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Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

Today I watched two biopics.

Persepolis 9/10

Animated film about the Iranian revolution seen from the eyes of a young girl. She's raised in a family who was pro-revolution but against Khomeini. Which, I gather, is most Iranians. I liked the very stark black and white colouring. I worked. As did the bits where they explained the history. I also liked her travels to Europe, and how they explained how living in an Islamic oppressive police state can be preferrable to living in free Europe. Another nice feature is how the looks of people change depending on the main characters opinions of them. A really clever movie in many ways.


The Diving bell and the Butterfly. 7/10

It's about a man suffering locked-in syndrome seen from his perspective. It's a brave take on it. The only real drawback about it is that it gets boring at times. Which is what they were trying to convey partly. So that was successful. I really liked the bits about his mind being free. It's really well made. You can tell this is a top notch production. The actors give outstanding performances. There's some really gripping scenes in it. It's a very gripping drama. This is heavy stuff. Bring napkins.

JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time
So this is a rather short movie at around 50 minutes long, but it does well with what it has got
The plot is simple, but keeps moving along well and giving enough of the superhero action to keep you entertained
The animation is smooth and the character designs are all well done
And the voice acting is pretty solid all round
So if you want a simple and entertaining little movie then this is worth looking at

So this one took me a little while to really disconnect it from the Original Sleeping Beauty Maleficent
Because the two are pretty far removed from each other
Now firstly on the good side Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning both do a pretty good job in their respective roles and proably save their characters from some weak writing just through good performances, which means the main pair are probably the most engaging in the story
Also I liked Sharlto Copley as Stefan and Sam Riley as Diaval because they turn in solid performances around the main pair
Also the special effects around Maleficent and Diaval as these are generally the most spectacular and interesting effects in the movie
On the not so good side I have to start with the weak script, which severely hampered this movie at times
Now the main actors do alot to redeem this movie, but the script does drag them down alot
I also have to say that the fairies were just plain bland, boring and kinda pointless and really add nothing to the story
Also all the effects outside of those around Maleficent can be a little goofy looking with the fairies and other magical creatures just looking really silly and cartoonish (not good cartoonish either)
In the end I did like this movie, warts and all
But I will always prefer Maleficent, Mistress Of All Evil and her Epic Fairy opponents over this one
Taken 2 starring Liam Neeson who seems to specialise in this kind of film. Even more implausible than it's predecessor. 5/10
Easter Parade - A classic musical starring some old dancing guy and some chick who once sang about a rainbow. The film is in no a way a massively blatant rip-off of Pygmalion, because of the previous love angle (old guy and younger gal (Ann Miller)) and it umm... spans across a couple Easters. The parallels between Easter Parade and Pygmalion are extremely subtle and in no way hard to distinguish between the two projects.

3 of 4

So this one took me a little while to really disconnect it from the Original Sleeping Beauty Maleficent
Because the two are pretty far removed from each other
Now firstly on the good side Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning both do a pretty good job in their respective roles and proably save their characters from some weak writing just through good performances, which means the main pair are probably the most engaging in the story
Also I liked Sharlto Copley as Stefan and Sam Riley as Diaval because they turn in solid performances around the main pair
Also the special effects around Maleficent and Diaval as these are generally the most spectacular and interesting effects in the movie
On the not so good side I have to start with the weak script, which severely hampered this movie at times
Now the main actors do alot to redeem this movie, but the script does drag them down alot
I also have to say that the fairies were just plain bland, boring and kinda pointless and really add nothing to the story
Also all the effects outside of those around Maleficent can be a little goofy looking with the fairies and other magical creatures just looking really silly and cartoonish (not good cartoonish either)
In the end I did like this movie, warts and all
But I will always prefer Maleficent, Mistress Of All Evil and her Epic Fairy opponents over this one

I haven't seen it myself, but from what I've been told, the story is basically a metaphor for rape, which means it covers themes most other movies won't touch, and this is why the movie is more popular than its quality might otherwise suggest.

Unfortunately, I worry that rather than learn the lesson "Women's issues make us money," Disney will decide "Stories about bad guys make money," which kind of misses the point.
The Flintstones Taken from the cartoon TV series of course an added humans in the roles of the cartoon characters. A little long in the tooth now but still good escapism for 90 odd minutes.

