Ya, there were no scenes that were bad, just a lot that were unecessary and served to drag the story out, as opposed to adding to it. There wasn't a significant difference between De Niro as a young man, De Niro as a middle aged guy or De Niro as an old man. It was just a gangster doing gangster stuff and then he did some gangster stuff again and later on he went and did some gangster stuff. Each one of the scenes were good, but they kind of blended into the other scenes which were just like them. If you took half of them out, you'd have pretty much the exact same story, so the different scenes don't particularly add anything to the movie, despite them all being executed well. Contrast that with some of his other work like Casino, which had close to the same run time, but had a lot of different tones and styles to differentiate the various parts of the movie and kept it fresh the entire time.
Additionally, there weren't any scenes in the movies which particularly stood out. Other films that he's made have had iconic scenes which were incredibly memorable and stuck with the audience over time. Things like "You talking to me?", "What do you mean I'm funny?", "I never went down", etc. Ten years from now (or even ten days from now), is there anything you're going to particularly remember about this movie apart from "It was the first one done on Netflix"? That's not to say that any of the scenes in the movie were bad, they were just ... kind of generic and similar.
Did you notice Joe Pesci's nose looking like a penis, or is that just me?
You look like a penis?
You're quick with your wit ain't you!