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What TV are you watching and how would you rate it? [Revive from FRDB]

Started binging Z Nation. Only saw the first 3 seasons when it was new. It's a lot of fun. Just watched season 2 episode 5. A silly take on 'zombie jesus'. Lady gives birth to a baby zombie, in a barn, witnessed by 3 (wise) zombies, (with a zombie camel).

Also in this episode: 'The world's biggest cheese wheel'. They're running through a small Wisconsin town, which was holding a 'cheese festival' when the apocalypse hit. Zombies running around in funny costumes. "The world's biggest cheese wheel" on display in the middle of main st. They give it a push, it rolls down the street, squashing and picking up zombies as it goes. (well, I thought it was funny.)
I've gotta say, it's probably Asylum's best work. I binged through it during lockdown. Manage one's expectations and it actually is a lot of fun.
I don't know if it's bad plastic surgery or maybe he's sick but RDjr looks terrible in this commercial.

I don't know if it's bad plastic surgery or maybe he's sick but RDjr looks terrible in this commercial.

Looks to me like he's just aging normally. He's got wrinkles, though maybe he's had some work around his eyes. He's obviously dying the grey out of his hair, and that always seems to make aging men look a little odd. If you want to see what full on plastic surgery does to an aging man's looks, check out Tom Cruise. Cringey.
My only show right now is Star Wars: Acolyte, but I'm really enjoying it. Last week's episode was mostly taken up by what might be the grimmest lightsaber battle Star Wars has ever put to screen, but it was handled well. I'm on the edge of my seat to see where they are going with the main "mystery" arc. Can't really rate the show til it finishes, though.
The Boys - a few episodes into Season 4. Season 3 never happened. I mean, there were episodes but nearly everything went full circle, other than the son which showed a glimmer of character development which they abandoned.

Season 4 seems to be going somewhere but the writing seems sloppy and inconsistent. They are going The Wire with making most of the characters being anti-heroea which is very risky. Getting to the point where Homelander is the only character that matters. 9ther characters are having their arcs stuttering along.
I just watched Supacell on Netflix with rave reviews (100% Tomatoes, 6.8 IMDB). It's a "British superhero television series"; superhero is not my genre so I'll only rate it 6.2 or so.

I had trouble even watching it, and counted down the six episodes, persisting just for climax and closure. As the final episode played, there were a lot of loose ends and -- sure enough -- obviously a Season 2 is "needed." This enraged me; I think I'll demote it further to 5.8.

There's a reason I had trouble following the story, and I fear I'll draw accusations of racism. The actors are almost all black and I have trouble telling them apart! I had no trouble with, say The Wire where each character has his own face and voice. Part of the problem may be that I grew up in a (slightly) affluent Northern California town where, due to realtor "redlining", there were ZERO black families in the largish small town during the many years I lived there. Zero with a Z.
Started binging 'Being Human' (North American version). I remember seeing the original UK version years ago, But forgot enough that this version doesn't feel like a rip-off. This version feels a little more serious, but I'm not sure. 8/10
I somehow saw a few eps of Orphan Black several years ago. Thought it looked interesting. Bought the set on DVD. Put it on a shelf and forgot it existed.

There is a reason we occasionally clean.

Took it down and watched 4 eps last night. REALLY wish I had done it sooner.
I just watched American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders (2024), a 4-part Netflix docuseries.

Have you ever wondered if there is a very powerful cabal of high-placed operatives at DOJ, CIA, NSC and even White House? That they are in cahoots with munitions manufacturers, big-time drug dealers, money launderers, and other big criminal enterprises, assassins-for-hire, talented computer hackers, expert con-men and a large cast of various nefarious players?

This documentary full of interviews of key players, supports the idea of such a cabal; it names names and gives details. If you believe it at all, you get a detailed look into the operations of this very powerful very evil syndicate which journalist Danny Casolaro called "the Octopus." However some of the key players agreeing to interviews may be sowing disinformation with a goal of learning what the journalist does and doesn't know.

Or, as some skeptics might guess, is this just a hodge-podge of a dozen conspiracy theories hobbled together with little evidence but interviews of unreliable informants? One reason I find the story likely is the large number of murders the cabal commits. They do NOT need to kil inquisitive cops: their connections at DOJ and CIA can shut any such problem down easily. With lots of con-men and others to use as "cut-outs", the core of the cabal is in little danger. Some of the murders are directed against journalists whose inquiries have gone too far -- and they are given stern warnings before being killed.

