems are pearl clutching over swear words?

Oh, didn't you know? Dems--while simultaneously being the most evil, brilliant political tacticians the world has ever seen in regard to puppeteering the entire intelligence community into doing our bidding (all because we are just so butt hurt over Hillary losing) and orchestrating the real collusion with Russia--are at the exact same time "unhinged snowflakes" that can't handle the merest sight of anyone wearing a Trump t-shirt.

Oh, and pussy grabbing.
QED. We reap what we sow.
Except for the fact that while Trump revels in dishing it out, he is chronically unable to take it. Which makes it a moral imperative to heap abuse on the mushroom-hung manlet.

If you lower yourself to his level of incivility he wins. The Dems held the last vestige of hope for a return to sanity but this breach has established a new lower norm, as witnessed in the the eagerness of various posters to inflict the same abuse on any who dare to disagree. That and the lack of any objections from the rest of the community. Hatred will tear us apart and we''ll become a nation of imbeciles. Putin must be cracking open the champagne.
QED. We reap what we sow.
Except for the fact that while Trump revels in dishing it out, he is chronically unable to take it. Which makes it a moral imperative to heap abuse on the mushroom-hung manlet.

If you lower yourself to his level of incivility he wins. The Dems held the last vestige of hope for a return to sanity but this breach has established a new lower norm, as witnessed in the the eagerness of various posters to inflict the same abuse on any who dare to disagree. That and the lack of any objections from the rest of the community. Hatred will tear us apart and we''ll become a nation of imbeciles. Putin must be cracking open the champagne.

Yeah, it's Dems saying "motherfucker" that would have Putin cracking the champagne. That's the ticket! ;)

By the way, did you catch Putin's high five with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia a few months ago? That was probably all about U.S. Democrats behaving unseemly in some way. Probably had nothing to do with our President acting as programmed.
QED. We reap what we sow.
Except for the fact that while Trump revels in dishing it out, he is chronically unable to take it. Which makes it a moral imperative to heap abuse on the mushroom-hung manlet.

If you lower yourself to his level of incivility he wins.
Only if that is his goal.
There are people who would love to troll the entire nation, but i really doubt that Trump is one.
He has no creativity, for one thing. He comes up with one insult and keeps pushing that tag, rather than using our incivility as an excuse for greater shit in response.
And he really, really, really like people cheering his name, he cannot stand negative feedback, much less defiance.
He's not winning this by being insulted.
The Dems held the last vestige of hope for a return to sanity but this breach has established a new lower norm, as witnessed in the the eagerness of various posters to inflict the same abuse on any who dare to disagree.
I really don't look for 'sanity' to return in front of the cameras. We need sanity in the legislation, though. Things like forcing candidates to reveal their tax returns. Like a budget that's veto-proofed.

Special prosecutor protections.

At least no one is drafting a request for Congress to formally resolve that Trump is a motherfucker.
That and the lack of any objections from the rest of the community. Hatred will tear us apart and we''ll become a nation of imbeciles.
Right, right, right. Vulgarities on an internet forum will lead to anarchy.
Putin must be cracking open the champagne.
Near as i can tell, the rest of the world already sees Americans as foul mouthed savages with all the grace and culture of dung beetles in a dog run. Hearing that Americans are swearing at each other probably has him askingbthe messenger, 'Yeah, but is there any news?'
Also, i think more profanity is a good thing in and of itself.

When everyone's using the word(s), it has less power to inflict harm. I grew up Mormon, and thought 'damn' was a swear.
After my first year in the military, where some people use 'fuck' like a comma, i was not uncomfortable in a discussion to determine all the parts of speech, and whether some form of fuck, fucker, fucking, fucked could be used as such. The gerund took quite a while to identify.

But i also don't fly into a rage when i hear it directed at me. It's a word.
Calling Trump a motherfucker is just plain wrong.

It's his daughter he wants to bone.

You beat me to it.

Anybody care to weigh in on what Pence calls his wife?

