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White Male Kicked off US $20 SJWs Win Spectacular Victory

Wow how insightful.
I think it is meant to be more humorous than insightful.
A woman who defends herself with a gun compared with a hot headed lout who sought out up to 100 victims upon which to gorge his blood lust in duels.
The contrast here is not with Jackson but with many Democrats who frown on gun use even in self defense.

This same man claims fatherhood of the democratic party founded by Jefferson and Madison upon its breakup in 1828 because he favored gold and local printing of money the United States. Yeah, that was well done too. It caused an eight year recession starting in 1836.

Well it's not what he claimed, it's what Democrats claim. Hence the annual Jefferson-Jackson dinners.
$29 dollar bill? Although $27 dollar bill with Bernie's face is in the works I heard.

This will make far right racists do double back flips over the next few years. Its makes me smirk.
Shouldn't a major change like this require congressional approval, not merely a decision by some Treasury flunky?
Also, one can disagree with merits of putting certain people on money without being "racist". Is she really as significant to the history of the US as the displaced Jackson?

Besides, if you insist on Harriett Tubman on currency, why not a more photogenic version?
Step 1: have Obama's Hollywood buddies make a Tubman biopic starring somebody attractive, like Lupita Nyong'o.
Step 2: use that as the basis for the currency portrait

A biopic is necessary anyway because I am sure most people do not know who Tubman was anyway.

I can feel the butthurt all across the Atlantic.
I can feel the butthurt all across the Atlantic.
No, the butthurt you feel is because Icelandic men let Icelandic women peg them all the time. I mean they already wear the pants in your society ...

P.S.: Use more lube next time.
I think it is meant to be more humorous than insightful.
A woman who defends herself with a gun compared with a hot headed lout who sought out up to 100 victims upon which to gorge his blood lust in duels.
The contrast here is not with Jackson but with many Democrats who frown on gun use even in self defense.

This same man claims fatherhood of the democratic party founded by Jefferson and Madison upon its breakup in 1828 because he favored gold and local printing of money the United States. Yeah, that was well done too. It caused an eight year recession starting in 1836.

Well it's not what he claimed, it's what Democrats claim. Hence the annual Jefferson-Jackson dinners.

So, uh, I don't frown on gun use for self defense. And I still think Jackson was a serial killer and a monster with a boner and a skill for violence. I don't condone his crimes nor think we should celebrate his life, and I also don't think his good ideas, sparse as they were, should be attacked ad hominem with his bad ones.

Wow how insightful. A woman who defends herself with a gun compared with a hot headed lout who sought out up to 100 victims upon which to gorge his blood lust in duels.

This same man claims fatherhood of the democratic party founded by Jefferson and Madison upon its breakup in 1828 because he favored gold and local printing of money the United States. Yeah, that was well done too. It caused an eight year recession starting in 1836.

Well done $20 face team, well done.
With people like Derec, you'd have thought the Treasury was putting Nat Turner on the $20.
I had to love a commentator's (Chris Hayes, I think) comment about an 1850's newspaper ad offering a $300 reward for Tubman when she was an escaped slave. "Well from now on that amount will be known as 30 Tubmans".

The arc still bends...
I had to love a commentator's (Chris Hayes, I think) comment about an 1850's newspaper ad offering a $300 reward for Tubman when she was an escaped slave. "Well from now on that amount will be known as 30 Tubmans".
Methinks Hayes should go back to elementary school ...
I had to love a commentator's (Chris Hayes, I think) comment about an 1850's newspaper ad offering a $300 reward for Tubman when she was an escaped slave. "Well from now on that amount will be known as 30 Tubmans".
Methinks Hayes should go back to elementary school ...

It might have been said when she was proposed for the $10 bill.
Cash is becoming archaic. Particularly outside the USA.

It seems to me that in a few decades, people who like to deal in cash will be thought as marginal and crazy as people who still cling to commodity money. There will be 'greenback-bugs' just as today we have 'goldbugs', who think that numbers in a bank's server are not 'real' money.

The question of who appears on banknotes is a concern from a dying age.

Ya.. let's talk about who should be on the bit coin...
I remember years ago when Reagan Worshippers were pumping to put Reagan on US currency. I guess now we will see currency wars as to who should be on US currency.


(CNN) -- Should Ulysses S. Grant, the legendary Union general and 18th president of the United States, be bumped from his 96-year stint on the $50 bill?
Yes, according to one North Carolina Republican.
Rep. Patrick McHenry announced that he will introduce a measure that would replace Grant's face with Ronald Reagan's, just in time for the 40th president's 100th birthday next February.

See, back in those days they thought it took some sort of law. Little did they know the Treasury Secretary could just do it.

How many currency redesigns have been enacted through acts of congress as opposed to being redesigned by the Treasury, or the Bureau of Engraving and Printing? AFAIK, the $1 bill is the only US currency that the Treasury is specifically prohibited by law from redesigning.

That means a President Trump could put Trump on all the money.

Only if he becomes the Treasury Secretary. It seems he has his eyes on another office at this time.
See, back in those days they thought it took some sort of law. Little did they know the Treasury Secretary could just do it.

How many currency redesigns have been enacted through acts of congress as opposed to being redesigned by the Treasury, or the Bureau of Engraving and Printing? AFAIK, the $1 bill is the only US currency that the Treasury is specifically prohibited by law from redesigning.

That means a President Trump could put Trump on all the money.

Only if he becomes the Treasury Secretary. It seems he has his eyes on another office at this time.

Tip: The President appoints and can fire the Treasury Secretary.
How many currency redesigns have been enacted through acts of congress as opposed to being redesigned by the Treasury, or the Bureau of Engraving and Printing? AFAIK, the $1 bill is the only US currency that the Treasury is specifically prohibited by law from redesigning.

That means a President Trump could put Trump on all the money.

Only if he becomes the Treasury Secretary. It seems he has his eyes on another office at this time.

Tip: The President appoints and can fire the Treasury Secretary.

There is also another pesky law that prevents any living person from being depicted on our currency, so he would have to get that changed as well.
The racists and confederate sympathizers have already commented in various places that they will refuse to use the $20, get change for it whenever possible and write "nigger" on it as often as they can.
One can have reasonable disagreements over this decision but that kind of racist BS is beyond the pale.

Exactly. Disagree all you want, explain why someone else would be better, but ye gods, falling back on racism is appalling.
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