The story might begin at any loose end in this huge network of nefarious activity, but in fact it starts in the early 1980's when Bill Hamilton's Inslaw Inc. supplies PROMIS software to the U.S. government. This is revolutionary RDB-based software for law enforcement information and more. The U.S. government steals the software and bankrupts Bill Hamilton and his company. (He might have avoided trouble had he agreed to sell complete rights to PROMIS, but he didn't.) Expert hacker Michael Riconosciuto (a major character in the series) then installs a trap-door in PROMIS, and the U.S.G. sells it to allies and rivals, cheerfully intercepting all their confidential data.

Danny Casolaro was murdered (or suicide?) in 1991 and much of the film is videos made by him or his family. Despite suspicious circumstances his death was ruled a suicide. Thirty years later a FOIA request opened up the evidence box and a witness report is seen stating that a different man entered Danny's room on the night of his death, despite the police report stating he met with nobody throughout the weekend. More interviews, including more with Michael Riconosciuto who just finished a 26-year prison term.

It gets 6.7 IMDB points. I thik it should get more, if only for its historical importance.
Orphan black again. The 6th ep was a 3 door farce. I wasn't expecting comedy, given the body count.

I hope the actors playing the male and female clones were paid a mint, they must have had several VERY busy years.

Just rounding the turn into Series 5. Really enjoying it.
I've just watched the first episode "Tulsa King." It's a Taylor Sheridan (Hell or High Water, Yellowstone, Sons of Anarchy) vehicle about a New York mob Capo just released from prison. He is assigned to spread mob operations to Tulsa, OK.

Before the Capo, Sylvester Stallone, even checks into his motel, he shakes down a marijuana dispensary for "protection."

He meets a woman in a bar who, unknown to the Capo, later turns out to be an ATF agent.

So the whole show is set up quickly. I think I'll continue to watch.
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Been watching Suits on Netflix. Just starting season three. It's been a surprisingly enjoyable show so far. Started in 2011 and likely couldn't get made today, given that it's mostly about a bunch of arrogant, competent white men. But it is modern enough to know that one can have strong, competent women characters (and black women) in addition to white men unlike the recent approach of having them instead of.
Orphan Black. Very good so far. I'm halfway through season two. I love the acting of the lead character(s). The humor is right up my alley. Allison has me in stitches. Helena in her final wedding dress scene; absolutely perfect. So far the story is really developing well.
Orphan Black. Very good so far. I'm halfway through season two. I love the acting of the lead character(s). The humor is right up my alley. Allison has me in stitches. Helena in her final wedding dress scene; absolutely perfect. So far the story is really developing well.
I really liked that they didn't take themselves too seriously, and poked fun at themselves often. The Alison character was great. You really do end up feeling like they are different people; kudos to Tatiana's great acting.
I am currently bingeing Downton.

Learned a few things.

1. When you hear theme music 30 or 40 times during a 24 hour period it is really hard to get out of your head.
2. There is a note on one DVD about "content not previously seen in Aus." which explains the whiplash I experienced watching it free-to-air when it was first released.
3. First time round it was fun to watch. This time I'm picking up on the social impact stuff. It's really beautifully written and not just as a historical romp.
4. The first time round I didn't pick up on what a deeply unpleasant human being the Hugh Bonneville character is.
American Murder: Laci Peterson. 8/10; Streaming on Netflix this three part documentary covers the murder of Laci Peterson and her unborn son Conner by her husband Scott Peterson. This was a huge event back in 2002 and Scott Peterson was ultimately found guilty and sentenced to death. Not a whole lot of new information is in the documentary but Scott Peterson's lover Amber Frey featured quite a bit. She didn't know Scott was married until days before the bodies of Laci and Connor were discovered and eventually connected the dots between Scott and the then missing Laci. She got in touch with the investigators and cooperated in recording her conversations with Scott. It is fascinating how Scott Peterson's family insisted he was innocent. I remember the charade of Peterson helping at the crisis center which was set up to find Laci, knowing full well she was dead. Mark Geragos was the defense attorney, what a piece of work he is.
HBO apparently did something on the Stuart murder in Boston back in the late 80s. I might give that a look. Being in the South Shore, I still remember the drama of the whole thing and then how it all unraveled. This, before the days of social media. Thankfully this monster of a person didn't manage to get away with it for very long.
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