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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

I was home for the holidays, and thanks to a bout of insomnia was flipping through the channels last night and wound up watching Hancock. The Will Smith drunken superhero movie. Did you know it was co-written by Vince Gilligan of Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul fame? News to me.

Anyway, the common criticism is that it seems like two movies stitched together. The "Hancock is a drunken superhero who gets a second chance due to a PR flack" movie and the "Hancock is an immortal god linked to Charlize Theron's immortal god and they fight and stuff" movie. And I thought that was a fair criticism but on watching it again, it was the "and they fight and stuff" that was the real failing of the film. The battle between Hancock and Theron's Mary was an unnecessary CGI shit-show that took you away from what was otherwise a great attempt to delve into what a superhero movie could be.

They didn't need to destroy half of Los Angeles to get to the conclusion of the 3rd act, but they did, and that's why it didn't work.
Paddington 2 7/10. Pleasant, maybe a bit too much pleasant. And much like the first.

The Greatest Showman 10/10. Maybe too high a score, but hours later I’m still buzzing from it and it’s soundtrack.

The Last Jedi - fourth viewing, still awesome. 9/10.
I have not seen The Last Jedi yet, but have seen some reviews and rants with spoilers. This guy is amazingly perceptive, possibly the best reviewer I have seen.


Interesting movie, great score.

Lots of confusion, very disjointed at times. It had all the right elements for a great movie, and some great moments, but never came together as a whole. There's lots of symbolic and artsy stuff I missed that I just don't perceive as well as I used to, so that's something to consider.

I don't know/10

Good job presenting the movie as man versus machine. The most exciting documentary I can remember seeing. It's interesting to watch how the people respond, even the AlphaGo team to the wins and losses.

Interesting movie, great score.

Lots of confusion, very disjointed at times. It had all the right elements for a great movie, and some great moments, but never came together as a whole. There's lots of symbolic and artsy stuff I missed that I just don't perceive as well as I used to, so that's something to consider.

I don't know/10

Yeah, might have to watch it again. It seemed to have a tighter loop sequence than I thought...very powerful when you consider it a true story. If it was a true story? Not the event but the smaller plots. In the end, I will watch it again. so...7/10.
I have not seen The Last Jedi yet, but have seen some reviews and rants with spoilers. This guy is amazingly perceptive, possibly the best reviewer I have seen.

Why do you even watch Star Wars?

The bad guys are space Nazis. It's guaranteed to be a trigger fest for you people.
I have not seen The Last Jedi yet, but have seen some reviews and rants with spoilers. This guy is amazingly perceptive, possibly the best reviewer I have seen.

Why do you even watch Star Wars?

The bad guys are space Nazis. It's guaranteed to be a trigger fest for you people.

Anyone who can talk for 42 minutes about star wars and not say anything in a calm voice is not someone I want to listen to....
star wars: the last gasp - 3/10

felt much the same as i did with the force awakens, that it was fun to watch in the moment but was also just fucking terrible as a film.
it had a handful of *moments* that were moderately cool i guess, but this current iteration of the star wars franchise is just so god damn *stupidly* written that it ruins it for me - basically this feels like the star trek reboot over again.

my major issues with the film:
1. it's just a 2 hour long "remember the first 3 movies you actually liked? remember? member? MEMEBER THEM? YEAH!" with some weak ripoff points of "plot" to gel it all together.

2. the first order: the setup is completely ridiculous and unbelievable. in the prequels and the original trilogy it at least made SOME kind of sense (if even in the suspension-of-disbelief way of movie logic) that the galactic empire exists and functions. but the first order isn't space nazis... it's more like space alt-right, and nothing about their current position in the political sphere of the movie universe makes any sense. it's utterly nonsensical that in a movie universe where the galactic senate has been restored and there is a general democratic government with even a token military simply wouldn't notice that a pepe meme had recruiting a couple million people into an ad-hoc army and acquired the physical mass required to make multiple dreadnaughts and a planet sized death marble.

2a. the resistance: nothing about this makes any sense... so there's what, like 40 people in 'the resistance'? wasn't the resistance supposed to be literally the galactic government? the first order showed up out of nowhere at the start of the first movie and now 8 minutes later just runs the entire galaxy?
what is the narrative purpose of pretending to kill off everyone in the resistance in this film? the first order isn't going to win no matter what, so whittling the resistance forces down to 8 people just means now those 8 people manage to take down the entire first order, probably because jedi or some shit, and that's just stupid.
if there's a significant amount more resistance support, then they are just literally physically retarded because they their entire command and leadership chain in one place, when they could have been spread all over the place.
nothing about this from an organizational level makes any rational sense.