Or whether or not they actually fuck?

He calls her "mother".

- - - Updated - - -

Anybody care to weigh in on what Pence calls his wife?

Or whether or not they actually fuck?
Well, Ronny used to refer to Nancy as 'Mommy.'

Pence doesn't strike me as that intimate. My bet is 'Mother?'

Imagery beyond thst is in my no-go zone.

lol, I answered the same before I read your post.
If you lower yourself to his level of incivility he wins.
Only if that is his goal.
There are people who would love to troll the entire nation, but i really doubt that Trump is one.
He has no creativity, for one thing. He comes up with one insult and keeps pushing that tag, rather than using our incivility as an excuse for greater shit in response.
And he really, really, really like people cheering his name, he cannot stand negative feedback, much less defiance.
He's not winning this by being insulted.

It's a tactical victory when he gets to counter his critics, both foreign and domestic, by saying they all do it. We've lost the moral high ground and he gets to play the martyr for shutting down the government. It will be very difficult for Chuck and Nancy. It's their shutdown now. But I hope I'm wrong and they can call his bluff or have some productive negotiations.

The Dems held the last vestige of hope for a return to sanity but this breach has established a new lower norm, as witnessed in the the eagerness of various posters to inflict the same abuse on any who dare to disagree.

I really don't look for 'sanity' to return in front of the cameras. We need sanity in the legislation, though. Things like forcing candidates to reveal their tax returns. Like a budget that's veto-proofed.

Special prosecutor protections.

At least no one is drafting a request for Congress to formally resolve that Trump is a motherfucker.

Agree with everything.

That and the lack of any objections from the rest of the community. Hatred will tear us apart and we''ll become a nation of imbeciles.

Right, right, right. Vulgarities on an internet forum will lead to anarchy.

Sorry, I didn't mean to insult any imbeciles out there. I just don't want them to encourage the nincompoops in Washington.

Putin must be cracking open the champagne.

Near as i can tell, the rest of the world already sees Americans as foul mouthed savages with all the grace and culture of dung beetles in a dog run. Hearing that Americans are swearing at each other probably has him askingbthe messenger, 'Yeah, but is there any news?'

Really. But you might be right. I think this incident will prove to be extremely bad for our national self-esteem.

Or you can take the weak ass, disingenuous view that taboo werdz equate to bad character or bad intelligence or bad behavior. But really, you don't see much of that from anyone but people who have mountains of actual bad character, bad intelligence, and bad behavior that they're trying to ignore.

In the case of right wing authoritarian followers, it's what they think is a reasonable sounding version of "No, YOU!"


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It's a tactical victory when he gets to counter his critics, both foreign and domestic, by saying they all do it.
Yeah, no. I mean, he can say that, but he has been using the 'everyone does it' excuse for three years. Part of the rotation.
It never happened / it happened but it wasn't illegal / it's illegal but everyone... Usually when that's not true. So even when it is true, no one listens any more.
We've lost the moral high ground and he gets to play the martyr for shutting down the government.
Except he really shot his wad on the shutdown. He claimed it, and no one will let him forget that. So crying 'poor pitiful me' as he continues this tantrum has no impact, either.
It will be very difficult for Chuck and Nancy. It's their shutdown now.
nope. They are the ones that show up for discussions, prepared to deal, not throwing everything on one line item.
But I hope I'm wrong and they can call his bluff or have some productive negotiations.
they have no need to cave. Trump has painted himself into a corner. He will look foolish if he caves, but no democrat was elected last year with a mandate to protect Trump's reputation.
I really don't look for 'sanity' to return in front of the cameras.

Agree with everything.
Or you can take the weak ass, disingenuous view that taboo werdz equate to bad character or bad intelligence or bad behavior. ...

It's fake power and epidomizes weakness. A tactic used by bullies to try to intimidate opponents and cow the timid into submission. If Densh ever said what Rashida Tlaib said she'd never work again. Rachel Maddow won't even repeat it on her show. What you're saying is that Trump has been OK with his obscene insults all along. We should make them a part of our foreign policy and include them in our elementary school curriculum.
Or you can take the weak ass, disingenuous view that taboo werdz equate to bad character or bad intelligence or bad behavior. ...

