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What TV are you watching and how would you rate it? [Revive from FRDB]

I just started Dark Matter on Apple TV. I'm only a couple of episodes in so far and it's interesting. These parallel universe shows seem to be big these days (also recently watched Constellation and The Devil's Hour) so I'm being cautious that yet another variation will present anything particularly compelling.
It’s Survivor night!
Next week is the season finale.
The evolution of the game has produced a situation where now, every blessing is a curse, every advantage earned is a liability, and strength - especially physical strength - is a weakness. I’m waiting for some very capable person to hoodwink the rest into believing they’re hapless, right up to the end. But no… as soon as any player gets away with hiding their strengths, they get an irrational, irresistible urge to turn it into a Big Play … so they share their secret - and get axed.
Sorry, but I find it fascinating.
It wasn’t Survivor night; it’s tonight. But that sure was a good bud.
TURИ. The AMC series. I'm halfway through season two. Pretty good now that I can watch it over the course of weeks rather than years. I watched some of this when it originally aired but couldn't retain enough of it from one week to the next. This eventually make it unwatchable.

I just started Dark Matter on Apple TV. I'm only a couple of episodes in so far and it's interesting. These parallel universe shows seem to be big these days (also recently watched Constellation and The Devil's Hour) so I'm being cautious that yet another variation will present anything particularly compelling.
Dark Matter looks good so far. Constellation, like so many Apple series drags a bit. I get the feeling Apple trying to get more miles out of these series by slow-walking the stories.
I've been watching Sugar for the style it is presented in. Hell, I'd watch it just for the Corvette scenes. She's so sexy. A couple things finally got explained recently. I've yet to decide if it's a good thing or not.
And Loot. I turned this off initially and recently picked it back up again. Now I'm enjoying it for the absurdity.
Constellation, like so many Apple series drags a bit. I get the feeling Apple trying to get more miles out of these series by slow-walking the stories.
yes. Constellation drags a bit especially once it is obvious to the viewer what is happening. But I will say that the scenes in the ISS are some of the best space scenes I’ve seen in any tv show or movie. If you’ve seen a bit of real ISS footage you’ll appreciate what a good job they did.
I just started Dark Matter on Apple TV. I'm only a couple of episodes in so far and it's interesting. These parallel universe shows seem to be big these days (also recently watched Constellation and The Devil's Hour) so I'm being cautious that yet another variation will present anything particularly compelling.
Have you seen Counterpart? It went for two seasons and was also an interesting take on parallel universes. It was strangely prescient as it was made before Covid and one of the plot devices was a global pandemic.
I just started Dark Matter on Apple TV. I'm only a couple of episodes in so far and it's interesting. These parallel universe shows seem to be big these days (also recently watched Constellation and The Devil's Hour) so I'm being cautious that yet another variation will present anything particularly compelling.
Have you seen Counterpart? It went for two seasons and was also an interesting take on parallel universes. It was strangely prescient as it was made before Covid and one of the plot devices was a global pandemic.
Counterpart is awesome. It made what'shisname one of my favorite actors.
Finally finished season two of Outer Range, after rewatching the first season (I tend to forget details after a long gap). I really like the show as the acting is good and the characters interesting, but now I am a little worried that the writers don't quite know what they're doing.
Finally finished season two of Outer Range, after rewatching the first season (I tend to forget details after a long gap). I really like the show as the acting is good and the characters interesting, but now I am a little worried that the writers don't quite know what they're doing.
Never heard of it. Where is it available?
Finally finished season two of Outer Range, after rewatching the first season (I tend to forget details after a long gap). I really like the show as the acting is good and the characters interesting, but now I am a little worried that the writers don't quite know what they're doing.
Never heard of it. Where is it available?
Amazon Prime. Most notable actor is Josh Brolin. Takes place in Wyoming ranch country but there’s a fantastical element to it that I won’t reveal not to spoil it.
Joe Perra Talks with You, completed season 1. Excellent besides the Church episode I obviously didn't care for.
Finally finished watching the Loki series. Got a little wierd and confusing near the end But Loki finally got the Kingdom he's always wanted.
I just started Dark Matter on Apple TV. I'm only a couple of episodes in so far and it's interesting. These parallel universe shows seem to be big these days (also recently watched Constellation and The Devil's Hour) so I'm being cautious that yet another variation will present anything particularly compelling.
Funny. I started watching that show just last week too.

My problem with it though is that from an outside POV, the main character has a pretty damn good life either way. SPOILERS AHEAD:

"I'm married to to Jennifer Connelly, our son is a wonderful kid, our family is fantastic, I love the subject I teach, I'm respected in my field, we live in a great neighborhood in a really cool house and we're financially secure." Oh. How hard that must be on you.

"I'm one of the foremost innovators and award winning physicist. I'm wealthy, respected, and I'm free to do whatever I want with my life." Oh. Hard that must be on you.