3. everything is still just a fan-fic of the original trilogy, and even when it's not dealing directly with the older characters it's simply referencing them and pretending that's a screenplay.

4. from a technical standpoint i found it very unpleasant that they jammed so many different plotlines into the movie that no thread was followed consistently for more than 5 minutes before jump-cutting to other four stories then back around to the first.
there was no sense of time scale nor of narrative cohesion.

5. waaaaay too much of this movie was just "a thing appears out of nowhere in order to be a visual gag or exposition device and then vanishes and is never mentioned again" or "a shot is set up to look cool but makes absolutely no god damn sense whatsoever why that would happen"
an example of the latter that is a very minor issue but is endemic of what this entire movie is all about: in the "a day in the life of luke" montage he walks up to a cliff edge , grabs a 75 foot long pole, jumps and vaults to a crack in another cliff face, precariously turns around and then lifts the pole out of the water and stabs it down: jump cut to them walking home and he's carrying a fish.
why would you leap the gap to have a precious and unstable perch to stab a pole in the water when you could have just done that from the cliff edge?
how did he vault back to the other side without smooshing the fish?
how did he pull a 75 foot long pole straight up without the fish falling off the pole? (yes, the end of the pole had something of a hook on it, but the pole itself was substantially wider than that hook)
how does that pole even have a hook on it if he's vaulting with it every couple of days?
what is that thing made out of that it could be that big around and that long and not weigh several hundred pounds?
what is a fish that large doing in a shallow cove in a rocky cliff with crashing surf?
etc etc etc.

it's not that this little scene breaks the entire film, but it's just so idiotic and nonsensical and exists ONLY for this one "badass" shot of luke vaulting across from one cliff to another, which made it really stand out to me as an example of atrocious film making.
and the entire movie is just that scene over and over and over and over again.
1) he's a frigging Jedi
2) you can't assume that alien fish and marine environments would operate the same as Earth ones. That kind of racist of you.
Bladerunner49: Thought this was a remake. So they completely fooled me at the beginning. It is a continued story on the original. Quite well shot, lots of twist and turns, but way too long for my short attention span. In the end the only thing I was left with was the question of wither I would watch this movie again. No. When you compare having watched the original 3 or 4 times, that tells you a lot. 7/10 for what they did right.
Bladerunner49: Thought this was a remake. So they completely fooled me at the beginning. It is a continued story on the original. Quite well shot, lots of twist and turns, but way too long for my short attention span. In the end the only thing I was left with was the question of wither I would watch this movie again. No. When you compare having watched the original 3 or 4 times, that tells you a lot. 7/10 for what they did right.

I've watched the original a bunch of time. I would not watch this one again...
The Circle 3/10 - The movie presented some topical and relevant ideas about the nature of privacy and transparency in the modern world, but the screenplay was just so awful - All the ideas about having completely open information were just accepted wholeheartedly and at face value without any sort of counter discussion or critical thinking as to the potential abuses and ramifications of that type of a society.

For example - at one point Emma Watson's character (Mae) is kayaking at night on a foggy SF bay area body of water, an experience she later describes during a Circle town hall type meeting as a beautiful experience. - Then Tom Hank's character (Circle CEO) tells her that by not having recorded that experience to share on the internet that she has "Stolen" that experience from everyone else. To which Mae Replies unthinkingly "My gosh you're right". Unfortunately the screen play was full of such exchanges.

As a secondary matter - Emma Watson's character's parents were played by Glenne Headley and Bill Paxton (in another "wait that was Bill Paxton??" role) both of whom passed away last year.

article said:
Kelly Marie Tran Is Dealing With Horrifying Racist And Sexist Comments Following ‘Last Jedi’
View attachment 13892

Dear racists, fascists, misogynists, etc,
Star Wars is not for you. It was never meant to be for you. In this story, the space Nazis are the bad guys.

I have seen some of Kelly Marie Tran's comedic acting on youtube and she is very skilled. She is not conventionally pretty, sort of in the Janeane Garofalo type realm - but both have points at which many can find them attractive and alluring by force of charisma - not to mention that a lot of the guys dogging on her looks couldn't do as well as get someone even at that "level". The actress playing her sister is more attractive by objective standards - think Winona Ryder vs Janeane Garofalo in Reality Bites.

Perhaps even if the actress playing Rose's sister is an equally skilled actress Johnson and Kennedy would think "nope we are not going to give all these fat neckbeard white dudes a hot asian women to oppress with their male gaze."