It's fake power and epidomizes weakness. A tactic used by bullies to try to intimidate opponents and cow the timid into submission. If Densh ever said what Rashida Tlaib said she'd never work again. Rachel Maddow won't even repeat it on her show. What you're saying is that Trump has been OK with his obscene insults all along. We should make them a part of our foreign policy and include them in our elementary school curriculum.

lmao Dude, sometimes a motherfucker is just a motherfucker and everybody in the room knows it, this isn't a civilization level threat.
Or you can take the weak ass, disingenuous view that taboo werdz equate to bad character or bad intelligence or bad behavior. ...

It's fake power and epidomizes weakness. A tactic used by bullies to try to intimidate opponents and cow the timid into submission. If Densh ever said what Rashida Tlaib said she'd never work again. Rachel Maddow won't even repeat it on her show. What you're saying is that Trump has been OK with his obscene insults all along. We should make them a part of our foreign policy and include them in our elementary school curriculum.

Right. There's no difference between a taboo word and demeaning or violent language. You just keep telling yourself that. :)
Or you can take the weak ass, disingenuous view that taboo werdz equate to bad character or bad intelligence or bad behavior. ...

It's fake power and epidomizes weakness. A tactic used by bullies to try to intimidate opponents and cow the timid into submission. If Densh ever said what Rashida Tlaib said she'd never work again. Rachel Maddow won't even repeat it on her show. What you're saying is that Trump has been OK with his obscene insults all along. We should make them a part of our foreign policy and include them in our elementary school curriculum.

Right. There's no difference between a taboo word and demeaning or violent language. You just keep telling yourself that. :)

That's really the crux of it. You can say something obscene and insulting without using a single curse word, and you can curse all the time without being obscene and insulting. You can insult people who ought to be insulted, or you can insult people who are already struggling and don't need another kick to the face. Moderates tend to lump all of these variations under the banner of "X said a bad word in public, where is the civility?"
What you're saying is that Trump has been OK with his obscene insults all along. We should make them a part of our foreign policy and include them in our elementary school curriculum.

I know more than a few people, many in my family, who say that 'once you use swear words, you've lost the argument.'
I think that's pretty fucking stupid, myself. It's an intensity modifier, not a logical fallacy.
But your post above is a strawman. That's an argument loss, right there.

I, for one, would not say Trump's insults have been okay. However, after 8 years of watching the way the right treated Obama and Hillary, they're not in a position to say I have to respect the office or the man.
After 3 years of Trump's constant insults, if that has become the new standard (and I can recognize that it's standard whether I approve or not), then I would welcome someone fighting back. Because I really think that Trump's insults only have as much power as they do because he's the only one slinging mud that way.
I really doubt he's got the balls or the imagination to actually go toe-to-toe with someone who is neither afraid of him nor afraid of their own grandmother. (I swore in front of my own mother LONG before I was dumb enough to swear where Grandma Helen could hear. Mom hit me with the Bible, Helen hit me with the Bible AND the Book of Mormon.)

And certainly, there's no need for us to official incorporate foul language into our foreign policy. But if our national dialogue is going to survive, we cannot let one side hoard all the tools of shock and outrage. If we're afraid to use Trump's tactics, we appear to be afraid of Trump, which is not true.

Even if does kinda resemble my grandma... Around the neck wattles, anyway.

As far as elementary school, they know all the words I knew after 20 years in the Navy. No need to teach it.

Well, maybe proper conjugation of some of the verbs. That could be useful.
(I swore in front of my own mother LONG before I was dumb enough to swear where Grandma Helen could hear. Mom hit me with the Bible, Helen hit me with the Bible AND the Book of Mormon.)

You had it easy - my mom hit me with the unabridged Merriam Webster dictionary!
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