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We're going to impeach the motherfucker

I remember the Clinton years, when Republicans were willing to deny their most cherished principles just so they could have something to hate about Bill Clinton.
  • Business over environment. I remember when George Bush I objected to the dumping of chicken waste in the Arkansas River while Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas.
  • Employer sovereignty over workplaces and objection to wasteful government spending. BC's firing of the White House travel agents. I was never able to find out what was supposed to be so horrible about that.
  • Law and order. I remember how outraged right-wingers were over the siege of Ruby Ridge and especially the siege of Waco. Also their objecting to BC's proposal to finance 100,000 additional cops.
  • Being pro-business no matter what. I remember how obsessed they were with the Whitewater scandal.
  • Sexual harassment being a non-issue. It became a real issue when BC was allegedly doing it.
  • Objection to wars being un-American and unpatriotic. I remember what pacifists the right wing became about BC's wars.
They also did such Calvinball as stating that it was wrong to object to US policies while in other nations' territory, referring to his objection to the Vietnam War. I've seen right-wingers who claim that the Vietnam War was a liberal thing because LBJ was big on fighting it. That the right wing back then was big on fighting it back then did not stop them.
Is there a point to this thread other than somebody said something?

It's disappointing that we have a crass and incompetent president that could quite possibly get a second term. I was hoping that the democrats could concentrate on winning the next election rather than this sort of nonsense.

I almost agree. Leave it to triangulating politicians to use tepid words like motherfucker to describe President Twitler McCrazyPants. The word has little substance. I mean at least preface it with substantive words like say, alt-Right loving KKK apologetic chauvinistic lost his mind douchebag motherfucker.

On the other hand, right-wingers typically cream their jeans over Bruce Willis's role in Die Hard where he was pretty crass with the label yippy kayay motherfucker. And people in this forum even backed President Crybaby when he called black countries shitholes.

And who has time to come up with a fully qualified proper "motherfucker" every time they talk.

I mean really...
Calling Trump a motherfucker is just plain wrong.

It's his daughter he wants to bone.
Calling Trump a motherfucker is just plain wrong.

It's his daughter he wants to bone.
They're not mutually exclusive...

If there is one man currently getting national press who would surprise no one by fondly describing his own mother's rack, it's Trump.

- - - Updated - - -

Fast forward to 1:12 if you want the Ivanka joke.
I'd rather fast-forward to 2021, because I do not want the Trump joke.
Is there a point to this thread other than somebody said something?

It's disappointing that we have a crass and incompetent president that could quite possibly get a second term. I was hoping that the democrats could concentrate on winning the next election rather than this sort of nonsense.

I agree. I was hoping the Democrats wouldn't sink to Trump's level but now the flood gates are opened and civility is dead and we're that much closer to an Idiocracy. What Rashida Tlaib did should be condemned, but Pelosi is afraid to show any weakness, even after just decidedly gaining back her leadership in the House. It's something I'd expect from a Rosanne Barr, not someone elected to be setting an example for our children, to say nothing of her own. Simply disgraceful.
Well that escalated quickly.

Less than an hour to go from "how dare this person use such foul language!" to "go fuck yourself."


Who said that ? Not me. But it is a pity that this is where we are at with US politics today.

So what exactly is the "nonsense" you're starting threads to complain about? That a democrat said something about impeachment? Because without your pearl clutching over bad words, what is your complaint here?

I think this shouldn't be too hard if one is willing to give a modicum of charity in their interpretation of the OP. You jumped the the conclusion that this was about pearl clutching, or perhaps even just "pwning the libs". But I think a more charitable interpretation is pretty obvious, but one has to be willing and vigilant not let one's ideology control one's thinking and try to read subtext into everything a perceived "opponent" is saying (and to truly walk the fine line, one would never to forget that may be a subtext after all).

But anyway, one could argue that impeachment of Trump is going to be a huge political risk. At least, historically it has been risky. Firstly, the Republicans still control the Senate, and the Republicans could clearly not care less about Trump's ineptitude and corruption. Depending on the results of the Mueller investigation, this could go several ways, as far as I can see it:

1) Mueller finds nothing of substance. This wouldn't be great for the Dem's, it will allow Trump and the Republicans to run with the "witch hunt" narrative. This won't convince people on either end, but the middle won't be significantly moved in either direction.

2) Mueller find's evidence that is pretty bad, but not bad enough for impeachment, or it rests on something like perjury. I believe this is the worst of all cases. The Dem's will be forced by "The Resistance" wing to pursue impeachment, but it may be only half-hearted on the Dem side overall, and the Republicans won't budge. This could potentially swing the middle towards the right. In other words, a repeat of the Clinton impeachment politically but with the sides reversed. This would be bad. Even if they do get him impeached in the end (highly doubtful in this scenario anyway).

3) Mueller finds damning evidence, a smoking gun that proves the worst case scenario, something like Trump allowing Russian influence into US foreign policy in exchange for money, or not to get blackmailed, and Trump is successfully impeached because not even the Republicans can defend him anymore. However, a lot of Republicans will feel like Trump is a martyr. This sort of know-nothing nativism will live on with a patron saint. Overall, this would be good for the Dems, but probably not the best outcome.

