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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

The Hundred-Foot Journey


Well played "food" and "family" movie, some great established actors having a good time in their roles. Some new comers getting screen time. A bit long, and perhaps a bit predictable. Overall well worth the trip to the theater.
The Four Feathers


This is the 1939 version, an excellent example of what I like to think of as Imperial British adventure films, a subgenre that has all but died out these days. The worldview of the film is very 19th Century, but if you can tolerate that, it's a very good adventure movie. There is lots of heroism--British-style, with very stiff upper lips, from lead actors John Clement and Ralph Richardson and others. The big action sequences are very well done; the climactic battle of Omdurman is one of the very best large-scale scenes of its type from this era. But there are also some intimate scenes with tremendous emotional power.
Saw Lucy last night in a big old fashioned country theatre.

Interesting ideas in amongst the bullshit and the spectacular destruction.

I enjoyed it by using less than 10% of my brain and see why people here rave about Scarlett Johansson.
The Angry Red Planet (1959)

Really low-budget sci-fi rocket movie with bad plot and bad acting.

Almost redeemed by the 40-foot rat/spider and the immense amoeba with a rotating eye.

But mostly it was boring.

Think Fast, Mr. Moto (1937) I overlooked the "Hungarian guy made to look Japanese" problem and found a well-paced action & spy-thriller movie. Mr. Moto is an interesting character. He outsmarts everyone, knows martial arts, and since he's actually Peter Lorre, he's alternately charming and creepy. I might watch the next one in the series. 7/10.

Repulsion (1965) A Roman Polanski movie about a young woman going full-fledged schizo and doing strange and awful things while hallucinating about wierd and violent sexual encounters with men. I've seen a few Polanski movies, and the only one I'd want to see again would be Chinatown. I'd rank this #2, ahead of Rosemary's Baby. 6.5/10.


Michael Mann and crime is virtually always a good combination, and this dark thriller is no exception. Tom Cruise's performance is exceptional, with little of his normal screen personality to be found in the ruthless hitman Vincent, while Jamie Foxx is also quite good.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Saw this when it first came out on video. Thought it was 9/10 then, and couldn't believe it was such a box office dud.

Robert Downey Jr. and Val Kilmer are still great. Michelle Monaghan was terrific. Great chemistry and dialogue, but it lost a bit of that luster from the first time. Maybe it is RDJ overload. Maybe it is just one of those movies that is good once.

Still 7/10 though.
Loaded Weapon 1
This is one of those old school spoof movies that just kinda throws a million jokes at the screen and hopes enough of them stick to be an entertaining 70 minutes
And this one does have enough that stick to be fun and entertaining
Might require a knowledge of some older movies though as some of the references haven't dated too well

The Rocky Horror Picture Show
So I finally watched it
I am not sure what to say about it
It's weird
The songs are catchy
It's really weird
the acting is all pretty good
Did I mention how weird this movie is?
Ultimately a good movie
The Spy Who Loved Me


This was the one which introduced the towering, steel-teethed henchman Jaws; as Richard Kiel passed away yesterday I watched it as kind of a mini-memorial. Along with Jaws, this one features another of the most iconic moments in the Bond series, the ski jump in the opening sequence performed by stuntman Rick Sylvester. One of the best Roger Moore Bonds, it has some great set-pieces and is a very good-looking film, courtesy of cinematographer Claude Renoir (nephew of the great director Jean Renoir).
Identity Thief For a movie that promises so much it's a disappointment. Perhaps the stars just don't jell together. What ever it is, it's a waste of 107 minutes. The laughs are rare if any.

Wall-E - A film about a pair of lovestruck robots who choose happiness for themselves over the cost of the extinction of mankind. Kind of dark ending there if you read between the lines. There is no way the humans were going to survive. They could barely walk, forget develop an agrarian society on a toxic planet. And who knows the cancers and disease issues due to the toxic materials they would have been exposed to.

But no, Eve and Wall-E wanted happiness just for themselves, so screw mankind! 3 of 4
Way way back

It's about the coming of age summer of Duncan (Liam James). Great cast. (Steve Carell, Tonny Collette,Sam Rockwell, Amanda Peet, Maya Rudolph...) Good fun.

Wall-E - A film about a pair of lovestruck robots who choose happiness for themselves over the cost of the extinction of mankind. Kind of dark ending there if you read between the lines. There is no way the humans were going to survive. They could barely walk, forget develop an agrarian society on a toxic planet. And who knows the cancers and disease issues due to the toxic materials they would have been exposed to.

But no, Eve and Wall-E wanted happiness just for themselves, so screw mankind! 3 of 4

Are you being sarcastic? Because humans did. Did you watch the credits?
Scary Movie 3 What can I say, it's just a complete waste of some good actors who just seem to be going through the motions. Was probably shot in a couple of days and hoped that the name stars would attract an audience.

Scary Movie 3 What can I say, it's just a complete waste of some good actors who just seem to be going through the motions. Was probably shot in a couple of days and hoped that the name stars would attract an audience.

Sadly that summary is pretty much true for the other scary movies sequals that came after it (The first two movies hold up alright)

It's run-of-the-mill horror movie about a cow giving birth to mutant offspring that starts killing people (note that there is another more recent movie called Isolation also). Above average considering the genre, and while the premise sounds like something you'd see on Syfy, it's actually an ok time waster. Stars that chick who plays the girl in the flower dress in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Bling Ring


A talented director (Sofia Coppola) and cast (including Emma Watson and promising newcomers Katie Chang and Israel Broussard) can't overcome the fundamental problem that this is a movie about shallow, fame-obsessed teens who are simply not very likable or interesting people.
The Replacement Killers


Chow Yun-Fat's Hollywood debut comes across as a Hong Kong gangster film, which just happens to be set in Los Angeles. Don't expect much in the way of character depth or development. Do expect a tight pace and some intense gunfights, courtesy of first-time director Antoine Fuqua, always a sure hand with action. Chow is a solid lead, Mira Sorvino is effective as a laconic, no-nonsense heroine, and Til Schweiger and Danny Trejo have small roles as the "replacement killers" of the title.
Just Like Heaven 6/10

I am a sucker for a romantic movie though. Not too bad, though implausible plot line. The characters are well played, though the ending a little anti-climatic for my liking.
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