The Nice Guys, 1/10; Stars a portly Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling in a buddy comedy. The plot is a convoluted conspiracy mess but it is a comedy I suppose. The two characters are searching for a missing teenager in late 70's Los Angeles. This leads them down a path of bizarre and implausible situations. I can't believe I stuck it through to the end. It gets a point because I thought one or two scenes were mildly amusing, the rest of it was shit.
I have not seen The Last Jedi yet, but have seen some reviews and rants with spoilers. This guy is amazingly perceptive, possibly the best reviewer I have seen.

Why do you even watch Star Wars?

The bad guys are space Nazis. It's guaranteed to be a trigger fest for you people.

Anyone who can talk for 42 minutes about star wars and not say anything in a calm voice is not someone I want to listen to....
Anyone that can talk alone for 42 minutes about Star Wars... and feels the need to post it in a video online... is not someone I want to listen to. No good can come from it.

- - - Updated - - -

star wars: the last gasp - 3/10

felt much the same as i did with the force awakens, that it was fun to watch in the moment but was also just fucking terrible as a film.
I'm glad I haven't seen in the theater. I'll be awaiting to see it at home some day, having idea what I am to expect from watching it. I didn't read the remainder of the review to avoid spoilers. I'm hoping that watching Empire Strikes Back isn't a spoiler.
Anyone who can talk for 42 minutes about star wars and not say anything in a calm voice is not someone I want to listen to....
Anyone that can talk alone for 42 minutes about Star Wars... and feels the need to post it in a video online... is not someone I want to listen to. No good can come from it.
I have to disagree. If the analysis is truly insightful, I can listen or read for an unlimited time. A good example would be Red Letter Media's famous deconstruction of the prequel trilogy, which was both surprisingly insightful (both about the prequel trilogy and filmmaking in general) and genuinely funny.

- - - Updated - - -

star wars: the last gasp - 3/10

felt much the same as i did with the force awakens, that it was fun to watch in the moment but was also just fucking terrible as a film.
I'm glad I haven't seen in the theater. I'll be awaiting to see it at home some day, having idea what I am to expect from watching it. I didn't read the remainder of the review to avoid spoilers. I'm hoping that watching Empire Strikes Back isn't a spoiler.
I liked Episode 7 and 8.

Yes, Episode 7 was highly derivative of Episode 4, but can you blame the filmmakers for playing it safe after all the whining we did about the prequel trilogies? Episode 7 was fast and dumb just like I like my Star Wars, and the new characters were genuinely engaging.

Of course people complained about Episode 7 being too similar, so of course people complain about Episode 8 being too different. There's just no pleasing people. These are decent action movies. The big moments felt earned, which is more than I can say for a lot of action movies these days, where it feels like they just go from set piece to set piece as if working their way through a checklist without regard to whether or not any of the big moments were properly set up so that the audience is emotionally engaged with what is going on.
Yes, Episode 7 was highly derivative of Episode 4, but can you blame the filmmakers for playing it safe after all the whining we did about the prequel trilogies?

Yes, because there is a plethora of EU material they could have mined to make a new movie with the same Star Wars feel. Ideas just off the top of my head include a villain like Thrawn, Kylo Ren more like Jacen Solo the heroes having to deal with an antagonist like Borsk Fey'lya. Most of the creative process has already been done, it still would have been a safe choice yet not a catrl-c/ctrrl-v job. When Star Wars movies are less original than video games based on the franchise, that's a problem.
Yes, Episode 7 was highly derivative of Episode 4, but can you blame the filmmakers for playing it safe after all the whining we did about the prequel trilogies? Episode 7 was fast and dumb just like I like my Star Wars, and the new characters were genuinely engaging.
Being derivative was the best part of that film... which isn't a good thing. There were just too many problems with VII, such as almost nothing could kill anyone. The only thing that kills people seems to be large planet sized guns. Rei, flung up against a tree, plummets 20 feet... just give me a second to catch my breath. Finn split from behind with a light saber... I'll sleep it off. And Han Solo's death is the most anti-climatic death of all film. You know it is coming, but after it happened, it felt a lot like when Anakin finally becomes Darth Vader... and you think... 'that's it?!?!'

And of course, the luck of the plot, how things just work out. Solo finds the Millennium Falcon, an hour after it gets in the air?! There is a piece of map that they don't have any idea where it is located, but they plop it into a larger map and all is well?!

And of course, the derivative nature... or as a college professor would call it... plagiarism, was tedious.

Of course people complained about Episode 7 being too similar, so of course people complain about Episode 8 being too different. There's just no pleasing people.
Some people are impossible to please. Others don't like watching a remixed movie sold as a new movie.
These are decent action movies.
VII sucked hard. It was pretty (A grade stuff), but the script was nonsensical (Treat Williams starring role B movie).

I'll see about VIII when the time comes.
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