The best possible outcome for the Democrats is to defeat him in 2020.

Is there a point to this thread other than somebody said something?

It's disappointing that we have a crass and incompetent president that could quite possibly get a second term. I was hoping that the democrats could concentrate on winning the next election rather than this sort of nonsense.

I agree. I was hoping the Democrats wouldn't sink to Trump's level but now the flood gates are opened and civility is dead and we're that much closer to an Idiocracy. What Rashida Tlaib did should be condemned, but Pelosi is afraid to show any weakness, even after just decidedly gaining back her leadership in the House. It's something I'd expect from a Rosanne Barr, not someone elected to be setting an example for our children, to say nothing of her own. Simply disgraceful.

I think literally no one in this thread has condemned the choice of language. That was just the knee-jerk interpretation.

As to her saying motherfucker? Who cares? Fuck people who care.
Well, he certainly could have helped us out with more commentary than "Charming."

And even when challenged, did not respond with any further commentary about whether "impeachment" was what he wanted to discuss. Even when given an out by some posters who did seem to assume the OP genuinely had thoughts about impeachment and not just to a Democrat saying "motherfucker," he still didn't offer any actual comments on that topic.
Well, he certainly could have helped us out with more commentary than "Charming."

And even when challenged, did not respond with any further commentary about whether "impeachment" was what he wanted to discuss. Even when given an out by some posters who did seem to assume the OP genuinely had thoughts about impeachment and not just to a Democrat saying "motherfucker," he still didn't offer any actual comments on that topic.

He commented on it right here: https://talkfreethought.org/showthr...e-motherfucker&p=634095&viewfull=1#post634095

And here: https://talkfreethought.org/showthr...e-motherfucker&p=634111&viewfull=1#post634111
Well, he certainly could have helped us out with more commentary than "Charming."

And even when challenged, did not respond with any further commentary about whether "impeachment" was what he wanted to discuss. Even when given an out by some posters who did seem to assume the OP genuinely had thoughts about impeachment and not just to a Democrat saying "motherfucker," he still didn't offer any actual comments on that topic.

He commented on it right here: https://talkfreethought.org/showthr...e-motherfucker&p=634095&viewfull=1#post634095

And here: https://talkfreethought.org/showthr...e-motherfucker&p=634111&viewfull=1#post634111

Indeed, what a sad state of affairs politics has become in the USA. We need more of AOC and less obsession with impeaching Trump. Just my opinion.

Having that crass imbecile Trump in office is the price we are having to pay for not getting Hillary. Let's not pay twice, yeah ? The Democrats need to get their shit together for an election campaign that will get Trump voted out. Less "impeach the motherfucker" and more AOC.

That's really a reach. Both are after-the-fact lip service about impeachment as merely something we shouldn't look at because we should be concerned about Dem's bad words instead and how Dems should behave more the one he likes.

Both are weak tea comments that don't actually say anything about impeachment and he's had the whole thread and three days to expound on his objections to impeachment rather than being "charmed" by the choice of language.
Is there a point to this thread other than somebody said something?

It's disappointing that we have a crass and incompetent president that could quite possibly get a second term. I was hoping that the democrats could concentrate on winning the next election rather than this sort of nonsense.

I agree. I was hoping the Democrats wouldn't sink to Trump's level but now the flood gates are opened and civility is dead and we're that much closer to an Idiocracy. What Rashida Tlaib did should be condemned, but Pelosi is afraid to show any weakness, even after just decidedly gaining back her leadership in the House. It's something I'd expect from a Rosanne Barr, not someone elected to be setting an example for our children, to say nothing of her own. Simply disgraceful.
Shall I fetch you a fucking fainting couch?

Seriously? People (on both sides) need to calm their shit about bloody swear words. I'm not sure which is worse, the GOP fake pearl clutching, or the Dems actual pearl clutching.

Motherfuckers need to learn to deal with it.
I agree. I was hoping the Democrats wouldn't sink to Trump's level but now the flood gates are opened and civility is dead and we're that much closer to an Idiocracy. What Rashida Tlaib did should be condemned, but Pelosi is afraid to show any weakness, even after just decidedly gaining back her leadership in the House. It's something I'd expect from a Rosanne Barr, not someone elected to be setting an example for our children, to say nothing of her own. Simply disgraceful.

Shall I fetch you a fucking fainting couch?
It's abusive, infantile behavior that I object to.

Seriously? People (on both sides) need to calm their shit about bloody swear words.
I need to "calm my shit"?? That kind of language is intended to incite shit.

I'm not sure which is worse, the GOP fake pearl clutching, or the Dems actual pearl clutching.
Pearl clutching used to be fashionable among the Dems when it was the traditional Republicans like Colin Powell, George HW Bush, and even Mick Mulvaney reprimanding Trump and his wing-nuts.

Motherfuckers need to learn to deal with it.
QED. We reap what we sow.
What's abusive and infantile as opposed to simply taboo words that abusive, infantile people use to pretend they have some kind of moral high ground?
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