So what are the stakes?
The guy in #2 regrets not marrying Jennifer Connelly? As if someone of that status couldn't find someone who suited him just as well?
The audience is supposed to have sympathy for that?

The whole thing just feels so out of touch. I don't know who the writers are, but it feels like they've never experienced a serious problem in their lives.

Whatever. I refused to watch The Social Network because I couldn't imagine rooting for someone who I already knew was going to be a billionaire a hundred times over. I eventually did watch it though, but couldn't finish it because the stakes for the "protagonist" were nil. That's basically the same feeling I got from this show.
I just started Dark Matter on Apple TV. I'm only a couple of episodes in so far and it's interesting. These parallel universe shows seem to be big these days (also recently watched Constellation and The Devil's Hour) so I'm being cautious that yet another variation will present anything particularly compelling.
Funny. I started watching that show just last week too.

My problem with it though is that from an outside POV, the main character has a pretty damn good life either way. SPOILERS AHEAD:

"I'm married to to Jennifer Connelly, our son is a wonderful kid, our family is fantastic, I love the subject I teach, I'm respected in my field, we live in a great neighborhood in a really cool house and we're financially secure." Oh. How hard that must be on you.

"I'm one of the foremost innovators and award winning physicist. I'm wealthy, respected, and I'm free to do whatever I want with my life." Oh. Hard that must be on you.

So what are the stakes?
The guy in #2 regrets not marrying Jennifer Connelly? As if someone of that status couldn't find someone who suited him just as well?
The audience is supposed to have sympathy for that?

The whole thing just feels so out of touch. I don't know who the writers are, but it feels like they've never experienced a serious problem in their lives.

Whatever. I refused to watch The Social Network because I couldn't imagine rooting for someone who I already knew was going to be a billionaire a hundred times over. I eventually did watch it though, but couldn't finish it because the stakes for the "protagonist" were nil. That's basically the same feeling I got from this show.
I get you... it's not a particularly compelling show so far. Technically I have an issue with alternate reality shows because if alternate realities are a thing that means that there at least an infinite number of alternate realities that are identical to ours except for an infinitesimal different infinitely far in the future, so the idea that some single decision that one person makes is the deciding factor between the differences of "adjacent" realities is kind of ridiculous. But, I'm a sci-fi nerd who enjoys harping on technicalities. That being said, I often forego these issues when the story is compelling, which as you point out here is a weakness of the show so far.
I just started Dark Matter on Apple TV. I'm only a couple of episodes in so far and it's interesting. These parallel universe shows seem to be big these days (also recently watched Constellation and The Devil's Hour) so I'm being cautious that yet another variation will present anything particularly compelling.
Funny. I started watching that show just last week too.

My problem with it though is that from an outside POV, the main character has a pretty damn good life either way. SPOILERS AHEAD:

"I'm married to to Jennifer Connelly, our son is a wonderful kid, our family is fantastic, I love the subject I teach, I'm respected in my field, we live in a great neighborhood in a really cool house and we're financially secure." Oh. How hard that must be on you.

"I'm one of the foremost innovators and award winning physicist. I'm wealthy, respected, and I'm free to do whatever I want with my life." Oh. Hard that must be on you.

So what are the stakes?
The guy in #2 regrets not marrying Jennifer Connelly? As if someone of that status couldn't find someone who suited him just as well?
The audience is supposed to have sympathy for that?

The whole thing just feels so out of touch. I don't know who the writers are, but it feels like they've never experienced a serious problem in their lives.

Whatever. I refused to watch The Social Network because I couldn't imagine rooting for someone who I already knew was going to be a billionaire a hundred times over. I eventually did watch it though, but couldn't finish it because the stakes for the "protagonist" were nil. That's basically the same feeling I got from this show.
I get you... it's not a particularly compelling show so far. Technically I have an issue with alternate reality shows because if alternate realities are a thing that means that there at least an infinite number of alternate realities that are identical to ours except for an infinitesimal different infinitely far in the future, so the idea that some single decision that one person makes is the deciding factor between the differences of "adjacent" realities is kind of ridiculous. But, I'm a sci-fi nerd who enjoys harping on technicalities. That being said, I often forego these issues when the story is compelling, which as you point out here is a weakness of the show so far.
Yeah, I can overlook the unreality as long as the story is good and the characters are interesting and/or able to be identified with. In this show I just keep wanting to tell the guy to go fuck himself.
The Sopranos, season 1, 7/10; Hard to believe I'm re-watching a 25 year old TV series but for whatever reason here I am, plowing through this multi award winning TV show. It has been a while since I have watched it and I remember it being very good at the time but on re-watching it, it doesn't hold up as well as I thought it would. It's good but it does come across as a bit clunky as the series charges at breakneck speed to set the characters and plots up. I know it will improve as the series progresses if memory serves me right. It's a classic and groundbreaking show, well worth a watch.
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