Young Detective Dee: Rise Of The Sea Dragon
So this film is really really long, and really really boring
You would think that the title would lend itself to a rather epic movie
Except that the "Sea Dragon" (Giant Mutant Manta Ray is more accurate) is basically only the very start and last 15 minutes of the 2+ hour film
And the rest of the plot is about random dudes trying to kidnap a concubine, because poisoning people who drink urine, and something about a death sentence, and a guy with a gorilla arm something something
Honestly the movie plods along so much that you quickly lose interest, none of the characters have anything really interesting about them
Heck there was a reveal of a character being a traitor and instead of the big dun Dun DUNNNN moment I was going...."Wait, who the heck is this guy again??"
Now there is also the part that really makes some of these movies, and thats the cool martial arts fights
And with copious amounts of terrible CGI and slooooomooooo they are really boring as well
So just ignore this movie
(I gave it two points for some cool set design and costumes)

Werewolf In A Girls Dormatory
So an old horror movie
Badly dubbed, poorly acted, pretty hammy overall
Underuse of the werewolf and some long stretches of nothing happening kinda killed this one in the end
But when it got going it showed it had potential

Blood Creature
Another old horror movie
better use of the monster, and some better conflict among the characters made this one a bit more watchable
but there is the irritating side character who is just a douche because the plot demands it, and a meandering first 1/3 of the movie
Overall more entertaining at least even if it never rises to a particularly high standard

The Beast From Haunted Cave
Did someone ask for more old horror movies? (I seriously picked up a boxset of these from the DVD rental so expect a few more)
And this one was the biggest ripoff ever
I wish I was joking when I say that the "Beast" gets 30 seconds of screen time total, but honestly if he got more I would be surprised
So this movie is 70+ minutes of idiots, something about bank robbers but who the heck can tell because the audio was awful
And the monster barely ever appears (like 3 times max before the end) and rarely to do anything (ooh a tentacle appears and then leaves without doing anything SCAAARRRYYYY)
Then literally appears 10 seconds before the end of the movie and kills all bar the two leads, then it dies, THE END!
THis movie is a complete and utter waste of time
^^^You're a glutton for punishment! What would posses a person to waste their precious lives on watching that crappola? just kidding :p
No Country For Old Men [2007] Starring Tommy Lee Jones and a riveting performance by Javier Bardem. A fantastic crime thriller from the Coen brothers featuring one of the most fearsome villains in cinema history, the film is a deserved Oscar winner that is worth more than one viewing.
No Country For Old Men [2007] Starring Tommy Lee Jones and a riveting performance by Javier Bardem. A fantastic crime thriller from the Coen brothers featuring one of the most fearsome villains in cinema history, the film is a deserved Oscar winner that is worth more than one viewing.

I agree entirely with your comments and rating. Along with Bardem, I was extremely impressed with Kelly Macdonald's performance--beginning, but not ending, with a note-perfect West Texas accent that did not betray a hint of her Glasgow origins.

Tonight, I went with something lighter, though:

License to Drive


A lightweight teenage comedy-romance featuring "The Coreys"--Corey Feldman and the late Corey Haim--along with Heather Graham in her first major feature role. Nothing classic, but decent, frothy entertainment.
What can I say, I'm also a glutton for punishment! Last night I streamed the film Viva Rock Vegas Flintstones sequal from Quickflix. It stars the worst of the Baldwin brothers, Alex. This is pure crappola. If anyone is looking for light entertainment and escapism this is not the film to see. 2.5/10
^^^You're a glutton for punishment! What would posses a person to waste their precious lives on watching that crappola? just kidding :p
Well here's more :p

A Bucket Of Blood
Continuing our horror movies with the best so far
It is also probably the oddest movie of the lot (A guy want to be a sculpter, and in the end makes his models with real people as the base)
It succeeds because it seemed to realise that it was kinda silly but was content to just run with it
Also a solid performance from the main character helped and some fun side characters like the over the top "artist" who spouts cheesy philosophy at every turn
It is probably the least "scary" and silliest of the movies so far
But it was worth waching

Lady Frankenstein
This is yet another horror movie (Surprise!! ;))
And it succeeds in being very average because it never actually seems to care which part of the story it wants to show
The monster, the daughter, the cop
All kinda there but none really explored
In the end just kinda dull
Bon Cop, Bad Cop


A fairly standard buddy-cop film with a few Canadian twists--the enforced partnership between two cops, one from French-speaking Quebec, the other from anglophone Ontario, as well as a plot centered around professional hockey. There's nothing brilliant here, but there's competent execution when it comes to action, humor and character development, and all too many genre films fail in one or more of these areas.
The Canterville Ghost (1944)
So this was randomly on T.V so just decided to watch it
And it was a pretty good movie
The acting was all fun and full of energy, and I really liked Margaret O'Brien as the young kid
The special effects held up quite well for an old film
And the script was well written, well paced and had some good comedic moments in it
So overall it was quite enjoyable
The Exorcist the original starring Linda Blair [whatever happened to her] is a true horror flick of the era. Along with the original The Omen starring Gregory Peck are both highly rated in my opinion. 8.5/10 and 8.5/10
for the latter. Genuinely creepy supernatural themes that today perhaps since becoming a militant atheist don't have the same power to frighten, but nevertheless both top class production, direction and acting.
Dr Zhivago (1965) 2/10

It's about a USSR general who interviews a woman who was orphaned as a child, to figure out if she in fact is his niece. The entire film is a series of flashbacks.

How this has such a high rating defies all reason. I understand why so many people want to like it, since it's an anti-communist book and film released at the height of the cold war. So the rating must be pure politics, because the film sucks.

Paper thin, melodramatic, larger than life characters. They're all soap opera characters. Nobody acts believably. All the communists are super evil except the Bolshevik general from the frame story. Dr Zhivago is a complete and total saint... always. A flawless man. That is boring to watch. And apart from being a super hero he is also a super smart poet. I rolled my eyes way too many times in this film.

Whenever something interesting is set up, it never goes anywhere. They just do random shit. At one point they're coming to their country house and find that it's been expropriated by the government. So they don't move in. Instead they find a cottage near by. Ok, fine. But later they simply move into the big house... and nothing happens. What was the point of that whole section? Nothing is explained. The over-the-top score only exists to tell the audience how they're supposed to feel in each scene. In case the viewer is a complete moron.

The frame is stupid. It starts off with the general trying to convince a woman that she's his niece and she doesn't think so. At the end of the movie she still remembers nothing. The entire film is just the general telling the story without it waking any memories in the woman. It ends with them agreeing on nothing. He offers to take care of her as if she is his niece. She rejects the offer and walks off. The frame is a non-event. It makes the entire movie pointless. Nothing happened, for three fucking hours. Give me my minutes back.

It does make a point of that revolutions are messy which favours the opportunistic, rather than idealistic. Which I guess is interesting. But not really news, and hardly enough to keep me intersted for three fucking hours!!! Nothing that happens in the film matters in any way. It's just a long list of, first this happened, and then this happend, and then that happened.

I've read somewhere that the characters aren't supposed to be people. They only exist as mouthpieces for the author's Kantian philosophy. Which would make the film make sense. But it would also make the film boring. Just read a book on Kant instead. A much better use of your time.

The CIA paid for it's publication, circulation and smuggled the book into Russia. It was intended to be used as a weapon of propaganda. But it's dumb ass. The story is about a very wealthy and noble family, and that the revolution was bad for them. How is that going to convince the regular Joe in Russia that communism is bad? I don't get it. I think the film needs to be seen in context. Once the cold war died this film's value died with it.

It's only redeeming quality is the cinematography. But even so. There's plenty of films that blow this out of the water.

Edit: It has also recieved critisisms about being factually incorrect. It gets the history wrong. So it has virtually zero educational value. It's a pure propaganda piece. So stupid.
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Rise Of The Zombies
Better called the rise of the plot threads that go nowhere
So we start with a zombie invasion (Please contain your shock at this surprise twist) and get our first completely pointless plot point, the pregnant woman stranded all alone
She will appear several times before meeting the main characters, dying immediately after dong so and having a zombie baby
Her plotline is completely pointless (Unless you like Zombie babies)
Then we are introduced to our mob of cannon fodder and pointless plots including........
The scientist who's trying to find a cure to save his Zombie daughter, which is kinda funny because it is mostly just him trying silly things to try and "Cure" the disease but which usually end up with him getting hurt because he is incompetant
Danny Trejo being the worlds most incompetant badass, because he is presented as the badass then promptly gets killed by a one armed Zombie because he was too busy raiding booze from someones house (And given he is a very minor character it is funny that the DVD cover has his face prominantly on the front)
Second pregnant girl, who moans a bit then kills herself....because..uh..she's sad? or zombies make life pointless? or something? they never really make it clear
Zombie chimp...sadly only appears once
Zombie dog, who isn't a zombie because of a cure, but who ultimately has no point
Main character love interest, that goes nowhere
The promised rescue that people think will take them somewhere safe.......SURPRISE.... it doesn't exist
And the main plot which is dragggggggggggggged on and on before being solved in the last 30 seconds
So yeah
not really worth it
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